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Name: ALIA, Jerson C.

Date: November 18, 2018

Grade & Section: 11 – STEM 1 Teacher: Ms. Jhoevette D. Guido

My Habits
I'm jus a simple person who have seldom habits. First, when I feel nervous or

threaten I will stuttered and feel numbto say a word. For example,when our

teacher task us to do a reporting. I will surely be panic and prepare ahead of

time. If I can't prepare for that I will surely mess up the whole presentation.
And my other habit that I classify as a frequent habit.The Maña na habit,as an

example,when my mother come home from supermarket.She will definitely order

me to arrange the grocery to the shelves.The habit will start to work here. I will

say "mamaya na" and I will forget to arrange that grocery for the day.

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