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Materi Bahasa Inggris Describing People and Object

Kosakata yang sering digunakan untuk describing people and object

1. handsome = ganteng
2. beautiful = cantik
3. kind = baik
4. nice = baik
5. fat = gemuk
6. thin = kurus
7. ugly = jelek
8. boring = membosankan
9. calm = tenang
10. chubby = gemuk
11. cheerful = periang
12. caring = perhatian
13. clever = pandai
14. smart = pintar
15. stupid = bodoh
16. tall = tinggi
17. short = pendek
18. short hair = rambut pendek
19. long hair = rambut panjang
20. black hair = rambut hitam
21. white skin = kulit putih
22. brown skin = kulit cokelat
23. pointed nose = hidung mancung
24. flat nose = hidung pesek
25. young = muda
26. old = tua
27. bald = botak
28. rich = kaya
29. poor = miskin
30. sensitive = sensitive

 Lina is very beautiful, she's tall and slim
 Sisca is got long brown curly hair
 He has blue and sharp eyes
 She has pointed nose and white skin
 She's sensitive and easily angry
 My daughter is cute and cheerful.
 The flowers is beautiful and scented
 My bedroom wall is green
 John is the smartest in the class
 Rita is very kind and cheerful girl
 My cat has brown and soft fur

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d !

1. We live on earth. The satellite of the earth is ....

a. star
b. palapa
c. sun
d. moon

2. The center of the solar system is ....

a. earth
b. star
c. sun
d. moon

3. In the rainy season, .... usually occurs.

a. flood
b. tsunami
c. dryness
d. earthquake

4. The following are the things in the earth, except ....

a. meteorid
b. lake
c. mountain
d. waterfall

5. The Nile is the longest .... in the world.

a. lake
b. river
c. ocean
d. desert

6. Australia is the name of .... in the world.

a. sea
b. ocean
c. continent
d. island

7. It is so hot and dry in the ....

a. mountain
b. desert
c. lake
d. continent

8. A : "Does the moon have its own light?"

B : "No, it .... ."
a. don't
b. doesn't
c. aren't
d. isn't

9. We can see sparkling .... in the night

a. sun
b. stars
c. moon
d. comet

10. Indonesia is located between two continets and two ....

a. sea
b. ocean
c. island
d. lake

11. The sun is the .... of the solar system.

a. bottom
b. edge
c. surface
d. centre

12. I am so .... I want to eat

a. sad
b. sleepy
c. hungry
d. angry

13. Mr. Jamil works all day long in the rice field. He feels ....
a. happy
b. sad
c. tired
d. excited

14. Andy's bike is lost. He feels ....

a. happy
b. sad
c. excited
d. glad

15. It is raining all day long. We feel ....

a. cold
b. hot
c. warm
d. wet

16. Fina stays at home alone. She feels ....

a. happy
b. disappointed
c. angry
d. lonely

17. The snake makes me feel ....

a. glad
b. excited
c. interested
d. disgusted

18. Anita is pretty. All the boys are .... in her.

a. disappointed
b. interested
c. bored
d. frightened

19. Aliando is so handsome. Many girls are ....

a. charmed
b. glad
c. tired
d. disappointed

20. I get birthday presents. I feel ....

a. sad
b. happy
c. tired
d. bored

21. My close friend often lies me. I feel ....

a. charmed
b. disappointed
c. glad
d. excited

22. Kelud is the name of a ....

a. palace
b. lake
c. hill
d. mountain

23. A person who is travelling for a pleasure is a ....

a. driver
b. tourist
c. visitor
d. gues

24. Maharani is the name of a .... in East Java

a. river
b. lake
c. sea
d. cave

25. Rock climbing, hiking, and camping are activities on the ....
a. jungle
b. sea
c. river
d. mountain

26. People can do fishing in the ....

a. field
b. hill
c. cave
d. river

27. Surfboard is the equipment for ....

a. diving
b. surfing
c. camping
d. fishing

28. Prigi is the name of a ....

a. lake
b. beach
c. island
d. forest

29. They are names of the river in Java, except ....

a. Brantas
b. Bengawan Solo
c. Serayu
d. Asahan

30. While making sand castle, Arman and Anto can see waves They want to spend their
holiday in the ....
a. temple
b. mountain
c. lake
d. beach

31. Bunaken is the name of a sea park in ....

a. West Java
b. Papua
c. North Sulawesi
d. South Sulawesi

32. A : May I borrow your pencil?"

B : " .... "
a. Sure !
b. Good luck !
c. Thank you !
d. You're welcome !
33. Don't throw the rubbish into the river! It may cause ....
a. flood
b. rain
c. landslide
d. tsunami

34. A : “.... close the door please!"

B : “ Sure.”
a. What
b. Could
c. Do
d. You

35. The room is too dark. We say ....

a. switch on the lamp, please !
b. switch off the lamp, please !
c. keep the lamp, please !
d. turn on the lamp, please !

36. The baby is sleeping. Mother says ....

a. Keep silent !
b. Keep noisy !
c. Don't be lazy !
d. Speak up !

37. Don't .... here! The floor is dirty.

a. clean
b. write
c. sleep
d. sweep

38. .... ! The rainbow is so beautiful.

a. Look
b. Listen
c. Speak
d. Seem

39. Could I .... this water. I am very thirsty.

a. eat
b. drink
c. boil
d. throw

40. Mrs. Nadia works at the hospital. She helps the doctor. She is a ....
a. dentist
b. herbalist
c. nurse
d. surgeon

41. We can call Saturn as ....

a. The biggest planet
b. The ring planet
c. The red planet
d. The smallest planet

42. This room is clean. I feel ....

a. nervous
b. lonely
c. terrible
d. comfort

43. Andi has not come yet. His mother feels ....
a. worried
b. satisfied
c. nervous
d. excited

44. Your story is boring. I am ....

a. bored
b. frightened
c. surprised
d. disgusted

45. I am shopping in the supermarket. I pay the goods in the ....

a. security
b. shopkeeper
c. cashier
d. manager

46. Father has a new car. It is .... new car

a. her
b. his
c. their
d. your

47. It is my book. The book is ....

a. yours
b. mine
c. my
d. theirs

48. Sangkuriang wanted to marry his mother. It is legend of ....

a. Banyuwangi
b. Tangkuban Perahu
c. Roro Jonggrang
d. Danau Toba

49. Ujung Kulon wildlife reservation is located in ....

a. East Java
b. Central Java
c. west Java
d. Banten

50. Rio brings a big bag, because he doesn't have a .... bag.
a. small
b. long
c. new
d. expensive

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Download Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6

SD/MI Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

Kunci Jawaban
1. d. moon
2. c. sun
3. a. flood
4. a. meteorid
5. b. river
6. c. continent
7. b. desert
8. b. doesn't
9. b. stars
10. b. ocean
11. d. centre
12. c. hungry
13. c. tired
14. b. sad
15. a. cold
16. d. lonely
17. d. disgusted
18. b. interested
19. a. charmed
20. b. happy
21. b. disappointed
22. d. mountain
23. b. tourist
24. d. cave
25. d. mountain
26. d. river
27. b. surfing
28. b. beach
29. d. Asahan
30. d. beach
31. c. North Sulawesi
32. a. Sure !
33. a. flood
34. b. Could
35. a. switch on the lamp, please !
36. a. Keep silent !
37. c. sleep
38. a. Look
39. b. drink
40. c. nurse
41. b. The ring planet
42. d. comfort
43. a. worried
44. a. bored
45. c. cashier
46. b. his
47. b. mine
48. b. Tangkuban Perahu
49. d. Banten
50. a. small

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada a, b, c, atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar!

Read the dialogue bellow carefully!

Waiter : “Hello, Good morning, may I help you?
Costumer : “Good morning. Yes I want to order some food.”
Waiter : “What do you want to order sir?”
Costumer : “I want a plate of fried rice and fried chicken.”
Waiter : “Wait a minute sir.”
Costumer : “Sure.”

1. The conversation above take place in the ….

a. Hospital c. Market
b. Restaurant d. Zoo

2. He … some cookies in his pocket.

a. has c. is
b. have d. are

3. A : What do you have?

B : I … cabbage
a. has c. is
b. have d. are

4. Ari has seven marbles, Rudi has three marbles. They have … marbles.
a. eleven c. ten
b. nine d. twelve
5. Mother cooks in the…
a. Bathroom c. Bedroom
b. Kitchen d. Garage

6. “Cook” means.…
a. Makan c. Memasak
b. Minum d. Membaca

7. I’am vegetable. My colour is orange. I’am very good for your eyes. I am a ….
a. Pumpkin c. Eggplant
b. Chily d. Carrot

8. This vegetable is hot. “Don’t eat too much!” you will get a stomachache
a. Pumpkin c. Eggplant
b. Chily d. Carrot

9. Need-popeye-and olive-spinach
a. Popeye need spinach and Olive
b. And Olive Popeye need spinach
c. Popeye and Olive need spinach
d. Spinach need Popeye and Olive

10. In this place you can eat and drink with your friends
a. Restroom c. Canteen
b. Library d. School

11. Mother … a cup of tea every morning

a. Drink c. Eat
b. Drinks d. Eats
12. This is a traditional food from Lampung
a. Rujak c. Empek-empek
b. Rendang d. Seruit

13. X : What would you like to eat?

Y : I would like a plate of ….
a. Juice c. Fried rice
b. Water d. Ice cream

14. There are fruits and vegetables in the ….

a. Fruit juice c. Fruit salad
b. Fruity d. Fruit stall

15. …. Contents of vitamin C

a. Pineapple c. Avocado
b. Orange d. Apple

16. A …works in the restaurant

a. Fisherman c. Teacher
b. Waiters d. Seller

17. There … six mangoes on the table

a. Are c. Have
b. Is d. Has
18. Fruits and…are good for our health
a. Salad c. Vegetables
b. Rendang d. Apple

19. Makan in English is ….

a. Eat c. Cook
b. Drink d. Read

20. I am… I want to buy some food at the canteen

a. Eat c. Cook
b. Drink d. Hungry

21. I always have my…before school

a. Lunch c. Dinner
b. Breakfast d. Eat

22. Father…a newspaper in the living room

a. Drink c. Read
b. Drinks d. Reads

23. Azzam : What do you like to….?

Syauqi : A glass of milk please
a. Drink c. Read
b. Drinks d. Reads

24. It is a fruit. It is sour (asam). It`s leaf likes a sword (pedang). It is a .…

a. Pineapple c. Mango
b. Durian d. Banana
25. It is a food. It is from Padang.
a. Rendang c. Burger
b. Meatball d. Petis

26. The right sentence bellow is ….

a. The spinach is green
b. The carrot is red
c. The corn is green
d. The garlic is red

27. Satay is kind of .…

a. Drink c. Vegetable
b. Food d. Fruit

28. People can order some food in the .…

a. Canteen c. Yard
b. Stall d. Mosque

29. This food contents many vegetables

a. Rujak c. Seruit
b. Salad d. Rendang

30. Is burger kind of food?

a. Yes, they are c. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not d. No, it is

31. What do you need to make a soup?

a. Potato c. Pineapple
b. Orange d. Chilly
32. It is good for our skin (kulit) because it contents Vitamine E
a. Pineapple c. Avocado
b. Orange d. Apple

33. Indonesian people always … mineral water after meal

a. Cook c. Eat
b. Drink d. Read

34. My sisiter eats fried rice every morning. “Fried rice” means ….
a. Nasi goreng c. Nasi uduk
b. Ayam goreng d. Nasi

35. My sister … like milk

a. Do c. Does
b. Don’t d. Doesn’t

II. Isilah titik-titik dibawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

36. He … coffee every morning.

37. My friend and I … dinner in restaurant every day.
38. My mother … delicious food in the kitchen every day.
39. Onion means …
40. There … many apples on the plate.
41. The right letter to complete this word are …. P U _ _ K _ N —–> (Labu)
42. Carrot contents Vitamine ….
43. It is kind of food. It is made from meat. It is from java. It is ….
44. In the fruit stall, we can buy ….
45. Traditional food from Padang is .…
III. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang benar!

46. What is your favorite food?

47. What is you favorite drink?
48. What do you need to make Rujak?
49. Ayah makan nasi goreng setiap pagi. Write in English!
50. Mention 5 kinds of drinks!

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