SMK Ambrose, Ayer Tawar Peperiksaan Ujian Selaras 1 2013 Chemistry Form 4 (1 Jam)

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NAME: FORM: 4 Science 1

This paper consists of part A (multiple choices questions), part B (structured question) and part
C (essay question). Answer all the questions.


1. What is the first step in a scientific

Apakah langkah pertama dalam kaedah
A Making a hypothesis
Membuat hipotesis
B Making an observation Diagram 1
Membuat pemerhatian
C Identifying the problem 3. Diagram 1 shows the particles
Mengenal pasti masalah arrangement of a substance at room
D Planning an experiment temperature. This arrangement of
particles can be found in
Merancang eksperimen
Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan zarah
bahan pada suhu bilik. Susunan zarah
2. Which substance is an element? ini dapat dilihat dalam
Yang manakah bahan yang merupakan A carbon
unsur? B copper
A Air C oxygen
Udara D water
B Stim
Wap 4. Which of the following processes,
C Carbon proved the kinetic theory of matter?
Karbon Yang manakah antara proses berikut
D Naphthalene
membuktikan teori kinetik jirim?
A Diffusion
B Photosynthesis
C Respiration
D Neutralization (peneutralan)


A melting
B boiling
C freezing
D condensation

Diagram 2

5. Diagram 2 shows the apparatus set - up

to investigate Process X. What is Diagram 4
Process X?
Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas 7. Diagram 4 shows the inter conversion of
untuk menyiasat proses X. apakah water, steam and ice. In which
proses X? conversion do H2O molecules lose
A Diffusion
B Condensation
C Evaporation Rajah 4 menunjukkan perubahan
D Sublimation berbalik bagi air, stim dan ais. Manakah
keadaan di manakah molekul air akan
kehilangan kelajuan?
A Ice —> water
B Ice —> steam
C Water —> steam
D Steam —> ice

8. The melting point and boiling point of

substance M is -37 °C and 5 °C
respectively. The physical state of
substance M at room temperature is
Takat lebur dan takat didih bagi bahan
M masing-masing ialah -37 ⁰C dan 5
Diagram 3 ⁰C. keadaan fizikal bagi bahan M pada
suhu bilik ialah
6. Diagram 3 shows the change of state of
A gas
matter. Which of the following is
B liquid
process X?
C solid
Rajah 3 menunjukkan perubahan pada
D gas and liquid
keadaan jirim. Yang manakah adalah
proses X?


Substance Melting point Boiling point 11. Which of the following atomic
W -187 ⁰C -126 ⁰C models was proposed by Ernest
X -78 ⁰C 70 ⁰C Rutherford?
Y 75 ⁰C 130 ⁰C yang manakah antara model atom berikut
Z 114 ⁰C 444 ⁰C diperkenalkan oleh Ernest Rutherford?
Table 1 A The atom is the smallest particle
Atom ialah zarah terkecil
9. Table 1 shows the melting point and B The atom is a positively charged sphere
boiling point of substances W, X, Y and Atom ialah sfera bercas positif
Z. Which substance is a liquid at room C The atom contains a nucleus that is
temperature? surrounded by electrons moving at random
Rajah 1 menunjukkan takat lebur dan Atom mengandungi nukleus yang
takat didih bagi bahan W, X, Y, dan Z.
Yang manakah antara bahan berikut dikelilingi oleh elektron yang bebas
cecair pada suhu bilik. bergerak
A W D The atom contains a nucleus that is
B X surrounded by electrons that move in certain
C Y shells.
D Z Atom mengandungi nukleus yang
dikelilingi oleh elektron yang bergerak dalm
Substance Melting point Boiling point petala.
P -59 ⁰C 60 ⁰C
Q 48 ⁰C 130 ⁰C
R -110 ⁰C -70 ⁰C
11. Which of the following scientists
S 128 ⁰C 470 ⁰C
discovered proton?
Table 2 Yang manakah antara saintis berikut
yang menjumpai proton?
10. Table 2 shows the melting and boiling A Neils Bohr
points of substances P, Q, R and S. B J. J Thomson
Which of the following substances has C James Chadwick
the highest kinetic energy at room D Ernest Rutherford
Rajh 2 menunjukkan takat didih dan 12. Which of the following statements is
takat lebur bagi bahan P, Q, R, dan S. true about atomic model proposed by
Yang manakah antara bahan berikut Ernest Rutherford?
mempunyai tenaga kinetik paling tinggi
Yang manakah antara keterangan di
pada suhu bilik?
A P bawah benar tentang model atom yang
B Q diperkenalkan oleh Ernest Rutherford?
C R A The electrons in an atom move in shells
D S around the nucleus which contains proton.
Elektron dalam atom bergerak dalam
petala mengelilingi nukleus yang juga
mengandungi proton.

B The atom was described as a sphere of Number 23 refers to

positive charge embedded with electron. Nombor 23 merujuk sebagai
Atom dilihat sebagai sfera yang bercas A nucleon number
B number of proton
positif bersama dengan elektron.
C atomic number
C The nucleus of the atom contains proton D number of neutron
and neutrons.
Nukleus atom mengandungi proton dan
neutron. 17. The information below shows the
D The nucleus of the atom contains proton. electron arrangement and the number of
Nukleus atom mengandungi proton. neutrons in an atom Y. Y is not the actual
symbols of elements.
Maklumat di bawah menunjukkan susunan
14. Diagram 5 shows a model of an atom. elektron dan nombor neutron dalam atom Y.

• Electron arrangement 2.8.3

• Number of neutrons 14

Which of the following symbol represents

Diagram 5 the atom Y?
Who introduced this model? Yang manakah simbol berikut mewakili
Siapakah yang memperkenalkan model ini? atom Y?
A Neils Bohr
B John Dalton
C J.J. Thomson
D Ernest Rutherford

15. The nucleus of an atom contains

Nukleus atom mengandungi
A electrons only
B neutrons only
C both protons and neutrons 18. Which of the following electron
D both protons and electrons arrangement of an atom has eight electrons
Yang manakah di antara susunan elektron
16. Diagram 6 shows the atomic atom yang mempunyai lapan elektron
representation of an atom valens?
A 2.6
B 2.8.2
C 2.8.8

Diagram 6


19. Carbon-14 is an isotope of carbon. What is the use of carbon-14?

Carbon-14 ialah isotop bagi karbon. Apakah kegunaan karbon-14?
A Estimate the age of fossils and artefacts
Menganggarkan umur fosil dan artifak
B Radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer
Radioterapi untuk rawatan kanser
C Regulate the heartbeats of patients with heart problems
Mengenal pasti denyutan jantung pesakit dengan masalah jantung

D Destroy bacteria in food without changing the quality of food

Memusnahkan bakteria dalam makanan tanpa mengubah kualiti makanan tersebut

20. Which of the following isotopes is used in archaeology?

Yang manakah isotop berikut digunakan dalam arkeologi?
A Cobalt-60
B Carbon-14
C Iodine-131
D Phosphorus-32


1. Figure 1 shows the setup of the apparatus used in an experiment to determine the
melting point and freezing point of substance X.

Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk menentukan takat lebur dan takat
didih untuk bahan X?

(a) Why is a water bath used to heat the substance X?

Mengapa air panas digunakan untuk memanaskan bahan X?

[1 M]

(b) Graph 1 show the temperature against time when solid of substance X is heated.

Graf 1 menunjukkan suhu melawan masa apabila pepejal bahan X dipanaskan.

Graph 1

(i) What is the melting point of substance X?

Apakah takat lebur bahan X?

[1 M]
(ii) State the physical state of substance X at point M.
Nyatakan keadaan fizikal bahan X pada titik M.

[1 M]
(iii) State the change of kinetic energy along the region AB.
Nyatakan perubahan tenaga kinetic sepanjang AB.

[1 M]

(iv) Draw the arrangement of particles of substance X at 60 °C and 90 °C.

Lukis susunan zarah bahan X pada suhu 60 oC dan 90 oC.

60 ⁰C 90 ⁰C

(v) Explain why the temperature remains constant from point B to point

Terangkan kenapa suhu kekal sama dari titik B ke titik C?


[2 M]

(c) A substance Y has a melting point of 150 °C. Predict whether the melting point of
Y can be determined using the water bath. Explain why?

Bahan Y mempunyai takat lebur 150 °C. ramalkan samada takat lebur Y boleh
ditentukan menggunakan air panas. Terangkan kenapa?


[2 M
2. Table 3 shows the proton number and nucleon number for atoms P, Q, R and S.
The letters used do not represent the actual symbols of the atoms.

Jadual 3 menunjukkan nombor proton dan nombor nucleon untuk atom P, Q, R,

dan S.

Atom Proton number Nucleon number

P 6 12
Q 6 14
R 11 24
S 12 24
Table 3

(a) What is meant by proton number? Which scientist discovered it?

Apakah maksud nombor proton?saintis manakah yang menjumpainya?
[2 M]

(b) Determine the number of neutrons in these atoms. [2M]

Tentukan nombor nuetron
(i) P : ___________________________
(ii) R : ___________________________

(c) Write the symbol for atom Q in the form of AzX [1M]
Tulis symbol atom Q dalam bentuk AzX.

(d) For the atom S:

(i) Write the electron arrangement. [1M]
Tuliskan susunan electron.

[1 M]
(ii) State the number of valence electron. [1M]
Nyatakan bilangan electron valens.
[1 M]

(e) (i) Which atoms are isotopes? [1M]

Atom manakah isotope?

[1 M]

(ii) Explain your answer in (e)(i). [1M]

[1 M]

(iii) State one use of the isotope in (e)(i) which is radioactive. [1M]


[1 M]


Prepared by; Checked by; Approved by;

____________________ __________________ _____________________

En Mohd Ridzuan Puan Rozita Puan Suzana
Chemistry Teacher Head of Chemistry Panel Head of Science & Math
SMK Ambrose SMK Ambrose SMK Ambrose

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