Materi Penguatan Komp 1201

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The following text is for questions 1 and 2
There was a man who had worked all of his life and had saved all of his
money. He was a real miser when it came to his money. He loved money more
than just about anything, and before he died, he said to his wife, “Now listen,
when I die I want you to take all my money and place it in the casket with me,
because I want to take all my money to the afterlife.”
So he got his wife to promise him with all her heart that when he died she
would put all the money in the casket with him. Well, one day he died.
He was stretched out in the casket, the wife was sitting there in black next
to their best friend. When they finished the ceremony, just before the
undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said “Wait a minute!”
She had a shoebox with her, she came over with the box and placed it in
the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket and rolled it away.
Her friend said, “I hope you weren’t crazy enough to put all the money in
there with that stingy old man.” She said, “Yes, I promised, I can’t lie. I promised
him that I was going to put that money in that casket with him.”
“You mean to tell me you put every cent of his money in the casket with him?”
“I sure did,” said the wife. “I got it all together, put it into my account and I wrote
him a check.”

1. What could be the best lesson learned from the text above?
a. Money is everything
b. Families are whom you can rely on
c. Your money won’t matter when you die
d. Promise is in your mouth and your deed

2. From the text, we know that …

a. The man loved his money, but he loved his wife more
b. The money was too much that it won’t fit the casket
c. The wife broke her promise
d. The wife is a loyal woman

The following text is for questions 3 and 6

Many years ago, the sun and water were great friends, and they both lived on
the earth together. The sun very often used to visit the water, but the water
never returned the visits.
At last the sun asked the water why he never visited. The water replied that
the sun's house was not big enough, and that if he came with all his people, he
would drive the sun out of his home.
The water then said, "If you want me to visit you, you will have to build a
very large house. But I warn you that it will have to be very large, as my people
are numerous and take up a lot of room".
The sun promised to build a very large house, and soon afterwards, he
returned home to his wife, the moon, who greeted him with a broad smile. The
sun told the moon what he had promised the water, and the next day, they began
building a large house to entertain the water and all his people.
When it was completed, the sun asked the water to come and visit him.
When the water arrived, one of his people called out to the sun, and asked
him whether it would be safe for the water to enter, and the sun answered, "Yes,
tell my friend to come in."
The water began to flow in, followed by the fish and all the other water
Very soon, the water was knee-deep in the house, so he asked the sun if it
was still safe, and the sun again said, "Yes," so more of them came in.
When the water was at the level of a man's head, the water said to the sun,
"Do you want more of my people to come?"
Not knowing any better, the sun and the moon both said, "Yes,". More and
more of the water's people came in, until the sun and the moon had to sit on top
of the roof.
The water once again asked the sun if it was still okay to keep coming in. The
sun and moon answered yes, so more and more of the water's people came in.
The water soon overflowed the top of the roof, and the sun and the moon
were forced to go up into the sky.
...and they have been there ever since.

3. The best title for the text is …

a. How the Sun and the Water Became Friends
b. Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky
c. The Sun’s Friendship with the Water
d. The House of the Sun and the Moon

4. “…so he asked the sun if it was still safe…”

Why did the water ask the sun if the house was still safe?
a. The water was considerate
b. The water wanted to annoy the sun
c. The water teased the sun about his house
d. The water thought that the sun’s house was too small

5. The sun and the moon built a very large house because …
a. they thought their house was too narrow for them
b. they appreciated their friendship with the water
c. they were provoked by the water
d. they wanted to have more guests

6. We can infer from the story that …

a. Both the sun and the water wanted to maintain their friendship
b. The sun and the moon were bothered by the water’s people
c. The sun and the water regretted to have invited the guests
d. The water was actually reluctant to visit the sun’s house

Text for questions 7 and 8

Bob sat patiently in the blind. The sun was not up yet, but it was light enough
to see the details of the blind and its location. Leaves made crackling sound as a
cold breeze rippled across the blue-gray waters around the blind. He felt
confident that no ducks would be able to see him. As he checked to see that his
equipment was loaded, he noted that there would soon be enough light for some
good shots. He didn’t to use a flash attachment because the flash would scare the
ducks away.

7. Where could Bob possibly be?

a. In a farm.
b. In his room.
c. In the woods.
d. On a side road.

8. Bob was sitting patiently because he was …

a. enjoying his solitary time without the ducks
b. waiting for the ducks to pass
c. waiting for the sun to rise
d. setting up his weapons
The following text is for questions 9 to 12
A geyser is a rare kind of hot spring that is under pressure and erupts,
sending jets of water and steam into the air.
Geysers are made from a tube-like hole in the Earth's surface that runs
deep into the crust. The tube is filled with water. Near the bottom of the tube
is molten rock called magma, which heats the water in the tube.
Water in the lower part of the tube, close to the magma, becomes
superhot. Gradually, it begins to boil. Some of the water is forced upward. The
boiling water begins to steam, or turn to gas. The steam jets toward the surface.
Its powerful jet of steam ejects the column of water above it. The water rushes
through the tube and into the air.
The eruption will continue until all the water is forced out of the tube, or
until the temperature inside the geyser drops below boiling (100 degrees
Celsius, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, at sea level).
After the eruption, water slowly seeps back into the tube. The process
begins again. In some small geysers, the eruption process can take just a few
minutes. In larger geysers, it can take days. The most famous geyser in the
United States, Yellowstone National Park's Old Faithful, erupts about every 50-
100 minutes.

9. The following are true in the process of geyser eruption, except ...
a. water in the tube is heated until it turns to gas
b. water in the tube is heated by the magma
c. water becomes very hot that it is steamed
d. water erupts when its temperature drops

10. The text tells us about ...

a. why geysers erupt
b. the explanation of a geyser
c. the process of geyser eruption
d. the description of water in a tube-like hole
11. “Geysers are made from a tube-like hole ...” Which of the following depicts
the underlined word?





12. The word ‘seeps’ in paragraph 5 is synonymous with ...

a. occurs
b. springs
c. streams
d. flows out

The following text is for questions 13 to 15

A hot spot is fed by a region deep within the Earth’s mantle from which
heat rises through the process of convection. This heat facilitates the melting
of rock at the base of the lithosphere, where the brittle, upper portion of the
mantle meets the Earth’s crust. The melted rock, known as magma, often pushes
through cracks in the crust to form volcanoes.
Hot spot volcanism is unique because it does not occur at the boundaries
of Earth’s tectonic plates, where all other volcanism occurs. Instead it occurs
at abnormally hot centers known as mantle plumes. Scientific models depict
these plumes of molten rock almost like a lava lamp, with a rising bulbous head
fed by a long, narrow tail that originates in the mantle. As the plume head
reaches the lithosphere, it spreads into a mushroom shape that reaches roughly
500 to 1000 kilometers (310 to 621 miles) in diameter. These features are
called diapirs.
Scientists have different theories about where hot spots form.
The dominant theory, framed by Canadian geophysicist J. Tuzo Wilson in 1963,
states that hot spot volcanoes are created by exceptionally hot areas fixed deep
below the Earth’s mantle. More recent scientific studies suggest that these hot
spots may be found at more shallow depths in the Earth’s mantle and
may migrate slowly over geologic time rather than stay fixed in the same spot.
A volcano above a hot spot does not erupt forever. Attached to the
tectonic plate below, the volcano moves and is eventually cut off from the hot
spot. Without any source of heat, the volcano becomes extinct and cools. This
cooling causes the rock of the volcano and the tectonic plate to become
more dense. Over time, the dense rock sinks and erodes. A new and active
volcano develops over the hot spot, creating a continuous cycle of volcanism.

13. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us about ...

a. describes the mechanism of a hot spot existence
b. explains the unique mantle plumes
c. models the plumes of molten rock
d. describes what is diapirs

14. Based on the text, the end phase of the volcanism is when ...
a. the volcano gets cold and is no longer active
b. the new volcano developes over a hot spot
c. the volcano is cut off from the hot spot
d. the dense rock sinks and erodes

15. What makes hot spot volcanism different than other volcanism?
a. It emerges at the boundaries of hot centers.
b. It occurs at the Earth’s tectonic plates.
c. It occurs at the mantle plumes.
d. It has a feature called diapirs.

16. To place the students in an appropriate English class, a teacher should test
the candidate students. The appropriate test to be done is ...
a. achievement test.
b. placement test.
c. progress test.
d. diagnostic test.
17. When an English teacher wants to evaluate his teaching, syllabus, the course
book, and the material he is using, he will do ...
a. achievement test .
b. placement test.
c. progress test.
d. diagnostic test.

18. Students can find difficulties in learning English based on their learning
types. When a student whose learning type “stimulus-response learning” has a
difficulty in understanding the concept of object, the teacher can help them
by ...
a. describing the characteristic of the object in detail.
b. showing the real object to the student.
c. making the conversation about the subject clearly.
d. asking him to stay calm.

19. To study English we need some requirements to support the learning

process. One of them is having English atmosphere. The activity can be done
to create the situation to support the learning process is ...
a. preparing many kinds of dictionary to support learning equipment
b. creating situation in such away similar to western country.
c. using English as way of life in daily life environment.
d. taking English course.

20. The success of learning English is closely related to the curriculum. When we
develop curriculum there are some principles to consider. When we consider
the development of the need and the potency of the students means that we
implement the principle of ...
a. flexibility
b. continuity.
c. relevancy.
d. effectivity.

21. In developing curriculum we try hard to use time, fund, and other sources
optimally for the sake of reaching the goal of teaching learning process
means that we implement the principle of ...
a. flexibility
b. continuity.
c. relevancy.
d. effectivity.
22. Evaluation is one of important aspects in education process. In our education
system the evaluation is done by ...
a. Educator
b. Institution.
c. Government.
d. Educator, Institution, and Government.

23. In Curriculum 2013, there are some principles of evaluation such as valid,
objective, fair, integrated, open, thorough, systematic, and accountable. When
an evaluation is done using good plan, gradual, and follow the main steps, it
means that the evaluation is using the principle of ...
a. valid
b. reliable.
c. systematic.
d. accountable.

24. The evaluation in teaching learning process has some purposes. One of them
is to determine the students’ achievement. In K13 the system of evaluation
to determine the students’ achievement is ...
a. norm reference
b. criterion.
c. validity.
d. reliability.

25. The form of evaluation in our education system is determined by The

Ministerial Regulation. The forms of evaluation usually used are as follows,
except ...
a. test
b. observation.
c. assignment.
d. enrichment.

26. Developing curriculum has some principles. One of the principles is

‘relevance’. Related to the principle, the curriculum should be ...
a. suitable with the recent popular method or technique ot teaching.
b. Suitable with the characteristics of society.
c. Suitable with the need of contemporary and future stakeholders.
d. Suitable with the Government.
27. When it is stated that the curriculum should give some alternatives in
reaching the goal using many kinds of methods or strategies, means that the
curriculum fulfills the principle of ...
a. relevance
b. flexibility.
c. continuity.
d. practical.

28. A teacher tries to associate the knowledge gotten from previous meeting to
make and prepare a good atmosphere to start a teaching learning process.
This activity is called ...
a. Building knowledge of the field.
b. Modeling.
c. Join construction of the text.
d. Apperception.

29. In teaching learning process, a teacher tries to ask some questions to make
the students getting the concept of the material that will be discussed. This
activity is categorized ...
a. Building knowledge of the field.
b. Modeling.
c. Join construction of the text.
d. Apperception.

30. To determine whether a teacher will do remedial teaching or enrichment.

The most important aspect to consider is ...
a. the curriculum used.
b. the quality of the students.
c. the criteria of success.
c. the lesson plan.
The following image is for questions 31 to 35.

31. What is being advertised in the context?

a. training
b. job vacancy
c. short course
d. school registration

32. What is the purpose of the advertisement above?

a. to build a teacher school
b. to pay experience teacher
c. to train graduate teacher and teacher assistant
d. to find experienced teacherand teacher assistant

33. For whom the advertisement is made?

a. graduate teachers
b. graduate-experienced teachers
c. Euro kids
d. trainers

34. Which of the three positions need a male teacher?

a. Assistant Grade 1 teacher
b. EVS teacher
c. Fine art teacher
d Fine art and EVS teacher
35. Candidate resume is sent by …
a. 15th June 2011 to email
b. 15 days to email
c. 15 days in 2011
d. 15 days in 2011 to

The following text is for questions 36 to 40.

Pangeran Diponegoro, (Indonesian: pangeran, “prince”) also called
Raden Mas Ontowiryo, (born c. 1785, Jogyakarta, Java [Indonesia] –
died January 8, 1855, Makasar, Celebes), Javanese leader in the 19th-
century conflict known to the West as the Java War and to
Indonesians as Diponegoro’s War (1825-1830). During those five
years Diponegoro’s military accomplishments severely crippled the
Dutch and earned for him a prominent place in the Indonesian
nationalist pantheon of heroes.
The sultanate of Jogyakarta was created February 13, 1755, by a
Dutch treaty that dismembered the once-powerful Javanese kingdom
of Mataram. Although Diponegoro was the eldest son of the third
ruler of Jogyakarta, Sultan Amangku Buwono III, he was passed over
for the succession in 1814 on the death of his father in favor of a son
whose mother was of higher rank, but he was promised the throne
should his half brother predecease him. He was deeply religious
person who throughout that period lived in meditative seclusion, and
historians disagree on whether he wanted the throne or whether he
spurned it in favor of a contemplative life.
There is no doubt, however, that during the 1820s Diponegoro
came into conflict with Dutch officials and by 1825 emerged as the
leader of disaffected aristocrats in the Jogyakarta region. The Java
War itself triggered by a series of land reforms that undercut the
economic position of the Javanese aristocrats.
Diponegoro has strong following in the Jogyakarta region and
launched a guerilla war that quite successful for nearly three years. In
late 1828, however, Dutch forces won a major victory that proved the
turning point in the war. Under Gen. H. Merkus de Kock, the Dutch
proceeded to develop a system of small, mutually protecting outposts
linked by good roads that enabled them to quell the natives’ guerilla
warfare. In 1830 Diponegoro agreed to meet with Dutch
representatives for peace negotiations, but during the meeting he
was arrested. He died in exile.
36. What is the best title of the text above?
a. Javanese War
b. Pangeran Diponegoro’s War
c. Pangeran Diponegoro: Javanese Leader
d. Dutch and Pangeran Diponegoro

37. When was Pangeran Diponegoro born?

a. February 13, 1755
b. January 8, 1855
c. 1785
d. 1825

38. How long did Pangeran Diponegoro lead the Javanese War?
a. two years
b. three years
c. four years
d. five years

39. The word “he” in paragraph 2 line 3 refers to …

a. Pangeran Diponegoro
b. Sultan Amangku Buwono III
c. Diponegoro’s brother
d. The third ruler of Jogyakarta

40. Which of the best conclusion of the text?

a. Pangeran Diponegoro was a national hero.
b. Pangeran Diponegoro was a religious Javanese leader.
c. Pangeran Diponegoro was a national reformist.
d. Pangeran Diponegoro was a great prince of Jogyakarta.
The following text is for questions 41 to 45.


41. What is the purpose of the text above?

a. to explain about Milk chicken tikka masala.
b. to explain how to make Milk chicken masala.
c. to cook Milk chicken masala.
d. to scan a recipe of Milk chicken masala.

42. What must be prepared to make garnish on Milk chicken tikka masala?
a. onion and a lemon
b. flat leaf parsley and a lemon
c. garlic and flat leaf parsley
d. a lemon and garlic

43. What are fried in cooking Milk chicken tikka masala?

a. onion and garlic
b. onion, garlic, and oil
c. onion, garlic, and sauce
d. onion, garlic, and chicken pieces
44. How much do you put red onion to make Milk chicken tikka masala?
a. ¼ or 1 shallot
b. 4 or 1 shallot
c. ¼ or ¼ shallot
d. ¼ or 4 shallot

45. How long does it take to cook Milk chicken tikka masala?
a. 40 minutes
b. more than 30 minutes
c. 45 minutes
d. half an hour

Study the bar graph below and answer the following questions.

46. What does the scale on the left beginning with 0 and ending with 7
a. Number of students selling candy
b. Number of cases of candy sold
c. Number of candy in each case
d. Number of days each month that candy was sold

47. Which two MONTHS had approximately the same amount of candy sold?
a. September & February
b. October & March
c. November & March
d. September & December
48. The amount of candy sold in December is twice the amount of candy sold in
which other month?
a. October
b. March
c. January
d. September

The following text is for questions number 49 to 51.

Once, a man was walking in a park when he came across a penguin. He took
him to a policeman and said, “I have just found this penguin. What should I do?”
The policeman replied, “take him to the zoo”
The next day the policeman saw the same in the same park, and the man was
still carrying the penguin with him. The policeman was rather surprised and
walked up to the man and asked. “Why are you still carrying that penguin about?
Didn’t you take t to the zoo?” ‘I certainly did,’ replied the man.

“And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m taking him to
the movies!”

49. The text above belongs to ….

a. Spoof
b. Recount
c. Report
d. News item

50. Where did the man take the penguin for the first time?
a. To a park
b. To a police station
c. To a zoo
d. To a movie theater

51. “And it was a great idea because he really enjoyed it, so today I’m taking him
to the movies!”. This part of the text is called ....
a. Twist
b. Event
c. Coda
d. Orientation
The following text is for questions number 52 to 54.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Astronomer and Scientist. Galileo developed a superior telescope and made
many significant discoveries in astronomy. He was sentenced to life
imprisonment by the inquisition for his support for the Copernican theory that
the sun was at the centre of the solar system.
Galileo was born in Florence, Italy in 1564 to a poor but noble family His
parents recognized their child's innate intelligence and talents and so made
sacrifices to have him educated. At his father's insistence, Galileo studied the
profitable career of medicine. But, at the University of Pisa, Galileo became
fascinated in a wide range of subjects. He was also critical of many of Aristotle's
teaching which had dominated education for the past 2,000 years.
Galileo was appointed to be a mathematics professor at the University of
Pisa, but his strident criticisms of Aristotle left him isolated among his
contemporaries. After three years of persecution, he resigned and went to the
University of Padua, where he taught maths. His entertaining lectures attracted a
large following and he was able to spend the next 18 years pursuing his interests
in astronomy and mechanics.

52. Something that we can learn from Galileo Galilei's biography is ...
a. We must always believe whatever the society believes to avoid getting
b. We must never go against the belief of the society to avoid getting
c. We should believe in something and stay faithful to it no matter how
d. We must sacrifice everything to get ourselves educated.

53. According to the biography, why did Galileo Galilei resign from his teaching
job at the University of Pisa?
a. He was persecuted for three years.
b. He was appointed as a mathematics professor.
c. He had a better offer from the University of Padua.
d. He wanted to pursue his interests in astronomy and mechanics.

54. "His parents recognized their child's innate intelligence and talents and so
made sacrifices to have him educated." (Paragraph 2) The underlined word is
closest in meaning to ...
a. Acquired
b. Ingenious
c. Multiple
d. Inborn
The following text is for questions number 55 to 57.
Jellyfish are not really fish. They are invertebrate animals. This means that
unlike fish or people, they have no backbones. In fact, they have no bones at all.
Jellyfish have stomachs and mouths, but no heads. They have nervous
systems for sensing the world around them, but no brains. They are made almost
entirely of water, which is why you can look through them.
Some jellyfish can glow in darkness by making their own light. The light is
made by a chemical reaction inside the jellyfish. Scientists believe jellyfish glow
for several reasons. For example, they may glow to scare away predators or to
attract animals they like to eat.
Most jellyfish live in salt water, apart from a few types that live in fresh
water. Jellyfish are found in oceans and seas all over the world. They live in
warm, tropical seas and in icy waters near the North and South poles.

55. Which one creates Jellyfish’s light?

a. Ocean
b. Stomachs and mouths
c. Chemical reaction
d. Salt water

56. What is the text about?

a. Kinds of all really not fish
b. Jellyfish
c. Salt water animals
d. Some kinds of sea animals

57. Based on the text, we know that….

a. They don’t have brain, only stomachs, and mouths
b. They glow when they sleep
c. They live in the lake
d. They are part of fish

The following text is for questions number 58 to 60.

How to Clean an LCD Screen
Do the following steps:
1. Spray the minyak kayu putih or kajuput oil on the fabric cleanser.
2. Clean the LCD screen surface gently to make it as bright as a new one.

58. What should you do to minyak kayu putih or kajuput oil first?
a. Spray it
b. Clean it
c. Put it away
d. Shake it up
59. Before cleaning the screen surface, we spray the minyak kayu putih or
kajuput oil on the screen surface directly or spray it on ….
a. Our fingers
b. The paper
c. The fabric cleanser
d. The brush

60. " Clean the LCD screen surface gently to make it as bright as a new one "
(step 2).
What does the underlined word mean?
a. Carefully
b. Directly
c. Harshly
d. Cleanly

61. Because they made us wait for so long for our table, drinks were on the house.
“Drinks were on the house” means….
a. The house serve the drinks
b. The drinks were free
c. The drinks were served at the house
d. The houses were for drinking

The text below is for questions number 62 and 63

Mutualism is a type of symbiosis that occurs when two unlike organisms
live together in a state that is mutually beneficial. It can exist between two
animals, between two plants, or between a plant and an animal. Mutualism is
unlike the symbiotic state of commensalism in that commensalism is a give-
and-take basis.
In the African wilds, the zebra and the ostrich enjoy a symbiotic
relationship that enhances the ability of each of these large land animals to
survive. Both serve as prey for the lion, and neither has the capability alone
to withstand an attack from this fierce hunter. However, when the zebra and
the ostrich collaborate in their defense by alerting each other to possible
danger from an approaching predator, the lion is rarely able to capture more
than the oldest or the feeblest of the heard.
The complementary physical strengths and weaknesses of the ostrich and
the zebra allow them to work in coordination to avoid succumbing to the
lion. The ostrich, the largest flightless bird in the world, possesses great
speed and keen eyesight, which enable it to spot large predatory animals
long before they are able to position themselves to attack. The zebra, with a
running speed equal to that of the ostrich, has excellent hearing and a good
sense of smell but lacks the sharp eyesight of the ostrich. When ostriches and
zebras intermix for grazing, each animal benefits from the ability of the other
to detect approaching danger. If either animal senses danger, both animals
are alerted and take off. With the running speed that both of these animals
posses, they are able to outrun any predator except the cheetah.

62. The main idea of the passage is that mutualism

a. is a symbiosis of two similar organisms for benefits of one of them.
b. is a symbiosis of two different organisms in which one party takes
benefits of working together
c. is a symbiosis of two different organisms in which two parties take
mutual benefits
d. is a symbiosis of two similar organisms for mutual benefits

63. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

a. With their strengths and weaknesses, ostriches and zebras work together
to avoid predators.
b. With their strengths and weaknesses, ostriches are more beneficial in
alerting predators than zebras.
c. With their strengths and weaknesses, zebras are faster that ostriches in
running away from predators.
d. With their strengths and weaknesses, zebras have better eyesight and
sense of smell in detecting predators than ostriches.

The text below is for the questions number 64 and 65

The life span of an elephant that dies from natural causes is about sixty-five
years. Of course, an elephant can (1)____ from a number of “unnatural causes”:
e.g., it can be killed by hunters, most probably for the valuable ivory in its
tusks; it can die from (2)____ that spread throughout an elephant herd; or it
can die from drought or from the lack of food that almost certainly
accompanies the inadequate supply of water.

64. The best word to complete (1) is ….

a. extinct
b. expire
c. end
d. perish

65. The best word to complete (2) is….

a. diseases
b. weaknesses
c. conditions
d. abnormalities

The text below is for questions number 66 and 67

The United States does not have a national university, (1)____ the idea has been
around for quite some time. George Washington first recommended the idea to
Congress; he even selected an actual site in Washington D.C., and then left an
endowment for the proposed national university in his will. During the century
following the Revolution, the idea of a national university continued to receive
the support of various U.S. presidents, and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie
pursued the cause at the beginning of the present century. (2)____ the original
idea has not yet been acted upon, it continues to be proposed in bills before

66. The correct conjunction for (1) is ….

a. and
b. or
c. but
d. nor

67. The best conjunction for (2) is ….

a. Therefore
b. Consequently
c. Because
d. Although

The text below is for questions number 68 and 69

Is workaholism always problematic? Maybe not. Some studies show that many
workaholics have great energy and interest in life. Their work is so pleasurable
that they are actually very happy. (1)____. Their jobs provide them with a
challenge; this keeps them busy and creative. While other people retire from
work at age sixty-five, (2)____. They are still enthusiastic about work – and life
– in their eighties and nineties.

68. The best statement to complete number (1) is…

a. For most workaholics, work and entertainment are the same thing.
b. Workaholics assume that work and entertainment are the same thing.
c. Some workaholics think that work and entertainment are similar thing,
but others do not.
d. There are more workaholics who think that work and entertainment are
the same than they who think vise versa.
69. The expression that suits number (2) is….
a. workaholics have the same idea
b. workaholics have a different idea
c. workaholics usually prefer not to quit
d. workaholics are easily to work again

The text below is for the questions number 70 and 71

First of all, I go to sleep early every weekday night, (1)____. Although most
people only need six to eight hours of sleep, I have found that eight to nine
hours is better for me. When I get enough sleep, I feel rested, and I'm even in a
better mood. Secondly, I prepare everything the night before, (2)____ and
putting out the clothes that I'm going to wear the next morning

70. The best expression to complete number (1) is….

a. so that I will get plenty of sleep
b. as I will get plenty of sleep
c. because I will get plenty of sleep
d. then I will get plenty of sleep

71. The best statement to complete number (2) is….

a. by making my lunch sandwiches
b. for making my lunch sandwiches
c. of making my lunch sandwiches
d. such as making my lunch sandwiches

The text below is for the questions number 72 and 73

Those who design curriculums also face the challenge of responding to a
changing social context. New family structures and reconfigured gender,
ethnic, and racial identities have reshaped the communities that schools serve.
English language and European ethnicity no longer define the U.S. population.
Diversity and globalization have blurred cultural barriers.
(1) ____. Privatization, charter, and home-school movements contest the
primacy of public education. The reformers' motivations differ, too, often
aimed at corporate profits instead of the social weal. Policymakers and
pundits—usually noneducators—often impose policies on schools. Publishers,
too, are a powerful voice in curriculum because of the materials that they
market and the clout of their political lobbying efforts.
(2)____. Unable to raise real incomes for teachers during the prosperous
1990s, U.S. schools now confront an ongoing loss of talented teachers to other
fields. High-achieving minorities and women, for whom education was once
one of few available professions, now take other career paths. Out-of-field
teachers and those with emergency licenses are increasingly prevalent: 49,000
teachers occupy these two categories in California alone.

72. The best statement to complete number (1) is ….

a. Moreover, opinions about the role and nature of U.S. public schools are
increasingly at odds with one another
b. However, opinions about the role and nature of U.S. public schools are
increasingly at odds with one another
c. Therefore, opinions about the role and nature of U.S. public schools are
increasingly at odds with one another
d. Hence, opinions about the role and nature of U.S. public schools are
increasingly at odds with one another

73. The best statement to complete number (2) is….

a. Although, educators face changes in their profession.
b. Consequently, educators face changes in their profession.
c. In addition, educators face changes in their profession.
d. As educators face changes in their profession.

74. 1. Columbus introduced the spicy capsicum chili peppers to Europeans on his
return from the 1492 voyage, and traders later spread them to Asia and
2. The Piper nigrum variety of pepper was highly valued for centuries, and
high demand for pepper by Europeans was a major cause of the fifteenth-
century push to locate oceans routes to the spice-growing region of Asia.
3. Christopher Columbus is responsible for the present-day confusion over
what a pepper is.
4. Columbus came across plants the Capsicum family in use among the people
of the New World, and he incorrectly identified them as relatives of black
5. When Columbus arrived in the New World in 1492, he was particularly
interested in finding black pepper because of the high price that it would
command in Europe.
6. These Capsicum peppers have continued to be called peppers in spite of the
fact that they are not related to the black and white pepper of the Piper
nigrum family.
The correct arrangement of the sentences to compose a paragraph is….
a. 2 3 1 6 4 5
b. 3 2 5 4 1 6
c. 3 2 1 4 5 6
d. 3 1 2 5 4 6
75. 1. The changes in mood suffered by a maniac-depressive patient go far beyond
the day-to-day mood changes experienced by the general population.
2. In the period of depression, which may last for several weeks or months, a
patient experiences feelings of general fatigue, uselessness, and
hopelessness, and in serious cases, may contemplate suicide.
3. Maniac depression is another psychiatric illness that mainly affects mood.
4. A patient suffering from this disease will alternate between periods of
maniac excitement and extreme depression, with or without relatively
normal periods in between.
5. In the period of maniac excitement, the mood elevation can become so
intense that it can result in extended insomnia, extreme irritability, and
heightened aggressiveness.

The correct arrangement of the sentences to write a paragraph is….

a. 4 3 1 2 5
b. 3 1 2 4 5
c. 3 4 1 5 2
d. 3 4 1 2 5

The following text for question 76 to78

The use of formalin and other dangerous preservatives in food has been
serious problem for three reasons. Firstly, formalin is not for human beings, but
it is for biological specimens and experiments. Formalin in Biology is a 10%
solution of formaldehyde in water which is usually used as a disinfectant or to
preserve biological specimens. Thus, it is not for food preservatives. Of course
when it is used for food preservative, it will be very dangerous to human’s body.
The second reason is that there is no tight control from the government. This
condition makes the people’s health is really in a threat. When the control is
weak and the use formalin was spread wide all over the Indonesian regions, and
these days it has really happened, the citizen's bodies will be badly
contaminated with the poisons. Fish or food traders still sell their products
which contain formalin and dangerous preservatives. Can you imagine that our
digestive system absorbs the substance that should be for the human and animal
Considering the reasons, we can make a conclusion that the use of formalin
and other preservatives is really a serious problem if it is not resolved
76. Why is formalin dangerous for human`s body?
a. It is not food preservatives
b. It is a disinfectant for human beings
c. It is used to preserve biological specimens
d. It is 10% solution of formaldehyde in water

77. Based on the facts above, the writer suggest that ... .
a. People have to avoid consuming formalin in their food
b. The use of formaldehyde is necessary to control the food
c. People should add 100% solution of formaldehyde in water
d. The food preservative is required to make the food delicious

78. What is the writer’s intention? To ….. readers to avoid something dangers.
a. to describe
b. to persuade
c. to explain
d. to inform

The following text for question 79 to 87

Carbon tetrachloride --a chemical compound created when carbon
disulfide is treated with chlorine`is a colorless and inflammable liquid that is
used extensively in industry today. This broad use of carbon tetrachloride in
industry is because of its efficacy as a solvent, a refrigerant, and a propellant.
Despite its widespread use in industry, carbon tetrachloride has been
banned for home use. In the past, carbon tetrachloride was a common
ingredient in cleaning compounds that were used throughout the home.
However, it was found to be extremely hazardous: When heated, it turns into a
poisonous gas that can cause severe maladies and may even prove deadly if it is
inhaled. Because of this dangerous characteristic, the United States revoked
permission for the home use of carbon tetrachloride in 1970. The United States
has taken similar action with various other chemical compounds.

79. The word "extensively" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to

a. widely
b. excessively
c. mostly
d. largely
80. The word "efficacy" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
a. low cost
b. effectiveness
c. weak results
d. speed

81. The word "banned" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by

a. forbidden
b. allowed
c. suggested
d. instituted

82. The word "found" in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by

a. located
b. determined
c. encountered
d. uncovered

83. The word "hazardous" in paragraph 2 has contrary meaning with?

a. risk
b. safe
c. harm
d. Dangerous

84. The word "inhaled" in paragraph 2 has contrary meaning with

a. warmed up
b. breathed in
c. exhale
d. blown away

85. Mary Garden, _______ the early 1990’s, was considered one of the best singing
actresses of her time
a. a soprano was popular
b. in a popular soprano
c. was a popular soprano
d. a popular soprano
86. the work of painters in the United States during the early twentieth century
is noted for _____ as well as telling stories.
a. it is representing of images
b. which images representing
c. the image of representing
d. representing images

87. Abraham Lincoln insisted that _______ not just on mere opinion but on moral
a. to base democracy
b. for democracy to be based
c. democracy be based
d. whenever democracy is based

The following text is for question 88 to 90

Since _________(1), Indonesia shared a positive and friendly relationship
with Australia. In 1947 Australia supported Indonesia’s struggle for
independence by placing embargos on Dutch supplies, arms and troops.
Australian dock workers went on strike and significant numbers of Australians
demonstrated in the streets in support of Indonesian independence. The Dutch
were unable to ship supplies __________________(2).
Much of the support Australians gave to Indonesians was based on the
friendship that developed between Australian soldiers and the Indonesia people
at the end of the Second World War. There was also a strong anti-imperialist
mood among some sections of the Australian population at that time.
It is significant for Indonesia and Asian neighbors to strengthen the relationship.

88. which option best complete (1)?

a. 1945 Indonesia building nation
b. building Indonesian nation in 1945
c. Indonesian nation build Indonesia
d. is being built in 1945

89. which option best complete (2)?

a. went to Australian Port that period
b. visited Australian Port during this period
c. through Australian ports during this period
d. discovered Australian Port during the period
90. The underline part “Much of the support Australians gave to Indonesians
was based on the friendship” in the passage may be best rephrases as
a. All of the support from Australians are friendship
b. Friendship became the fundamental support from Australians to
c. Australians and Indonesians are friend
d. Indonesians support for Australians are about friendship

91. In designing an instruction, a teacher should rely on the principle and some
steps which lead to the learners’ alteration such as behavior change which is
obtained consciously, positive, comprehensively, purposively except:
a. continuously
b. functional
c. outrightly
d. permanently

92. An instruction should enable the learners to develop their competence to

know, to understand, to do, to live together and self-actualization. Therefore,
an instruction should have the characteristics such as students-centered,
developing learners’ creativity except:
a. giving sense of being free and secure
b. creating fun but challenging condition
c. containing values, ethics, logic, kinesthetic
d. providing various learning experiences.

93. The following statements are true, except:

a. Learning sources should be closely related to basic competence attained by
the students
b. Learning sources should be adequate to help the students develop their
basic competence.
c. Learning sources contain learning materials which are related to the
attainment of basic competence.
d. Learning sources contain learning materials which are needed by the
students in developing their basic competence.
94. In choosing learning sources, a teacher should rely on the following
criteria, except:
a. Economical, practical, flexible, effective and efficient, compatible to
strategy and learning interaction, and interesting.
b. Economical, practical, flexible, effective and efficient, compatible to
strategy and learning interaction, giving positive values to both teacher
and students
c. Economical, practical, renewable, capable, effective and efficient,
compatible to strategy and learning interaction, giving positive values to
both teacher and students
d. Economical, practical, acceptable, flexible, effective and efficient,
compatible to strategy and learning interaction, giving positive values to
both teacher and students.

95. In this era, information and communication technology (ICT) is so

prominent in aiding teachers of English performing their instructions that this
condition requires them to have basic skills at least:
a. Designing and preparing learning using LCD projector and MS PowerPoint.
b. Designing and preparing ICT learning materials and learning media.
c. Designing and preparing multimedia learning materials and web-based
d. Designing and preparing ICT-based media and instruction.

96. Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is regarded as a proper learning model

that a teacher may employ to facilitate the learners in obtaining their
learning experience and attaining the targeted competence. There exist 6
(six) steps of PjBL such as determining essential question, designing project
except :
a. identifying learning sources
b. monitoring the students and progress of project
c. assessing the outcome
d. evaluating the experience
97. In order to promote the learners’ achievement maximally, a teacher may
employ Inquiry learning, Discovery learning, PBL and PjBL. In some extent,
those methods have similar characteristics particularly:
a. enable every learner to identify his/her own problem and look for its
b. enable every learner to work individually and left the others as their own
c. enable every learner to learn independently without teacher’s facilitation
and instruction.
d. enable every learner to develop and exceed on his/her own potential.

98. In case EFL learning takes place in non-English mainstream which has
limited language exposures, a teacher may employ the following strategies at
school setting, except:
a. Increase ELL students' English language production and peer interaction.
b. Explicitly teach English language vocabulary and structures.
c. Build on ELLs' Background Knowledge to Increase Comprehension
d. Increase ELL Parent Involvement

99. There are at least four aspects which should exist in a communication,
a. speaker/writer and hearer/reader
b. setting/time/place
c. channel/media
d. information/message

100. To communicate effectively, the conversant should obey what Grice

called as Cooperative Principle known as maxims as follows, except:
a. Give the most helpful amount of information
b. Do not say what you believe to be false.
c. Be rational.
d. Put what you say in the clearest, briefest, and most orderly manner.
101. Paralinguistics which also becomes determining factor of the
effectiveness of communication particularly in verbal one comprises those
aspects except:
a. Solidarity and politeness.
b. Gestures, facial expressions, and kinesics.
c. Tone and pitch.
d. Intonation and stress

102. Among the teacher’s effort to analyze the result of process evaluation is
his/her activity in the form of ..
a. examining and assessing the result of notes of every student activity
during the instructional process.
b. doing additional interview to students who learn actively during the
instructional process.
c. planning remedial learning for the students who are regarded as low
achievers based on non test assessment.
d. doing additional interview to students who learn less actively during the
instructional process.

103. Portfolio assessment can be conducted by ….

a. giving thorough assessment on tasks and assignments.
b. collecting answer sheets of formative and summative tests.
c. collecting students’ works which are already given feedback by both
teacher and their peers.
d. Collecting students’ answer sheet of test or quiz and finding out the
students’ difficulties in in understanding materials and considering
remedial test.

104. There exist some principles of assessment instrument development

a. valid, reliable, applicable, holistic, objective, educative, transparent, and
b. valid, reliable, holistic, sustainable, objective, accurate, transparent, and
c. valid, reliable, humanistic, sustainable, objective, educative, transparent,
and fair.
d. valid, reliable, holistic, sustainable, objective, educative, transparent, and
105. Teachers utilize the result of analysis to determine the accomplishment of
learning by ...
a. Determining the criteria of learning success.
b. Classifying the students based on their learning achievement.
c. Finding out the general weakness based on the expected learning criteria.
d. Planning for remedial teaching.

The text below is to answer question number 106-107

My Dog
My dad bought me a dog on my birthday. It is a male golden retriever. I really
love him as my pet. His name is Jojo. He has brown fur. His fur is really soft and
he likes to be rubbed on his belly. He has a long tail and big body. I always take
him for a walk because he really enjoys it. Jojo is already part of our family.

106. Which one is the identification?

a. Sentence 1-3
b. Sentence 2-5
c. Sentence 1-4
d. Sentence 4-5

107. Which one is the description?

a. Sentence 6-9
b. Sentence 2-7
c. Sentence 5-9
d. Sentence 4-9

108. Spaghetti which we eat at least twice a week is one of my favorite meals.
Which one represents a relative pronoun?
a. which
b. we
c. my
d. twice a week
Complete the conditional sentences with the correct form (109-111)
109. If I ____ stronger, I’d help you carry the piano
a. am
b. was
c. were
d. had been

110. If we _____ him tomorrow, we’ll say hello

a. meet
b. met
c. will meet
d. would meet

111. He would’ve repaired the car himself if he ___ the tools.

a. have
b. had
c. had had
d. has

The first sentence is in the active voice. Choose the correct way of saying the
same thing in the passive voice
112. They were interviewing her for the job. She _____ for the job
a. was being interviewed
b. was interviewed
c. has been interviewed
d. is being interviewed

113. The employee brought up the issue during the meeting. The issue ____ by
the employee.
a. were brought up
b. was brought up
c. is brought up
d. has been brought up
Fill in the blank with the appropriate preposition!
114. The party ____ he spoke was noisy
a. in which
b. from which
c. at which
d. of which

115. The situation _____ we found ourselves was dire.

a. in which
b. from which
c. at which
d. of which

116. The bonds ____ we broke free were tight.

a. in which
b. from which
c. at which
d. of which

117. The topic _____ he spoke was complex.

a. in which
b. from which
c. at which
d. of which

118. Maudy Ayunda is an amazing ____ from Indonesia.

a. actress
b. actor
c. artist
d. comedian

119. She is 163cm ____.

a. high
b. height
c. tall
d. weight
120. She is ____and friendly.
a. enjoyable
b. pleasant
c. kind
d. delightful

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