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Grade School/High School Department

Technological and Livelihood Education 8
3rdQuarter, SY 2018-2019
Title:Food LabelsProposed Deadline: _________________
In Class Project (# of periods): Take Home (# of days):__________
Group / Individual Others: ____________________
For the Research:

 The learners will find or search a food label from a can or a box of a prepared food and they will paste it
on a short bond paper.
 The learners will present it using the table below:


Total carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber




For the oral work:

 The learners will present their work which is the food label and give the information asked below.
1. The size of a single serving is__________.
2. The package contains __________ servings.
3. One serving contains __________ calories.
4. List all the ingredients the product contains.

 The learners will answer the question: If you were to eat the prepared food item you evaluated,
would it be a healthy choice? Why?

 The learners will know the nutrition facts and the ingredients facts of the prepared food they choose.
 They will also know the importance of checking or evaluating the food label before they eat it.
 Reading food labels can help them to learn to choose those foods they need to stay healthy.
Materials needed/costing:
• Short Bond paper
• Short white folder
• Fastener
Suggested Rating System/Criteria for Grading (*Paste RUBRICS at the back)
*see attachment
Directions to be given to the student:
Cut out a food label from a can or box of prepared food and paste it on a short bond paper. After
choosing a prepared food give the information asked and fill out the table above and present it in class.
Submitted by:
Erica Joy O. Calina Date Submitted: _________________
(Teacher’s Name and Signature)
Remark/s: ____________________________________________________________
Department Head
Rubrics for Oral Presentation in TLE 8

Criteria 4 3 2 1 Score

Content The students show all The students The students There is no
(100%) the needed show some are lacks 50% information
information about the (75%) of the of the /content
topic. needed information presented.
information about the
about the topic. topic.
Preparedness The students are The students The students The
completely prepared are completely seems pretty students do
and obviously prepared but prepared but not seem
rehearsed. might have might have ready to
needed a couple needed a present.
of rehearsals. couple of
Speaksclearly Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly Speaks not Cannot be
distinctly all the time. and distinctly clearly. understood
most of the time. .
Volume The volume is loud The volume is The volume is The
enough to be heard loud enough to loud enough volume is
throughout the be heard most to be heard too soft to
presentation. of the time. some of the be heard
time. by the
Posture The student stands up The student The student The
straight,looks stands up sometimes student
confident and he/she straight but don’t stands up slouches
establishes eye look confident. straight and and/ordoes
contact with everyone But he/she sometimes notlookatpe
during the establishes establishes opleduring
presentation. sometimes eye eye contact presentatio
contact. with some of n.
the audience.
HPS: 32 points
Rubrics for Written Research in Technology and Livelihood Education 8


CRITERIA 10-9 8-7 6-5 4-3 SCORE

Quality of --All information --Source --Source

research(10) relevant to topic --Most reliability reliability
--Sufficient information questionable. questionable.
information relevant to Omitted
provided to thesis. information does
information are
support all --Sufficient not interfere with
not relevant to
elements of information ability of reader
the topic.
topic. provided to find the
--Research in- --Research of source.
provided is not
depth and the sufficient depth. --Some
to support some
beyond the information
elements of
obvious, relevant to the
revealing new topic.
insights gained. --Information
provided to
support some
elements of
Content(10) The content The content The content The content is
relates well with relates with the somewhat not all related to
the assigned assigned topic; relates with the assigned topic;
topic; reflects reflects assigned topic; does not reflect
complete understanding of reflects little understanding of
understanding of topic. understanding of topic.
topic. topic.
Grammar/Usag Almost entirely May contain few Contains several So many
e free of spelling, spelling, spelling, spelling,
punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and punctuation, and
grammatical grammar errors. grammar errors grammar errors
errors. which detract that the paper
from the paper’s cannot be
readability. understood.
Neatness(5) Extremely neat, Very neat; only Somewhat neat; Messy; little
no visible slight distortions obvious marks. attention paid to
erasure marks. can be seen. neatness.

TOTAL: HPS:30 points TOTAL:

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