Inside The Box

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Light Pollution 27

Thinking Inside the Box

Light pollution encompasses
Jennifer Brons, many types of nuisance light

Photography by D. Guyon
John Bullough and leaving the boundaries of a
property1. Lights from a city
Mark Rea of the may prevent a view of the
stars; street lights may cause
Lighting Research light trespass by illuminating
Center, Rensselaer a bedroom window; a
neighbours’ luminaires may
Polytechnic cause uncomfortable glare.
These main effects are
Institute in Troy, illustrated in photos 1-4.
New York, USA, A group of lighting
manufacturers2 have
report on a simple, joined with the Lighting
Research Center to develop
yet comprehensive a comprehensive system 2. ‘Sky glow’ over a city centre

method of for addressing these three

key aspects of nuisance
Photography by J. Brons

calculating light light. Entitled ‘Outdoor Site

(Lighting) Performance’
pollution and its

(OSP), this evaluation
effects, which system helps individuals
meet their lighting needs,
could have while protecting the interests
of neighbours and society as
widespread a whole.
application OSP starts with the
fundamental assumption
that a property owner
Photography by J. Brons

3. Glare from poorly controlled floodlights

Photography by J. Brons

4. Another example of light trespass into windows

needs the flexibility to use property. OSP establishes

light as desired inside the a notional ‘box’ as the
boundaries of the property dividing boundaries between
– but what matters from personal interests and public
a societal perspective interests. The OSP ‘box’
1. Light tresspass from a streetlight
is the light leaving the follows the property

Light Pollution 29

to understand, provide lighting calculation software.

accurate predictions – and Field verification for OSP
be field verifiable. OSP does not require extensive
addresses sky glow by technical expertise, other
measuring all light leaving than an illuminance meter
the property; this is termed and, in some cases perhaps,
glow. OSP addresses light a bucket truck. Importantly,
trespass by measuring peak using illuminance as a unit
illuminances crossing the of measurement does not
property boundaries; this place greater restrictions on
is simply termed trespass. large sites than small sites
Although not discussed here, (calculations of glare will
due to ongoing research, include geometric factors
OSP will also include a to supplement illuminance
measure of discomfort glare values).
from luminaires; this will be
termed glare. Glow is the overall average
illuminance combining
OSP calculations rely side planes and top
Figure 1: Calculation ‘box’ surrounding an outdoor lighting installation primarily on illuminance (lux, plane. Trespass in the
or foot-candles in the USA) OSP system employs
line. Property lines (and by any commercial lighting – probably the most widely- maximum illuminances on
set-backs) are a commonly software capable of used photometric unit. any calculation plane. It is
established and well- calculating inter-reflections Illuminance (rather than flux necessary to have separate
understood foundation for (OSP is based on both direct or intensity) is used because OSP measures for glow and
legal considerations around and inter-reflected light). The it is simple to understand, trespass because they are
the world. OSP calculations top of the calculation box is allows field-verification with not necessarily correlated
based on this ‘box’ provide located a fixed but arbitrary standard instrumentation, for a given property; for
a useful insight into the distance (10m) above the and is the standard output of instance, a site may have
different aspects of light highest architectural element
leaving the boundaries of a on the property, such as
property. the highest luminaire or the
top of the building. Along a
As shown in Figure 1, roadway, luminaires typically
OSP uses a hypothetical have regular spacing and
calculation ‘box’ surrounding therefore the process can be
a site. OSP calculates the simplified by creating a box
light crossing the planes of over just the repeated road
the box in every direction. segment (Figure 2).
The calculation box is
composed of calculation OSP is designed to be
planes that can be generated comprehensive, yet simple

Figure 2: Calculation ‘box’ simplified for a roadway installation

Light Pollution 31

Figure 5: Maximum illuminance at property line often exceeds that

allowed at a neighbour’s window

Figure 3: The amount of light leaving the properties is not negligible

impact of inter-reflection on yet refined enough to
the amount of light leaving quantitatively evaluate
low average illuminance recommended practice. Most
the property. Inter-reflections potential light pollution
but a few points with high sites used pole-mounted
are a significant contributor caused by common lighting
illuminance. luminaires that directed light
to sky glow 3, 4. The OSP test designs. Furthermore,
only downward.
runs also showed that the the results of these initial
Test Runs These OSP test runs
amount of light leaving the test runs provide, for the
The project sponsors property is highly correlated first time, a platform for
showed a number of
collaborated with the with the amount of light discussions about how much
interesting results with
Lighting Research Center to delivered to the ground light should be allowed to
regard to glow. When ground
generate OSP calculations plane (Figure 4). leave properties.
reflectance is included,
for common outdoor lighting
the amount of light leaving
applications, including
car parks, roadways, and
outdoor lighting installations
The OSP test runs also
provided insight into
is not negligible (Figure Glow, that is, how much light
sports fields. Test runs were trespass. Maximum
3) and is typically 20% of leaves the site to contribute
performed for 66 sites, illuminances measured
ground illuminance (Figure to sky glow, is affected by
many of which were actual, at the property lines (10-
4). This was true despite the many features of a site.
installed lighting designs. 1000 lx) often exceed
fact that few luminaires in
Each participant used their current illuminance
these test runs emitted light ● Illuminance levels:
preferred lighting calculation recommendations5,6 for
above 90 degrees. Present reducing light levels
software. The evaluated those permitted on a
industry recommendations within the property
projects represented neighbour’s window (1-25 lx)
on light pollution limit boundaries will reduce
common practice, but (Figure 5). This difference
direct upwards light from glow.
not necessarily industry is a natural consequence
luminaires, ignoring the
of the inverse square law;
● Ground reflectance:
properties further away
concrete will, for
from the property boundary
example, cause more
will have significantly lower
light to leave the property
illuminance levels than those
than black tarmac, for the
on the property boundary. Of
same design illuminance.
special interest, maximum
illuminances at the property
● Trees, roofs, and other
line were, in general, caused
structures: plantings and
not by poor luminaire optics
other light-absorbing
but simply by close proximity
materials will reduce
of the luminaries to the
property lines.
● Small changes in
These test runs showed
luminaire optics will not
that OSP is simple enough
Figure 4: Glow increases as horizontal illuminance increases significantly affect glow
to work with real sites,

Light Pollution 33

as long as the luminaire is research is acquired,

aimed toward the object different spatial, temporal
being illuminated. or spectral weighting
factors can be included in
Trespass, that is the amount the calculation software.
of light falling on adjacent
properties, probably needs ● OSP calculations can
to be considered in new be verified in the field
ways: using measurement
equipment that is
● Neither glow nor glare is commonly available and
well correlated with the inexpensive.
maximum illuminance
on the property line. ● Perhaps most
For example, a single importantly, OSP allows
luminaire could be creative design solutions.
perceived as glaring, The system is not
even if does not produce dictatorial with regard to
a high illuminance at a how a professional might
property boundary. Figure 6: Diagram (not to scale) showing an example of how OSP could meet the lighting design
be used as a basis for an outdoor site rating system criteria; moreover, OSP
● Pole location plays a respects the rights of
major part in determining performance-based, property trespass and, although property owners while
illuminance on adjacent owners are even free to not discussed here, glare. ensuring social justice
properties. Control of use non-lighting techniques ● OSP was developed with regard to light
trespass is much more such as plantings to limit from data generated pollution.
than controlling the the amount of light leaving a from actual sites, so
luminaire optics. property. that stakeholders can Next Steps
begin meaningful and OSP could form the basis
● Trespass should not What makes OSP different realistic discussions of of a rational, quantitative
consider illuminance than other methods of recommended levels. discussion among
on planes outside the characterizing light pollution? stakeholders interested in
property boundaries ● OSP uses common limiting light pollution. Using
because it is often ● OSP is fundamentally calculation software, so results like those shown
impossible to know at based on the property implementation will not in Figure 4 above, a light
the design stage where boundaries, the division be hindered. pollution rating system
someone has, or will, between private and could be established.
locate an architectural public interests. ● OSP is flexible, so Those sites producing
feature, such as a that individual needs glow values closest to the
bedroom window. ● OSP is comprehensive can be addressed. For regression line could be
in addressing all of the example, it is trivial to rated as ‘acceptable’. Those
Present industry main issues associated calculate total flux from with minimal glow values
recommendations often with light pollution, glow, glow. Further, as more for equivalent horizontal
focus on the optical illuminance levels could be
distribution characteristics rated ‘excellent’ (Figure 6).
of a luminaire, rather than
how the site is actually used. OSP can also be used to
OSP test runs showed that shape a community’s lighting
seemingly innocuous pole restrictions. For instance,
lights can create trespass a community could permit
when mounted near a a sports field with high
property boundary. By horizontal illuminance, and
extension, a luminaire that thus high glow, as long as
is otherwise restricted by a operation is limited to certain
luminaire standard (e.g. one hours. Then, the community
with a curved bowl diffuser) could superimpose stricter
could be allowed if the limits on glow after curfew
owner installs the pole some hours (Figure 7).
distance away from the Figure 7: Diagram (not to scale) showing an example of how OSP could
property boundary or installs Groups concerned with
form the basis for community regulations for glow
shielding. Since OSP is trespass could also use OSP

34 Light Pollution

in their efforts. Maximum Conclusions concept that property owners while simultaneously
illuminance (i.e., trespass) Light pollution is a general should have the personal being required to meet the
values could be set by a term that has been used freedom to meet their nuisance lighting limits set
community, based on their in many different ways for lighting design objectives, by their community.
environmental zone, the type many different purposes.
of facility, special animal
habitats or other community
OSP allows engineers, References
manufacturers and
needs. regulators to perform and
quantitatively compare 1. McColgan, M, et al, 2003: Lighting Answers: Light
It should be noted that lighting designs with regard Pollution, National Lighting Product Information Program,
maximum illuminance to light leaving the property Troy, New York, USA.
leaving the sides of a (glow), obtrusive light
property will, naturally, on neighbour’s property 2. Two European lighting manufacturers (R-Tech/Schréder
often be higher than the (trespass) and discomfort and Philips Lighting Europe) and two North American
limits set by other bodies from a luminaire (glare, lighting manufacturers (Acuity Brands and Lumec).
based upon illuminance on which will be subsequently
a neighbours’ window7. It is presented). The OSP system 3. McColgan, M, et al. 2003: Lighting Answers: Light
usually impractical and even is simple to understand, Pollution, National Lighting Product Information Program,
unreasonable to consider the measures are easy to Troy, New York, USA.
the location of windows on calculate, they can be field
adjacent properties. Still, verified – and OSP takes 4. Zhang, C. 2006: ‘Performance of Luminaire Metrics for
the goal is to establish limits advantage of the commonly Roadway Lighting Systems’, Masters Thesis, Rensselaer
on maximum illuminance available lighting calculation Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA.
on the property lines, software.
such that trespass will be 5. International Commission for Illumination. 2003: ‘Guide
minimised. Research is OSP is, we believe, the on the limitation of the effects of light trespass from outdoor
ongoing to translate existing first comprehensive, lighting installations’, CIE 150: 2003.
recommendations into quantitative system of
maximum illuminance levels assessing light pollution 6. Standards Australia Committee, 1997: ‘Control of the
on property boundaries. based upon the simple obtrusive effects of outdoor lighting’, Australian Standard AS

7. International Commission for Illumination. 2003: ‘Guide

on the limitation of the effects of light trespass from outdoor
lighting installations’, CIE 150: 2003.


The authors wish to recognise and thank the following

individuals and organisations for their effort in the
development of OSP:

Acuity Brands: James Eads, Cheryl English, Eric Gibson,

Rob McIlrath

LRC: Chris Gribbin, Michele McColgan, John

VanDerlofske, Yutao Zhou

Lumec: Mathieux Bergeron, Eric Ladouceur, Jean-

François Simard

Philips Lighting, Europe: Haldun Demirdes, Isabelle

Huaman Gontard

R-Tech/Schréder: Marc Gillet, Marcel Justin, Jean-Michel


Thanks also to: Dr. Peter Boyce

October 07

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