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Title of Article: Industrial Sociology: A Contemporary and Conceptual Approach.


Author(s): Imhonopi, D. and Urim, U. M.

Outlet: Town and Gown Foundation

Date: 2013

Abstract: The monograph on Industrial Sociology: A Contemporary and Conceptual Approach

delves into issues that are critical to the understanding of the subject. Topics treated include an
Overview of Industrial Sociology as a field, Historical Outline of Industrial Development in
Nigeria, Relationship between Industry and Social Structure, Selected Theoretical Approaches in
Explaining Industrial Development, Work Environment and Workplace Behaviour,
Organisation, Cross-Cultural Analysis of Industrialisation and Organisation of Relationships
within Industrial Social Groups, Globalisation and Industrial Development in Nigeria, The Role
of Technology in Industrial Organisation and The Future of Industry and Industrial Sociology in
Nigeria. Industrial sociology as a subject will continue to be relevant in order to proffer solutions
to the numerous challenges at work. Industrial sociologists and students must stay current and
observant of changes taking place in industry. By so doing, they will be in a pole position to
advance theories, suggestions, conduct relevant academic and social research that will go a long
way in supporting industry in this age of constant change.

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