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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019

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Challenges of business clustering in Nigeria: A Study of

Building Materials Businesses in AkwaIbom State of Nigeria
Ime Robson Nseobot
Department of Business Administration
AkwaIbom State Polytechnic, IkotOsurua, IkotEkpene, AkwaIbom State, Nigeria.

The study examined the effect of challenges of business clustering in Nigeria: A Study of
building material businesses in AkwaIbom State. The population of the study comprises of
12,104registered building materials businesses in AkwaIbom State as at December, 2018 from
Uyo branch of Corporate Affairs Commission. Out of this population, the researcher arbitrarily
adopts 253 respondentsas the sample size for the study. The instrument used for data collection
was questionnaire. The instrument was validated by two experts in evaluation and Test. Data
from 253 completed questionnaire forms were subjected to PPMC analysis. The findings of the
study showed that poor infrastructural facilities like roads, electricity and water supply, street
signage, refuse removal, etc has a proportional relationship with business cluster in Nigeria. The
study recommended that to strengthen the momentum of business cluttering further, the task of
infrastructural provision is too important and enormous to be left in the hand of government
alone, hence the need for private sector to key in the provision of the infrastructure in the cluster
region to complement government effort. To succeed as a nation in improving infrastructural
provision, there must be sincerity of purpose on the part of the parties involved in the contracts.
The rule of law and the sanctity of the contracts must be maintained. The private partners should
be able to play innovative role in the design, construction and ensure timely completion of the

Keywords —Business Cluster, Infrastructural Facilities, Development, Economy,

Introduction (industrial estate) or a region. The actors
related to a given cluster define the borders
Since the 1990s, industrial clusters have in accordance with the distance and time
been considered as a development concept they aim to diminish or overcome. Distance
and even emerged as a development pole counts in decisions of actors due to its
[1]. Clusters reflect a cooperated and importance in enhancing adequate
coincided firms’ effort within a value chain knowledge and information exchange and
of a product to increase productivity and cooperation between them.
competitiveness. Clusters lead to lower A cluster is a geographically proximate
production costs, particularly in terms of group of interconnected companies and
transaction costs. associated institutions in a particular field,
The borders of clusters are not well defined. linked by commonalities and
It could either be an industrial location complementarities. Clusters take varying

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forms depending on their depth and shown that roads alone account for seven
sophistication, but most include end-product percent of the growth in aggregate output of
or service companies; suppliers of the rural areas. Without electricity, the
specialized inputs, components, machinery, industrialization process, which provides the
and services; financial institutions; and poor an important source of employment, is
firms in related industries. Clusters also unlikely to take off. In Costa Rica, a
often include firms in downstream industries retrospective review of the rural
(that is, channels or customers); producers electrification experience through
of completary products; specialized electrification cooperatives indicates that for
infrastructure providers; government and one of these cooperatives the number of
other institutions providing specialized major businesses jumped from 15 to 86 after
training, education, information, research, electrification. Without potable water and
and technical support (such as universities, sanitation health is at risk. The social and
think tanks, and vocational training economic impact often go hand in hand [4].
providers); and standard-setting agencies Problems in the infrastructure (roads,
Government agencies that significantly electricity and water supply, street signage,
influence a cluster can be considered part of refuse removal, etc.) are generally
it. Finally, many clusters include trade recognized as a challenge for the effective
associations and other collective private functioning of small enterprises. Nigeria’s
sector bodies that support cluster members infrastructure is known to have serious
[2]. capacity constraints [5,6,7], which cause
Infrastructure is the basic equipment and major problems for small enterprises. Most
structures such as roads, energy and bridges of them are unable to provide their own
that are needed for a country, region, or facilities, like electricity. This applies to the
organization to function properly. large cities and even more so to smaller
Infrastructure contributes to economic towns and rural areas. Nigeria as a country
development by increasing productivity and has numerous business and investment
providing services, which enhance the potentials due to the abundant, vibrant and
quality of life. The services generated as a dynamic human and natural resources it
result of an adequate infrastructure base will possesses.
translate to an increase in aggregate output The lack of infrastructure is hindering
such as increased agriculture output of business cluster in many developing
farmers through improved roads, creation of countries. Infrastructure investment has the
a sea ports, Rail links., Electrical generation, effects of contributing to increase the
transmission and distribution, Water and productivity and it is expected to contribute
irrigation projects, - Increase quality of life to future business clusters in different
and Urbanization of different areas [3] sectors of the economy in developing
Infrastructure is a key element of poverty countries where infrastructure is still
alleviation. It often acts as a catalyst to insufficient. Therefore, infrastructure
development and enhances the impact of development is one of the most integral
interventions to improve the poor’s access to parts of the public policies in developing
other assets, e.g., human, social, financial, countries. Supporting infrastructure
and natural assets. Its impact is felt both on development in developing countries by
the economic and social sectors. Without advanced countries is extremely important
roads, the poor are not able to sell their field. This can be inferred from the fact that
output on the market. In India, it has been many international organizations such as

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World Bank and OECD are actively potential to affect competition by increasing
promoting the improvement of infrastructure the productivity of the companies in the
by providing various support programs to cluster, by driving innovation in the field,
developing countries. However, the precise and by stimulating new businesses in the
relationship between poor infrastructure and field.
business cluster is still frequently debated. The business cluster concept has
grasped the imagination of policy makers
Growth Implications of Poor and proved extremely popular with
Infrastructural Facilities on Business governments eager to develop regional
Cluster policies to promote employment and
Clusters are local concentrations of growth. In an era of globalization, where
firms in related lines of business together small and medium-sized firms increasingly
with their supporting organizations. Local have to compete internationally, clusters can
productive systems, industrial districts or play an important role in supporting firm
business networks are examples of clusters competitiveness by increasing productivity,
and describe the tendency of firms in a innovation and firm formation and
particular field to concentrate providing spill-over effects to the entire
geographically. By clustering together, it is geographical region.
assumed that firms can achieve economies [8] observed that SMEs do not operate
of scale and scope and lower their business without a number of challenges that
costs. The term business cluster, also known impede their successful entrepreneurial
as an industry cluster, was introduced and drive for national development. Amongst
popularized by Michael Porter in his book the notable challenges: almost all sub-
The Competitive Advantage of Nations Saharan African countries’ basic ICT
(1990) as an extension of ideas of infrastructures are inadequate. This is as a
agglomeration economics presented in result of lack of electricity to power ICT
Alfred Marshall’s seminal work of the resources, poor telecommunication
previous century, [11]. facilities, and insufficient funds in general.
In his own work [2], Porter has Nigeria spends less than 12% of its annual
eventually defined clusters as geographic budget on SMEs. [9] highlighted the
concentrations of interconnected businesses, devastating effect of poor infrastructural
suppliers, service providers and associated facilities, including epileptic power supply,
institutions in a particular field that compete poor condition of road network and
but also co-operate. Porter argued that a inadequate water supply on emerging
cluster is a form of network that occurs businesses. In Nigeria, a large number of
within a geographic location, in which the the population live below the poverty line,
proximity of firms and institutions ensures as such, average middle-income SMEs
certain forms of commonality and increases cannot afford basic technological and
the frequency and impact of interactions [2]. communication gadgets. The cost of
Key in this concept is the hypothesis that computer related gadgets in Nigeria is three
when enough resources and competences times the monthly wage of average SMEs.
amass to reach a critical threshold in a Thus, computer related telecommunication
geographical location, this confers a facilities remain less than useful for most
sustainable competitive advantage over Nigerian SMEs, as computers are still a
other places in a given economic activity. luxury in most SMEs, and many SMEs
Porter claimed that clusters have the have not had the chance to develop the

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skills to use them. This has made the AREA OF THE STUDY AND
integration of needed on-line business METHODOLOGY
resources (e.g., e-mail and the world-wide- The study area is AkwaIbom State.
web) into SMEs in Nigeria most difficult AkwaIbom State is one of the thirty-six (36)
[1]. According to [8], huge amount of states in the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
monies are spent on running generator sets [12]. AkwaIbom occupies a total landmass
to power equipment’s used for production of 7,245,935 square kilometers of Nigeria’s
of goods. Transportation from the rural wealth basin, the South-South zone of the
areas to the urban centres is as well Delta region. It lies between Latitude 40 33’
expensive, including the installation and and 50 33’ North of the Equator and
maintenance of bore-holes for water Longitudes 70 35’ and 60 2’ East of the
supply. [9] claimed that the process of Greenwich Meridian, AkwaIbom State has
providing infrastructure can either make or at her boundaries Rivers State and Abia
break entrepreneurship in a country. In State on the West, Cross River State on the
other words, the availability of East, Abia State on the North, and Bight of
infrastructure determines the success or bonny on the South [13]. AkwaIbom State
failure of the SMEs. In Nigeria, issues falls within the tropical zone with a
relating to lack of infrastructure have been dominant vegetation of green foliage of
there for decades. Critical infrastructure to trees, shrubs and oil palm tree belt holds the
support businesses includes proper road highest density of cash crops in the world.
networks, sufficient electricity supply, AkwaIbom State, born as Nigeria 21st State,
efficient waste disposal, and good a water has Uyo as its capital city. Sitting astride the
supply. [10] noted that lack of these seemingly interminable sand bank of the
facilities may hinder entrepreneurial bight of bonny, this land of luxuriant green
ventures. During the study, participants forest with fascinating people, 2.4 million of
commented about the worrying impacts of them (1991 cenus), spreads in to thirty-one
poor infrastructure on enterprises. (31) Local Government Areas that are
merged into three (3) senatorial districts
Purpose of the Study namely Uyo, IkotEkpene, and Eket. There
The major purpose of the study was to are two hundred and thirty-seven (227)
examine the challenges of business cluster public secondary schools in AkwaIbom
in Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to: State
To examine the relationship between poor AkwaIbom people are generally believed to
infrastructural facilities and business have originated from one ancestral stock and
clustering in Nigeria? are made up of three district ethnic groups
of the Ibibios, Annang and Oron. The State
Research Questions is so blessed that there is no language
The research question guiding the study is: barrier among them as Ibibio is spoken and
What is the relationship between poor understood among all linguistic groups, but
infrastructural facilities and business officially, English language is used.
clustering in Nigeria? AkwaIbom people are predominantly
Christians but there are quite a handful of
Research Hypotheses
The null hypothesis guiding the study is: Muslims and pagans. Traditional
There is no significant relationship between occupations of the people are farming,
poor infrastructural facilities and business fishing Work, tailoring, and arts and crafts
clustering in Nigeria. creation. Nevertheless, presently, the

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majority of the people are in white-collar Data Analyses and Results
jobs. Petroleum resources, clay, palm trees,
Table 1: Analysis of respondents
iroko, mahogany and other forest resources,
Demographic Variables
coconuts and limestone, kaolin, gas, raffia
palm and more, abound in this area.
Sex No. of % of
This work adopted ex-post facto research
Respondents Respondent
design. The target population of the study is
made up of all the owners and managers of
registered building materials businesses in 162 64.03
AkwaIbom State, Nigeria. The number of Female
91 35.96
registered building materials businesses in
AkwaIbom State as at December, 2018 from Total
253 100
Uyo branch of Corporate Affairs Age
Commission is 12,104. Out of this
population, the researcher arbitrarily adopts 20 – 25
57 22.52
253 respondentsas the sample size for the 26 – 30
study. An instrument called “Challenges of 47 18.57
Business Clustering Questionnaire (CBCQ)” 31 – 35
54 21.34
was developed by the researcher to elicit 36 – 40
information on the independent and 44 17.39
dependent variables presented in both 41 – Above
51 20.15
sections A and B of the questionnaire. Total
Section A of the instrument measured the 253 100
demographic data of the respondents such as Marital Status
name, gender, age, educational Single
qualifications and marital status while 103 40.71
section B measured the constructs of the Married
93 36.75
independent variables. The content validity Divorced
of the instrument was determined by experts 36 14.22
in Test and Measurement who marched the Widow/Widowers
21 8.30
items of the instruments with the research Total
questions in order to determine whether or 253 100
not the instruments measured what they Educational
were supposed to measure. The reliability Attainment
was determined through experts in Test and Primary
Measurement and Statistics were given the education 69 27.27
instrument for rating in respect of the Secondary
consistency with the research objectives. education 138 54.54
Items in which at least two experts agreed Tertiary
upon were regarded as suitable, the education 46 18.18
reliability coefficients was 0.79 and was Total
253 100
considered substantially high enough to
justify the use of the instrument. The data
collected were analyzed using Pearson
Moment correlational analysis while the
hypotheses were testes at 0.05 alpha levels.

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Table 1 shows that one hundred and sixty-two Table 2
(162) respondents representing 64.03% of the Descriptive analysis of the relationship
sample population were male while ninety- between poor infrastructural facilities
one (91) respondents representing 35.96% of and business clustering in Nigeria.
the population were female. The age Variable N Arithm Expe R Remark
distribution of the respondents shows that fifty etic cted s
seven (57) respondents representing 22.52% mean mean
of the sample were between the age bracket of Business 16.02 12.50
20 – 25 years, forty seven (47) respondents Cluster
representing 18.57% were between the age 253 *80 *strong
bracket of 26 – 30 years, fifty four of the to
respondents representing 21.34% were 31 – perfect
35 years, also forty four (44) respondents Relatio
representing 17.39% of the sample were nship
between the age limit of 36 – 40 years and poor 6.29 5.00
fifty one (51) respondents representing infrastr
20.15% were within the age limit of 41 and uctural
above years. The marital status of the facilities
respondents shows that one hundred and three Source: Field Survey, (2019)
(103) respondents representing 40.71% of the
sample were single, ninety-three (93) Table 2 presents the result of the descriptive
respondents representing 36.75% of the analysis of the relationship between poor
sample were married, only thirty-six (36) infrastructural facilities and business cluster
respondents representing 14.22% of the in Nigeria.The two variables were observed
sample were divorced as well as only twenty- to have strong perfect relationship at 0.80%.
one (21) respondents representing 8.30% were The arithmetic mean for business cluster
widow/widowers. Educational attainment of (16.02) was also observed to be higher than
the respondents shows that one hundred and the expected mean score of 12.50. In
sixty-nine (69) respondents representing addition to that the arithmetic mean for poor
27.27% of the sample had primary education, infrastructural facilities and business cluster
one hundred and thirty-eight (138) in Nigeria (6.29) was observed to be higher
respondents representing 54.54% had than the expected mean score of 5.00. The
secondary education while forty-six (46) result therefore means that poor
respondents representing 18.18% had tertiary infrastructural facilities and business cluster
education. in Nigeria remarkably affects business
Research question One
What is the relationship between poor Hypotheses Testing
infrastructural facilities and business Hypothesis One
clustering in Nigeria? To examine the relationship between poor
infrastructural facilities and business
clustering in Nigeria. Pearson Product
Moment Correlation analysis was then used
to analyze the data in order to determine the
relationship between the two variables

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Table 3 be left in the hand of government alone,
hence the need for private sector to key in
Pearson Product Moment Correlation the provision of the infrastructure in the
Analysis of the Relationship between poor cluster region to complement government
effort. To succeed as a nation in improving
infrastructural facilities and business infrastructural provision, there must be
clustering in Nigeria. sincerity of purpose on the part of the
parties involved in the contracts. The rule of
law and the sanctity of the contracts must be
Variable ∑x ∑x2 r
maintained. The private partners should be
able to play innovative role in the design,
∑y ∑y2 25887 0.8
construction and ensure timely completion
0* of the projects.
Business 4054 65844 The maintenance department is advised to
cluster (x) carry out routine inspections of
existinginfrastructures and not to wait until
Poorinfras 1591 10273 structure are completely dilapidated. All the
tructuralfa necessary personnel, equipment,
cilities(y) consumable and routine spare parts needed
*Significant at 0.025 level; df =251; N for efficient and proper maintenance of
=253; critical r–value = 0.086 facilities should be put in place by necessary
operators of these facilities.
People must be adequately mobilized and
Table 3 presents the obtained r-value as carried along in all government activities
(0.80). This value was tested for since they are the ultimate beneficiaries of
significance by comparing it with the the projects/facilities being maintained. -
critical r-value (0.086) at 0.025 levels with The three tiers of government should
251 degree of freedom. The obtained r-value organize seminars and conferences meant to
(0.80) was greater than the critical r-value sensitize people on maintenance culture
(0.086). Hence, the result was significant. from time to time.
The result therefore means that there is
significant relationship between poor References
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