Stock Law - Kaufman County

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. Order declaring results of Stock ~leot4on Hold August 14,1926.
~hie day came on ror consideration the returns of an election heljl in Kaurman
CoUJltf on of "ueust,1926 for the purpos sat detormining whether horses, mules,
Jaoks,Jennetts and cattle should be prohibited from runnine at laree in said'man "ounty,.'
and 1t appearine to the Court that said eleotlon wao legally held aa:l. in acoordaa.oe with
law in such cases made and provided and it appearine to the Court that there were cast tar
"the :Stock Law 8:>6 votes and 61 votes were cast against "'The Stock lJlw",
~t ic therefore ordered adJudged and decreed by the ~ourt that said 'praparitian to
prohibit the said stock named above from ruiinine at large in said Xau!cian Uoun.ty,Texaa oarr ed
by a maJorit)' ac 7ffii"" votes .And the'°ounty Judge w111 issue ~ois proclamation 1n aooord.anoe J
with the results or said election as provited by law, •
Chas.Ashworth,woUJlty <udee.
Joe ~llis Coo.Dist. No. l
H.P.Colquttt. Co, Dist ao, 2,
S,K.Lagow, Co~.Dist. ~o. 3
D.H.~hitaker Uom.~ist. llo, 4,
- - ----- - - - - - - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - .'
August 10,1926. ;the :Corego:Log millutea examined, approved and 1t is ordered.
that the Court do · now adJoUlUi tor

----- -- -- -- - - -- -- -
Be U. remembered ti. t on -"uguat :>1st ;1926 there was· beeun a.'!d holden a special term
ot the Co!!lllliasioners' Court in and tor Kaufman County,~exaa, in the City or Ka>.tman
at the Uourt nouae thereof with the Hon.Chaa•Ashworth,County Judse presiding,
Joe A1lis Commissioner .l:'reo. ~o. l, H.~.Oolcp.1tt 2, 3.ll.Lagow Com.Pree.
ng. a and D.H.Whitaker com.District Do. 4 when the tollow.il1g greoeedines among
others were had and entered ot record as follows to-wit:

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