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Second Year Second Term B.B.A.

(Honors) Examination 2001

Course # 211
(Office Management and Business Communication)
Full Marks: 80
Time: Four Hours

[N.B. All questions are of equal value. Numbers on the right margin indicates the full marks.
Answer any five of the following]

1. a. Define Office and Office Management. 3

b. As an executive, what should be your suggestions for managing a modern office? 10
c. What are the duties of an office manager? 5

2. a. What is Organizational Structure? Distinguish between line people and staff 5

b. State in brief the factors to be considered in providing Office Accommodations. 10
c. Why the selection of office location is so important? 3

3. a. Define Office Layout. 2

b. Discuss its importance. 3
c. Discuss the steps in layout. 9
d. What are the errors that you would avoid in case of office layout? 4

4. a. Make a list of essential qualities of good communication. 6

b. “Trust between sender and receiver is an important pre-requisites in all 3
communication”- Do you agree? Discuss
c. Discuss in brief the following models; 4
a) Berlor’s S-M-C-R Model;
b) Feedback Model
d. What are the differences between communication process and the communication 5

5. a. What is meant by channel of communication? 5

b. Highlight the important differentiating points between oral communication and 4
written communication. Of the two communications, which one is better
applicable? Why?
c. Explain what type of communications you would use in each communication 9
following situation?
a) Invite your friends in your office.
b) Informing employees about office situation.

6. a. Show the difference between formal and informal communication. 4

b. “Informal communication spreads rumor, untrue and distorted information very 6
fast”. Explain.
c. What is downward communication? Discuss its uses, advantages and drawbacks. 8
7 a. Discuss different barriers to communication? 3
b. Explain how the effects of these barriers may be minimized. 7
c. What is information overload? 8


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