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For a long time, the culture of learning among children has stemmed from major
examination preparation. These major examinations play a role as a catalyst. Children
get the push from parents and teachers to prepare for the exams. As such, when there
is no major examination on the horizon to prepare for, there is no catalyst to expedite
the syllabus drilling.

The abolishment of UPSR and PMR examination is being widely debated in the
mainstream and online media as well as by the public after Deputy Prime Minister Tan
Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR) and Penilaian
Menengah Rendah (PMR) examinations may be abolished. He said this was part of
government efforts to restructure the learning system which was seen as too
examination oriented and failed to provide a holistic education.
The proposal is part of the ministry's effort to restructure the learning system
which has been branded as being too exam-oriented and failing to provide a holistic
education. inaccurate if the process of learning, including assessment of formal
education is focused on the intellectual aspects, but also includes aspects of physical,
emotional, spiritual and community also need to be combined in an integrated manner
in all aspects of life. if not applied aspects, the most likely outcome is that people do not
ignore the claims of ethical balance, integrity, and work righteousness. Public feedback
is most welcome in this matter as Education Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has said
that the ministry will not act in haste.

The research shows that there are other countries do not have a lot of
examinations as Malaysia. Reduction of examination in schools allow students to have
more time to focus on specific subjects and sports events, thereby positively affect the
overall education means education.

As, we know there are a few public examination in Malaysia such as Ujian
Penilaian Sekolah Rendah (UPSR), Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR), and Sijil
Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). Since Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said
the UPSR and PMR examinations may be abolished, this issue is being widely debated
in the mainstream and online media as well as by the public. This is because
government wants to restructure the learning system which was seen as too
examination oriented and failed to provide a holistic education.

Normally, the students will only study hard when they are facing the major
examinations such as UPSR, PMR, and SPM. What are the feedback from University
Technology Malaysia (UTM) staffs and students about this issue? Is there any
implication on student’s academic performance? Is SPM enough to evaluate student’s
academic performance during their schooling period?


1. To find out the public’s reaction about the abolishment of UPSR and PMR
2. To find out if the public opinion support abolishing UPSR and PMR.
3. To investigate the effect of this abolishment toward education system in this
4. To provide suggestions and recommendations if UPSR and PMR is abolished.

1. What is the public’s reaction about the abolishment of UPSR and PMR
2. What the public opinion about abolishing UPSR and PMR?
3. What is the effect of this issue towards education system in this country?
4. What are your suggestions and recommendations if UPSR and PMR abolished?


As we see in the mass media, there is a lot of feedback by the public about the
abolition of the UPSR and PMR. UTM Vice censelor also appear to give him feedback
on this issue. Following this, we have taken the initiative to do research to get feedback
from the public who are in UTM on this issue. This is because we want to help the
government in abolition of exam. In addition, we also want to get feedback about it from
academics such as new students who have completed their studies at school. We are
also conducting research to find other alternatives in assessing academic standards
during their studies if the cancellation is carried out. If the PMR and UPSR is abolished,
there will be a huge transformation in the countries education system. From this study, it
can give some information and feedback on this issue.


Our research is whether the abolishment of UPSR and PMR can produce the best
result. These studies involve the respondent from Faculty of Geoinformation Science
and Engineering (FKSG) at University Technology Malaysia (UTM) Skudai. The
research will be conducted in 14 weeks. The number of respondent for this study will be
30 students. The data will be collected via questionnaires and interview. The analysis of
the study is done by using a Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office Power Point.

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