Dealing With Hypertensive Emergency and Urgency .6

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Dealing with hypertensive

emergency and urgency

Your patient’s blood pressure is skyrocketing. Here’s how to defuse the crisis.
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Peter Thurgood, 74, arrives at your hospital’s emergency
department (ED) feeling miserable, complaining of a se- Behind the high rise
vere occipital headache, nausea and vomiting, and blurred Hypertensive crises may arise as the result of one or
vision; his skin also appears flushed. When checking his vi- more of the following:
• acute glomerulonephritis
tal signs, you discover that his blood pressure (BP) is
• autonomic dysreflexia in the presence of spinal cord
220/140 mm Hg.
Mr. Thurgood tells you that to treat his hypertension, • chronic parenchymal renal disease
for the last 3 years or so, he’s been taking Prinzide, a com- • combining a monoamine oxidase inhibitor and
bination of lisinopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme tyramine-containing foods (such as soy sauce, sauer-
(ACE) inhibitor and hydrochlorothiazide, a thiazide-type kraut, aged cheese, pepperoni, salami, liverwurst), tri-
diuretic. But he hasn’t taken the drug for 3 weeks because cyclic antidepressants, or other sympathomimetics
his prescription ran out and he couldn’t afford to refill it. • eclampsia, preeclampsia
Based on Mr. Thurgood’s history and your assessment • head injury
findings, you suspect that he’s experiencing a hypertensive • illicit use of sympathomimetic drugs such as cocaine,
crisis. This condition can occur in patients who have amphetamines, PCP, and LSD
• pheochromocytoma
poorly controlled hypertension or, as in Mr. Thurgood’s
• renin-secreting or aldosterone-secreting tumor
case, have abruptly stopped taking their antihypertensive
• renovascular hypertension
medications. For more information on the causes of hy- • scleroderma and other collagen vascular diseases
pertensive crises, see Behind the high rise. • too-rapid withdrawal from antihypertensive medica-
Now let’s look at how to safely lower Mr. Thurgood’s tions
soaring BP as quickly as possible. • vasculitis.

Take action, stat!

The two types of hypertensive crises—hypertensive emer-
gency and hypertensive urgency—share a common sign: se- In a hypertensive emergency, the patient’s BP must be
verely elevated BP, usually defined as a diastolic pressure lowered at once to halt the acute, progressive damage to
that exceeds 120 mm Hg. In a hypertensive emergency, the the target organs. Conditions associated with hypertensive
elevated BP causes target organ damage (brain, eyes, blood emergencies include hypertensive encephalopathy, acute
vessels, heart, and kidneys). Although the BP is also ele- left ventricular failure with pulmonary edema, acute myo-
vated in a hypertensive urgency, there’s little or no evi- cardial infarction, dissecting aortic aneurysm, intracerebral
dence of target organ damage. hemorrhage, and eclampsia.

ED Insider 18 Fall 2006

This type of crisis is acute, life-threatening, and re- to 48 hours, and it can even be done on a closely moni-
quires immediate treatment in an intensive-care setting. tored outpatient basis.
The patient typically has chest pain, dyspnea, neurologic Hypertensive urgency is usually managed with a com-
deficits, an occipital headache, visual disturbances, and bination of oral fast-acting agents such as loop diuretics
vomiting. (bumetanide, furosemide), beta-blockers (propranolol,
When you take the patient’s history, ask about a previ- metoprolol, nadolol), ACE inhibitors (benazepril, capto-
ous diagnosis of hypertension, how long he’s had it, how pril, enalapril), calcium channel blockers (amlodipine, ver-
well it’s controlled, and what drugs he’s taking for it. Also apamil), or a centrally acting alpha agonist such as
ask about established target organ damage, such as kidney clonidine.
disease, heart failure, and stroke. Be sure to perform med- If you’re treating a patient with a hypertensive urgency
ication reconciliation. in the ED, monitor him for a couple of hours after admin-
If hypertensive emergency is suspected, lab testing istering one of these drugs to make sure that he’s respond-
should include a complete blood cell count, cardiac mark- ing to treatment and that he isn’t experiencing any serious
ers, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, urinalysis, and a urine adverse reactions. Try to determine the cause of the hyper-
toxicology screen. tensive urgency—for example, has he stopped taking his
Other diagnostic procedures to be considered include antihypertensive medications? Advise him to schedule ap-
computed tomography scans of the chest, abdomen (to propriate follow-up care after discharge, usually within 24
rule out aortic dissection), and brain (to rule out hemor- to 48 hours.
rhagic stroke); a chest X-ray; transthoracic echocardiogram
or transesophageal echocardiogram; and electrocardio- Crisis over; now what?
gram. Mr. Thurgood has a hypertensive emergency, so getting his
BP down safely and quickly is the immediate goal. Estab-
At the front of the line lish I.V. access, administer I.V. labetalol as ordered, and
A patient diagnosed with a hypertensive emergency needs transfer him to the cardiac care unit for further monitor-
fast-acting therapies to prevent or limit target organ dam- ing.
age and improve his chance of survival. A first-line medical After 24 hours, his BP is down to 150/80 mm Hg. His
therapy in this situation is labetalol, an adrenergic receptor oral antihypertensive drug has been restarted, and he’s also
blocker with both selective alpha1-adrenergic and nonse- on the beta-blocker atenolol. Instead of prescribing
lective beta-adrenergic receptor blocking actions. This Prinzide for discharge, though, the health care provider
drug is available in intravenous (I.V.) and oral forms. In a writes a prescription for the individual drugs (lisinopril
hypertensive emergency, use the I.V. route. and hydrochlorothiazide). When money is an issue, this
Labetalol decreases BP by causing vasodilation without can be a good strategy: Individual drugs are generally less
compromising cerebral blood flow. The drug is contraindi- expensive than combination products.
cated in patients with asthma, acute heart failure, cardio- Mr. Thurgood now knows that it’s dangerous to stop
genic shock, severe bradycardia, and greater than any of his antihypertensives. Before discharge, he’s given a
first-degree heart block without a pacemaker. referral to an advocacy group for older adults that can help
Vasodilators such as nitroprusside and nitroglycerin with his prescription coverage and arrange home health
are also used to treat a hypertensive emergency. care visits a couple of times a week.
The goal of therapy for a hypertensive emergency is to Thanks to you and the rest of the health care team, Mr.
lower the mean arterial pressure by no more than 25% Thurgood is discharged 2 days after arriving in the ED. His
within minutes to 1 hour and then stabilize BP at 160/100- BP is now 138/88 mm Hg and he’s feeling better—and he’s
110 mm Hg within the next 2 to 6 hours. This slow and going home to a safer environment with the support he
steady approach is important: Lowering the BP too needs. ■
abruptly can lead to inadequate cerebral, renal, or coro-
nary blood flow. SELECTED REFERENCES
Bisognano JD, Orsini AN. Malignant hypertension.
Hypertensive urgency: Accessed May 1, 2006.

A wider window of opportunity The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, Publication
In a hypertensive urgency, the window of opportunity for No. 04-5230. Bethesda, Md., National Institutes of Health, August 2004.
treatment is open a bit wider because no target organ dam- Adapted and updated from When blood pressure goes up, up, and away!
age has occurred. The BP can be lowered gradually over 24 Nursing made Incredibly Easy! July/August 2005.

Fall 2006 19 ED Insider

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