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1. Match a description to the correct word. Write the word next to the correct number below. Remember there are extra words!

Points: _/10

1. When an animal does this action, it travels to a different place, usually when the season changes 1.

2. A large area of land covered with water and plants 2.

3. All the animals and plants that live wild in an area 3.

4. An area which divides parts of a country 4.

5. The protection of plants and animals, natural areas or important places. 5.

6. The study of living things 6.

7. When you give money to someone or help an organization 7.

8. When something doesn’t exist anymore 8.

9. A person who shows you around the place or tells you about the things living/happening there. 9.

10. The things you can see around you. 10.

2. Read the text then answer the questions.
Adapted from a text by Jo Williams.

The Parque Nacional de Doñana is one of Europe's most important wetland reserves and a major site for migrating birds. It is an incredibly big area;
the park and its surrounds are over 1,300 sq km in the provinces of Huelva, Sevilla and Cádiz. It is famous all over the world for its conservation of

As early as the thirteenth century, the kings of Castille set aside a portion of the Doñana as a royal hunting estate; later the dukes of Medina Sidonia
made it their private “coto” too. One of the duchesses of Medina Sidonia, Doña Ana de Silva y Mendoza, built a residence there that was more
hermitage than palace. As a result, the entire region came to be known as the 'forest of Doná Ana', or Doñana.

Nowadays the park has an enormous variety of bird species, some are permanent residents, and some are only winter visitors from north and central
Europe or summer visitors from Africa, like geese and beautiful flamingos.The park has three distinct kinds of ecosystem: the “marismas” or wetlands,
the Mediterranean scrublands and the coastal mobile dunes with their beaches. Many birdwatchers say it is probably the best park in Europe for
spotting rare birds.

The number of fauna and different species is incredible, there are 125 species of birds as well as 125 migratory bird species, 17 reptiles, nine
amphibians and eight species of fish. There is a rich variety of mammals, 28 species in total, with some in danger of extinction, such as the lynx and
the Egyptian mongoose. There are so many birds in some of the trees that they are called “las pajareras".

It became an official park in 1969 then in 1989 the surroundings of the national park were given more protection when a buffer zone was declared a
natural park under the management of the regional government. The two parks, national and natural, have since been classified as a single natural

Visitors can go around the park but the number of people is strictly controlled. You can take half-day trips with official guides or explore it on foot. This
is probably why the wildlife in the park is so happy because there aren’t a lot of tourists walking around it all the time. There are lots of things to keep
visitors occupied like horse riding or going around on foot just looking at all the lovely birds and wildlife; bird watching is probably one of the most
popular activities there. Everyone says Donaña is a great place for learning. There are lots of school excursions there. They get classes from some of
the people who work at the park about nature and the environment and how we can all help to make places like this park a good place for any animal,
bird, fish or reptile that lives there.

1. How did the park get its name?

2. Why is it famous?

3. Do all the bird species stay there all year?

4. Why is the park so important to the lynx?

5. Can people go there when they want?

6. Why do school children go to the park?

Points: /6
Find words in the text that mean:

A. the area around or near (paragraph 1)

B. many different types of something (paragraph 3)
C. to search and discover (paragraph 6)
D. a short journey or trip (paragraph 6)

Points: /6

3. Look at the words below. Choose 5 and write a definition for each. Use the example to help you.

Wildlife Visitors Flamingos Species Reptiles Trips Environment Dunes Landscape Variety

Example: RESERVE: A place where you can see animals and where they are protected.





Points: / 10

4. Answer the questions.

1. Do you think National Parks are important? Why, why not?

2. What is your favourite animal? Why?

3. Can you think of 2 things we can do to protect animals more?

4. Which is the most beautiful park in Catalonia, Balearic Islands or Spain? Why?

Points: /8

5. Imagine you are going walking in the mountains for a weekend. You’ve already got a lot of things to carry so you decide to take only
EIGHT of the items of equipment below:

Compass rucksack stove waterproof jacket pots and pans matches boots

map sewing kit sleeping bag tent whistle first-aid kit

Which eight things do you choose? Write a list and explain why you decided to take these things. Write about 100 words.

Points: / 10



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