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Land Subsidence in Jakarta

1. Problem Analysis
Problem analysis is an ability to recognize a situation elements in problems and
understanding the critical component in order to breakdown the activity process in
several components of activity. Problem analysis is a set of analytic tasks meant to
increase the designers understanding of an unbalanced situation, for the sake of
designing a change to the situation that will have better balance.

It's already happening - North Jakarta has sunk 2.5m in 10 years and is continuing to
sink by as much as 25cm a year in some parts, which is more than double the global
average for coastal megacities.
Jakarta is sinking by an average of 1-15cm a year and almost half the city now sits
below sea level.

1.1 Existing Condition

Existing Condition is the real condition on the field.
Water Demand:
 Industry : 1000 m3/production unit (2018)
 Groundwater Extraction: 3x106 m3/annual (2018)
 Population in Jakarta City : 8,8 million cap (2005
 Agriculture : 240.000 ha (2018)
Water Supply:
 Groundwater east and west : @1,5 m3/s
 River: Citarum and Ciliwung River

1.2 Expected Condition

Expected condition is the condition that will happen in the future (in the year
of 2050).
Climate Change

Climate change is a change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns

when that change lasts for an extended period of time.
 15% flow in dry season

Water Demand:
 Industry : 5000 m3/production unit (2050)
 Groundwater Extraction: 0 m3/annual (2050)
 Population in Jakarta City : 13,8 million cap (2050)
 Agriculture : Decrease 30% (2050)
Water Supply:
 Reservoir: Teluk Jakarta Reservoir and Jatiluhur Reservoir
 River: Citarum, Ciliwung and Cisadane River

1.3 Problem Tree

Problem tree analysis is a step to solving a problems with finding cause and
effect in any condition or problem.

2. Stakeholder Participation
Stakeholder is a person, group, comunity or society organization that has interest or
concern in an organization. Stakeholders can affect or be affected by the
organization's actions, objectives and policies. Some examples of key stakeholders
are creditors, directors, employees, government (and its agencies), owners
(shareholders), suppliers, unions, and the community from which the business draws
its resources.
2.1 Stakeholder Identification
 Primary Stakeholder
1. Residence in Jakarta
In the downstram area
2. Residence in Bogor
In the upstream
3. Nature
Watershed area from upstream to downstream, include estuary
4. Farmer
Farmer in Karawang and other agricultural area
5. Fisherman
Farmer in Jakarta estuary
6. Industries
All of industries in Jakarta
 Secondary Stakeholders
1. Ministry of public work and Public Housing
Responsible for infrastructure
2. Ministry of Enviroment and Forestry
Responsible for nature quaility
3. Local Government of Jakarta, Banten and West Java
Responsible for their regional policy development.
4. Collage Student (Mahasiswa)
Can affect government policy
5. BBWS Ciliwung Cisadane & BBWS Citarum
Responsible for management of the watershed in their region
6. Non Govermental Organization
Such as WALHI, WWF, etc.

2.2 Attributes of stakeholder

7. Multi Criteria Analysis
Multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) or multiple-criteria decision
analysis (MCDA) is a sub-discipline of operations research that explicitly
evaluates multiple conflicting criteria in decision making (both in daily life
and in settings such as business, government and medicine). Conflicting
criteria are typical in evaluating options: cost or price is usually one of the
main criteria, and some measure of quality is typically another criterion,
easily in conflict with the cost.

8. Conclusion
-The focal problem of this project is “Land Subsidence” about 1-15 cm/year
-Lack of the surface water supply is our main objective to solve the focal problem
-Stakeholders that have big impact and big influence must be prioritized. They are
Local Government of Jakarta, BBWS Ciliwung Cisadane & BBWS Citarum
-The best alternative solution is using all resouces without groundwater. We can fully
coverage all demand site and can stop using groundwater by using this alternative.

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