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Sr. No. Subject Covered Page No.

1 Introduction to the study 1

2 Introduction to the Banking 2

3 History of Banking in India 3-4

4 Banking structure in India 5

5 Indian Banking Industry 6

6 Upcoming Foreign Banks in 7



8 Company Profile 9-10

9 Key Executives 11

10 Technology used in HDFC Bank 12

11 Products and customer segments 13-16

12 Business strategy 17

13 Inside HDFC Bank 18-22

14 Human resource 23

15 Rupees earned-Rupees spend 24

16 Recent development 25-26

17 Achievements in 2009 28

18 SWOT Analysis 29-30

19 Objectives 31

20 Research methodology 32-33

21 Data analysis & interpretation 34-51

22 Findings 52

23 Suggestions 53

24 Limitations 54

25 Conclusion 55

26 Bibliography 56
 What is customer satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction refers to how satisfied customers are with the products or services they
receive from a particular agency. The level of satisfaction is determined not only by the
quality and type of customer experience but also by the customer’s expectations.

A customer may be defined as someone who

 has a direct relationship with, or is directly affected by your agency and

 Receives or relies on one or more of your agency’s services or products.
Customers in human services are commonly referred to as service users, consumers or
clients. They can be individuals or groups. An organization with a strong customer service
culture places the customer at the centre of service design, planning and service delivery.
Customer centric organizations will:

 Determine the customer’s expectations when they planlisten to the customer as they
 Focus on the delivery of customer service activities value customer feedback when
they measure performance.

 Why is it important?
There are a number of reasons why customer satisfaction is important in Banking Sector:

Meeting the needs of the customer is the underlying rationale for the existence
of community service organizations. Customers have a right to quality
services that deliver outcomes.
Organizations that strive beyond minimum standards and exceed the
expectations of their customers are likely to be leaders in their sector.
Customers are recognized as key partners in shaping service development and
assessing quality of service delivery.

The process for measuring customer satisfaction and obtaining feedback on organizational
performance are valuable tools for quality and continuous service improvement

Banking means accepting the deposits from the customers for lending to the needy and
extending the other services as to issue of dd etc.nowadays after introduction of private
sector banks the banks have become a profit centre and the functions become changed
and now banks are doing the insurance and mutual funds also. but nationalised banks are
still service oriented in extending loans for Education loan, and rural development

A Bank is an organization which lends money to the borrowers for a purposeful task, and
provides a facility to deposit and withdraw money when needed and charge for it.

Phase I

The General Bank of India was set up in the year 1786. Next came Bank of Hindustan and
Bengal Bank. The East India Company established Bank of Bengal (1809), Bank of Bombay
(1840) and Bank of Madras (1843) as independent units and called it Presidency Banks.
These three banks were amalgamated in 1920 and Imperial Bank of India was established
which started as private shareholders banks, mostly Europeans shareholders.

In 1865 Allahabad Bank was established and first time exclusively by Indians, Punjab
National Bank Ltd. was set up in 1894 with headquarters at Lahore. Between 1906 and 1913,
Bank of India, Central Bank of India, Bank of Baroda, Canara Bank, Indian Bank, and Bank
of Mysore were set up. Reserve Bank of India came in 1935.

During the first phase the growth was very slow and banks also experienced periodic failures
between 1913 and 1948. There were approximately 1100 banks, mostly small. To streamline
the functioning and activities of commercial banks, the Government of India came up with
The Banking Companies Act, 1949 which was later changed to Banking Regulation Act 1949
as per amending Act of 1965 (Act No. 23 of 1965). Reserve Bank of India was vested with
extensive powers for the supervision of banking in India as the Banking Authority.

During those days public has lesser confidence in the banks. As an aftermath deposit
mobilisation was slow. Abreast of it the savings bank facility provided by the Postal
department was comparatively safer. Moreover, funds were largely given to traders.

Phase II

Government took major steps in this Indian Banking Sector Reform after independence. In
1955, it nationalised Imperial Bank of India with extensive banking facilities on a large scale
especially in rural and semi-urban areas. It formed State Bank of India to act as the principal
agent of RBI and to handle banking transactions of the Union and State Governments all over
the country.

Seven banks forming subsidiary of State Bank of India was nationalised in 1960 on 19th July,
1969, major process of nationalisation was carried out. It was the effort of the then Prime
Minister of India, Mrs. Indira Gandhi. 14 major commercial banks in the country were

Second phase of nationalisation Indian Banking Sector Reform was carried out in 1980 with
seven more banks. This step brought 80% of the banking segment in India under Government

The following are the steps taken by the Government of India to Regulate Banking Institutions in the

1949: Enactment of Banking Regulation Act.

1955: Nationalisation of State Bank of India.

1959: Nationalisation of SBI subsidiaries.

1961: Insurance cover extended to deposits.

1969: Nationalisation of 14 major banks.

1971: Creation of credit guarantee corporation.

1975: Creation of regional rural banks.

1980: Nationalisation of seven banks with deposits over 200 crore.

After the nationalisation of banks, the branches of the public sector bank India rose to approximately
800% in deposits and advances took a huge jump by 11,000%.

Banking in the sunshine of Government ownership gave the public implicit faith and immense
confidence about the sustainability of these institutions.
Phase III

This phase has introduced many more products and facilities in the banking sector in its reforms
measure. In 1991, under the chairmanship of M Narasimham, a committee was set up by his name
which worked for the liberalisation of banking practices.

The country is flooded with foreign banks and their ATM stations. Efforts are being put to give a
satisfactory service to customers. Phone banking and net banking is introduced. The entire system
became more convenient and swift. Time is given more importance than money.

The financial system of India has shown a great deal of resilience. It is sheltered from any crisis
triggered by any external macroeconomics shock as other East Asian Countries suffered. This is all
due to a flexible exchange rate regime, the foreign reserves are high, the capital account is not yet
fully convertible, and banks and their customers have limited foreign exchange exposure.

Scheduled Banks in India

(A) Scheduled Commercial Banks

Public sector Private sector Foreign Banks Regional Rural

Banks Banks in India Bank

(28) (27) (29) (102)

 Nationalized Bank
 Other Public
Sector Banks

 SBI and its


(B) Scheduled Cooperative Banks

Scheduled Urban Cooperative Scheduled State Cooperative

Banks (55) Banks (31)

Here we more concerned about private sector banks and competition among them. Today,
there are 27 private sector banks in the banking Sector: 19 old private sector banks and 8 new
private sector banks. These new banks have brought in state-of-the-art technology and
aggressively marketed their products. The Public sector banks arefacing a stiff competition
from the new private sector banks. The banks which have been setup in the 1990s under the
guidelines Of the Narasimham Committee are referred to as NEW PRIVATE SECTOR


The Indian banking market is growing at an astonishing rate, with Assets expected to reach
US$1 trillion by 2010. An expanding Economy, middle class, and technological
innovations are allContributing to this growth.

The country’s middle class accounts for over 320 million people.In correlation with the
growth of the economy, rising income levels,increased standard of living, and affordability of
banking products are promising factors for continued expansion.
The Indian banking Industry is in the middle of an IT revolution, focusing on the
expansion of retail and rural banking. Players are becoming increasingly customer - centric
in their approach, which has resulted in innovative methods of offering new banking
products and services. Banks are now realizing the importance of being a big player and
are beginning to focus their attention on mergers and acquisitions to take advantage of
economies of scale and/or comply with Basel II regulation.“Indian banking industry
assets are expected to reach US$1 trillion by 2010 and are poised to receive a greater
infusion of foreign capital,” says Prathima Rajan, analyst in Celent's banking group and
author of the report.“The banking industry should focus on having a small number of large
players that can compete globally rather than havinga large number of fragmented players."


By 2009 to 2010 few more names is going to be added in the list of foreign banks in India.
This is as an aftermath of the sudden interest shown by Reserve Bank of India paving
roadmap for foreign banks in India greater freedom in India. Among them is the world's best
private bank by Euro Money magazine, Switzerland's UBS.

The following are the list of foreign banks going to set up business in India:-

 Royal Bank of Scotland

 Switzerland's UBS
 US-based GE Capital
 Credit Suisse Group
 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China

The Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited (HDFC) was amongst the first to
receive an ‘in principle' approval from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) to set up a bank in
the private sector, as part of the RBI's liberalization of the Indian Banking Industry in 1994.
The bank was incorporated in August 1994 in the name of 'HDFC Bank Limited', with its
registered office in Mumbai, India. HDFC Bank commenced operations as a Scheduled
Commercial Bank in January 1995.

HDFC is India’s premier housing finance company and enjoys an impeccable track record in
India as well as in international markets. Since its inception in 1977, the Corporation has
maintaineda Consistent and healthy growth in its operations to remain the market leader in
mortgages. Its outstanding loan portfolio covers well over a million dwelling units. HDFC
has developed significant expertise in retail mortgage loans to different market segments and
also has a large corporate client basefor its housing related credit facilities. With its
experience in the financial markets, a strong marketreputation, large shareholder base and
unique consumer franchise, HDFC was ideally positioned to promote a bank in the Indian

HDFC Bank began operations in 1995 with a simple mission to be a “World Class Indian
Bank.” It realized that only a single mindedfocus on product quality and service excellence
would help us get there. Today, the Bank is proud to say that it is well on its way towards that

HDFC bank ltd provides various financial products and services. It operates in three
segments: Retail Banking, Wholesale Banking, and Treasury. The Retail banking segment
provides various deposit products, including savings Accounts, current accounts, fixed
deposits, and demat accounts. It also offers Auto, personal, commercial vehicle, home, gold,
and educational loans; loans Against securities and property and health care finance Working
capital finance, construction equipment finance, and warehouse Receipt loans, as well as
credit cards, debit cards, depository, investment Advisory, bill payments, and transactional
services. In addition, this segment Sells third party financial products, such as mutual funds
and insurance, as Well as distributes life and general insurance products through its tie-ups
with insurance companies and mutual fund houses. The wholesale banking Segment provides
loans, non-fund facilities, and transaction services to large Corporate, emerging corporate,
small and medium enterprise, supply chain,Public sector undertaking, central and state
government departments, and Institutional customers. It offers deposit and transaction
banking products, Supply chain financing, working capital and term finance, agricultural
loans, and funded non-funded treasury, and foreign exchange products. This segment’s
services include trade services, cash management, and money Market, custodial, tax
collection, and electronic banking. In addition, it provides correspondent bank services to co-
operative banks, private banks,foreign banks, and regional rural banks. The Treasury Services
segment operates primarily in areas, such as foreign exchange, money market, interest rate
trading, and Equities. As of March 31, 2009 HDFC bank had a network of 1,142 branches
And 3,295 automated teller machines in 528 cities in India. The company was founded in
1994 and is based in Mumbai, India.
March 2006 March 2007 March 2008 March 2009

Cities 228 316 327 528

Branches 535 684 761 1142

ATM’s 1323 1605 1977 3295

As of March 31, 2008, the Bank’s distribution network was at 761Branches and 1977 ATMs
in 327 cities as against 684 branches and 1,605 ATMs in 316 cities as of March 31, 2007.
Against the regulatory approvals for new branches in hand, the Bank expects to further
expand the branch network by around 150 branches by June 30, 2008. During the year, the
Bank stepped up retail customer acquisition with deposit accounts increasing from 6.2
million to 8.7 million and total cards issued (debit and credit cards) increasing from 7 million
to 9.2 million. Whilst credit growth in the banking system slowed down to about 22% for the
year ended 2008-09, the Bank’s net advances grew by 35.1% with retail advances growing
by 38.6% and wholesale advances growing by 30%, implying a higher market share in both

The transactional banking business also registered healthy growth with cash management
volumes increased by around 80% and trade services volumes by around 40% over the
previous year.Portfolio quality as of March 31, 2008 remained healthy with
grossnonperforming assets at 1.3% and net non-performing assets at 0.4% of total customer

Deepak Parekh

Executive Chairman

Aditya Puri

Managing Director, Director, Member of Investors Grievance (Share) Committee, Member of

Fraud Monitoring Committee, Member of Premises Committee, Member of Credit Approval
Committee and Member of Risk Monitoring Committee

Adil Patrawala

Chief Operating Officer of HDFC Securities Limited and Whole time Director of HDFC
Securities Limited

Sunil Shah

Managing Director of HDFC Securities Limited and Director of HDFC Securities Limited.

Harish Engineer

Head of Wholesale Banking, Executive Director and Member of Customer Service Committee.

Paresh Sukthankar

Head of Credit, Market Risk & Investor Relations, Executive Director and Member of Risk Monitoring

Debajeet Das

VP, Treasu

In the era of globalization each and every sector faced the stiff competition from their
rivals and world also converted into the flat from the globe. After the policy of liberalization
and RBI initiatives to take the step for the private sector banks, more and more changes are
taking the part into it. That are create competition between the private sector banks and public
sector bank.Private sector banks are today used the latest technology for thedifferent
transaction of day to day banking life. As we know thatInformation Technology plays the
vital role in the each and every industry and gives the optimum return from the limited

Banks are service industry and today it gives the innovative Technology application to
Banking industries. HDFC BANK is the leader in the industries and today IT and HDFC
BANK together combined they reached the sky. New technology changed the mind of the
customers and changed the queue concept from the history banking transaction. Today there
are different channels are availablefor the banking transactions. There are drastically changes
seen in the use of Internet banking, in a year 2001 (2%) and in the year 2008 (25%). This
type of technology gives the freedom to retail customers.
Centralized Processing Units Derived Economies of Scale

Electronic Straight Through Reduced Transaction Cost


Data Warehousing , CRM Improve cost efficiency, Cross


Innovative Technology Application Provide new or superior


HDFC BANK is the very consistent player in the new private sector banks.New private
sector banks to withstand the competition from public sector banks came up with innovative
products and superior service.


Loan Product Deposit Product Investment & Insurance

 Auto Loan  Saving a/c  Mutual Fund

 Loan Against  Current a/c  Bonds
Security  Fixed deposit  Knowledge Centre
 Loan Against  Demat a/c  Insurance
Property  Safe Deposit Lockers  General and Health
 Personal loan Insurance
 Credit card  Equity and Derivatives
 2-wheeler loan  Mudra Gold Bar
 Commercial vehicles
 Home loans
 Retail business
 Tractor loan
 Working Capital
 Construction
Equipment Finance
 Health Care Finance
 Education Loan
 Gold Loan

Cards Payment Services Access To Bank

 Credit Card  NetSafe  NetBanking

 Debit Card  Merchant  OneView
 Prepaid Card  Prepaid Refill  InstaAlert
 Billpay Mobile Banking
 Visa Billpay
 InstaPay
 DirectPay  Phone Banking
 VisaMoney Transfer  Email Statements
--------------------------------  Branch Network
 e–Monies Electronic
Funds Transfer
Forex Services
 Online Payment of
-------------------------------- Direct Tax

 Product & Services

 Trade Services
 Forex service Branch
 RBI Guidelines


Corporate Small and Medium Financial Institutions and

Enterprises Trusts

 Funded Services  Funded Services BANKS

 Non Funded  Non Funded Services
 Clearing Sub-Membership
Services  Specialized Services
  RTGS – sub membership
Value Added  Value added services
 Fund Transfer
Services  Internet Banking
 Internet Banking  ATM Tie-ups
 Corporate Salary a/c
 Tax Collection
Financial Institutions

Mutual Funds

Stock Brokers
Insurance Companies

Commodities Business


Total Deposits Gross Advances Net Revenue

Retail Wholesale

 HDFC Bank is a consistent player in the private sector Bank and have a well
balanced product and business mix in the Indian as well as overseas markets.

 Customer segments (retail & wholesale) account for 84% of Netrevenues (FY 2008)

 Higher retail revenues partly offset by higher operating and credit costs.

 Equally well positioned to grow both segments.

Accounts & Deposits Remittances

 Rupee Saving a/c  North America

 Rupee Current a/c  UK
 Rupee Fixed Deposits  Europe
 Foreign Currency Deposits  South East Asia
 Accounts for Returning Indians  Middle East
 Africa
 Others
Quick remit

India Link

Cheque Lockbox

Telegraphic/ Wire Transfer

Funds Transfer Cheques/DDs/TCs

Investment & Insurances Loans

 Mutual Funds  Home Loans

 Insurance  Loans Against Securities
 Private Banking  Loans Against Deposits
 Portfolio Investment Scheme  Gold Credit Card

Payment Services Access To Bank

 Net Safe
 Bill Pay
 InstaPay
 Direct Pay
 Visa Money
 Online Donation

HDFC BANK mission is to be "a World Class Indian Bank", benchmarking themselves
against international standards and best Practices in terms of product offerings, technology,
service levels,risk management and audit & compliance. The objective is to build sound
customer franchises across distinct businesses so as to be a preferred provider of banking
services for target retail and wholesale customer segments, and to achieve a healthy growth in
profitability, consistent with the Bank's risk appetite. Bank is committed to do this while
ensuring the highest levels of ethical standards, professional integrity, corporate governance
and regulatory compliance. Continue to develop new product and technology is the main
business strategy of the bank. Maintain good relation with the customers is the main and
prime objective of the bank.

HDFC BANK business strategy emphasizes the following:

 Increase market share in India’s expanding banking and financial services

industry by following a disciplined growth strategy focusing on quality and not on
quantity and deliveringhigh quality customer service.

 Leverage our technology platform and open scaleable systems to deliver more
products to more customers and to control operating costs.

 Maintain current high standards for asset quality through disciplined credit risk

 Develop innovative products and services that attract thetargeted customers and
address inefficiencies in the Indian financial sector.

 Continue to develop products and services that reduce bank’s cost of funds.

 Focus on high earnings growth with low volatility.




Focus on effective work place organization

Believe in

“Small changes lead to large improvement”

Every successful organization has their own strategy to win therace in the competitive
market. They use some technique andmethodology for smooth running of business. HDFC
BANK also acquired the Japanese technique for smooth running of work and effective work
place organization.

Five ‘S’ Part of Kaizen is the technique which is used in the bank For easy and systematic
work place and eliminating unnecessary things from the work place.

 It can be started immediately.

 Every one has to participate.
 Five “S” is an entirely people driven initiatives.
 Brings in concept of ownership.
 All wastages are made visible.

FIVE ‘S’ Means:-


(1) SORT:-
It focuses on eliminating unnecessary items from the work place.

It is excellent way to free up valuable floor space.

It segregates items as per “require and wanted”.

Frequently Less
Required Frequently
Remove Required
everything from

Wanted but
not required

Systematize is focus on efficient and effective Storage method.

That means it identify, organize and arrange retrieval.

It largely focuses on good labeling and identification practices.

Objective: - “A place for everything and everything in its place”.

(3) SPIC- n - SPAN:-

Spic-n-Span focuses on regular clearing and self inspection. It brings in the sense of ownership.

It focuses on simplification and standardization. It involves standard rules and policies. It establish
checklist to facilitate autonomous maintenance of workplace. It assigns responsibility for doing
various jobs and decides on Five S frequency.


It focuses on defining a new status and standard oforganized work place. Sustain means regular
training to maintain standards developed under S-4. It brings in self- discipline andcommitment
towards workplace organization.






For Example


1 – Work Station (1)

3 – Drawer (3)

A - Shelf (A)

6 – File Number (6)



Welcome Desk

Personal Banker

Relationship Manager

Branch Manager



In the HDFC BANK each department has their different color coding apply on the different file. Due
to this everyone aware about their particular color file which is coding on it and they save their
valuable time. It is a part of Kaizen and also included in the system of the Five ‘S’. Logic behind it
that, the color coding is always differentiating the things from the similar one.

The Bank’s staffing needs continued to increase during the yearparticularly in the retail banking
businesses in line with the business growth. Total number of employees increased from 14878 as
of March31, 2006 to 21477 as of March 31, 2007. The Bank continues tofocus on training its
employees on a continuing basis, both on the joband through training programs conducted by
internal and externalfaculty.

The Bank has consistently believed that broader employee ownership of its shares has a positive
impact on its performance and employee motivation. The Bank’s employee stock option scheme so
far covers around 9000 employees.

It is more important for every organization to know about from where and where to spent money.
And balanced between these two things rupee earned and rupee spent are required for smooth
running of business and financial soundness. This type of watch can control and eliminate the
unnecessary spending of business. In this diagram it include both things from where Bank earned
Rupee and where to spent.
HDFC BANK earned from the ‘Interest from Advances’ 51.14 %,‘Interest from Investment’ 27.12 %,
bank earned commission exchange and brokerage of 15.25 %. These are the major earning Sources
of the bank. Bank also earned from the Forex and

Derivatives and some other Interest Income.Bank spent 39.75 % on Interest Expense, 30.27 % on
Operating Expense and 14.58 % on Provision. Bank also spent Dividend and

Tax on dividend, Loss on Investment, Tax. As we discuss above that balancing is must between these
two for every organization especially in the era of globalization where there are stiff competition
among various market players.

The Reserve Bank of India has approved the schemeof amalgamation of Centurion Bank of Punjab
Ltd. with HDFC Bank Ltd. with effect from May 23, 2008.

All the branches of Centurion Bank of Punjab will function as branches of HDFC Bank with effect
from May 23, 2008. With RBI’s approval, all requisite statutory and regulatory approvals for
themerger have been obtained.

The combined entity would have a nationwide network of1167 branches; a strong deposit base of
around Rs.1,22,000 crores and net advances of around Rs.89,000 crores. The balance sheet size
ofthe combined entity would be over Rs.1,63,000 crores.

Merger with Centurion Bank of Punjab Limited

On March 27, 2008, the shareholders of the Bank accorded their consent to a scheme of
amalgamation of Centurion Bank of PunjabLimited with HDFC Bank Limited. The shareholders of
the Bank approved the issuance of one equity share of Rs.10/- each of HDFC Bank Limited for every
29 equity shares of Re. 1/- each held in Centurion Bank of Punjab Limited. This is subject to
receipt of Approvals from the Reserve Bank of India, stock exchanges andother requisite statutory
and regulatory authorities. The shareholders Also accorded their consent to issue equity shares
and/or warrants convertible into equity shares at the rate of Rs.1,530.13 each to HDFC Limited
and/or other promoter group companies on preferentialbasis, subject to final regulatory
approvals in this regard. The Shareholders of the Bank have also approved an increase in
theauthorized capital from Rs.450 crores to Rs.550 crores.

Promoted in 1995 by Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC), India's leading housing
finance company, HDFC Bank is one of India's premier banks providing a wide range of financial
productsand services to its over 11 million customers across hundreds ofIndian cities using multiple
distribution channels including a pan-India network of branches, ATMs, phone banking, net banking
and mobile banking. Within a relatively short span of time, the bank has emerged as a leading player
in retail banking, wholesale banking, and treasuryoperations, its three principal business segments.
The bank's competitive strength clearly lies in the use of technology and the ability to deliver world-
class service with rapid response time. Over the last 13 years, the bank has successfully gained
market share in its target customer franchises while maintaining healthy profitability and asset

As on March 31, 2008, the Bank had a network of 761 branches and 1,977 ATMs in 327 cities. For
the year ended March 31, 2008, the Bank reported a net profit of INR 15.90 billion
(Rs.1590.2crore),up 39.3%, over the corresponding year ended March 31, 2007. As of March 31,
2008 total deposits were INR 1007.69 billion,(Rs.100,769 crore) up 47.5% over the corresponding
year ended March 31, 2007. Total balance sheet size too grew by 46.0% to INR1,331.77 billion
(133177 crore). Leading Indian and international Publications have recognized the bank for its
performance and quality.
Centurion Bank of Punjab is one of the leading new generations Private sector banks in India. The
bank serves individual consumers, small and medium businesses and large corporations with a full
range of financial products and services for investing, lending and advice on financial planning. The
bank offers its customers an arrayof wealth management products such as mutual funds, life and
general insurance and has established a leadership ‘position’. The bank is also a strong player in
foreign exchange services, personal loans, mortgages and agricultural loans.

Additionally the bank offers a full suite of NRI banking products toOverseas Indians. On 29th August
2007, Centurion Bank of Punjab merged with Lord Krishna Bank (LKB), post obtaining all requisite
statutory and regulatory approvals. This merger has further strengthened the geographical
reach of the Bank in major towns and

cities across the country, especially in the State of Kerala, in addition to its existing dominance in
the northern part of the country.

Centurion Bank of Punjab now operates on a strong nationwidefranchise of 404 branches and 452
ATMs in 190 locations across the country, supported by employee base of over 7,500 employees. In
addition to being listed on the major Indian stock exchanges, the Bank’s shares are also listed on
the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.


Financial Advisor Awards
Best Performing Bank

Business Standard Best

Banker Award
Mr. Aditya Puri, MD, HDFC Bank

Fe Best Bank Awards 2009 - Best Innovator of the year award for MD Mr. Aditya Puri
- Second Best Private Bank in India
- Best in Strength and Soundness Award

Euro money Awards 2009 'Best Bank in India'

Economic Times Brand

Equity & Nielsen Research
annual survey 2009
Most Trusted Brand - Runner Up
Asia Money 2009 Awards

'Best Domestic Bank in India'

IBA Banking Technology 'Best IT Governance Award - Runner up'

Awards 2009

Global Finance Award 'Best Trade Finance Bank in India for 2009

IDRBT Banking 'Best IT Governance and Value Delivery'

Technology Excellence
Award 2008

Asian Banker Excellence 'Asian Banker Best Retail Bank in India Award 2009 '
in Retail Financial Services



 Right strategy for the right

 Some gaps in range for certain sectors.
 Customer service staff needs training.
 Superior customer service vs.
competitors.  Processes and systems, etc

 Great Brand Image  Management cover insufficient.

 Products have required  Sectoral growth is

constrained by low
accreditations. unemployment levels and

 High degree of customer competition for staff


 Good place to work

 Lower response time with efficient

and effective service.

 Dedicated workforce aiming at

making a long-term career in
the field.

Opportunities Threats

 Profit margins will be good.  Legislation could impact.

 Could extend to overseas broadly.  Great risk involved

 New specialist applications.  Very high competition prevailing in the

 Could seek better customer deals. industry.

 Vulnerable to reactive
 Fast-track career development
opportunities on an industry-wide
attack by major competitors
 Lack of infrastructure in rural areas
 An applied research centre to create
opportunities for developing could constrain investment.
techniques to provide added-value
 High volume/low cost market is
intensely competitive.

To know the customer satisfaction level and their perception regarding HDFC Bank.

To know the customer awareness regarding the Bank’s products.

To know the level of interest of customer regarding the different schemes of bank.

To know the preference of customer regarding the extra services.

To know the problems of customer regarding bank.


Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in branch of
knowledge: market research specifies the information. Required to address these issues: designs the
method for collecting information: manage and implements the data collection process analyses the
results and communicates the finding and their implications.

Research problem is the one which requires a researcher to find out the best solution for the given
problem that is to find out the course of action, the action the objectives can be obtained optimally
in the context of a given environment.


A framework or blueprint for conducting the research project. It specifies the details of the
procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed to structure and/or solve research
problems. A good research design lays the foundation for conducting the project. A good research
design will ensure that the research project is conducted effectively and efficiently. Typically, a
research design involves the following components, or tasks:

 Define the information needed.

 Design the research.

 Specify the measurement and scaling procedures.

 Construct and present a questionnaire or an appropriate form for data collection.

 Specify the sampling process and sampling size.

 Develop a plan of data analysis.

Data Collection: -The objectives of the project are such that both primary and secondary data is
required to achieve them. So both primary and secondary data was used for the project. The mode
of collecting primary data is questionnaire mode and sources of secondary data are various
magazines, books, newspapers, & websites etc.

1. Primary Data:The primary data was collected to measure the customer satisfaction and their
perception regarding HDFC Bank. The primary data was collected by means of questionnaire and
analysis was done on the basis of response received from the customers. The questionnaire has
been designed in such a manner that the consumer’s satisfaction level can be measured and
consumer can enter his responses easily.

2. Secondary Data:The purpose of collecting secondary data was to achieve the objective of
studying the recent trends and developments taking place in banking.

Sample size –

100 customers were selected.

Sampling Unit –


Sampling Technique –

Convenient sampling.

Analysis and Interpretation

After the data collection, it was compiled, classified and tabulated manually and with help of
computer. Then the task of drawing inferences was accomplished with the help of percentage and
graphic method.
1. For how long you are part of HDFC Bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Less than 6 Months 20 20%

Less than 1 Year 37 37%

Less than 2 Years 14 14%

More than 2 Years 29 29%

Total 100 100%



Less than 6 Months Less than 1 Year

Less than 2 Years More than 2 Years


From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents are part of HDFC Bank from last
one year i.e. 37%; 29% of the respondents are part of HDFC Bank from last more than 2 years; 20%
respondents from 6 months and remaining 14% respondents are part of HDFC Bank for last two

2. What are reasons that attract you to be a customer of the bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Image 25 25%
Extra Services 25 25%

Services 45 45%

All of above 5 5%




30 image

25 Extra services

20 services

all of above




From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents i.e. 45% are become part of HDFC
Bank because of its services; 25% because of its image; 25% because of its extra services and rest
because of all the three factors.

3. Are you aware of the different services offered by HDFC Bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents
Yes 91 91%

No 9 9%

Total 100 100%



Yes No


From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents are aware of products and services
offered by HDFC Bank i.e. 91% and 9% respondents are not aware of services offered by HDFC Bank.

4. Do you know about these following services of the bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents
Saving a/c 100 100%

Fixed deposits 100 100%

Current a/c 53 53%

Demat a/c 5 5%

Credit cards 25 25%

Mutual funds 16 16%

Loans 95 95%


saving a/c

80 fixed deposits

current a/c

60 demat a/c

credit cards
40 mutual funds



From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents are aware of saving a/c & FD’s i.e.
100%.53% are aware about current a/c, 5% demat a/c, 25% credit card, 16% mutual fund and 95%
are aware of loans.
5. Which of these services are you using?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Saving a/c 65 65%

Fixed deposits 58 58%

Current a/c 40 40%

Demat a/c 3 3%

Credit cards 0 0%

Mutual funds 10 10%

Loans 47 47%
saving a/c
70 fixed deposits
60 current a/c
40 demat a/c
20 credit card
10 mutual funds
0 saving a/c


From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents are using saving a/c i.e. 65%.58%
are using FD’s, 40% current a/c, 3% demat a/c, 0% credit card, 10% mutual fund and 47% are aware
of loans.

6. Which of these services are you further interested in?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Saving a/c 20 20%

Fixed deposits 24 24%

Current a/c 10 10%

Demat a/c 0 0%

Credit cards 0 0%

Mutual funds 23 23%

Loans 19 19%


saving a/c

current a/c

15 demat a/c

credit cards
mutual funds



From the above graph it is clear that majority of the respondents are interesting in FD’s i.e. 24%,20%
are interesting in saving a/c, 40% current a/c, 23% mutual fund, 19% in loans and no body is
interesting in credit cards and demat a/c’s.
7. Which service of the bank would you rate the best?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Saving a/c 33 33%

Fixed deposits 40 40%

Current a/c 12 12%

Demat a/c 0 0%

Credit cards 0 0%

Mutual funds 10 10%

Loans 5 5%


saving a/c
25 current a/c

20 demat a/c

credit cards
mutual funds

From the above graph it is clear that 33% of the respondent rate saving a/c, the best product. 40%
said FD’s are best. 12% said current a/c.10% said about mutual funds.5% said about loans and no
one rate demat a/c & credit card.

8. Do you know about the Extra services being provided by the


Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Yes 69 69%

No 41 41%

69% no


From the above graph it is clear that 69% of the respondents are known about the innovative
services and the rest is unknown about it.

9. Which of the following Extra service of the bank would you like
to go in for?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Phone banking 5 5%

ATM 60 60%

Net banking 10 10%

Bill payment 10 10%

Non of these 5 5%

All of these 10 10%

all of these

non of these

bill payment

net banking


phone banking

0 20 40 60 80


From the above graph it is clear that 5% of the respondents would like to go for phone banking, 60%
for ATM’s, 10% for net banking, 10% for bills payment, 5% don’t want any innovative services and
10% want all these services.
10. What is your perception about the service of the bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Good 35 35%

Average 55 55%

Poor 10 10%




30 Average



From the above graph it is clear that 35% of the respondents found the service of HDFC Bank good,
55% found it average and 10% found it poor.

11. Are you satisfied with the dealing of the bank officials?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Yes 30 30%

No 25 25%

To some extent 45 45%




30 Yes


15 TO some extent



From the above graph it is clear that 30% of the respondents are satisfied with the dealing of the
bank officials, 45% are not fully satisfied and 25% are dissatisfied.

12. Any problem you are facingregarding the bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Timeliness 78 78%

Customer relationship 12 12%

Infrastructure 10 10%

Others 0 0%


50 Customer

20 Other



From the above graph it is clear that 78% of the respondent facing the problem of timeliness, 12%
customer relationship and 10% of infrastructure.

13. How likely are you to recommend Bank services to a friend or


Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Very unlikely 8 8%

Somewhat unlikely 30 30%

Neither likely nor unlikely 17 17%

Somewhat likely 35 35%

Very likely 10 10%

very unlikely

somewhat unlikely

neither likely nor


somewhat likely

very likely


From the above graph it is clear that 8% of the respondents are unlikely to recommend the
products of HDFC Bank to their friends and colleagues, 30% said somewhat unlikely, 17% said
neither likely nor unlikely, 35% said somewhat likely and 10% said very likely.

14. How will you rate the HDFC Bank in maintaining good customer
Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents
Good 20 20%

Average 57 57%

Poor 33 33%





From the above graph it is clear that 20% of the respondents said HDFC Bank is good in maintaining
customer relationship, 57% said it is average and rest 33% said it is poor in the maintenance.
15. What is your overall satisfaction rating with our bank?

Response No. of Respondents %age of Respondents

Very dissatisfied 2 2%

Somewhat dissatisfied 9 9%

Neither satisfied nor 21 21%


Very satisfied 48 48%

Somewhat satisfied 20 20%

Rating of the company

very dissatisfied

somewhat dissatisfied

neither satisfied



very satisfied

0 50 100 150
somewhat satisfied

From the above graph it is clear that 48% of the respondents are very satisfied with the bank, 20%
are somewhat satisfied, 21% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 9% are somewhat dissatisfied and
2% are very much dissatisfied with the bank.


►Majority of the customers are satisfied with HDFC Bank.

►Majority of the customers are aware of services and extra services offered by HDFC Bank. But not
all the services.

► The majority of the customers found services of the bank are average.

►Majority of the respondents are found the bank is average in maintaining the good customer

►Majority of the respondent said that they are facing the problem of timeliness andrest are facing
problem of customer relationship and infrastructure.

►The perception of the majority of the customer regarding the bank is good because majority of the
customers are satisfied with the bank and they also recommend the products of the bank.

► The most preferable extra service is ATM’s and the less preferable services are bills payment, net
banking and phone banking.
►The majority of customers are more interested in FD’s, mutual funds and saving a/cs.

►The majority of the customers are satisfied with the dealing of the officials upto some extent.

►Main factor that attract customers towards bank is the services of the bank.

►Services that are most used by the customer are saving a/c, FD’s, current a/c and loans.


►More stress should give on the advertisement and promotional activities.

►The Bank should make some efforts to improving good relationship with customer.

►The bank should enhance their services according to the needs of the customer.

►The bank makes its procedures less time consuming.

►The bank should make effort to aware the customers about their all the extra services.

It is said, “Nothing is perfect” and if the quite is true, I am sure that there would be few shortcoming
in this project also. Sincere efforts have been made to eliminate discrepancies as far as possible but
few would have reminded due to limitations of the study. These are:

 The research was carried out in a short period.

 Limited sample size.

 The information given by the respondent might be biased some of them might not be
interested to given correct information.

 Some of the respondents of the survey were unwilling to share information.


At the end I would like to conclude that The Indian banking market is growing at an astonishing rate,
with Assets expected to reach US$1 trillion by 2010.HDFC bank had a network of 1,142 branches And
3,295 automated teller machines in 528 cities in India..The majority of customers are satisfied. But
the bank should target on the rest of the customers who are not satisfied. The customers are aware
about the bank’s services but the Bank should try to create more awareness among people.HDFC
Bank should lay more stress on advertisements, both in print as well as in other media for this
purpose.Number of formalities should reduce, as customer feels irritated with lots of formalities and
it will save the time of customer and Bank also.

 www.bnknetindia/com/banking/finance





Name ______________________ Age _______________________

Gender _____________________ Occupation _________________

Annually Income _____________ e-mail _____________________

Address _____________________________________________________

1. For how long you are part of HDFC Bank?

Less than 6 Months ( ) Less than 1 Year ( )

Less than 2 Years ( ) More than 2 Years ( )

2. What are reasons that attract you to be a customer of the bank?

a) its image ( )

b) its service ( )

c) products ( )

d) all of the above ( )

3. Are you aware of the different services offered by HDFC Bank?

Yes ( ) No ( )
4. Do you know about these services of the banking industry?

a) Savings a/c Yes/no

b) Fixed deposits yes/no

c) Current a/c’s yes/no

d) Demat a/c’s yes/no

e) Credit card yes/no

f) Insurances yes/no

g) Mutual funds yes/no

h) Loans yes/no

5. Which of these products are you using?

a) Savings a/c yes/no

b) Fixed deposits yes/no

c) Current a/c yes/no

d) De-mat a/c yes/no

e) Credit card a/c yes/no

f) Insurance yes/no

g) Mutual finds yes/no

h) Loans yes/no

6. Which of these products are you more interested in?

a) Savings a/c yes/no

B) Fixed deposits yes/no

c) Current a/c yes/no

d) De-mat a/c yes/no

e) Credit card a/c yes/no

f) Insurance yes/no

g) Mutual finds yes/no

h) Loans yes/no
7. Which services of the banks would you rate the best?

a) Saving a/c

b) Fixed deposits

c) Current a/c

d) De-mat a/c

e) Credit card a/c

f) Insurance

g) Mutual finds

h) Loans

8. Do you know about the extra services being provided by

the bank?

a) Yes

9. Which of the following extra service of the banks would you

Like to go in for?

a) Phone banking ( )

b) ATM ( )

c) Net banking ( )

d) Mobile banking ( )

e) Bill payment ( )

f) None of these ( )

g) All of these ( )

10. What is your perception regarding the service of the bank?

a) Good ( )

b) Average ( )

c) Poor ( )
11. Are you satisfied with the dealing of the bank officials?

a. Yes ( )

b. No ( )

c. To some extend ( )

12. Any problem you are facings regarding the bank?

Timeliness ( )

Customer relationship ( )

Infrastructure ( )

Others ( )

13. How likely are you to recommend Bank services to a friend or colleague?

(1) Very unlikely ( )

(2) Somewhat unlikely ( )

(3) Neither likely nor unlikely ( )

(4) Very likely ( )

(5) Somewhat likely ( )

14. How will you rate the HDFC Bank in maintaining good customer relationship?

(1) Good ( )
(2) Average ( )

(3) Poor ( )

15. What is your overall satisfaction rating with our company?

(1) Very dissatisfied ( )

(2) Somewhat dissatisfied ( )

(3) Nether satisfied nor dissatisfied ( )

(4) Very satisfied ( )

(5) Somewhat satisfied ( )

Thanks for participating in the survey.

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