COMM10 Summative Activity

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Baltazar, Dexter Patrick S.

/ COMM10 T2 / Mendoza

1. What rhetorical exigence spurred the writing of the commentary?

The rhetorical exigence present here is about the alleged alliance between the communist
and the liberal party and their pursuit to remove the president from his position.
2. Who is the rhetorical audience? What are the characteristics of this rhetorical audience?
The audience in this particular situation is most likely the followers of the president and
the blog. Since it was posted on social media, I would assume that their common ground is
their support for Digong. Basing on the comments, they are mostly in their late 30s.
3. What are the constraints on the post’s rhetorical effectiveness?
I believe that credibility of Mocha Uson and her blog is a big factor in terms of the liability
of the post. Moreover, this is not a proper commentary on the current issue because the post
was full of biases of her to the president.
4. Does the number of likes/shares/retweets make the commentary or post more credible? If
so, in what way? If not, why do you say so?
I think in this part of post, the likes/shares only showed the reactions of people to the post.
It is full of angry and laughing reactions from its viewers. This is one sign that the post only
garnered criticisms because it was not substantial enough to deliver a message to the people.
5. If the article was published only in offline media (newspapers, magazines etc.), would its
persuasive quality change? How and why?
Yes it would change the persuasive quality because the people would only be able to
evaluate one side of the story (which is in the perspective of the writer) .

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