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International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Development-– Volume 2 Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2019

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Organizational Accelerated Development by Activity Based

Management Improvement
Dr. Nasser Fegh-hi Farahmand
Department of Management, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

This paper reviews the available information about important service economy sector criteria such
as world trade, organizational accelerated development, activity based management improvement, activity
based management improvement system, employment, productivity, activity based management, etc. in an
international scale. Recognizing the importance of activity based management improvement system in
achieving flexibility in an international context expands the types of research questions related to the role
of activity based management improvement system functions in organizational performance, such as
selection of activity based management improvement resources, training, and compensation and
performance appraisal. The form and structure of an organization's activity based management
improvement system can affect organizational accelerated development motivation levels in several ways.
Organizations can adopt various activity based management improvement practices to enhance
organizational accelerated development. The end of this paper is able to find out how important the
organizational accelerated development is, comparing with other economy sectors and how fast the growth
of the mentioned sector is. Furthermore, the position of activity based management and productivity in the
service sector will be specified and the use of activity based management improvement techniques for
improving service activity based management will become necessary.

Keywords — Organizational accelerated development, activity based management improvement,

activity based management improvement system, organizational performance, management.
Are the approaches applied by accountants and
I. INTRODUCTION the resulting values, however, equally valid for
The service sector compared with other economy strategic planning and performance measurement or
sectors seams to act as a major part in the world simply numbers to satisfy the information
economy. Although there are adequate requirements of investors and efficient tax planning?
investigations about the manufacturing sector, but Continuous training, employment security,
the size, the role, and the performance of the service performance appraisal and alternative compensation
sector have not been specified completely. systems can motivate skilled organizational
Each of the available references represents accelerated development to engage in effective
limited statistics related to a special period of time, discretionary decision making and behavior in
a particular set of countries, or just one or two response to a variety of environmental
specific criteria. To have a reliable perspective contingencies.
about the global trend of the service sector, a There is no doubt that valuing acquired
combination of the data gathered from those various intangibles such as brands, patents and activity
references seems to be necessary. based management improvement lists makes a lot

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of sense rather than placing these organization organizational accelerated development by
critical assets in the accounting black hole known providing comprehensive training and development
as goodwill. activities after selection.
Tangible assets as such machinery, building, The more we understand people and their total
stocks and shares are pretty straightforward to value, environment, the more their needs are likely to be
their visible and corporeal nature makes them met. When organizations talk about valuing activity
relatively easy to define and in most cases there is based management improvement relationships, the
an active market from which value can be derived. scope of definition is expansive. On the one hand, it
In contrast, intangible assets are not so easily is simply the value that activity based management
defined while it is rare that they are actively traded. improvement generates for the organization.
Consequently, any intangible valuation exercise On the other hand, it is purely the value of the
must start with 'What?' and 'Why?' before relationship. Neither definition is more correct than
considering 'How?' Modern approaches recognize the other; however, the purpose and approach for
that selection of activity based management valuing each are different. A positive experience
improvement is a complex process that involves a throughout the activity based management
significant amount of vagueness and subjectivity. improvement cycle should foster trust and develop
loyalty, therefore allowing an organization to
2. Organizational affairs generate more revenue for less incremental
The capturing the wrong organizational affairs expenditure. For example:
information, unclear goals, inappropriate selection - Happy existing activity based management
and use of technology, inability to integrate activity improvement is more willing to operation or
based management improvement and processes and services and try new operation or service offerings.
use of misleading metrics or improper measurement - Making empower activity based management
approaches are the major barriers in implementing improvement aware of operation and the cost of
and managing activity based management operation existing activity based management
improvement projects systems that seek to identify improvement can be lower and, operation predicted.
individuals with the ability to learn and adapt to With the rise in the standard of living resulting
new situations and markets can provide a firm with from increased factory productivity came changes
competitive advantage. International organizations in the needs and demands of the population. A
can adopt various practices to enhance person could use just so many pairs of shoes, so
organizational accelerated development skills s many easy chairs, and so many cars.
follows: Rather than spend their income on more goods,
a) Efforts: Efforts can focus on improving the people decided to take in a movie, eat out more
activity based management of the individuals hired, often, pay someone else to clean their houses or cut
or on raising the skills and abilities of current their lawns, improve their education or health,
organizational accelerated development, or on both. travel abroad, or just invest their surplus income
Organizational accelerated development can be (Meredith, 1992).
hired via sophisticated selection procedures As consumers, organization use services every
designed to screen out all but the very best potential day. Turning on a light, watching TV, talking on
organizational accelerated development. Indeed, the telephone, catching a bus, visiting the dentist,
research indicates that selectivity in staffing is posting a letter, getting a haircut, refueling a car,
positively related to firm performance. writing a check or sending cloths to the cleaners are
b) Improve: Organizations can improve the all examples of service consumption at the
activity based management of current

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individual level. The organizations at which you are know that organizational goal attachment is
studying are itself a complex service organization. depending on all of them.
In addition to educational services, the facilities
at today’s colleges and universities usually
comprise libraries and cafeterias, consulting
services, a bookshop and careers offices, copy
services, telephones and internet connections, and
may be even a bank.
If organization registered at a residential
university, additional services are likely to include
halls of residence, health care, indoor and outdoor
sports and athletic facilities, a theatre and perhaps, a
post office. A major stimulus in the growth of Figure 1: The interrelationship between
service is the movement to an information age service activity based management,
spurred by the invention of the computer and productivity and profit
advancements in telecommunications.

3. Activity based management improvement

and development
Organizational accelerated development is one of
the most valuable resources and organizations have
to remain competitive. Modern organizations might
achieve this by using organic activity based
management improvement and development that
promote the development of a activity based
management improvement capital pool possessing a
broad range of skills and that are able to engage in a
wide variety of behavior.
One way of considering how activity based
management improvement relationships create
value is within the framework of Porter's value
chain. The chain of activities gives the products
more added value than the sum of added values of
all activities. It may be reasonable to suggest that it
is the activity based management improvement
direct or indirect relationship with each of these
activities that creates value for the organization.
Activity based management improvement system as
organizational support activities, organizations tend
to be highly decentralized and use informal means
(Gummesson, 1998; Gronroos, 2001)
of coordination and control.
In according with Porter organizational activities
The reasons have to do with activity based
categories to support and main as Figure 1, we
management improvement bounded rationality.
Bounded rationality refers to the fact that since

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activity based management improvement and contrast to pre-departure training, post-arrival
development have not limited capacity; training gives global managers a chance to evaluate
organizations can always find the absolute optimal their stressors after they have encountered them.
solution by it. Documentary and interpersonal training methods
Adjusting to an international assignment can have additive benefits in preparing managers for
provoke feelings of helplessness in unprepared intercultural work assignments.
manager, who may have difficulty sorting out An organizational accelerated development
appropriate from inappropriate behavior. (Jain & et measure of the size of the activity based
al, 2007, 43; Feghhi Farahmand, 2004, 201; management improvement sector is the number of
Schmitz & et al, 2004, 235). people employed relative to other sectors. In most
As all activities create value from and contribute organizations, the activity based management
to the activity based management improvement improvement system is very diverse, comprising a
relationship, it follows that the value of the wide array of different industries, ranging in size
organization and the value of the activity based from huge enterprises that operate on a global basis
management improvement relationship could be to small entrepreneurial organizations that serve a
considered to be the same. single town.
Expatriate managers are removed from the This suggests that consumers are willing to
comfortable environment of their parental culture postpone the purchase of products but will not
and placed in a less familiar culture. The value sacrifice essential services like education, telephone,
chain is often criticized as a dated framework that is banking, healthcare, and public services such as fire
only applicable to manufacturing industries and and police protection.
considers marketing in a silo rather than Therefore, based on activity based management
encompassing the whole enterprise. A management improvement system, the organization can no
style that works at home may fail to produce the longer be characterized as an industrial society;
desired response abroad, or it may be even instead, it is a post industrial or, service society.
Activity based management improvement 4. Activity based management improvement
relationships appear to be similar; there are enough system and profitability of organization
subtle differences to discount using brand value as a According to the comparisons of activity based
substitute for the value of a activity based management improvement in different
management improvement relationship. organizations, the following results are derived:
In contrast, there are operation drivers that cannot a) Based on the activity based management
be attributed to the brand but can have a significant improvement activity of their populations, however,
influence on the activity based management many of the so-called advanced organizations be
improvement relationship with a organization. better described as activity based management
For example, inertia is considered to be the single improvement system.
biggest driver of activity based management b) Excellent activity based management
improvement retention in the banking industry; improvement system development is progressing in
clearly, this is not attributable to brand and unanticipated directions, successful organizations
therefore could be considered as part of the activity are built on a strong service sector, and just as it has
based management improvement relationship value. in manufacturing, competition in services will
Many organizations are becoming aware of the become global.
need to provide continued hands-on training rather c) A major shift from agriculture to
than just pre-departure awareness training. In manufacturing, because the enormous increase in

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agricultural productivity allowed people the and performance management are also used to
freedom to pursue other occupations. As it is describe the process.
illustrated in the next sections, manufacturing 3) Providing: Providing organizational
productivity has increased rapidly in this century, accelerated development with feedback.
displacing workers to the service industries Organizations that are similar in terms of types of
(Markland et. al., 1998). organizational accelerated development and jobs,
d) Mechanization, automation, importation, and product market, size, and so on may choose
the move to offshore production have resulted in a compensation system designs that differ in their
decrease of the percentage of workers in effectiveness for attaining similar goals.
manufacturing (Dilworth, 2000). 4) Activity based management improvement
e) As a activity based management improvement rewards: Organizational rewards include bonus,
system develops the relative share of employment salary increases, promotions, stock awards, and
between agriculture, industry and services changes perquisites.
dramatically. Activity based management improvement system
f) The activity based management improvement practices in general and compensations systems in
system is very large, comprising a wide array of particular have been shown to be highly related to
different industries that sell to individual consumers, organizational performance. International
business customers and to numerous government organizations have considerable discretion in the
agencies (Lovelock and Wright, 1999; Lovelock design of pay policies and the choices made have
and Van der Merwe, 1999). consequences for organizational performance.
g) Continual advances in activity based Overall, from the point of view of performance
management improvement system mean that measurement and strategic planning, the value and
manufacturing is considerably less labor intensive definition of an organizational relationship with its
than in previous times. Automations, robotics, activity based management improvement may not
advanced information technology, new materials be particularly relevant. It is more practical and
and improved work methods all have led to the beneficial to determine the value generated per
decimation of manual labor (Wright, 1999). activity based management improvement from the
For larger organizations, manufacturing has assets employed in the organization to measure
become internationalized. Compensation is the performance and plan for the future.
linkage between reward and organizational
accelerated development satisfaction. 5. Profitability of organization by activity
The activity based management improvement based management improvement strategy
systems are concerned with two major issues: Most of the activity based management
1) Performance: Performance appraisal is improvement evaluations have been done in
defined as the process of identifying, evaluating and organizations. There is not enough information
developing the work performance of the about other organizations.
organizational accelerated development in the Organizations can refer to evaluate the activity
organization so that organizational goals and based management improvement productivity
objectives are effectively achieved while, at the growth in marketed services and found that the total
same time, benefiting organizational accelerated efficiency on a standard scale shows a tendency.
development in terms of recognition, receiving According to the results of reviewed activity
feedback, and offering career guidance. based management improvement factors, if
2) Performance evaluating: The terms organization supposes the productivity is dependent
performance assessment, performance evaluation with those factors, therefore it can assume that the

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situation of activity based management management improvement profitability trend is the
improvement system productivity compare with same in all profitability economies as costs and
manufacturing productivity is the same in all price improvement strategy Figure 2.
organizations. Although the activity based
management improvement system size has grown
in the past years, its profitability growth has
declined. Comparing profitability growth with that
of the organizations sector provides a challenge to Figure 2. profitability economies as costs
the accurate measurement of profitability and and price improvement strategy
profitability improvement.
The traditional analytical framework of economic
theory is based primarily on goods-producing
activities. Therefore, most published profitability
data relate to goods production. But the data do
indicate those in recent years, as activity based
management improvement system has increased in
size, organizations have had slower growth in
profitability. Profitability appraisal as perhaps the
most central activity based management
improvement system function is required to justify
a wide range of decisions such as selection,
compensation, promotions and training. The
concept of activity based management improvement
value discussed above for strategic purposes is very
different from the accepted definitions applied by
those involved in carrying out technical valuations
for financial reporting. Classifies intangible assets
into four categories:
a) Activity based management improvement
b) Marketing related
c) Technology based
d) Empower activity based management
improvement As it is shown in organizations, the
profitability of organizations has increased much A substantial body of evidence has focused on
more quickly than of the service sector. Fewer the impact of incentive compensation and
organizational accelerated development work under performance management systems on group
individual incentive plans while greater numbers of performance. For financial reporting, an intangible
individuals work under some type of group asset should be recognized as an asset apart from
incentive system. goodwill if it arises from contractual or other legal
Of course further investigations must be done on rights. Managerial strategies differ significantly
this subject such as regression analysis between across organizations, particular with regard to
productivity and all those factors, but here variables. Organizations tend to make different
organization assume that the activity based decisions about contingency, or variability. In
general organizations implement incentive

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compensation systems that provide rewards to Many explanations are given for the lack of
organizational accelerated development for meeting profitability improvement which some are
specific goals. An intangible asset may also be illustrated as follows:
recognized only if it is separable, that it is capable 1) Forces: The activity based management
of being sold, transferred, licensed, rented or improvement system was absorbing the boomers
exchanged. entering the activity based management
Increasing profitability is important if a improvement force.
organizational standard of living is to rise. For a 2) Results: Organizational systems, faced with
organization to remain competitive in the global the threat of losing their results.
economy, wages can be raised only if they are 3) Learning: Organizations learned to work
matched by increased productivity. harder and smarter, but activity based management
Although clearly the demand for services has improvement system typically have much less
increased markedly, one reason for the tremendous exposure to global competitive pressure.
growth in service sector employment has been a 4) Investment: Investment per activity based
negative one, namely, its lack of productivity management improvement was and still is much
growth (Meredith, 1992). lower in service than in organizations.
Services employ many people, but organizations 5) Automation: Although activity based
do not use them very profitability. The inefficiency management improvement system is often difficult
of activity based management improvement system to mechanize and automate; but automation is
is evidenced by the constant and often bitter displacing workers in the organizations sector.
criticism of the service systems. 6) Outputs: Activity based management
Because profitability is central to the operations improvement output was and remains difficult to
manager’s job and because the service sector is so quantify.
large, special note must be taken of how to improve 7) Growth: Associated with the reasons for
profitability in the activity based management slower growth, is the overall measurement problem.
improvement sector (Bender and Heizer, 1997). Significant problems in measuring profitability
Successful growth of the service sector will include whether existing statistics adequately
depend on innovation and skilled management that measure service production, whether the price
will promote an ethic of continuous improvement in indexes satisfactory adjust for activity based
both activity based management and profitability. management, and whether the hours counted are
On the other hand, changing demographics and the comparable over time (Markland et. al., 1998).
anticipated future activity based management Training of activity based management
improvement system will force organizational improvement system is neglected. Because activity
accelerated development to become more based management improvement system is an
productive. inherent part of the service sector, inadequate
education and training of service workers are
6. Profitability of organization by activity significant factors that decrease overall service
based management improvement management industry productivity.
In recent years have activity based management Many institutions do not provide the education
improvement system organizations received the that activity based management improvement
same attention from researchers as had been paid to workers need in order to use an increasing variety
manufactures. Many of the concepts and ideas of high-tech equipment (Markland et. al., 1998).
developed for the manufacturing sector can be
modified and applied to service industries.

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The activity based management improvement management improvement system and a set of tools,
system cycle has historically been mild relative to techniques, and policies to help keep management’s
those experienced by the goods-producing sector. focus on productivity improvement.
Downturns in the organizational accelerated The rigorous application to the activity based
development have displaced workers from the management improvement system of those
goods-producing sector to the activity based management techniques that have been so effective
management improvement sector, resulting in an in the manufacturing sector is a starting point for
overall lowering of service productivity. service managers to help them bring their
Recent labor reduction in service industries is companies back to life.
likely to yield higher productivity in the next Although applying those techniques to the service
business cycle (Markland et. al., 1998). The sector seems to be more complex, doing so would
changes in the mix of activity based management help managers provide high-activity based
improvement system offered tend to slow the management services efficiently to customers.
growth of overall organizational accelerated Effective performance feedback is timely,
development. specific, behavioral in nature, and presented by a
The financial activity based management credible source. Performance feedback is effective
improvement system experienced major problems. in changing organizational accelerated development
Service sector work is typically labors-intensive work behavior and enhances organizational
(for example, counseling, teaching) (Bender and accelerated development job satisfaction and
Heizer, 1997). performance.
Activity based management improvement system Activity based management improvement
work is frequently individually processed for management feedback is essential in gaining the
example, investment counseling about maximum benefits from goal setting. Without
organizational accelerated development. It is often feedback organizational, accelerated development
an intellectual task performed by professionals for are unable to make adjustments in organizational
example, organizational diagnosis. performance or receive positive reinforcement for
Designing activity based management effective job behavior.
improvement system to accommodate their Each method is based on strong, rational theory
characteristics is challenging. Both the design and and yet, in practice, each method may produce
delivery of service products may include customer starkly different values. The common approaches
interaction, which maximizes the service design for valuing activity based management
challenge (Bender and Heizer, 1997). Output in the improvement systems, including activity based
activity based management improvement system is management improvement-related intangibles, are
far below its potential, because of a number of as follows:
macroeconomic factors. The main reason the 1) Accelerated development approach; the
activity based management improvement system historic cost is distorted by the time value of money
has not reached its total potential output is and evolvement of the competitive environment.
management. How much did it cost to create the asset or how
If managers were focused energetically and much it would cost to replace it? Estimating value
intelligently on putting the existing technologies, under the historic cost approach is simply a case of
labor force, and capital stock to work, rapid summing all capital invested in creating the asset in
profitability growth would follow (Van Biema and question. In the case of a activity based
Greenwald, 1997). What is required to fulfill this management improvement base, the historic cost
potential is a better understanding of activity based

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could be considered as equivalent to the total activity based management, and whether the hours
amount of marketing investment expended. counted are comparable over time. Training of
2) Management approach; the amount paid for activity based management improvement workers is
the asset or similar assets. In a new product or neglected, because labor is an inherent part of the
service market with relatively few competitors, activity based management improvement system,
economic theory suggests that activity based inadequate education and training of activity based
management improvement acquisition costs should management improvement workers are significant
be relatively low before gradually increasing as the factors that decrease overall service industry
market for new activity based management productivity.
improvement becomes more competitive, forcing Many organizations do not provide the education
companies to capture market share from rivals in that service workers need in order to use an
order to realize growth. increasing variety of high-tech equipment.
3) Improvement approach; the present value of Organizational accelerated development cycle
future cash flows, that is, how much income the has historically been mild relative to those
asset will generate throughout its useful life, experienced by the goods-producing sector.
accounting for the time value of money and Downturns in the organizational accelerated
associated risk. development have displaced workers from the
At all hierarchical levels and across all goods-producing sector to the activity based
departments in a modern organization effective management improvement sector, resulting in an
activity based management improvement system overall lowering of service productivity.
means managing the above activities successfully in The changes in the mix of activity based
an international context. management improvement offered tend to slow the
The profitability of organization by activity based growth of overall service productivity. The activity
management improvement system management based management improvement management
functions is essential to a activity based experienced major problems.
management improvement resources manager job. Activity based management improvement system
The strategic areas and unit's level: work is frequently individually processed and is
- Where decisions are made by the general often an intellectual task performed by
manager of the official organization unit and the professionals.
other top organization leaders, Activity based management improvement work is
- Measures undertaken concerning the entire often difficult to evaluate for activity based
particular official organization and especially the management and may be it is due to the inherent
future competitiveness of the organization and complexity of the activity based management
management of the whole organization system are improvement itself.
addressed. Designing activity based management
Very often in corporations there are different improvement to accommodate their characteristics
official organization areas that may be at different is challenging. Both the design and delivery of
development stages. service or products may include customer
interaction, which maximizes the service design
7. Result challenge. Output in the activity based management
Significant problems in measuring activity based improvement system will far below its potential
management improvement include whether existing because of a number of macroeconomic factors and
statistics adequately measure service production, the ineffectiveness of many organizational
whether the price indexes satisfactory adjust for accelerated development managers at improving

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productivity. The main reason the service sector has also include the value of any synergies resulting
not reached its total potential output is management. from the organization combination.
If managers were focused energetically and Different organizations have different priorities
intelligently on putting the existing technologies, and varying amounts of funding to invest in activity
labor force, and capital stock to work, rapid based management improvement system
productivity growth would follow. management. Many of these organizations have
In a mature market it is likely to cost sustained their activity based management
considerably more to replace the activity based improvement system management focus over time,
management improvement base than it cost to although these investments may or may not be
develop originally. For this reason, the replacement considered part of a long-term activity based
cost of the asset may be deemed to be a more management improvement system management
reasonable proxy for value. Estimating the costs strategy. For example, one major international bank
required to replace an intangible asset, however, defines its activity based management improvement
would be an extremely subjective exercise and system management as the marketing databases and
would hinge on the estimated effectiveness of the campaign management and considers distribution
marketing activities. Many of organizations have channels to be a separated systems investment area.
sustained their Strengthening of Organization by
activity based management improvement system 8. Conclusion
management focus over time, although these What is required to fulfill this potential is a better
investments may or may not be considered part of a understanding of services and a set of tools,
long-term strengthening of organization by activity techniques, and policies to help keep management’s
based management improvement strategy. focus on productivity improvement. The rigorous
Valuing activity based management improvement application to the service sector of those
on the basis of historic cost demonstrates the management techniques that have been so effective
effectiveness of the marketing team rather than in the manufacturing sector is a starting point for
providing a robust indication of activity based service managers to help them bring their
management improvement value. For example, one companies back to life. Although applying those
major hospital defines its activity based techniques to the service sector seems to be more
management improvement system management as complex, doing so would help managers provide
the marketing databases and campaign management high-activity based management services efficiently
and considers distribution methods to be a separated to customers.
systems investment area. Managers have too many successful measures,
Regardless of the basis for calculating costs, it is and a simplified set with fewer yet more important
almost always true to say that the cost of something metrics would lead to superior successful.
rarely reflects its worth. The principal weakness of Successful management systems are hindered by
the multiple excess earnings approach is that it is too many low-level measures.
complicated to carry out. The key issue is whether the firm wants to make
Furthermore, correctly identifying all the value use of these relationships in the way it manages
drivers operating functions and intangible assets customers or not, and whether a given customer
employed and calculating their respective wants to be an actively managed relationship with
functional returns and present values is open to the service provider, or not. Organizations compete
distortion and inaccuracy due to the sensitivity of with the activity based management level of their
the valuation to key assumptions and source data. In operations. An organization, which can not manage
the case of an acquisition, the excess returns will

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