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You are on page 1of 6 The worst, of course, came during the 1971 War.

movement-ever-relevant-for0- Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Kuwait and other Arab

india_skalayanaraman_290916 states were all fiercely pro-Pakistan. Egypt’s
Was The Non-Aligned Movement Ever Relevant position was particularly dismaying to India, given
for India? that it was even unsympathetic to the massive
September 29, 2016 refugee problem that India confronted. If India was
It is a widely held belief that the Non-Aligned disappointed about the diplomatic positions adopted
Movement (NAM) was highly relevant for India and by NAM members from West Asia, the situation was
its foreign policy interests during the bipolar era of only slightly better in South East Asia. Indonesia
the Cold War and that it has, since the 1990s, lost once again stood against India and it even
this relevance in a unipolar international order. compelled a more sympathetic Malaysia into
It is true that NAM played an important role during backing Pakistan.
the Cold War years in furthering many of the causes Overall, most NAM countries adopted anti-India
that India advocated: decolonisation, end to diplomatic positions. This was starkly evident
apartheid, global nuclear disarmament, ushering in during the vote on the UN General Assembly
of new international economic and information Resolution of 7 December 1971 calling for a
orders, etc. But what is generally ignored is the fact ceasefire and withdrawal of forces. Of the total of
that NAM was more or less irrelevant for India in 129 members of the UN at that time, 104 countries
terms of helping to protect and promote its security voted for the resolution, which was unfavourable for
and interests – the principal criterion by which the India and its position that only the establishment of
utility of a multilateral group should be measured. an independent Bangladesh would put a stop to the
NAM’s lack of utility for protecting and promoting brutal repression unleashed by the Pakistan military
India’s security and interests is clearly demonstrated in East Pakistan and create the necessary condition
by the diplomatic positions adopted by member for the return of the 10 million refugees from Indian
countries during the various wars in which India has territory. Only 11 votes were cast against the
been involved. On each of these occasions, NAM resolution, with almost all of these coming from the
members invariably adopted diplomatic positions Soviet Union and its satellites. The brutal fact is that
that were not favourable towards or supportive of most NAM members stood completely opposed to
India. India during the 1971 War.
To begin with, during the 1962 War with China, The one exception to this rule was the diplomatic
Ghana and Indonesia – two of the co-founders of positions adopted by several NAM members during
NAM, along with India – adopted explicitly pro- the Kargil conflict. Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia
China positions. Ghana, which had developed close and South Africa highlighted the importance of
economic ties with China, even cautioned the United peaceful dialogue under the Simla Agreement as
Kingdom against giving military aid to India since it well as maintaining the Line of Control inviolate.
might “aggravate the unfortunate situation”. However, the decisions of these countries did not
In general, most countries of NAM adopted even- flow from NAM solidarity. Instead, their decisions
handed positions and refused to unequivocally were a function of the new international diplomatic
condemn China’s aggression. Astonishing as it may outreach that India had initiated in the early 1990s
sound for realist ears, Indian leaders and officials as well as in the wake of the 1998 nuclear tests.
were simply dismayed at the behaviour of their In the light of such lack of support from NAM
nonaligned partners. That dismay also extended to members for India at critical moments in its history,
the so-called Colombo states which had put forward it is astonishing that the dominant view so far has
the Colombo Proposals. In the light of this been that NAM was deeply relevant for India during
experience, the official history of the 1962 War the Cold War years. In reality, the only use NAM
wryly noted the serious limitations of Afro-Asian had for India was during the 1970s and 1980s.
solidarity, a statement that, by extension, also During this period, NAM served as a forum to
reflects on the Non-Aligned Movement. channel India’s deep dissatisfaction with the
Three years later came the 1965 War with Pakistan. international order, characterised as it was by
Again, Indonesia not only adopted an anti-India economic, political, and nuclear hierarchies. It was
position but also supplied some arms to Pakistan. through NAM that India articulated the call for a
NAM members from West Asia, including Saudi new international economic order that would cater
Arabia, Jordan, and Kuwait, adopted pro-Pakistan for the special needs of the developing countries.
positions. Overall, India had no active supporters Similarly, it was through NAM that India articulated
and few sympathisers in the world at large. As The the call for a new world information and
Indian Express noted in an editorial at that time, “we communication order to provide a greater voice for
do not seem to have many friends abroad”. developing countries in global communications.
NAM also served as a forum for India to articulate
its views on global nuclear disarmament and the Venezuela is counting on Prime Minister Narendra
discriminatory nature of the global nuclear order at Modi’s attendance at this year’s Non-Aligned
the centre of which stood the Nuclear Non- Movement (NAM) meeting in September, despite
Proliferation Treaty. reports he is unlikely to, said visiting Foreign Minister
As we now know, all of these were failed causes that Delcy Rodriguez on Thursday.
did not acquire any purchase and have since been “India is a founder of the Non-Aligned movement, so,
abandoned. India in particular, but also most other for Venezuela, it would be really important to have
NAM countries, have integrated themselves to Prime Minister Modi there. We are hopeful he will
varying degrees within the liberal economic order come,” Ms. Rodriguez told The Hindu, while in Delhi
and have benefited from it. India today is a member for one day to hand over the invitation letter from
of the G20 and its rising economic profile has President Nicolas Maduro to the government.
contributed to the greater resonance of Indian “The Non-Aligned principles are today more relevant
popular culture around the world. In addition, India than ever. So we are sure that India will attend NAM
has declared itself as a nuclear weapons power and and attend at the highest level,” the Venezuelan
has for all practical purposes abandoned the call for Foreign Minister said.
global nuclear disarmament. Even India’s Pharma products
dissatisfaction with the nuclear order has waned in On Thursday, Ms. Rodriguez met with Petroleum
the wake of its accommodation into global nuclear Minister Dharmendra Pradhan on the government’s
commerce and the very real prospects of it offer of supplying Venezuela much needed
becoming a member in various nuclear and dual-use pharmaceutical products in exchange for oil.
technology cartels. The only dissatisfaction with the Later in the evening, she met External Affairs Minister
international order that India continues to nurture is Sushma Swaraj to discuss preparations for the summit.
with respect to a permanent seat on the UN Security Senior officials say a decision has not yet been made
Council. Even in this case, India has sought to on who will represent India at the summit scheduled
assuage itself by gaining verbal assurances from for September 17-18 in Margarita Island, Venezuela.
almost all the countries of the world. “The External Affairs Minister underlined the
Further, since the end of the Cold War, India has importance India attaches to NAM,” said spokesperson
become a key member of various multilateral Vikas Swarup, although Ms. Swaraj confirmed India’s
groupings: BASIC (Brazil, South Africa, India and participation, he said the details would be “worked out
China) for protecting and promoting its interests on and intimated soon.”
climate change; G4 for pushing through reforms of No Indian PM apart from then caretaker Prime
the UN Security Council; G20 for managing the Minister Charan Singh in 1979 has missed a NAM
world economy; BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, summit since it was formed in 1961. Even so, there are
China and South Africa) and IBSA (India, Brazil several indications that PM Modi is disinclined to go,
and South Africa) to enhance economic coordination despite receiving the invitation several weeks ago.
with countries that are similarly placed; and To begin with, unlike his predecessors, Mr. Modi has
ASEAN-centred institutions, the Shanghai not referenced Non-Alignment as a “core principle” of
Cooperation Organisation, and Russia-India-China Indian foreign policy in his public addresses, speaking
grouping for pursuing political and security of NAM once only as “India’s heritage”. In 2015, when
interests. These engagements in multiple forums for he was invited to the 60th Anniversary of the Bandung
varying economic, political and security purposes Conference, which had founded the Non Aligned
have, in the words of Shashi Tharoor, made the Movement, Mr. Modi deputed Ms. Swaraj to travel to
Non-Aligned Movement “largely incidental” to Jakarta instead. Officials say it is possible that Ms.
India’s pursuit of its national interest since the end Swaraj or Vice President Hamid Ansari will attend the
of the Cold War. Venezuelan summit as well.
In sum, the Non-Aligned Movement was not Secondly, Venezuala is facing its worst economic crisis
relevant for promoting India’s important national at present, with a negative growth rate (-8 per cent) and
interests during the Cold War years. And since the an inflation rate touching 500 per cent. “Given the
end of the Cold War, India’s increasing integration economic, social crisis and daily protests, this would
with international economic, political and security be the worst possible time for PM Modi to go or for the
structures has led to NAM losing even its earlier NAM summit to be held there,” said former
limited usefulness as a vehicle for articulating Ambassador R. Vishwanathan, an expert on Latin
India’s dissatisfaction with the international order. America, who was India’s envoy to Venezuela.
On Wednesday, Foreign Secretary S. Jaishankar also AUGUST 19, 2016 hinted that the government’s policy is veering away
‘NAM principles more relevant now’ from multilateral bodies like NAM. “Blocs and
Venezuela hopes Prime Minister Modi will attend alliances are less relevant today and the world is
meeting in September
moving towards a loosely arranged order,” he told uncounted number of pledges. They cover everything
journalists. from settling trade disputes and securing Syria to
When asked to comment on those remarks, and making more movies together.
whether NAM had lost its relevance, Ms. Rodriguez Are any of these commitments kept? It’s easy to
said, “At this time, there is one power who wants to assume they are barely read, let alone fulfilled. But
control the whole world. They don’t respect the law, they are not quite that empty, according to the BRICS
and we must fight that together in NAM,” in a clear Information Centre’s analysis. Before each summit, it
reference to the United States who has imposed strict checks whether members have lived up to the main
sanctions on Venezuela. promises they made the year before. I’ve added up
Wrong signal their scores for seven summits, from 2011, when South
Opposition leaders say that if Mr. Modi skips the NAM Africa joined the official group, to 2017. They show a
summit, it would send out the wrong signal, pointing surprisingly high rate of compliance: 77% on average.
out that in 2012, Dr. Manmohan Singh had travelled to China keeps its word the most; South Africa the least
Iran, despite pressure from the U.S. to minimise (partly because it has contributed little to the group’s
contact with the country that had major sanctions various commitments to Iraq and Afghanistan). The
imposed on it. BRICS’ overall rate of compliance is very similar to
“If PM Modi doesn’t wish to honour NAM, it will just that of the G7 over the same period. And that was
show that the government is dumping all former before this year’s tetchy G7 standoff in Charlevoix,
foreign policy in a wholesale manner,” former External Canada (a meeting that was dubbed the G6+1 summit
Affairs Minister Salman Khurshid told The Hindu, by some critics of American unilateralism). Acronymy
adding, “But Indians have grown up on the idea of is better than acrimony.
non-alignment, and it may not be as easy for him to
explain this decision.”
at-10/article24555866.ece Jul 27th 2018 The big five at 10 July 31, 2018
Has BRICS lived up to expectations? BRICS has grown in influence in its first decade but is
The bloc of big emerging economies is surprisingly still far from achieving its initial goals
good at keeping its promises In the age of Twitter, BRICS, or the grouping of Brazil,
DOES anyone still care about the BRICS? Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, has produced a
Russia, India, China and South Africa concluded their 102-paragraph-long Johannesburg Declaration, one of
tenth official summit in Johannesburg on July 26th. the longest in recent years. This implies that either this
The widespread perception is that the group has failed important multilateral grouping has a lot to say about
to live up to the hype the acronym helped to generate. the state of the world or it needs to hire a sharp editor.
But that is only half true. It is prudent to proceed on the first assumption. There
The combined GDP of the original quartet (which did is little doubt that BRICS has grown in influence,
not include South Africa) is actually far bigger in dollar expanded the arc of its interests, and established new
terms than Goldman Sachs envisaged when they first institutions and partnerships in its first decade. More
projected BRIC growth in 2003 (after Jim O’Neill, importantly, it has created for its members the habits of
their former head of economic research, coined the working together. Intra-BRICS cooperation is on a
acronym two years earlier). China’s rapid expansion rising trajectory.
has more than made up for tribulations elsewhere. And Yet, the fact remains that BRICS is still far from
thanks to the evolution of the BRICs’ exchange rates achieving its initial goals: reform of global financial
and prices, their dollar growth has been more governance, democratisation of the United Nations,
impressive than their performance measured in their and expansion of the Security Council — partially
own currencies. “The relative and absolute position of because two of its members (China and Russia) do not
the BRICS, with the exception of Russia, is close to want the other three members (India, South Africa and
what I envisioned in 2001,” Mr O’Neill said in a recent Brazil) to obtain parity in the global pecking order.
interview. Summit highlights
Something else that has grown like Topsy is the bloc’s In this backdrop, the 10th summit, held last week,
agenda. The first official summit in 2009, held in framed its deliberations against U.S. President Donald
Yekaterinburg, Russia, yielded a short declaration Trump’s unconventional approach on world affairs,
containing 15 identifiable commitments, according to particularly the looming trade wars. “The summit is
the BRICS Information Centre at the University of about the context,” said Maxim Oreshkin, Russia’s
Toronto. Eight years later, when the leaders met in Economy Minister. “We are at a time when the U.S.
Xiamen, China, the declaration stretched to 71 and China announce new measures almost every
numbered paragraphs stuffed with 125 discrete week.”
promises. The statement just released in Johannesburg BRICS leaders, therefore, stressed “the centrality of the
is even baggier: 102 paragraphs containing an as yet rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and
inclusive multilateral trading”, based on the World Changing power equations within BRICS are being
Trade Organisation. This stemmed from their broader watched closely. China’s dominance is a reality even as
commitment to cooperate for strengthening the grouping asserts the sovereign equality of all
multilateralism, the rule of law and an equitable members. China-Russia proximity has been a
international order. That one of the BRICS members continuing factor. Given its political and economic
(China) does not follow in word and spirit this high- travails, Brazil played a low-profile role.
sounding prescription in regard to Asian affairs may Mr. Modi and his delegation were pro-active and
have escaped attention. visible. A South African commentator observed that
The other big idea emanating from the summit is to India was playing “a delicate geopolitical game with
help nations to prepare for the Fourth Industrial the U.S., China and Russia as their spheres of influence
Revolution. South Africa, as the host, zoomed in on it wax and wane” across regions. To Delhi’s satisfaction,
early and managed to create sufficient enthusiasm for four paragraphs in the summit declaration were
it. Participants embraced it, articulating the need for a devoted to the problem of international terrorism. But
new strategy on employment, education and skill no decision was taken to set up the BRICS credit rating
development as the digital revolution unfolds. BRICS agency that India favours. The India-South Africa
Partnership on New Industrial Revolution (PartNIR), partnership helped to ensure that the Johannesburg
however, will make a meaningful contribution only if it Declaration was balanced and well-rounded in its
goes beyond the five ministries of industry. It should orientation.
engage with the private sector and young innovators The critical question is whether BRICS’s exertions will
working at the cutting edge of technology today. have appreciable impact on G-7, the grouping of the
The summit saw further consolidation of the business developed countries, which is in disarray, and
pillar. The BRICS Business Council has been actively particularly on the U.S. administration.
enhancing trade and economic cooperation in diverse
sectors ranging from manufacturing and energy to
financial services and regional aviation. Besides, the news/shaktikanta-das-appointed-indias-g20-sherpa-
leaders renewed their commitment to an inclusive and until-december-31-2018/949913/
“people-centred approach” on development. The steady Shaktikanta Das appointed India’s G20 Sherpa
progress in interactions through sports, films, until December 31, 2018
education, culture and tourism has been commendable. Shaktikanta Das, Former Secretary, Department of
Africa, BRICS Plus Economic Affairs on Monday was appointed
The BRICS outreach to Africa began at the last summit India's G 20 Sherpa for the Development Track
hosted by South Africa, in 2013; it has picked up of the Summit until December 31, 2018.
momentum now. But African leaders want more. They November 27, 2017
need big loans from the New Development Bank Shaktikanta Das, Former Secretary, Department of
(NDB) for their infrastructure projects. A South Economic Affairs on Monday was appointed India’s G
African official stated that this would happen soon but 20 Sherpa for the Development Track of the Summit
uncertainty persists. So far, the NDB has dispersed until December 31, 2018. There are two tracks in G20
loans totalling $5.1 billion — all to its members only. — the Finance Track and the Development Track.
China introduced the “BRICS Plus” format at the “Finance Track is managed by the Secretary
Xiamen summit last year by inviting a few countries (Economic Affairs), Ministry of Finance, as India’s
from different regions. South Africa emulated it, Deputy to G-20 and the Development Track is
arranging the attendance of top-level representation of coordinated by the Sherpa. The Department of
five nations of its choice: Argentina, Jamaica, Turkey, Economic Affairs will provide necessary support to the
Indonesia and Egypt. The precise role of “BRICS Plus” Sherpa,” it added. Former Niti Aayog vice-chairman
countries will take time to evolve. An immediate Arvind Panagariya had suggested to Prime
benefit is the immense opportunities it provides for Minister Narendra Modi to find a full-time Sherpa for
networking among leaders. A large number of bilateral G20 talks as India’s role is expanding in the global
meetings took place on the summit’s sidelines. For us, arena. Panagariya was appointed India’s Sherpa for the
the most important was the interaction between Prime G20 talks in September 2015, replacing the then
Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi railway minister Suresh Prabhu.
Jinping, the third in four months, which deepened the A Sherpa is a personal representative of the leader of a
trend towards conciliation between Asia’s two biggest member country at an international Summit meeting
powers. such as the G8, G20 or the Nuclear Security Summit.
Unity and divergence The Sherpa engages in planning, negotiation and
As a partnership that represents over 40% of the implementation tasks through the Summit. Task is to
world’s population and accounts for 22% of global coordinate the agenda, seek consensus at the highest
GDP, BRICS will continue to be an influential voice as political levels, and participate in a series of pre-
long as its convergences prevail over its divergences. Summit consultations to help negotiate their leaders’
positions. Sherpas are career diplomats or senior starting a business and expects the rankings to improve
government officials appointed by the leaders of their substantially.
countries. There is only one Sherpa per Summit for The acknowledgement of various reform measures by
each member country; he/she is assisted by several G20, whose members include 19 countries and the
sous Sherpas. European Union, has come as the latest boost to hopes
for better ranking for India in terms of ease of doing business.
gets-g20-praise-on-startup-funding-derivative- Global institutions like the World Bank, IMF, WTO,
reforms/article19244816.ece OECD, ILO, WHO and the Financial Stability Board
India gets G20 praise on startup funding, derivative (FSB) are among the partners to the G20.
reforms JULY 09, 2017 G20 member countries include the US, UK, Germany,
Modi government has said it wants India to be ranked India, Australia, Japan, Russia, Argentina, Brazil,
in the top-50 nations in terms of ease of doing Canada, China, France, Indonesia, Italy, South Korea,
business. Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa and Turkey.
Acknowledging steps being taken by India for The G20 Hamburg Action Plan, which sets out the
sustainable and inclusive growth as well as support to group’s strategy for achieving strong, sustainable,
global economy, the G20 has praised the initiatives in balanced and inclusive growth, also said that the closer
the country for promoting ease of doing business, partnership and action by G20 members will boost
startup funding and labour reforms. confidence and contribute to shared prosperity.
In its Hamburg Action Plan, adopted at the G20 It said the Action Plan has been developed against a
Summit of leaders from the world’s 20 largest backdrop of improving growth and job prospects.
economies, the group also noted that “in the financial “The global economic recovery is progressing and
sector, India is popularising a number of derivative gaining momentum. Investment has picked up, and
instruments in exchanges or electronic trading trade and manufacturing are showing signs of recovery.
platforms” as part of measures to enhance resilience of However, the pace of this growth is still weaker than
its economy. desirable, and downside risks remain.
It further said India is facilitating external commercial “Weak productivity growth, income inequality and
borrowings (ECBs) by startups in order to encourage ageing populations represent challenges to growth in
innovation and promote ease of doing business, as part the longer term,” the G20 Action Plan noted.
of the efforts being taken by the G20 members this It included new policy actions to tackle challenges in
year for maintaining momentum on structural reforms economies, focusing on initiatives that foster inclusive
and sustainable growth. growth, enhancing resilience and further the G20
On steps being taken by G20 countries for promoting efforts to implement structural reforms.
inclusive growth this year, the Action Plan said India is In the action plan, the G20 members resolved that they
introducing labour market reforms to provide security will continue to use all policy tools — monetary, fiscal
to workers, increase female participation in the and structural — individually and collectively to
workforce and make doing business easier in the achieve the goal of strong, sustainable, balanced and
country. inclusive growth, while enhancing economic and
The acknowledgement from the G20 Summit, which financial resilience.
was attended by Prime Minister Narendra Modi among The members committed to use their fiscal position
other world leaders, assumes significance in the wake flexibly and in growth-friendly way to prioritise high-
of India trying hard to improve its global ranking for quality investment, and support reforms, while
ease of doing business. ensuring debt as a share of GDP is on a sustainable
The World Bank ranked the country at a low 130th path.
position last year, an improvement of just one position They also reinforced their commitment to structural
from the previous year. reform and acknowledged that excess volatility and
The Modi government has said it wants India to be disorderly movements in exchange rates can have
ranked in the top-50 nations in terms of ease of doing adverse implications for economic and financial
business. The next update to the ranking is expected stability.
later this year. The G20 leaders also committed to refrain from
The areas where India ranks poorly as per the World competitive devaluations and said they will not target
Bank ranking include starting a business, dealing with their exchange rates for competitive purposes.
construction permits, registering property, paying The Action Plan also outlined new actions to tackle the
taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and issues of beneficial ownership, correspondent banking
resolving insolvency. and remittances, anti-money laundering and combating
The country has implemented a spate of reforms in the the financing of terrorism, fossil fuel subsidies and data
recent months in areas like insolvency, taxation and gaps.
The G20 leaders said their growth strategies — cooperative spirit to ensure that the recent period of
individually and collectively — will boost global strong growth endures and that the dividends are more
growth, including an increase of an additional 2 per widely shared. This is most crucial when it comes to
cent for the G20 collective GDP by the next year. safeguarding the open international trade system. I
The 13-page action plan took note of various steps urged once more that trade conflicts be resolved via
being taken by the member countries including on international cooperation without resort to exceptional
monetary policy and enhancing resilience of the measures.
respective economies. “Macroeconomic policies should adapt to the changing
It also said China is improving its business outlook, taking individual circumstances into account.
environment and utilising foreign investment actively, In many countries, especially in those with excess
while the European Union is fostering investment with current account deficits, this means avoiding
a proposal to extend the European Investment Plan and procyclical fiscal policies to help put debt on a
increasing the overall flexibility of the EU budget to downward path; and in excess surplus countries with
support job creation, investment and economic growth fiscal space, it means investing more in human and
On promoting inclusive growth, the Action Plan noted physical capital to raise potential output and catalyze
that the inequality within many countries had increased private investment. These steps will also help to
until the mid-2000s and the member countries are moderate global economic imbalances.”
introducing further measures this year to promote “In response to financial volatility, exchange rate
inclusive growth and raise the living standards of all flexibility should continue to play a role in buffering
their citizens. shocks in emerging economies, and prudential policies
It also said that the malicious use of Information and should address financial vulnerabilities everywhere.
Communication Technologies (ICT) could disrupt “In Buenos Aires, our discussions also focused on the
financial services crucial to both national and future of work, a key priority for the Argentine G-20
international financial systems, undermine security and chairmanship. New technologies and rapid advances in
confidence and endanger financial stability. digitalization, artificial intelligence, and automation
On taxation, it said the G20 will continue to work for a hold both enormous potential and significant
globally fair and modern international tax system and challenges. I am optimistic that with a comprehensive
welcome international cooperation on pro-growth tax and coordinated policy response to facilitate change,
policies. the benefits of this new wave of technologies will by
It also called on all jurisdictions to sign and ratify the far outweigh the downsides. This response must
multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative include continued investment in education, lifelong
Assistance in Tax Matters. learning and appropriate social safety nets.
Terming the multilateral convention as an important “There was broad recognition in our meeting that the
tool in fight against corruption, tax evasion, terrorist benefits of a strong financial regulatory system offset
financing and money laundering, the G20 said it will its costs and that global cooperation remains critical.
advance the effective implementation of the There was also progress in the discussions on financial
international standards on transparency and beneficial innovation and the importance of harnessing the
ownership of legal persons and legal arrangements. potential of fintech while at the same time mitigating
risks. July 22, 2018 “I am encouraged that the G20 Ministers and
Statement by the IMF’s Managing Director on the G20 Governors reaffirmed their commitment to a strong,
Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors quota-based, and adequately resourced IMF at the
meeting in Argentina center of the global financial safety net.
Ms. Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the “I would like to express my great appreciation to the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), issued the Argentine authorities for their excellent organization
following statement today at the conclusion of the and effective leadership of this G20 meeting. I look
Group of 20 (G20) Finance Ministers and Central Bank forward to returning to Argentina for the G-20 Summit
Governors Meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina: in November.”
“The G20 meeting of Finance Ministers and Central
Bank Governors took place against the backdrop of
continued strong but more uneven global growth.
Indeed, the world economy is facing increasing risks,
especially in the short term, from rising trade tensions,
financial pressures in vulnerable emerging economies,
and the return of sovereign risk in parts of the euro
“During the meetings I encouraged policy makers to
address these growing risks decisively and in a

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