Survey Questionnaire On The Effectiveness of Management and Accounting Systems of Specialized Industries On Water Refilling

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This questionnaire is designed to collect information about the effectiveness of the accounting and
management systems of specialized industries on water refilling. There are no correct or wrong answers
and your replies will be held in strict confidence.


1. Please answer ALL items as openly and spontaneously as possible by checking the box which
corresponds to your answer and best describes your evaluation.
2. The answers to the questions are in a range of 1 – 4 where; 1 is strongly disagree, 2 is disagree,
3 is agree, and 4 is strongly agree.
3. Please fill out the blanks provided in the demographic profile portion.


Name (Optional): _______________________________________________________________

Company Name: ________________________________________________________________

Location: ______________________________________________________________________

Years of Company Operation: _____________________

Management system being utilized:

[ ] Transaction processing system

[ ] Decision support system

[ ] Management information system

[ ] Expert system and artificial intelligence

Others (specify) ___________________________

Accounting system being utilized:

[ ] Manual

[ ] Spreadsheet

[ ] Software

Others (specify) ____________________________


Accounting System
4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

4 3 2 1
1. The company uses efficient accounting programs and systems which
contribute to improving the quality of accounting information and
2. The company provides the suitable hardware that is required to operate
the accounting programs and software which contributes to improving
the quality of accounting information and reports.
3. The accounting systems applied in the company contribute in improving
the internal control structure and internal auditing.
4. The accounting systems which reduce the cases of fraud in the
accounting data which contributes to improving the quality of
accounting information and reports.
5. The accounting systems applied by the company contribute in
improving the quality and type of products and services.
6. The accounting systems applied by the company contribute in reducing
production and additional costs.
7. The accounting systems applied by the company contribute in
improving communication channels between users of the accounting
8. The accounting systems applied by the company contribute in the
rationalization and support of administrative decisions.
9. The accounting information system at the company provides
predictable financial information which assists the management in
finalizing the company’s future plans.
10. The accounting system has a great significance by the management
perspective in improving levels of strategic plans.
11. The accounting information system at the company provides effectively
in direct specifications of the company goals and multiple alternatives
to fulfill the functions of planning.
12. Accounting information in the company provided a basis for planning
financial and human resources.
13. Accounting information systems in the company provides standards and
observation indicators which enable the management to detect
violations in addition to analyzing their causes and solve them.
14. Accounting information systems in the company provides additional
information such as (analytical lists, statistical tables, and charts).
15. Accounting information systems provide the user of accounting data
with financial reports periodically and regularly.
Management System
4 – Strongly Agree 3 – Agree 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

4 3 2 1
1. Information system allows the use of electronic databases.
2. The company continuously updates devices.
3. The management believes the importance of information system.
4. The organization uses advanced communications network.
5. Easily share information and file within the same network.
6. The organization is improving the administrative process based on
performance measurement output.
7. The information available is appropriate to complete the work.
8. The company’s management is concerned with training and continuous
education programs for employees in a department which increase
their level of qualification and in turn contributes to improving the
quality of accounting information and reports.
9. Information is suitable with all managerial level.
10. Information system helps in improving the efficiency of employee in the
administrative system.
11. Information systems help in support decision making activities within
the administrative system.
12. There is an administrative unit specializing in measuring the
performance of employee.
13. The company’s policies include specific and clear responsibilities and
authorities for all employees in a department which contributes to
improving the quality of accounting information and reports.
14. Employees know how their performance impacts the organization.
15. Employees have the knowledge about organizational goals.

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