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Marine Geology, 91 (1990) 299-312 299

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - - Printed in The Netherlands

Wave Refraction Patterns and Sediment Transport in

Monifieth Bay, Tay Estuary, Scotland

A H M E D M.A. A L - M A N S I

National Commission For Wildlife Conservation and Development, P.O. Box 61681, Riyadh 11575 (Saudi Arabia)

(Revision accepted August 30, 1989)


A1-Mansi, A.M.A., 1990. Wave refraction patterns and sediment transport in Monifieth Bay, Tay Estuary, Scotland.
Mar. Geol., 91: 299-312.

Monifieth Bay is floored by unconsolidated sediments dominated by medium to fine sand which rest on andesitic or
sandstone bedrocks. Wave activity dominates the shoreline processes and refraction diagrams constructed for the
prevailing southwesterly winds show waves sweeping towards the northwest between Monifieth and Broughty Ferry.
Only short-period waves from the southwest cross Aberty Sands and they refract to give northwestern motion paths in
this area.
Injection and recovery of fluorescent tracers at many sites under a range of tidal and wind conditions suggested that
the volume of sand transported in the intertidal zone ranges from 4.15 cm3/s to 129.76 cm3/s along the beach.
The complex bottom geomorphology of Monifieth Bay leads to differential potential wave erosion, depending on the
level of the tide and wave direction. Especially at low water ( - 5 to - 2 m), waves from the southwest are refracted and
create divergent paths of sediment movement, defining a zone of potential erosion. Waves from the southeast,
however, transport the sediment in a uniformly westerly direction along the coast.

Introduction (Grant, 1943). The w o r k performed by the

waves in the n e a r s h o r e zone m a y be a useful
The T a y Estuary, w h i c h is situated on the p a r a m e t e r for p r e d i c t i n g the w a v e - i n d u c e d
east coast of Scotland, links the rivers T a y and littoral t r a n s p o r t r a t e of sand (Scripps Institu-
E r a n with the N o r t h Sea. The Monifieth Bay tion of O c e a n o g r a p h y 1947), an idea followed
area is located in the U p p e r T a y E s t u a r y (Fig.l). by B a g n o l d (1963) w h o s u g g e s t e d t h a t the wave
W a v e s b r e a k i n g at an a n g l e to the shoreface m o t i o n provides the stress to s u p p o r t the sand
c a u s e n e t particle t r a n s p o r t a l o n g the beach. while a superimposed l o n g s h o r e c u r r e n t causes
However, v a r i a t i o n s in the g r a i n size of the l o n g s h o r e t r a n s p o r t .
sediments on the b e a c h a n d n o n - u n i f o r m i t y of Several l a b o r a t o r y e x p e r i m e n t s (Krumbein,
breakers, s w a s h and b a c k w a s h i n d u c e varia- 1944, Saville, 1950, S h a y and J o h n s o n , 1951,
tions in the m o t i o n s which, coupled with the J o h n s o n , 1953, S a u v a g e and Vincent, 1954,
effect of the tide-level changes, r e n d e r this Savage, 1959) h a v e been c o n d u c t e d to investi-
e n v i r o n m e n t of net t r a n s p o r t one of g r e a t gate the effect of w a v e energy, wave steepness,
complexity. and the a n g l e of wave a p p r o a c h on the r a t e of
L o n g s h o r e c u r r e n t s , c o m b i n e d with the agi- littoral sand t r a n s p o r t . All studies a g r e e t h a t
t a t i n g a c t i o n of the b r e a k i n g waves, g o v e r n the i n c r e a s i n g the w a v e a c t i v i t y resulted in an
r a t e at w h i c h sand moves a l o n g a coastline i n c r e a s i n g sand t r a n s p o r t rate.

0025-3227/90/$03.50 © 1990 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.


o~.,3, ~o. ~, ?, o3' o?.oo. ;3, 0o, o~..3,


) ", . B°ddo,/
.36.30. ~:


).0= • 20"

I3" "l
0 5 10 K m

o'3-25' 2'o, ,~" I~, ~3, o~-oo" ~3" ~'o' o~'43"

Fig.1. Location of the Tay Estuary and sites referred to in the text.

In the field, many techniques have been covery of a fixed volume of the sediment. In the
applied to the study of sand movement. Radio- former method, sampling entails using cards
active tracer techniques were used by Smith coated with a sticky substance such as grease
and Parsons (1965), Smith et al. (1965) and (Ingle, 1966) but the results obtained are
Smith et al. (1967) working in the Forth unsuitable for quantitative purposes• The pre-
Estuary using short half-life isotopes• Their cision (i.e., the number of grains obtained) is of
investigation used 46Sc as the radioactive course much greater for sampling by volume
isotope to trace silt and spoil movement on the than using cards• Volume sampling extends
bed and within the water of the outer Forth well into the moving sheet of sand and so gives
Estuary. a much better representation of the traces and
However, their studies were not directly sediment movement t h a n do the cards which
applied to the motion of beach sands. As the sample only the single uppermost layer of sand.
technique is both expensive and provides a Using fluorescent sands, Jolliffe (1963) found
potential health hazard, it is not suitable for that bed material (mean size 2.0 ¢) travelled at
use on recreational beaches such as those of least 2 miles from the injection site in a 3 week
Monifieth Bay. period• In contrast, on the Tasmanian coast the
Fluorescent dyes provide an alternative absence of littoral drift results from a low
means of following longshore sand transport, energy level (Davies and Hudson, 1987).
ideally, locally derived sands coated with thin Work carried out to identify the movement
films of material which fluoresce when exposed of sands of specific individual grain size
to ultraviolet light are released on the beach- (Yasso, 1965; Fox, 1978; Duane and James,
face. Sampling of beach material containing 1980) has suggested that fine particles move
injected tracer particles varies, and is either more rapidly alongshore than coarse material•
carried out by recovery of the upper sand Komar (1977) found that the minimum rate of
surface layer from the beachface or by re- transport was for sands of 1.75 ¢ diameter.

Finer and coarser particles migrated more a grid of points of known water depth (Fig.2)
rapidly. Blackley and Heathershaw (1982) have which is approximated by a quadratic surface.
demonstrated a minimum transport rate in Two groups of rays, from the North Sea and
sands of 2.25 ~ diameter, with coarser and finer from the Upper Tay Estuary were selected for
particles migrating more rapidly. analysis. Each was assigned a specified origin
The differences in the ease of transport of point for every individual ray, and every group
individual grain-size fractions demonstrated was represented by a straight line which was
by Komar (1977) and Blackley and Heather- permitted to become curved as it travelled from
shaw (1982) may be the result of different deep to shallower water. The refraction pat-
waves, tidal current regimes and the nature, terns were examined using wave periods of 3, 4
especially the particle shapes, of the sediments and 6 s and wave heights of 1.5 m, conditions
at the experimental sites. which correspond fairly closely to those typi-
cal of the area.
Following the study of the wave refraction
patterns, a series of tracer injection sites was
established throughout the study area (Fig.3).
The program used in analysing the data is Some sites were examined more than once,
that of Dobson (1967), modified to suit the under conditions of differing wave conditions,
study area. It is based largely on the refraction and the remainder during a range of differ-
theory as obtained by the direct application of ent conditions of wave energy. In a second
Snell's Law. group of experiments injections and recoveries
The technique requires the establishment of were made at two sites simultaneously for


QZ" ~0" 02 e 45 '

Fig.2. Locality map showing the distribution of the principal channels and banks (based on Admiralty Chart 1481, 1976)
Depth in metres.

02e50 ' 02 ° 4 5 '

/ ,B
,.-, . . , / . . . .- . . . . . ,-c.

56"30 ~

TQy Estuery

02"50' 0 2 °45"

Fig.3. Sites of tracer injection experiments in Monifieth Bay.

comparative purposes. In all cases, the field required) into the beach face or foreshore zone
experiments were carried out during spring and replacing the removed sand with fluores-
tides. cent sand.
The experiments were designed to measure The location of every injection site was
the effect of the direction of waves, i.e. the marked by driving two wooden posts into the
movement of tracers under waves from the beach in line with the centre of the injection
North Sea and waves from up estuary, attempt- site, and measuring the distance from the
ing to relate sand mobility to coastal erosion. nearest post of the injection point.
At each site, the direction of the t r a c e r The sampling grid, which extended up to
movement and rates of local bed movement 20 m offshore and 30 m alongshore, was estab-
alongshore were estimated. lished at 5 m intervals. The actual points of the
A suitable fluorescent sand was purchased grid were located by measuring from the centre
from British Industrial Sand. At all locations, of the injection site. All samples were obtained
the material for injection was prepared so t ha t with by volume sampling and stored in poly-
the cumulative frequency curves as defined by thene bags. The sampler penetrates the beach
sieving at ¼¢ intervals were typical of the to a depth of 5 cm and obtains a volume of sand
cumulative curves for the beach concerned. of about 450 cm 3. An additional sample was
The amount of fluorescent sand injected for taken from the injection point using a glass
each test varied from 13 to 26 kg according to cylinder in order to measure the thickness of
predetermined characteristics of the beach the tidally mobile sand resting on top of the
locality under investigation. residual fluorescent sand.
The injections was completed at low water in Upon r e t u r n i n g from the field the volume
the intertidal zone by digging a shallow samples obtained from the grid sampling pro-
cylinder (radius 25 cm, depth from 4 to 8 cm as gramme were washed three times to remove the

s a l t a n d a n y o r g a n i s m s . A f t e r drying, e a c h W a v e refraction o f w a v e s originating

s a m p l e w a s divided b y a m e c h a n i c a l s p l i t t e r to from the e s t u a r y
f o r m s u b s a m p l e s (25-30 g). T h e m a t e r i a l w a s
t h e n s p r e a d o u t to a t h i c k n e s s of o n e g r a i n T h e s e q u e n c e of r e f r a c t i o n d i a g r a m s con-
l a y e r on a b o a r d p a i n t e d dull b l a c k a n d structed from water depth variation through
b e a r i n g grid lines d r a w n to aid in t h e count- the r i s i n g tide (Figs.4 a n d 5) r e v e a l s p a t t e r n s of
ing of t r a c e r grains. T h e s a m p l e w a s s c a n n e d c h a n g e in w a v e r e f r a c t i o n . In the e a r l y p a r t of
u n d e r a n u l t r a v i o l e t light in a d a r k room. T h e the cycle, n e a r low w a t e r t h e r e is s t r o n g
t r a c e r g r a i n s w h i c h glowed b r i g h t red w h e n c o n v e r g e n c e of w a v e o r t h o g o n a l s on B u d d o n
excited by u l t r a v i o l e t light w e r e easily Ness b e a c h a n d a s p r e a d i n g of t h e r a y s
counted. elsewhere. As t h e tide a d v a n c e s a n d t h e w a t e r


~, ~ HWm-4/

Fig.4. Wave refraction of 150 cm high waves of 6 s period Fig.5. Wave refraction of 150 cm high waves of 4 s period
showing the changing patterns of wave refraction during showing the changing pattern of wave refraction during
the tidal cycle. the tidal cycle.

extends further shorewards, the degree of converged onto Broughty Ferry beach west of
convergence at Buddon Ness beach decreases Barnhill Point and to some extent in the
until within 1 m of high water the rays (of 4 s Dighty Water area, but otherwise the energy
waves) are parallel as far as the mouth of was widely distributed along Buddon Ness and
Buddon Burn. Early in the tide, the orthogo- Monifieth beaches (Fig.7).
nals were strongly deflected towards the The longer period (4 s) waves were more
Dighty Water area, but the bending decreased effectively filtered by Abertay Sands, and few
towards high water. rays reached the northern shoreline. Two are
The spacing of rays on the beachface reflects shown to reach the Dighty Water mouth area
energy concentration on the coast. Strong and two others bend to reach the Buddon
clustering of rays is associated with high beaches. Regarding the waves produced by
erosion potential, and spreading with deposi- westerly winds, the 3 s waves derived from the
tion. Thus, at Buddon Ness the erosion is southeast varied in height along the coast from
greatest near low water but falls as the tide 0.3 to 1.5m, according to locality. The 4s
rises, whereas at Monifieth erosion potential it waves varied in height by up to 1.8 m. For all
is non-existent at low water, becoming signifi- waves with periods > 4 s, virtually all the rays
cant only after mid-tide is reached. The zone are intercepted by Abertay Sands, which there-
between Barnhill Point and the west of Moni- fore play a major filtering role, protecting the
fieth beach is one of high depositional poten- whole Monifieth Bay coastline from attack by
tial, with a slightly smaller probability of the potentially most damaging waves.
deposition west of the mouth of Buddon Burn.
The ray concentration at Monifieth beach is The stirring effect o f w a v e s a g a i n s t t h e
largely a function of deeper water offshore. current
The refraction pattern of 6 s waves generally
involves greater potential erosion at Moni- The movement of the tidal wave in the Tay
fieth. The active zone is displaced east towards Estuary has been measured with a series of
the mouth of Buddon Burn. Early ray curva-
tidal gauges by Allen (1948), Buller et al. (1972)
ture and late tide ray parallelism at Buddon
and McManus (1984). All have shown t h a t the
Ness is less well developed. It appears that the
tidal wave exhibits a similar range at Buddon
zones of convergence and divergence are
Ness and Dundee. The level of the high tide of
displaced eastwards and become more distinct
the Tay Estuary ranges from 5.8 to 4 m in
than in the case of the period waves.
spring and neap tide respectively. The maxi-
Wave refraction of waves originating mum current velocity recorded in the study
f r o m the N o r t h S e a area was 1.47 m/s (Land and Marine Engineer-
ing, 1983).
Because wave height is a function of wind The interaction of tidal currents with waves
velocity, duration and fetch, the waves which has a significant effect on wave refraction. The
originate from the North Sea are more power- bidirectional currents provided within the
ful than those from within the estuary. estuary can induce different refraction pat-
When winds induce waves to approach the terns on rising and falling tides. The effect of
coast from the southeast 4 s period waves are currents on wave refraction is not directly
refracted by Abertay Sands and travel towards related to the shallow water. The current
the coast of Tentsmuir (Fig.6). This prevents speeds of 1 and 2 m/s result in significant
powerful waves from the northeast directly differences in wave height and refraction
attacking the Broughty Ferry beaches, but (Christoffersen, 1982). Work by Barber (1985)
some of the powerful waves could reach the in areas of small tidal ranges has shown that
Monifieth and Buddon Ness beaches. ignoring currents which exceed 0.4 m/s can
At high water, 3 s period wave orthogonals result in grave errors in prediction of both

02." 5 0 ' 02*45*

56" "56"30'

Fig.6. Pattern of wave refraction with rays approaching the coast from the southeast. Wave period 4 s, significant wave
height 150 cm. High water condition.

wave height and direction of approach at the per kilogramme of sample were plotted on a
shoreline. diagram of the grid and contoured to provide a
In the estuary, waves from the southwest picture of the distribution of tracers at the time
during the flood tide show an increase curva- of sampling. The mean distance of transport is
ture in the orthogonals, while the ebb cur- calculated from the t racer distribution by
rent reduces the curvature. This effect may taking moments of c o n c e n t r a t i o n in the long-
also be predicted for waves from the south- shore direction about a perpendicular line
east. t hrough the injection point and using the
As a result, waves from the southwest during Crickmore and Lean (1962) equation:
the flood reduce the potential for sand trans-
port to the No r th Sea, whereas during the ebb ~ yC(x, y)
they increase the potential movement. Exactly Y 1 - x=o y=o®
the opposite is the case when the waves
originate from the southeast. x=O y=Oc~

where C(x, y) is the concent rat i on of t racer at a

D a t a t r e a t m e n t and c a l c u l a t i o n o f the
longshore distance of Y1 from the injection line
t r a n s p o r t o f f l u o r e s c e n t sand
and at an offshore distance X. The rate of sand
t ransport is expressed as:
The measured concentrations of t r acer
grains expressed as the number of t r a c e r grains Y1 = Y1/t

02 e 50" 02~ 45"

~6-30 ! 5 6 " 3 O"

OZ°50 S 02°45 '

Fig.7. Pattern of wave refraction with rays approachingfromthe southeast. Waveperiod 3 s, significantwave height 150 cm.
High water condition.

where t is the time elapsed between the Longshore transport of sand

injection and sampling. If b denotes the
measured thickness of the layer of sand moving The purpose of the experimental programme
along the beach, the bulk volume sand trans- is to investigate the path of the longshore
port rate along the beach is given by: transport of sands at Monifieth Bay. Figures 8
and 9 show the contour plots of tracer concen-
S 1 ~ ZbV 1 trations from sites D and E. These are obtained
from the grid samples. The tidally mobile sand
where X b is the width of the surface zone or
was measured from the injection point using a
glass cylinder. The volume transport ($1) and
Finally, the immersed weight transport rate
the immersed weight transport (I1) were evalu-
is calculated using the Bagnold (1963) equa-
ated from the sand advection rate (vl) and the
thickness of the tidally mobile beach sand. The
11 = (p~ - p ) g a S 1 data for wind speed and direction recorded at
RAF Leuchars were identified for each period
where p~ and p are the densities of sand and of injection (Table 1).
water respectively, a is the correction factor The sand migration path and the volume of
for pore space and considered to be 0.6 (as tidally mobile sand varied from site to site,
suggested by Bagnold), and the g is the depending on wave energy, breaking angle and
acceleration due to gravity. the geomorphological position of the injection

I ~J J

'0 5 10m
I i i

°~/~~J j jr • • ~~,~o•
.o~\÷ ~ ~
• ~ ¢0£"~5"\: •

Fig.8. C o n c e n t r a t i o n s ( t r a c e r grains/kg) at site E after 24 h.

~ 500

0 5 10m

Fig.9. C o n c e n t r a t i o n s ( t r a c e r grains/kg) at site D after 24 h.



ZZ r Z




"r-, X X X X X X X X X X 0

,-- e~


< 5 I I

site. The waves have a smaller effect on the periods than site E. Under similar stormy wave
wide beaches than on those areas with narrow conditions it was found t h a t the tidally mobile
foreshores. This is because there is much more sand was thicker at site D than at site C
dissipation of energy as waves cross the broad because no trace of the fluorescent sand was
sand areas, as seen by the development of found beneath the injection point at site D.
ripples in the foreshore zone. Plotting the thickness of the mobile layer
At sites A, B, D and G the sand moved along against the greatest recorded wind speed
a simple path. This movement was dependent during the experimental period (Fig.10) demon-
on the direction of the waves which were strates t h a t there is a probable interrelation-
originally created by wind activity. Waves ship. The link is almost certainly that of wave
from the southwest into Monifieth Bay moved power generated and expended.
the sand along the shore eastwards, whereas
waves from the southeast moving into Monifi- Discussion
eth Bay (sites C and E) showed a different
pattern. Here, with waves from the same Study of sand migration shows t h a t sediment
direction the movement was westwards. transport is mainly controlled by current
At site F the movement was both eastwards activity, associated with the motion of the
and westwards, but resulted in a net movement incident waves and secondary longshore and
eastwards. In constrast, at site E net motion rip currents. Data obtained from the Meteoro-
was westward under the same conditions. logical Office and from Ferentinos and
The thickness of the tidally mobile sand McManus (1981) revealed that the winds blow-
layer varied greatly along the beach, on the ing over the Tay Estuary are mainly from
upper shoreface and on the lower foreshore. either the east or the west. Winds from the
Under the same conditions it was found that north or south are unusual. The prevailing
the tidally mobile sand was 0.5 cm thicker at year-round wind direction is from the west
site E than at site F. This is unexpected (64% of all wind). However, during spring and
because site F was covered by water for longer summer the prevailing wind is from the east.


E G._B


.- 1
.c f

1 2 3 ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ g t'o i~ ;2 t'3 t'~ 1"s 1'6 1'7 (s I~ 2'o

Greatest recorded wind speed ( k n o t s l

Fig.10. V a r i a t i o n in t h i c k n e s s of t h e mobile s a n d l a y e r in r e l a t i o n to w i n d speed. - D a n d - B r e l a t e to w i n d s from t h e east.

All o t h e r d a t a r e l a t e to w i n d s f r o m t h e s o u t h w e s t .

Because wave direction in the estuary is during the action of powerful waves
dependent on wind direction, the waves caused (129.76 cm3/s) is four times greater t han under
by winds from the west determine the domi- the influence of small waves (32.59 cm3/s). The
n a n t direction of the annual sand transport. influence of tidal currents during a full semi-
When waves from the southwest enter Moni- drain tidal cycle indicates a net transport of
fieth Bay, a complex pa t t e r n of r a y directions is sand towards the N ort h Sea (A1-Mansi, 1986).
formed according to the stage in the cycle of This would appear to help in maintaining the
the tide. The refracted wave rays move the sand bar in the centre of the estuary, acting to
sand east or west depending on the level of the extend it towards the North Sea.
water, the latter leading to variations in the In the other case, when waves approach from
direction of the waves. The net sediment the south and east, there were no signs of
movement at sites C and E was towards the complex sand movement patterns because the
west, while the net movement at sites D and F rays of the refracted waves had the samd
was towards the east. This divergence of direction as the original waves.
sediment transport results in loss of the Brought y Ferry and Buddon Ness beaches
material in this zone (Fig.ll). Furthermore, in have simple patterns of sand movement. On
this zone AI-Mansi (1986) found t hat the both beaches, when the waves approach from
coastline has retreated by ~ 30 m over a period the southeast towards the coast the sand is
of 20 years (1957-1977), and it was found t hat moved towards the west. In contrast, waves
the level of the beach became depressed by from the west move the sand in the opposite
~ 7 0 c m over a period of 2 years. Erosion direction, i.e. to the east. However, in the
occurs because the volume of net transport outermost part of the bay, at Buddon Ness, the
under conditions of divergent flux is greater light and moderate winds from up estuary do
than t h a t entering the area along the beach- not induce waves which move sand eastwards
face. At site C, the volume of sand transport because of interference factors caused by the

02°50 , 02o45,
. . . . . . . I
I i bUooNaura, i. . . . . . . /'



> __. r,~,-.....

~. i t .
"~ I J t ""

"56"30 /

Tay Estuary

o" o~ - ~ 02*45'

Fig.]l. Sediment transport along the coast of the Tay Estuary.


intersection of waves from the North Sea with Crickmore, M.J. and Lean, G.H., 1962. The measurement of
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Acknowledgements In: Proc. Hydraul. Conf., 5th Univ. Iowa Stud. Eng. Bull.,
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The author expresses his gratitude to Dr. Jolliffe, I.P., 1963. A study of sand movements on the
John McManus of the University of Dundee lowest sandbank using fluorescent tracers. Geogr. J., 29:
for his helpful consultation during this study. I Komar, P.D., 1969. The longshore transport of sand on
would also like to t h a n k Dr. M. Sarrikostis and beaches. Ph.D Thesis, Univ. California, Sandiego, 143 pp.
Dr. I. A1-Affan for their help in the computing, Komar, P.D., 1977. Selective longshore rates of different
and Dr. Graham Child, Dr. M. Basyoni and grain size fractions within a beach. J. Sediment. Petrol.,
47: 1444-1453.
Faisal Ghazali for their valuable suggestions.
Krumbein, W.C., 1944. Shore currents and movement on a
model beach. U.S. Army Beach Erosion Board Tech.
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