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Castillo, Erica Marie A.


CIP Notes


 Anchored on Filipino thought

 Started: translation of concentration on Western methodology and theories
Filipino methodolgy and theories
 Indigenization from within, a filipino must investigate the Psyche of Filipino for SP
to survive
 Cultural Revalidation
 Aim: foster natural identity, consciousness, language, culture......
 Studying “us” b/c we are very much different from Westerners

Sikolohiyang sa Pilipinas ( Psychology in the Philippines)

 Very nature of Psychology in the country

 A series of events related to the field of Psychology in the Philippines
o E.g. number of degree program and journals, amount of research
 A picture of what used to be (only a small amount of people interested in
Psychology) and what the current situation is now

Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP) VS.

Sikolohiya ng mga Pilipino (Psychology of Filipinos)

 Theories, concepts
 Theorizing about the psychological nature of the Filipinos, whether
from a local or foreign perspective

Sikolohiyang sa Pilipinas ( Psychology in the Philippines)

 The general form of Psychology in the Philippine Context

Castillo, Erica Marie A.

*Psychology by Enriquez

Study of

1. Emotions and experienced knowledge (Kalooban & kamalayan)

2. Awareness of one’s surroundings (Uliral)
3. Information and understanding (Isip)
4. Habits and behavior (Diwa)
5. Soul way to learn people’s experiences (Kaluluwa)

*Filiations of SP

1. Academic-scientific psycholgy of Western tradition

2. Academic philiosophical psychology (UST Thomistic philosophy/psychology)
3. Psycho-medical system with relation as cohesive element and explanantion
4. Ethnic Psychology- integration of academic - scientific psych & academic-
philosophical psych

Major Characteristics of Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP)

1. Empirical philosophy
2. Rational philosophy
3. Liberalism philosophy

Principal Methods of Investigation: SP

1. Cross indigenous method

2. Multi-method multi language approach
3. Appropriate field methods
4. Total approach (Triangulation method)
Castillo, Erica Marie A.

Research Models

1. Models of Data Collection

1.1. Self-Orientation
 Data collector (researcher) and contributor (participant) relate to each other
only to the extent when the other stops responding; e.g. lab-based studies of
 Communication
1.2. Experimenter-orientation model
 Data collector appear to influence, data of contributor appear to be
 Imbalance of power in favor of data collector
1.3. Reactive orientation
 Participant in data collection-reacting to what is currently taking place
1.4. Mutual orientation
 Data collector an dcontributor give something to or gain somethng from
data collection
 E.g. Piaget-conservation
 Indigenous Psychology Research uses this model as the cultural researcher
is a culture bearer himself
2. Researcher-Researchee Relationship Model
2.1. Scale of Researcher
 Methods used by researcher in general data-tried and tested, culturally
2.2. Scale of Relationship or Interaction Between Researcher and Researchee
 Level of interaction between researcher and researchee significantly
determines the quality of data obtained
 Steps: Levels of Relationship involved
1) Ibang tao category (outsider)
 Pakikitungo
 Pakikisalimuha
 Pakikilhok
 Pakikibagay
 Pakikisama
2) Hindi Ibang tao category (One-of-us)
 Pakikipagpalagayang loob
 Pakikisangkot
Castillo, Erica Marie A.

 Pakikiisa
3. Filipino Indigenous Research Methods/ Collective Indigenous Methods
3.1. Characteristics of:
 Community dialogue
 Focused-group discussion
 Natural cluster interview
 Group affestation
3.2. Puts premium on:
 Cultural approppriateness
 An ordinary get-together
4. Method to be Used in Research
4.1. Chosen on basis of appropriateness to population and
4.2. Made to adapt to existing cultural norms
5. Language of People should be language of researcher at all times

*Guidelines: Principles in use of Indigenous Research Methods

Filipino Indigenous Research Methods (Approaches and Techniques):

Qualitative rather than quantitatve approach

1. Pakapa-kapa (groping, a field method)

2. Pagtatanong-tanong
3. Pakikiramdam
4. Pakikipagkwentuhan
5. Ginabayang talakan
6. Pakikisama
7. Pagdalaw-dalaw
8. Panunuluyan

1) Pakapa-kapa
 Groping, searching, probing into an unsystematized........
 Implies an exploration into a cultural, social, or psychological data without the
chains of overriding theoretical framework borrowed from observations
outside the focus of investigation
 Can be related to unobtrusive techniques b/c actual procedures for collecting
information may range from observations, documents.....
Castillo, Erica Marie A.

2) Pagtatanong-tanong
 “asking questions”
 Repitition of tanong indicates seriousness
1. Participative
2. Equality of status
3. Appropriate and adaptive
4. Integrated with other Indigenous methods
 Process, something
 Versus participative-has an idea of what wants
 Preparation:
o Part of everyday, casual interaction
o Researcher must plan very well
o Must be equipped with everything
 Process:
o Get to know the people, the place, the lifestyle
o Greet informants, give credentials
o Tell them the purpose of your study
o Give an estimate length of the session
o Guide questions
o Goodbye and thank you
 Principles
o Level of relationahip that exists between researcher and informant,
significant influences
o Issue of reliablilty: consistent response
o Probability of Investigator Bias and data contamination can be solved
by having more than 1 person do the pagtanong-tanong
o Representative sampling from as many informants as possible
o Family with language, values, and cultural norms

3) Pakikiramdam
 Paggamit ng damdamin, mata, at pandinig upang maintindihan o mabasa ang
ibig ipahiwatig ng kausap na ipinahahayag
 Could serve as a personality disposition, as a situational behavior, as a
coping mechanism
Castillo, Erica Marie A.

Areas of Protest:

SP is against:

1. Psychology that perpetuates the colonial status, the Filipino mind;

2. Psychology used for exploitation of the masses
3. Imposition to a third world country of psychologies developed in
indutrialized countries

Rethinking of Filipino Values

1. Bahala na
2. Hiya
3. Utang na loob
4. Pakikisama vs. Pakikipagkapwa

*Cross-Cultural Psychology

 Culture is generally operationalized as an antecedent variable

 Culture viewed-outside of, apart from individual culture
 Human activity seen as separable
o IV: culture
o V: individual
 Goal: carry a procedure established in one culture with known psychometric
properties, to one or more other cultures
 Derives its problems and procedures from established psychological
 Operationalizes culture as an antecedent or IV
 Culture is studied as an index
 Packages culture as an IV, the individual as the DV

*Cultural Psychology

 Culture not seen outside an individual but inside in an important way

 Culture is a way of knowing, construing the world and others
 Culture and behavior, culture and mind are viewed as indistinguishable
Castillo, Erica Marie A.

 Derives problems and procedures from analysis of nature of culture

 Studies cultural prcoesses directly
 2 kinds of psychological processes:
1. Construction of meaning
 Interpretation of what’s said and activities done by what’s said and
given by that culture)
 Stems from symbolic analysis of culture
 Key aspect: interpretation- the notion that culture provides a lens,
through which we see and evaluate th world
2. Development and socialization
 Attempts to study the diachronic processes.......
 Has made ethnotheories of psyhcological functioning and development

*Indigenous Psychology

 Native psychology that is not transplanted from other cultures

 Indigenization: adaptation of psychology originally form other cultures
 Prime subject of study is the subject’s creation of meaning system that are
shared or normative within a defined cultural group
 Psychological theories are important aspects of shard cultural meaning
 Psychological concepts and psychological theory should be developed within
each culture
 Goal: to take informal folk theories of psychological functioning and formalize
them into psychological theories
 Has moved ethnopsychology from an object of empirical study to a source of
 Tends to privilege the elite opoulationas subjects of study and culture
 Tends to study variables vs. Processes
 Most often utilizes standard psychological methodology such as questionnaire
 Why the slow development of IP?
o Respect their mentors
o Difficult to go against them and what they’ve established
o Filipino culture, Enriquez went against and beleived Filipinos with own
psychology-can’t interpret Western Culture to Filipino setting
o Resistance to change-collective group (collectivism)

*Aspects of Indigenization *SP Major Characteristics

Castillo, Erica Marie A.

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