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Second Year Second Term Examination 2000

Course # 222
(Principles of Marketing)
Full Marks – 90
Time – 4 Hours

[All questions are of equal value. Answer any five of the following]

1. a. “Marketing means creation of consumer”- Explain. 4

b. Discuss the philosophies, which guides the marketing efforts. 10
c. What are the challenges that should be faced in marketing of a product 4
in this century?

2. a. Strategic Planning means to face the challenge of environment-Discuss 2

b. What are the steps that should be considered in preparation of a strategic 4
c. How a business portfolio is designed? 4
d. Discuss the factors that influence company marketing effort. 8

3. a. Define Environment. 2
b. Describe the environmental forces that affect the company’s ability to 16
serve its customers.

4. a. Define Segmentation. 2
b. Define the three steps of target marketing. 4
c. List and discuss the major levels of market segmentation and bases for 12
segmenting consumer and business market.

5. a. What is a product? 2
b. How a new product development strategy is made? 8
c. Discuss in brief the product life cycle strategies. 8

6. a. What is product pricing? 2

b. Identify the factors affecting pricing decisions. 10
c. what are the general approaches to pricing 6

7. a. What is meant by physical distribution systems? 2

b. What are the functions of distribution channels? 4
c. What are the channel design decisions? 8
d. How the channel is managed? 6

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