Resume RileyOlson

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Riley Olson 

503-250-1506 • riley.olson​01​•
B.S. Environmental Studies and Theatre Arts June 2018
University of Oregon 3.65 GPA

High School Diploma - Honors Graduate ​ ​June 2014

West Linn High School 3.95 GPA
Mock Trial Coach/Instructor West Linn High School ​Spring 2018-Present
West Linn, OR
-​Develop and implement curriculum on litigation processes
-Coordinate team practices
-Supervise groups of 10-30 High School aged students on overnight competition trips

Group Facilitator/Educator Coordinator ​Environmental Leadership Program ​Winter/Spring 2018

Eugene, OR & HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, OR
-​Develop site-specific environmental curriculum that meets middle school science standards
-Facilitate 6 all day field trips to HJ Andrews Experimental Forest for 180 students total
-Worked with a diverse team of 7 over 23 weeks to collaboratively develop and implement an all-day place based environmental
education package.
-Serve as point of contact for involved classroom teachers and community partners

Program Advisor: ​Law Intensive Program​ ​Envision Summer 2017

Stanford, CA
-​Created and implemented Legal Studies curriculum for high school students in groups ranging from 10-500 students

Vice Pres. of Instruction ​University of Oregon Mock Trial ​2014-2018

Eugene, OR
-​Plan & present argument in competitive prepared and improvisational settings
-Recognitions including All-Region Attorney and Outstanding Attorney/Witness
-Responsibilities included: coaching fall teams at the UO, teaching curriculum to new members, advertising and organizing
recruitment informational and social activities, & serving as liaison between governing cabinet and team

Mountains Instructor/Cabin Counselor ​WLWV School District Outdoor School Spring 2013-Spring 2014
Twin Rocks Friends Camp, OR
-Build and maintain community relationships among core group of 11 eleven-year-old students
-Lead recreational activities for groups ranging from 20-150 6th graders
-Engage students with varied environmental resources through designed hands-on experiences
-Support camp functioning through performance of various materials-prep and student supervision duties

​ kills 
-Training in: Best Practices of Tblisi Declaration, NAAEE Guidelines, bell hooks’ Engaged Pedagogy, Jon Young’s Coyote
Mentoring, Diversity Equity and Inclusion in Environmental Education
-Proficiency with MS Office including Word, Excel and Outlook
-Familiarity with Adobe Professional including InDesign, Acrobat Reader
-Proficiency with basic office technology: copier, fax, multi-line phone systems, etc.
-Public Speaking & Performing
-80 words per minute typing

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