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Food & Beverage 30 Values for 30 Days

Value Topic SALT Impact

1. Guest Name Usage Use of Name

2. Guest Requests Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
3. Service Recovery Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
4. L.E.A.P Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
5. Confirming Guest Satisfaction Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
6. Requests Upon Arrival Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
7. Anticipating Guest Needs Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
8. Hotel Knowledge Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
9. Problem Avoidance Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
10. Empowerment Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
11. Over Sharing of Information Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
12. Active Listening Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
13. The Answer is Yes Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff
14. Team member is Well Spoken Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff
15. It’s How You Say It Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff
16. Smiling and Eye Contact Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff
17. Closing Guest Interactions Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff
18. Delivering the Perfect Welcome Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
19. 5 / 10 Rule Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
20. Acknowledging Guests in Line Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
21. Top 100 Guest List Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
22. Alert Posture Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
23. Know Your Guest Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
24. Engaging the Guest Staff Made Me Feel Welcome
25. Restaurant Ambience Restaurant Ambience
26. Food Quality Food Quality
27. Speed of Service Speed of Service
28. Grooming Standards Staff Made Me Feel Welcome /
Restaurant Ambience
29. What is to Casual? Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff
30. Make Their Day Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

VALUE TOPIC 1: Guest Name Usage

SALT Impact: Use of Name

Objective: Encourage Team Members to acknowledge arriving Guests by using the

Question 1:

Why do you feel it is important address our Guests by their name?

Possible Answers: Signal of recognition, personalizes the experience, shows you are actively engaged.

Question 2:

What impression or perception might it create for our Guests when we don’t use their name?

Possible Answers: Impersonal, not welcoming, not engaged, don’t care.

Question 3:

How do we overcome the barriers that may prohibit us from using the Guest’s name?

Possible Answers: Ask the Guest for the correct pronunciation; use the Guests name at the beginning and end
of your interaction, create communication system between Team Members, i.e. hostess and server.

Demonstrate how to use the Guest’s name effectively as a signal of recognition.

Note – Ensure the Guest’s name is used at least 2-3 tomes during their experience.

Challenge Team Members to use the Guest’s name as a signal of recognition.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Spend some time shadowing and listening to the Team Member master the skill of using the
Guest’s name as a signal of recognition and the positive impact it creates on the overall experience. Discuss
with Team Members how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill throughout your observations.

VALUE TOPIC 2: Guest Requests

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to always offer an alternative or seek assistance

when they are not able to fulfill the Guest’s original request.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to always offer an alternative instead of just declining a Guest

Possible Answers: Shows the guest we care, their requests are important to us, want to accommodate their

Question 2:

What perception or impact might it create for our Guests if we don’t offer appropriate alternatives or seek
assistance from another Team Member?

Possible Answers: Un-willing to assist, we don’t care, lazy

Question 3:

How can we ensure we don’t decline any Guest request without offering alternatives or seeking assistance
from other Team Members/departments?

Possible Answers: Use the approach of “the answer is yes, now what’s the question”, avoid saying “No”

Demonstrate how to effectively handle Guest requests by offering alternatives if you are unable to provide the
original request.

Note – Ensure the message is conveyed that no Guest request should ever be left incomplete without offering
an appropriate alternative or solution.

Challenge Team Members to avoid declining Guest requests without offering appropriate alternatives or by
seeking assistance from another Team Member or department.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day, listen to the verbiage being used by team members when handling Guest requests.

VALUE TOPIC 3: Service Recovery

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to use service recovery to ensure that no guest
leaves dissatisfied.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to use service recovery?

Possible Answers: Express sincere apology for the error, ensure no guest leaves dissatisfied, shows
appreciation, encourages repeat business

Question 2:

What service recovery tools are available to you?

Possible Answers: Manager involvement/escalation, complimentary item, credit their bill, invite them back or
offer assistance in a future activity they may be planning.

Question 3:

How can we impact a Guest’s stay using the service recovery tools?

Possible Answers: Resolve any challenges they experience +1, exceed Guest expectations, WOW factor

Demonstrate the use of the service recovery.

Note – Have one of the Team Members demonstrate which service recovery tool would be best used if a guest
was to experience food was overcooked, cold, etc.

Encourage Team Members to use the service recovery tools to ensure that no Guest leaves dissatisfied. “Do
whatever we can to make the guest happy”

Evaluate & Follow-up

Spend time observing Team Member interactions with Guests and discuss how successful they’ve been in
mastering this skill. Additional training and communication regarding Team Member empowerment and service
recovery tools will be on-going.

VALUE TOPIC 4: Listen, Empathize, Apologize, Provide solution (L.E.A.P.)

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to feel comfortable using the L.E.A.P skill when
receiving Guest feedback.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to follow LEAP when receiving Guest feedback?

Possible Answers: Appreciate the Guest’s feedback, care about the Guest’s stay experience.

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our Guests when we don’t follow LEAP when receiving feedback?

Possible Answers: We don’t care about the Guest, not empowered to make decisions, not our problem.

Question 3:
How do we overcome the barriers that may prohibit us from using LEAP when we receive Guest feedback?

Possible Answers: Avoid pre-judging Guests, ensure each Guest leaves the hotel 100% satisfied, focus on the
solution not the problem.

Demonstrate how to effectively use LEAP when receiving constructive feedback from a Guest.

Challenge each Team Member to use LEAP to ensure that each Guest leaves the restaurant/hotel 100%

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe Team Member interactions with Guests and discuss how successful they’ve been in mastering this

VALUE TOPIC 5: Confirming Guest Satisfaction

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to listen and exhibit a genuine sense of interest
and concern for Guest satisfaction during each interaction.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to inquire about a Guest’s satisfaction during his/her stay?

Possible Answers: Shows the Guest that we care about their stay with us, provide service recovery to Guests
before they leave the hotel.

Question 2:

What impression might it have upon the Guest if they leave the hotel without anyone inquiring about their stay?

Possible Answers: Guest may not return if they had an issue, no one seems to care, Guest is unlikely to
recommend hotel.

Question 3:

How do we ensure that we are always listening and exhibiting a genuine sense of interest and concern for
Guest satisfaction?

Possible Answers: Inquire during each Guest interaction, asks Guest upon check out how everything was with
their stay, communicating with other departments and Team Members.

Demonstrate the correct verbiage of how we could inquire about a Guest’s stay.

Note – Communicate appropriate times and places of when to ask Guests how their stay is/was, and
recommended verbiage when constructive feedback is offered.

Challenge each Team Member to always inquire how a Guest’s stay is/was during each interaction.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe Team Member interactions with Guests enquiring about their stay experience.

VALUE TOPIC 6: Requests Upon Arrival

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Ensure Request Upon Arrival selection is confirmed during check in.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to confirm Guest’s Request Upon Arrival selection at check in?
Possible Answers: It’s the Guest’s expectation, shows the Guest we have been expecting them.

Question 2:

What impact might it have upon the Guest if the hotel does not follow through on delivering Request Upon
Arrival items to the Guest?

Possible Answers: Guest is disappointed, may taint their entire experience, may cause safety issues (allergic
reactions), may cause a cancellation or refund

Question 3:

How can we ensure proper delivery of Request Upon Arrival items?

Possible Answers: Pre-assign tables, pre-set menus, have and distribute documentation (REO’s), identify
Guest’s ETA in reservation (if possible)

Review the reservation to identify which Guests have requested items prior to their arrival. Demonstrate the
correct verbiage when confirming Request Upon Arrival items at check in.

Challenge each Team Member to always confirm and verify the delivery of Request Upon Arrival items at the
time of check in.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe Team Member interactions with guests upon check in to see that they are verbally confirming Request
Upon Arrival items at check in and following up with appropriate departments to ensure delivery.

VALUE TOPIC 7: Anticipating Guest Needs

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to anticipate Guests needs, not always requiring
prompting by the Guest.

Question 1:

Why is anticipating Guest needs without being prompted so impactful to a Guest’s stay experience?
Possible Answers: Shows how much we care, sense of warmth and hospitality

Question 2:

What impression does it leave upon the Guest when we anticipate their needs without prompting?

Possible Answers: Leaves a lasting impression upon them, the Guest will be more motivated to fill out a
positive SALT survey, Guest will want to tell their friends about their experience.

Question 3:

How can we anticipate our Guest’s needs without been prompted?

Possible Answers: Know the purpose of their trip, look for clues on the Guest’s reservation and in CRM, asking
questions upon check in, looking for visual clues.

Demonstrate examples of how you can anticipate Guest’s needs by using the clues provided on a reservation,
and by asking questions upon check in.

Note – It’s important for your team to feel empowered to provide the unexpected to Guests

Challenge each Team Member the Guest’s reservation details to identify needs before being prompted by the

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe and encourage your Team Members throughout the day to master this skill by anticipating as many
Guests’ needs as possible without having been prompted.

VALUE TOPIC 8: Hotel Knowledge

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to become more knowledgeable about the hotel
and its services and amenities.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to have hotel knowledge?

Possible Answers: Able to better direct or escort Guests to their destination, better at solving problems, greater
ability to meet your Guests needs.

Question 2:

What impression can it have on a Guest if they approach the restaurant to ask a general question about the
hotel and the Team Member is unable to respond?

Possible Answers: Can be frustrating for the Guest, decreases the Guest’s confidence, can also be time

Question 3:

How do we become more knowledgeable about the hotel’s services and amenities it offers?

Possible Answers: Take a tour of your hotel’s various outlets and services, have hard copies of hours and
locations of the various outlets and services for reference.

Pick 2-3 locations for your team to know and personally take them there. It can be a meeting room, restaurant
or where your ATM is located.

Note – Provide hard copies of General Hotel Information for your front desk to reference to. It could be as
simple as a general cheat sheet that everyone can understand and read.

Challenge each Team Member to know at least 2-3 new general features of the hotel that would be of benefit to
the Guest if they we’re to ask. E.g. Hours of operation for the cafe

Evaluate & Follow-up

Ensure that each Team Member becomes more familiar with the hotel’s services, amenities and outlets by
touring the hotel.

VALUE TOPIC 9: Problem Avoidance

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: To help Team Members avoid problems by getting it right the first time.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to be skillful at problem avoidance?

Possible Answers: Helps build Guest loyalty, higher SALT scores, less inconvenient for our Guests

Question 2:

What are some of the most common problems we see Guests experience?

Possible Answers: Table not ready at time of arrival, unable to locate reservation, billing concerns, dietary
needs, guest not happy with location of table

Question 3:

How can we avoid these common problems?

Possible Answers: Actively Listen, Pay attention to the details, Double-check information, Write it down, and
don’t let information slip between the cracks, use log books and traces.

Demonstrate to your team how they can actively engage Guests throughout the check-in (or check out)

Note – Use various examples of common requests you receive at check in, that could become a problem
without any follow-up or communication. E.g. split bill, special dietary needs.

Have Team Members commit to the following skills to help them avoid common problems from occurring at the
front desk. 1. Active Listening 2. Pay Attention 3. Double-check information 4. Write it down
5. Don’t let information skip through the cracks – use log books or traces 6. Follow-up

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day evaluate and follow-up with the various problems that arise and use those examples with
your Team Members in asking how they could’ve been avoided.

VALUE TOPIC 10: Empowerment

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: To encourage Team Members to take ownership by making the decisions to

solve problems.

Question 1:

Why is it important for us to feel/be empowered?

Possible Answers: Builds a productive and confident team, Guest doesn’t have to speak with multiple people
to get problem resolution

Question 2:

What are some common opportunities where we can show Guests our level of empowerment?

Possible Answers: If available, offer complimentary upgrades for those guests celebrating special occasions,
reimbursement of cost paid for services or amenities that did not meet the Guest’s expectation.

Question 3:

How do we do the right thing by making the right decisions to enhance our Guests stay experience?

Possible Answers: Follow the Listen. Empathize. Apologize. Provide a solution steps with service recovery, do
whatever it takes to make the Guest happy, think about what we would expect if the roles were reversed.

Demonstrate to Team Members examples of how they can use empowerment to exceed Guest expectations.

Note – Feeling empowered is a culture and not a switch that can be turned on/off. Constant communication to
your team to “do whatever it takes to make the Guest happy” reminds them of what it truly means to be

Challenge each Team Member to “do whatever it takes to make the Guest happy” without feeling like they need
to see a manager. This includes situations where they are either dealing with a Guest related issue or
they just want to do something nice for a Guest.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Respond to Team Members who may approach you for permission to do something to “do what you feel will
make the Guest happy”. Let the Team Member be the hero to the Guest.

VALUE TOPIC 11: Over Sharing of Information

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Prevent over-sharing of information with our Guests


Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to not over share information with our Guests?

Possible Answers: Can make a bad situation worse, gives the impression we’re trying to make excuses, our
Guests don’t care why, Guests want solutions not problems.

Question 2:

What are some situations where it can be easy to over share information with our Guests?

Possible Answers: We are understaffed, kitchen is slammed with orders, out of food items, I’m having a bad

Example of over sharing: Your food is being delayed because we had 3 sick call today so we are understaffed.

Question 3:

How do we ensure that we are not over sharing with our Guests?

Possible Answers: Focus on the solution not the problem, apologize and recover, will the Guest benefit from
what you’re about to say

Demonstrate examples of situations where it’s easy to over share and how you can avoid over sharing
information in those examples.

Note – Demonstrate to your team what over sharing is and how it can be avoided by thinking before you speak.

Have each Team Member commit to not over sharing information with Guests as to why problems occur, but
focus on the recovery and problem resolution.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe your Team Members interactions with guests to remind and encourage them as to how impactful over
sharing with Guests can be to your SALT scores.

VALUE TOPIC 12: Active Listening

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Have Team Members master their active listening skills.


Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to actively listen to our Guests?

Possible Answers: To truly know and understand what our Guest’s needs are, ensure we don’t misinterpret
what the Guest is really trying to tell us, shows that we care about their needs.

Question 2:

What impression does it create for our Guests when we don’t listen to them?
Possible Answers: Guest can feel mad, upset, hurt, frustrated and feel that we don’t care about them.

Question 3:

How can active listening increase our guest satisfaction?

Possible Answers: Helps us get it right the first time, helps us to engage the Guest, we can better understand
the Guest’s preferences, avoids misunderstandings.

Demonstrate examples of actively listening to your Guest by following a few simple active listening skills.
Write it down, ask more questions, clarify and confirm, summarize etc.

Note – Be sure to give your Team Members an opportunity to practice this skill so they can see the impact it
can have on a guest when it is used.

Challenge each Team Member to actively listen to Guests by following those skills listed above.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time shadowing, observing Team Member interactions with
Guests and discuss how successful they’ve been in mastering active listening.

VALUE TOPIC 13: The Answer is Yes, Now what’s the Question

SALT Impact: Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to look for ways on saying “Yes” to Guest
requests and questions.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to say “Yes” to our Guests?

Possible Answers: Makes them feel relieved and happy, lets them know we want to help and accommodate
them any way possible

Question 2:

What impact would it have on the hotel if every Guest felt happy, calm and relieved?

Possible Answers: Increased SALT scores, repeat business, positive Guest experiences.

Question 3:

How can we say “Yes” to each guest who we interact with that has a question or a request?

Possible Answers: Start off each sentence with “Yes” or absolutely, if you don’t have the answer then ask
another Team Member or Department.

Demonstrate some examples of questions or requests that you’re faced with daily that you could practice the
art of saying “Yes”. E.g. Guest requesting a reservation for another restaurant.

Note: We are in the hospitality industry – making people feel happy and satisfied is part of our job!

Challenge each Team Member to refrain from saying No and look for opportunities to say Yes to each Guest

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend time observing Team Members interactions with Guests and discuss how successful
they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 14: Team Member is Well Spoken

SALT Impact: Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Team Members are well-spoken, polite and clear, avoiding slang

Question 1:

Why is it important for Team Members to be well spoken, polite and clear?

Possible Answers: Our verbiage can impact the Guest’s perception of the hotel, what we say and how we say
it can create either a positive or negative arrival experience.

Question 2:

What specific phrases or words can create a negative service experience for our Guests?

Possible Answers: It’s our policy, I’m not allowed, my manager said we can’t, I don’t know how.

Question 3:

How can we avoid using slang and negative phrases, and use words that are polite and clear?

Possible Answers: Focus on providing a positive Guest arrival experience, eliminate those words or phrases
that you know will create a negative reaction, use words such as “certainly”, “my pleasure”

Demonstrate the difference between using polite verbiage and using slang during a check in.

Challenge your Team Members to avoid using those words or phrases that can create a negative reaction with
the Guest, and concentrate on speaking politely and clearly.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time listening to your Team Member’s verbiage with their Guest interactions.
Discuss with your team how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 15: It’s How You Say It

SALT Impact: Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Be aware that it’s not what you say, but how you say it that can have a
negative or positive impression upon the Guest.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to be aware of how we say things?

Possible Answers: It can indicate to the Guest how we may be feeling or thinking, could give the wrong

Question 2:

What positive perceptions can we give the Guest with the tone of voice we use?

Possible Answers: We’re happy to see the Guest, excited to be working at the hotel, enjoy our job, willing to
help the Guest with whatever they need, nothing will be an inconvenience.

Question 3:

How can we ensure that we are giving off the right impression with the words we say to Guests?

Possible Answers: The tone of your voice, how a word is said, smiling and making eye contact when speaking
to the Guest.

Demonstrate checking in someone using a monotone voice without looking up. Then perform a check in with a
more positive tone in your voice while looking at the Guest and smiling.

Note – Discuss with Team Members that you said the exact same words, however you changed the way you
said it.

Challenge each Team Member to pay attention to their language, tone and pronunciation. We want to keep our
voice tone reflecting a warm and friendly impression.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time on the other side of the desk, observing Team Member interactions with
guests and discuss how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 16: Smiling and Eye Contact

SALT Impact: Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Encourage Team Members to acknowledge arriving and departing Guests in

the restaurant with a warm and friendly smile.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it is important to smile and make eye contact?

Possible Answers: Sense of appreciation, recognition, and actively engaged…

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our Guests when we don’t make eye contact?

Possible Answers: Impersonal, not welcoming, not engaged, bad first impression

Question 3:

How do we overcome the barriers that may prohibit us from delivering that warm and friendly Guest

Possible Answers: Warm initial welcome/greeting, make the Guest the priority

Demonstrate how to use eye contact and smile throughout the check-in (or check out) process.

Note – Have one of the team members demonstrate when they can take a “break” from taking a phone call or
order during a transaction and look straight at the Guest.

Going forward, let’s challenge each other to commit to making eye contact and smiling to our Guests, so as to
raise those “Staff Made Me Feel Welcome” SALT scores.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day, spend time observing Team Member interactions with Guests and discuss how successful
they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 17: Closing Guest Interactions

SALT Impact: Friendliness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Team Members will close Guest interactions with final appreciative and
hospitable remarks.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to close our Guest interactions with an appreciative or hospitable remark?

Possible Answers: Shows the guest we appreciate them, final remark can have a lasting impression on the
Guests dining experience, and shows the Guest it was our pleasure having them dine with us.

Question 2:

What impression does it have on our Guests when they leave the restaurant or hotel having been offered
a final hospitable remark?

Possible Answers: The Guest will leave with a positive impression of the restaurant and hotel, they will
remember how they were made to feel; Guests will be more inclined to return for future dining.

Question 3:

How can we politely close our Guest interactions with final appreciative remarks?

Possible Answers: It’s been my pleasure, I would be delighted to assist you, have a wonderful day, thank you
for dining with us.

Demonstrate examples of final appreciative and hospitable remarks in Guest situations e.g. check out

Note – Remember that it’s not just what we say, but also how we say it. Make sure your final appreciative and
hospitable remarks are effective by using a positive tone.

Challenge Team Members to close their interactions with Guests using hospitable remarks that will leave a
positive impression upon the Guest.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time, observing Team Member’s closing interactions with guests and discuss
how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 18: Delivering the Perfect Welcome

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Emphasize those service skills most influential and impactful to an arriving
Guest’s initial welcome to the restaurant /hotel.

Question 1:

Why is it important to make a Guest feel welcomed to the restaurant/hotel upon arrival?

Possible Answers: Sets the tone for the whole stay, good first impression, shows we appreciate their business

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our Guests when we don’t deliver a warm and friendly welcome?

Possible Answers: The Guest is just a number, sets a bad impression for the rest of the stay

Question 3:

How do we overcome the Guest’s perception that they may not have received a warm and friendly greeting
upon arrival to the restaurant/hotel?

Possible Answers: Exhibit a genuine sense of interest and concern for the Guest’s satisfaction during each
interaction; smile, focus on the guest in front of you and avoid interruptions.

Demonstrate how to deliver the perfect “Welcome” to Guests.
Smile, make eye contact, offer appropriate greeting to the guest (good morning, good afternoon), how may I
assist you, use restaurant/hotel name in your greeting.

Challenge each Team Member to focus on the Guest’s first impression of the hotel by ensuring you are
extending a perfect Welcome experience.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day, observe and listen to your Team Members offering the perfect welcome experience for
your Guests, and recognize/identify with your team the positive impression it makes.

VALUE TOPIC 19: 5 / 10 Rule

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Acknowledge arriving Guests 10 feet away with a warm and friendly smile
and establish eye contact, while engaging the guest with an appropriate welcome and
greeting when 5 feet away
Question 1:

Why is it important to smile and make eye contact at 10 feet and offer a welcome greeting at 5 feet

Possible Answers: Signal of acknowledgement, recognition, actively engaged, lets the Guest know that we are
waiting to assist them and that they are our top priority.

Question 2:

What impression can it make upon our Guests when they are not acknowledged upon arrival with a smile, eye
contact or a warm greeting?

Possible Answers: Don’t care, not welcoming, not engaged, not paying attention.

Question 3:

How do we overcome the barriers that may distract us from executing the 5/10 rule?

Possible Answers: Pay attention, be posted at host stand/dining areas at all times, and be ready to assist, be
looking up not down, offer an engaging expression.

Demonstrate the 5/10 rule by showing Team Members the distance of 10 feet and 5 feet. Also, provide an
example of an appropriate smile and eye contact while engaging the Guest with a warm restaurant/hotel
greeting at 5 feet. Show the opposite effect it can have on a Guest when the 5/10 rule is not followed and the
perception it can give the Guest.

Challenge Team Members to engage in the 5/10 rule by not allowing any Guest to approach or walk past the
Team Member/Host Stand without receiving a smile, eye contact and a warm greeting.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day, spend some time in the lobby observing Guests approaching the restaurant/host stand
and share with your team the positive expressions and body language you observed.

VALUE TOPIC 20: Acknowledging Guests in Line

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Team Member acknowledges guest standing in line with an appropriate sign
of recognition.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to acknowledge guests standing in line?

Possible Answers: Sense of recognition, allows you more time with the guest in front of you, guest in line
becomes more patient

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our guests when we don’t acknowledge guests standing in line?

Possible Answers: Not attentive, not working efficiently, un-aware of their arrival, we don’t care about the
Guest’s arrival.

Question 3:

How can we appropriately acknowledge those Guests who may be standing in line to check in?

Possible Answers: Eye contact and a smile, and let the guest know you’ll be right them

Demonstrate how to appropriately acknowledge Guests standing in line.

Note – Be sure to incorporate eye contact and smiling into your demonstration of Guest acknowledgement

Challenge each Team Member to acknowledge Guests standing in line with an appropriate signal of

Evaluate & Follow-up

Observe Team Member interactions with Guests standing in line and discuss how successful they’ve been in
mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 21: Top 100 Guest List

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Encourage Team Members to acknowledge and recognize VIP Guests

upon arrival.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to recognize our hotel’s VIP Guests?

Possible Answers: Sense of appreciation, recognition, acknowledge loyalty, build relationship.

Question 2:

What impression or impact might it have upon our VIP Guests when we don’t recognize their loyalty or
status to the hotel?

Possible Answers: We don’t care about their business, potentially lose their business to a competitor, and take
for granted their loyalty.

Question 3:

How can we identify our VIP Guests before arrival?

Possible Answers: MOD reports, Group Resumes, Daily Briefing, Restaurant Reservation List.

Demonstrate how to identify a VIP guest on the Group Resumes & MOD reports. Print a copy of the Group
Resumes and post on your notice board for Team Members to see. Discuss property specific ideas to signal
your recognition and appreciation to these VIP Guests.

Commit to recognizing your VIP Guests by thanking them for their loyalty upon check in. Offer
complimentary services that would make a big impact for these valued Guest’s. E.g. amuse bouche,
preferential table, visit by the chef and manager, etc.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Have your Team Members also show you how to identify VIP Guest in the resume and what services
and amenities would be appropriate signs of appreciation.

VALUE TOPIC 22: Alert Posture

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Encourage Team Members to maintain an alert posture, no hands in

pockets or folded arms.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to maintain an alert posture at any given time, with no hands in pockets or
folded arms?

Possible Answers: Ready to assist Guests, more approachable

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our Guests if we stand at any given time with our backs turned and our

Possible Answers: Impersonal, not welcoming, not engaged, bad first impression.

Question 3:

How can we ensure that we are maintaining an alert posture and showing our Guests that we are

Possible Answers: Be mindful of Guests who are in the lobby, always have your body facing forward.

Demonstrate the correct posture when at the front desk.

Note – Show the incorrect way of standing at the front desk and ask Team Members to discuss the perception
this creates to the Guest.

Challenge each Team Member to stand with an alert posture, showing they’re ready to assist Guests.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time observing Team Members standing in an alert posture, ready to assist

VALUE TOPIC 23: Know Your Guest

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: To identify the various travelers and their specific needs. (Business, Group,

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to know your Guest’s purpose of travelling?

Possible Answers: Customize the arrival experience to their needs, recommend specific services and

Question 2:

What specific services and products could we offer to those Guests who are either traveling on business, with
a group or for pleasure?

Possible Answers: Business center, internet access, concierge, fitness facility hours, quick dining options if
they are going back into session

Question 3:

How can we identify the various travelers and know the purpose of their visit?

Possible Answers: lanyards & badges, attire, appropriate asking of open ended questions

Demonstrate by asking open ended questions that may identify the various travelers
and how they can prepare to customize the arrival experience for their Guests.

If not already known, evaluate the guest purpose for visiting, and customize your verbiage to meet their specific

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend time, observing Team Member interactions with Guests in customizing their
verbiage to meet the needs of their visit.

VALUE TOPIC 24: Engaging the Guest

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome

Objective: Encourage Team Members to look for opportunities to engage the Guest on
arrival and while dining

Question 1:

Why is it important to engage with our Guests?

Possible Answers: Lets the Guest know your care, actively focused on the Guest in front of you, shows a
sense of warmth and friendliness.

Question 2:

What impression does it give the Guest when you engage them at check in?

Possible Answers: Friendly staff, sense of personalizing and customizing the arrival experience for them,
appreciate them staying with you.

Question 3:

How do we find something of common interest between you and your Guest?

Possible Answers: Discovering the Guest is from your home town or a place you’ve recently visited, you might
enjoy the same kind of food; see the guest wearing sports gear that indicates you have a shared interest in the
same sports team.

Demonstrate various conversation starters to help Team Members engage with their Guest at check in.
What brings you here? Do you have friends/family in the area? Is there anything we can do to make your stay
more enjoyable?

Note – Have Team Members practice on each other to look for things that they could talk about to engage them
in a conversation.

Challenge Team Members to not just use the regular check in verbiage, but to actively look for opportunities to
engage the Guest in conversation.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time listening to your Team Members actively engage Guests by using some
of the conversation starters

VALUE TOPIC 25: Restaurant Ambience

SALT Impact: Restaurant Ambience

Objective: Maintain an environment that is inviting, clean and crisp for our guests

Question 1:

What in particular catches your eye?

Possible Answers: Clutter, soiled windows, tables & chairs unorganized, improperly groomed Team

Question 2:

What interactions do you see and hear in the area?

Possible Answers: Clacking of plates, silver & glass, carts, blenders, dirty dishes…

Question 3:

What feelings to you get in your area?

Possible Answers: Relaxed, hurried, welcomed, chaotic…

Demonstrate how being aware of your surroundings can assist in creating a welcome environment for our

Challenge each Team Member to evaluate their entire environment throughout their work day.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day observe team member and their maintenance of their environment.

VALUE TOPIC 26: Food Quality

SALT Impact: Food Quality

Objective: To ensure that all food that is presented to the guest is fresh, proper
temperature and prepared correctly

Question 1:

Are you aware of the check times of all of your food tickets?

Possible Answers: Team Members should know how long the wait is for food and exactly how long it takes the
food to get to each of their guest

Question 2:

Do you inform the Chef if a dish is not plated correctly?

Possible Answers: The answer should be every time, not just occasionally

Question 3:

How do you know if the guest enjoyed their meal?

Possible Answers: Team Members should be checking back numerous times during the dining experience and
interacting with the guests on their favorite items and other feedback. Demonstrate the use of Leading
Questions which will help solidify in the guest mind a pleasurable experience such as “wasn’t that mahi-mahi

Demonstrate how effective awareness of food times and presentation can be in ensuring quality is delivered.
Demonstrate the use of “leading questions”.

Challenge each Team Member to know their food times, inform the Chef of any discrepancies and utilize
Leading Questions.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day observe team member interactions with Guests, Expeditor and Chef.

VALUE TOPIC 27: Speed of Service

SALT Impact: Speed of Service

Objective: To ensure that all food and beverage is presented in a timely and efficient

Question 1:

How long does it take you to place an order in the POS System once received from the guest?

Possible Answers: Answers will vary from immediately to 20 minutes if they are at the pool. Follow up with How
long SHOULD it Take? What is appropriate?

Question 2:

What do you do when an order is going to take longer than expected?

Possible Answers: Inform the expeditor/chef/manager, interact with guest, offer guest something interim…

Question 3:

How do you shorten the period a guest is waiting for their order?

Possible Answers: Smaller stations, more staff, satellite stations…

Demonstrate how effective awareness of delivery times can be in providing efficient service. Demonstrate how
it affects the guest perception of the dining experience.

Challenge each Team Member to know their ordering times, food times, and how they react in cases of longer
delivery times.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day observe team member interactions with Guests, Expeditor and Chef, and quiz them on
their ordering and delivery times. 

VALUE TOPIC 28: Grooming Standards

SALT Impact: Staff Made Me Feel Welcome / Restaurant Ambiance

Objective: Encourage Team Members to maintain proper grooming standards; hair

neat, clean & pressed uniform, clean shoes, proper hygiene, etc.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important to maintain proper grooming standards at all times?

Possible Answers: More approachable, displays a clean, crisp and appetizing environment

Question 2:

What impression might it create for our Guests if we have a dirty uniform, messy hair or dirty shoes?

Possible Answers: We don’t care, our kitchens may be in the same shape, we are unprofessional, we are not
serious about giving good service

Question 3:

How can we ensure that we are always presentable?

Possible Answers: Do a self inspection before and multiple times during our shift. Inspect each other. Conduct
“line up” inspections at preshifts.

Illustrate proper dress code by pointing out specific attributes of Team Members who are following proper
standards, i.e. clean and polished shoes, properly groomed hair, clean & tidy uniforms, etc.

Challenge each Team Member to rate themselves in front of other Team Members during preshift.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time observing Team Members grooming standards.

VALUE TOPIC 29: What is too casual?

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff

Objective: Be aware of how you are perceived and to portray to the guest that you are
professional and that you take your job seriously.

Question 1:

Why do you feel it’s important for us to be aware of how we are perceived?

Possible Answers: It can indicate to the Guest that we are not serious about providing them the service that
they expect. It can make them question the value of what they are paying for such services. Many guest are in
business as well and work in environments that are not casual and expect the same from their service

Question 2:

What positive perceptions can we give the Guest when we are perceived as professional?

Possible Answers: We’re happy to see the Guest, willing to help the Guest with whatever they need in a
professional and efficient manner, nothing will be an inconvenience, we make them feel that we will exceed
their expectations.

Question 3:

How can we ensure that we are giving off the right impression to the Guests?

Possible Answers: Correct posture, no leaning, the tone of your voice, proper grammar, no slang, how a word
is said, smiling and making eye contact when speaking to the Guest.

Demonstrate serving someone using a slouching posture, incorrect grammar and without looking up. Then
perform a service with a proper posture, correct grammar, a smile in your voice while looking at the Guest and

Note – Discuss with Team Members that you stated the exact same context, however you changed the way
you said it.

Challenge each Team Member to pay attention to their posture, language, tone and pronunciation.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Throughout the day spend some time, observing Team Member interactions with
guests and discuss how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill.

VALUE TOPIC 30: Make Their Day - MTD

SALT Impact: Helpfulness of Food & Beverage Staff, Overall F&B Experience

Objective: Encourage Team Members to take the time to, however big or small, “Make
The Guest’s Day”

Question 1:

Why do you feel it is important to “Make Their Day”?

Possible Answers: Shows that we care, personalizes the experience, shows you are actively engaged, it makes
the guest happy, it makes the guest want to come back.

Question 2:

What is a way we can “MTD”?

Possible Answers: Remember their favorite drink, name recognition, take time to make a reservation or retrieve
information on a favorite topic or activity of theirs, offer appropriate compliment.

Question 3:

Does “MTD” only apply to guests?

Possible Answers: No, you should try to apply this to everyone around you, coworkers, managers, family,
service providers, etc.

Demonstrate how to you can “MTD” with two examples, then ask the Team Members to give you examples.

Challenge Team Members to “MTD”.

Evaluate & Follow-up

Spend some time shadowing and listening to the Team Member master the skill. Discuss with Team Members
how successful they’ve been in mastering this skill throughout your observations and ask them to share
experiences that they were proud of.

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