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MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5


BLOCK 1: Listening strategies.

Mobilisation of expectations, identification of codes and inferences and checking and

reformulation of hypothesis.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, polite expressions and

registers; customs, values, believes and attitudes; non-verbal language.

Communicative functions:
- Greetings and presentations, apologising, expressing appreciation, invitations.

- Expressing ability, likes, preferences, opinions, agreement and disagreement,

feelings and intentions.

- Description of people, activities, places, objects, routines and arrangements.

- Narration of remote and recent past facts.

- Asking for and offering help, information, instructions, objects, opinion and

- Establishing and maintaining communication.

Syntactic-discursive structures.

High frequency oral lexicon (reception) relating to personal identification: house, home and
environment; everyday activities; family and friends; job and occupations; free time, leisure
and sport; travelling and holidays; health and physical cares; education and studying;
shopping and commercial activities; food and restaurants; transport; language and
communication; environment, weather and natural environment; and ICTs.

Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns.

BLOCK 2: Speaking strategies:

Planning, execution and control through linguistic, paralinguistic and para-textual


Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, polite expressions and

registers; customs, values, believes and attitudes; non-verbal language.

Communicative functions:
- Greetings and presentations, apologising, expressing appreciation, invitations.

- Expressing ability, likes, preferences, opinions, agreement and disagreement,

feelings and intentions.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5

- Description of people, activities, places, objects, routines and arrangements.

- Narration of remote and recent past facts.

- Asking for and offering help, information, instructions, objects, opinion and

- Establishing and maintaining communication.

Syntactic-discursive structures.

High frequency oral lexicon (production) relating to personal identification: house, home
and environment; everyday activities; family and friends; job and occupations; free time,
leisure and sport; travelling and holidays; health and physical cares; education and
studying; shopping and commercial activities; food and restaurants; transport; language
and communication; environment, weather and natural environment; and ICTs.

Sound, accent, rhythm and intonation patterns.

BLOCK 3: Reading strategies:

Mobilisationof expectations, identification of codes and inferences and checking and

reformulation of hypothesis.

Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, polite expressions and

registers; customs, values, believes and attitudes; non-verbal language.

Communicative functions:
- Greetings and presentations, apologising, expressing appreciation, invitations.

- Expressing ability, likes, preferences, opinions, agreement and disagreement,

feelings and intentions.

- Description of people, activities, places, objects, routines and arrangements.

- Narration of remote and recent past facts.

- Asking for and offering help, information, instructions, objects, opinion and

- Establishing and maintaining communication.

Syntactic-discursive structures.

High frequency written lexicon (reception) relating to personal identification: house, home
and environment; everyday activities; family and friends; job and occupations; free time,
leisure and sport; travelling and holidays; health and physical cares; education and
studying; shopping and commercial activities; food and restaurants; transport; language
and communication; environment, weather and natural environment; and ICTs.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5

Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions.

BLOCK 4: Writing strategies

Planning, execution and control through linguistic, paralinguistic and para-textual


Sociocultural and sociolinguistic aspects: social conventions, polite expressions and

registers; customs, values, believes and attitudes; non-verbal language.

Communicative functions:
- Greetings and presentations, apologising, expressing appreciation, invitations.

- Expressing ability, likes, preferences, opinions, agreement and disagreement,

feelings and intentions.

- Description of people, activities, places, objects, routines and arrangements.

- Narration of remote and recent past facts.

- Asking for and offering help, information, instructions, objects, opinion and

- Establishing and maintaining communication.

Syntactic-discursive structures.

High frequency written lexicon (production) relating to personal identification: house,

home and environment; everyday activities; family and friends; job and occupations; free
time, leisure and sport; travelling and holidays; health and physical cares; education and
studying; shopping and commercial activities; food and restaurants; transport; language
and communication; environment, weather and natural environment; and ICTs.

Graphic patterns and orthographic conventions.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5



a) To know and apply the more suitable basic strategies for the comprehension of the
general idea, essential information or the main aspects of a text.
b) To identify basic, concrete and relevant socio-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects about
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, celebrations), life conditions (housing, environment),
interpersonal relationships (family, friends, school), behaviour (gestures, use of the voice,
physical contact) and social conventions (courtesy rules), and to apply the knowledge acquired
from them to the proper understanding of a text.
c) To identify the general idea, essential information and the main aspects of brief and
simple oral texts and clearly and slowly read texts with simple structures, high frequency
lexicon, transmitted orally or using ICT about familiar topics related to their experiences, needs
and interests in familiar contexts. Always considering that the acoustic conditions are good,
the message can be heard more than once, the students can ask for confirmation and that
visual aids or a clear contextual reference are at their disposal.
d) To discriminate basic sound patterns, stress, rhythm and intonation and recognise the
meanings and general communicative intentions related thereto.
e) To distinguish the principal communicative function or functions of the text (e.g. a
request for information, an order, or an offer) and a limited range of their most common
exponents as well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g. start and conversational closure or
the schematic narrative points).
f) To recognise the most common meanings associated with basic syntactic structures
typical of oral communication (e.g. interrogative structure to ask for information).
g) To recognise a limited range of oral high frequency vocabulary on everyday situations
and customary and specific topics related to their own experiences, needs and interests, and
using context clues and information contained in the text to get an idea of the probable
meanings of words and expressions that are unknown.

a) To know and apply the basic strategies to produce very short and simple monological
or dialogical oral texts, using, e.g., formulas and previous language or memorised expressions
or using gestures to support what they want to express.
b) To know basic, concrete and significant socio-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects, and
apply the knowledge gained on them to oral production in a proper context, respecting the
most basic communicative conventions.
c) To participate in a simple and understandable way in very short conversations that
require a direct exchange of information in areas of need or on very familiar topics (oneself,
the environment, people, places, objects and activities, tastes and opinions) in a neutral or
informal register, using simple phrases and sentences and very often used, usually isolated
or linked with basic connectors, even though sometimes the pronunciation is not very clear,
pauses and hesitations are evident and repetition, paraphrasing and cooperation from the
conversational partner is necessary to maintain communication.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5

d) To interact in a very basic way, using very simple, linguistic or nonverbal techniques
(e.g. gestures or physical contact) to start, maintain, or end a short conversation.
e) To make themselves understood in short and simple interventions, although stammer,
hesitations, repetitions and pauses to organise, correct or rephrase what they mean; are
evident and frequent.
f) To use basic syntactical structures (e.g. linking words or groups of words with basic
connectors such as "and", "then", "but", "because"), although basic mistakes are still made
systematically in tenses or concordance.
g) To know and use a limited range of oral high frequency lexicon related to everyday
situations and customary and specific topics related to their own interests, experiences and
h) To fulfil the main communicative function of the text (e.g. a greeting, an exchange of
information, or an offer), using a limited number of their most common exponents and basic
discursive patterns (e.g. greetings to start and farewell to finish a conversation or a schematic
narration developed in points).

a) To know and apply the more suitable basic strategies for the comprehension of the
general idea, essential information or the main aspects of a text.
b) To identify basic, concrete and relevant socio-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects about
daily life (habits, schedules, activities, celebrations), life conditions (housing, environment),
interpersonal relationships (family, friends, school), behaviour (gestures, use of the voice,
physical contact) and social conventions (courtesy rules), and to apply the knowledge acquired
from them to the proper understanding of a text.
c) Identify the topic, the general sense, main ideas and specific information in texts, both
in print and in digital format, very short, simple, standard language and a vocabulary of high
frequency, and where the topic and the type of text are familiar, always considering that they
can reread what has not been understood, consult a dictionary and have obtained visual and
contextual support.
d) To recognise the most common meanings associated with basic syntactic structures
typical of written communication (e.g. interrogative structure to ask for information).
e) To recognise a limited range of oral high frequency vocabulary on everyday situations
and customary and specific topics related to their own experiences, needs and interests, and
using context clues and information contained in the text to get an idea of the probable
meanings of words and expressions that are unknown.
f) To distinguish the principal communicative function or functions of the text (e.g. a card,
a request of information, or an offer) and a limited range of their most common exponents as
well as the basic discursive patterns (e.g. opening and closing of a letter, or the points of a
schematic description).
g) To recognise the basic orthographic signs (e.g. full stop, comma), as well as common
symbols (e.g. ☺, @, ₤), and identify the meanings and general communicative intentions
related thereto.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5


a) To know and apply the basic strategies to produce very short and simple written texts,
e.g., copying very common words and sentences to carry out the communicative functions
b) To apply graphic patterns and basic orthographic conventions to write words or short
phrases that are commonly used in speech with reasonable accurateness, but not necessarily
with a fully standardised spelling.
c) To compose on paper or electronically, very short and simple texts, with isolated
phrases, in a neutral or informal register, using the basic orthographic conventions and main
signs of punctuation, with a reasonable level of correction to talk about themselves, their
environment and aspects of their daily life, in familiar and predictable situations.
d) To use basic syntactical structures (e.g. linking words or groups of words with basic
connectors such as "and", "then", "but", "because"), although basic mistakes are still made
systematically in tenses or concordance.
e) To know and use a limited range of written high frequency lexicon related to everyday
situations and customary and specific topics related to their own interests, experiences and
f) To know basic, concrete and significant socio-cultural and sociolinguistic aspects (p. e.
the conventions on the opening and closing of a letter to acquaintances), and apply the
knowledge gained on them to a written production that is suitable for the context, respecting
the basic rules of courtesy.
g) To fulfil the main communicative function of the written text (e.g. a greeting, an exchange
of information, or an offer), using a limited number of their most common exponents and basic
discursive patterns (e.g. greetings to start and farewell to finish a letter or a schematic narration
developed in points).

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5


BLOCK 1: Comprehension of Oral Texts

1. Infers the meaning of words and expressions from simple oral texts
2. Differentiates commands, questions, descriptions and suggestions from oral texts,
using technological medium
3. Understands the main ideas from face-to-face presentations about familiar or
interesting topics
4. Identifies etiquette rules from English speaking countries
5. Identifies specific information from face-to-face conversations about habitual topics.
6. Identifiesthe gist and main features from audiovisual contents related to their interests.
7. Extracts specific information from audiovisual contents related to their interests.
8. Identifies and understands frequently used vocabulary related to daily matters

BLOCK 2: Production of oral texts: expression and interaction

1. Produces simple oral texts using memorized expressions, synonyms, and frequently used
vocabulary as well as non-verbal communication.
2. Takes part in face-to-face informal conversations, or on the phone or by other means,
showing interest about others, expressing feelings and giving instructions about how to arrive
some place on a map
3. Uses vocabulary and expressions from English speaking countries in contrast to their own,
using appropriate etiquette in oral texts.
4. Actively participates in dramatizations of simple plays
5. Delivers short, rehearsed presentations about habitual routines and daily matters with
acceptable pronunciation and fluency
6. Participates actively in a spontaneous way in classroom tasks using English to
communicate the message.
7. Participates in cooperative activities in the planning and performance of simulations
8. Uses basic syntactic structures in their oral presentations, although still making basic and
systematic mistakes (e.g. agreement, tenses…)
9. Uses accurately frequently used vocabulary and structures to express their experiences

BLOCK 3: Comprehension of written texts

1. Infers the meaning of words and expressions from simple written texts
2. Relates spelling, pronunciation and meanings from some words in order to understand
simple texts when they read
3. Makes use of previous knowledge from English speaking countries when reading
4. Understands the main idea, from simple pieces of news and articles adapted to their age
and interests having the possibility of using the dictionary
5. Extracts specific information in order to perform a task (e.g. questions from a narrative)
from written texts (on paper or digital)
6. Distinguishes among an information request, an instruction, an exclamation and a
question in written texts
7. Identifies commonly used spelling and orthographic symbols also used in their mother

BLOCK 4: Production of written texts: expression and interaction

1. Revises and check the written task before its presentation

2. Writes in a reasonable accurate way simple texts previously worked on dictation

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

MASTER OPOSICIONES _____________________________ CURRICULUM OF YEAR 5

3. Uses basic discursive patterns (beginning, development, ending of a conversation) in

different text types (e.g. mail, letter, blog, etc)
4. Uses accurately basic vocabulary and syntactic structures in order to express basic written
experiences or interests
5. Makes use of their knowledge about expressions and traditions from English speaking
countries in written texts using basic etiquette norms.

Daniel Andúgar - Juan José Bastida

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