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EXPRESSING Expression of displeasure constitutes  oh dear !


one of expression type in english  oh brother!
language that is utilized to declare  ….really makes me cross
for one expression which gets dislike  ….really makes me anger
character an object, someone or one
 I really hate..
situation. In forwarding we better
adjust by environmentally where we
lie. Informal Expression of
EXPRESSING Displeasure
To informal expression of displeasure we
Available 2 (two) DISPLEASE idiomatic better declare for our displease as
type (displeasure expression) one
that often been utilized which is:  why didn’t he tell me first
 I can’t stand hearing this
NAMA : NIA FITRIANI 1. formal's form (official)
 oh, no. what next?
REFTA APRILIA 2. informal (un official).
 that’s the last straw
This following idiomatic beberapan
GURU :  ….really makes me see red
one was utilized by untk declares for
EKA SYAHPUTRIANI,S.Pd one feel to be not, for example: FEELING PLEASURE
Expression of Displeasure 1. Great
is Formal 2. I`m so happy
3. I like it
KEMENTRIAN AGAMA KOTA To Formal expression of displeasure, we 4. Super
LUBUKLINGGAU advisabling to declare for our displease as 5. That`s terrific
 I am very annoyed 6. I`m really delighted about it.
7. Nice
 oh no! 8. I`m so glad
TAHUN AJARAN 2016/2017
9. That’s incredible  Father : Look! I have got a ticket  Bardan : Do you? I can`t stand
10. That’s fantastic for the concert for you. them. They are so boring, you
11. Oh marvelous know.
12. Oh, wonderful  Kenny : Great!
13. I’m very delighted to hear it  Tita : I’ve got a job! You
14. I’m very pleased with it  Brian : I`m sorry, Nila. Your know, I have been working for that
dictionary is left at home. company.
 Nila : oh damn!  Ryan : Really? I’m very
1. What a nuisance! delighted to hear it
2. I`m really unhappy about it!  Tina : Our school basket team
3. This is extremely irritating! won the competition  Rini : Doni, how was your
4. Oh, damn! test result?
5. It really makes me bad  Mia : Hey, That`s terrific
6. I really hate  Doni : I failed. The test was
7. I’m very disappointed  Dony : Did you enjoy the too difficult.
8. I can’t stand Dangdut music journey?
9. I’m fed up with you  Rini : Oh, no! But there’s
10. I’m so upset  Jenny : Sure, I was very pleased another chance.
11. He really makes me angry…. .I’ve got a lot of new experiences.
12. I’m very annoyed The local people were very nice  Ratih : How was your holiday,
13. Oh, no! and helpful. Nina ?

DIALOGUE  Waiter : How was the food, sir?  Nina : I was very annoyed. We
got lost somewhere and you know,
 Dilah : According to the  Deden : I am very disappointed. the local people were not so
information center, our flight is The food is very salty. friendly as well. Poor me!
postponed till tomorrow.
 Anita : I really enjoy
 Sri : I’m really unhappy about traditional ceremonies.

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