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1. I have never … to Leipzig

What is the correct verb to complete the statement above?

A. Be
B. Been
C. Go
D. Went

2. My father is still on the way. He … yet.

What is the correct form of verb to complete the statement above?

A. Hasn’t arrive
B. Haven’t arrive
C. Hasn’t arrived
D. Haven’t arrived

3. Someone … my helmet
What is the correct form of the verb to complete the statement above?

A. Have stole
B. Has stole
C. Have stolen
D. Has stolen

4. Has Belle just … a new laptop?

What is the correct verb to complete the question above?

A. Buy
B. Buyed
C. Bought
D. Boughted

5. Have you … your hair?

What is the correct verb to complete the question above?

A. Cut
B. Cutted
C. Cute
D. Cutt

6. Have you … your hair?

What is the correct verb to complete the question above?
A. Cut
B. Cutted
C. Cuts
D. Cutt

7. Which one is the correct sentence in present perfect tense?

A. He have worked hard recently

B. He has worked hard recently
C. He have work hard recently
D. He has work hard recently

8. Which one is the correct sentence in present perfect tense?

A. I have been a teacher since 2015

B. I have be a teacher since 2015
C. I was a teacher since 2015
D. I had be a teacher since 2015

9. Which one is the correct sentence in present perfect tense?

A. Have Patricia telled you about the news?

B. Has Patricia telled you about the news?
C. Have Patricia told you about the news?
D. Has Patricia told you about the news?

10. Which one is the correct sentence in present perfect tense?

A. Has you heared about a grizzly bear yet?

B. Have you already heared about a grizzly bear
C. Has you ever heard about a grizzly bear?
D. Have you ever heard about a grizzly bear?

11. What is the correct form of the present perfect negative sentences?

A. S + has / have + not + verb ing

B. S + has / have + verb 3 + not
C. S + has / have + not + verb 3
D. S + not + has / have + verb 3

12. She … lunch and now she feels hungry and can’t be focused.
Fill the blank with the correct answer!
A. Hasn’t had
B. Haven’t had
C. Hasn’t have
D. Haven’t have

13. Change these verb 1 into verb 3 !

(sit, drink, put, come, break)

A. Sat, drank, put, came, broken

B. Sat, drunk, putted, come, broke
C. Sit, drunk, put, came. Broken
D. Sat, drunk, put, come, broken

14. Mrs. Paula has … in this school … 15 years

A. Taught, since
B. Teached, for
C. Taught, for
D. Teached, since

15. Translate this sentence into English using present perfect!

“saya baru saja bertemu teman lama saya. Saya sudah tidak melihatnya selama 2 tahun.”

A. I have just meet my old friend. I haven’t saw her for 5 years
B. I have just met my old friend. I haven’t seen her for 5 years
C. I have just meet my old friend. I haven’t seen her for 5 years
D. I have just met my old friend. I haven’t saw her for 5 years.

16. Choose the best sentence below!

A. I have collected stamps since 2005

B. I am collecting stamps since 2005
C. I collect stamps since 2005
D. I collected stamps since 2005

17. Change these words from verb 1 into verb 3!

(pay, lose, cost, ride, swim)

A. Payed, losed, costed, ridden, swum

B. Paid, lost, costed, ridden, swam
C. Payed, lost, cost, rode, swum
D. Paid, lost, cost, ridden, swum
18. “She hasn’t drunk water since 11 a.m”
Change the negative sentence above into interrogative sentence!

A. Has she drunk water since 11 a.m

B. Has she drank water since 11 a.m
C. Have she drunk water since 11 a.m
D. Has she drink water since 11 a.m

19. Which of the following sentences is incorrect below?

A. I haven’t got any present from my brother

B. Has she ever visited your house?
C. He has drove his car for five hours
D. They have traveled to China three times

20. Elisabeth is my friend. We have … each other since we were 13 years old. She is smart and
friendly. However, I haven’t … her for three years because she … moved to New York since
2014. Henceforth, I miss her so much.

A. Knew, met, has

B. Known, met, has
C. Known, meted, have
D. Knew, meet, have

21. Sam : How often do you go to the theatre?

Georgia : I can’t even remember the last time I’ve been there
From the dialogue above, we can infer that …

A. Georgia has never been to the theatre

B. Georgia is not fond of watching film
C. Georgia rarely goes to the theatre
D. Georgia is a forgetful person

22. Theo : I have never seen Jonathan attend any school club activity
Norah : Well, he is always busy with his extra classes. Once, he told me that he enjoyed
studying a lot.
From the dialogue above, we know that …

A. Jonathan is an academic student

B. Theo and Norah are active members of school club
C. Theo and Norah don’t enjoy their extra classes
D. Theo and Norah aren’t busy at all

23. The following statement are correct, except …

A. The milk has gone off
B. They have to had the doll since she was a kid
C. My brother has been well-behaved during the visit
D. Most rental princes have steady this year

24. Eva : Do you know someone who has visited Nicaragua?

Elena : (a) ..,
Evan : Really? What does it look like?
Elena : You can see volcanic landscapes, colonial architecture, sensational beaches and
pristine forests that range from breathtaking to downright incredible there.
Evan : (b) …
Elena : No, but my mom and my sister, Fiona, have.
What is the most appropriate response to complete the dialogue (a) above?

A. It has been so great

B. I’ve known no one who has visited Nicaragua before
C. Fiona has visited Nicaragua many times
D. I’ve been there twice

25. Eva : Do you know someone who has visited Nicaragua?

Elena : (a) …
Evan : Really? What does it look like?
Elena : You can see volcanic landscapes, colonial architecture, sensational beaches and
pristine forests that range from breathtaking to downright incredible there.
Evan : (b) …
Elena : No, but my mom and my sister, Fiona, have.
What is the most appropriate response to complete the dialogue (b) above?

A. Have you told me about how great Nicaragua before?

B. Have your mom and Fiona visited the beaches?
C. Have you taken some pictures on its colonial architecture?
D. Do you have some recommendations for me?

26. Eva : Do you know someone who has visited Nicaragua?

Elena : (a) …
Evan : Really? What does it look like?
Elena : You can see volcanic landscapes, colonial architecture, sensational beaches and
pristine forests that range from breathtaking to downright incredible there.
Evan : (b) …
Elena : No, but my mom and my sister, Fiona, have.
From the dialogue above, we know that …

A. Elena has enjoyed her time in Nicaragua

B. Evan has been to Nicaragua
C. It was an awful experience to be in Nicaragua
D. Evan doesn’t seem to look interested in knowing about Nicaragua

27. Ben :…
Sasha : I have tried many times but she hasn’t picked up
Ben : Perhaps, she has been busy with all stuff. I was thunderstruck when I received the
news about her parents.

From the dialogue above, we can infer that …

A. Ben and Shasa have no idea about what happended with Vienna’s parents
B. Ben was glad to know about what happened with Vienna’s parents
C. Shasa has made no effort to contact Vienna
D. Vienna has sorrowed over her parents

28. Ben :…
Sasha : I have tried many times but she hasn’t picked up
Ben : Perhaps, she has been busy with all stuff. I was thunderstruck when I received the
news about her parents.

What is the most appropriate response to complete the dialogue above?

A. Have you picked up Vienna’s call?
B. Have you phoned Vienna to comfort her?
C. Has Vienna picked up your call?
D. Has Vienna called you about her parents?

29. Which following statement is correct?

A. My dad has stopped smoking yet
B. She has been ill for 4 days
C. Natasya and I have already been visited the city hall many times
D. We have known Andrea since 5 years

30. Which following statement is incorrect?

A. We haven’t been in touch with Josh for ages
B. The government has said that it will not be intimidated by terrorist threats
C. I have been regularly jogged to keep fit
D. The sergeant has already barked out a succession of orders to the new recruits

31. The correct statement that use present perfect is …

A. The book is read by my brother
B. Tere has read this book twice
C. Tere has an interesting book
D. Indy has reading Tere’s book a whole day
32. I have eaten 3 doughnuts while waiting you
Rearrange the sentence above into the negative pattern …

A. I have not been eat 3 doughnuts while waiting you

B. Have I eaten 3 doughnuts while waiting you
C. I have eaten no doughnuts while waiting you
D. I have not eaten 3 doughnuts while waiting you

33. The flower-for-has-the third time-around-the butterfly-flown

What is the correct arrangement of the sentence above?

A. The butterfly has flown around the flower for the third time
B. The butterfly has the flower flown around for the third time
C. The butterfly has flown around the third time for the flower
D. The butterfly has around for the flower the third time

34. Athar : Do you know what time Salma has left the office?
Rania : She has left at 4 pm, because her mother was sick
Athar : I think she left this book on my table
Rania : may be she forgot to bring it. I will bring it to her house
Athar : Thank you Rania

From the text, we can infer that …

A. Rania’s mother was sick so she left at 4 pm

B. Rania and Athar will bring Salma’s book to her house
C. Salma has been in hurry, so she forgot to bring her book on athar’s table
D. Athat have bought a book for Salma but salma has already left the office

35. Dion : Where ave you been? Mommy has called you before
Paul : My motorbike suddenly isn’t worked
Dion : Have you checked the mecine?
Paul : I have called my friend to elp me
Dion : OK then. Take care

Based on the dialogue above, we can conclude that …

A. Paul has been late come home because his motorbike has broke
B. Dion will come to help Paul because Paul as called him
C. Dion and Paul are classmate
D. Paul will check his motorbike

36. Mommy has called you before

Change the sentence above into the interrogative pattern of Present Perfect tense …

A. Has mommy call you before?

B. Hasn’t mommy called you before?
C. Have mommy called you before?
D. Has mommy called you before?

Which is the correct sentence using present perfect tense to describe the picture above?

A. She have thrown the rubbish

B. She has thrown the rubbish
C. She has throwing the rubbish
D. She has throw the rubbish

38. A : What have you done a lot this week?

B :…

What is the appropriate sentence to respond the question above?

A. I am visiting my grandparents in Palembang last week

B. I have spent my week in my grandparents’ house
C. I slept over day and night on the last week
D. I grew some fruit plants inside my glasshouse

39. Jullian : What is the best restaurant you ave eaten at?
Joe : I have eaten seafood at malika restaurant. It has some delicious seafood
Julian : Can you give a recommendation menu if I want to go there? I do really like to eat
Joe : I’m not sure if the abalone menu still available. The last time I have been there about
3 years ago

What is the correct sentence based on the dialogue above?

A. Joe usually eats at malika Restaurant since three years ago

B. Julian do not like the Malika Restaurant because he hates seafood
C. The last time Joe have eaten seafood at malika Restaurant about 3 years ago
D. Julian and Joe will eat seafood at Malika Restaurant
40. Fill in the blank!
Eriza : Have you ever … an elephant?
Aksay : No, I … I … when I tried to ride an animal

Which is the correct words to fill in the blanks?

A. Ridden, have, has fallen

B. Rode, have, have fallen
C. Ridden, have not, have fail
D. Ridden, have not, have fallen


1. B
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. A
9. D
10. D
11. C
12. A
13. D
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. D
18. A
19. C
20. B
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. D
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. D
29. B
30. C
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. A
36. D
37. B
38. B
39. C
40. D

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