Clariza Sardido. Office Support and Equipment

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g Pleasant day to all! We see each other again; my dear student I hope you will
find this module interesting. This module will be a new experience for you.

This course is designed to develop and to review the basic techniques taken up in
Fundamentals of Typing and to prepare students to possess the proper foundation for achieving
greater efficiency in production work. It also includes simultaneously typing in Filipino as
educational policy that is essential to government correspondence and other secretarial related



^ Describe the care and routine maintenance of computers and peripheral equipment.

^ Identify removable storage media.

^ Identify different computer hardware.

^ Identify different software packages and their uses.

^ Describe the different functions and features that photocopiers may have.
^ Outline methods of producing good copies, avoiding waste and achieving economy.
^ Recognizes the range of support equipment, i.e. collators, joggers, binders.
^ Identify and briefly describe equipment used in mailing, i.e. for letter-opening, date and
time stamping, addressing, labeling, sealing, weighing, franking, folding and inserting

I¶d like you to imagine yourself as a secretary of a company. Do you have a

strong desire to work in the office?

In this module you¶ll know about the office work and how to communicate to other
person in the office. These help you to know a little information in the office work.

gnswer the activity and self-check exercises for you to able to know the office procedure.


1. g processing operation where data are arranged in a specific order.

a. Classifying b. Sorting c. Recording d. Storing d. None of the choices

2. Two of the main functions of the computer are:

a. Receive input and produce output

b. Information storage

c. Information processing

d. gll of the above

3. Input process, storage and output is the component of ________.

a. a software b. Hardware c. Data Processing

4. Gigabytes is

a. Thousandths of a second¶s b. Billionth of a seconds

c. Millionth of a second¶s d. Trillionth of seconds

5. Program must consist of step-by-step instructions that tell the computer hoe to perform task.

a. Software b. Hardware c. Computer d. Information

Ê Ê 


üc gn electronic device designed to manipulate data in order to achieve a desired

result based on the stored program of instructions.
üc gn intelligent machine that is capable of connecting and communicating.
üc g powerful tool that can be used as basis for decision-making.
üc g machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful
information (output), and store it (in a secondary storage device) for safekeeping
or reuse.

Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a

programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. Today, however,
the term is most often used to refer to the desktop and laptop computers that most people use.
When referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer
itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it is acceptable to refer to everything
together as the computer. If you want to be really technical, the box that holds the computer is
called the "system unit."

Some of the major parts of a personal computer (or PC) include the motherboard, CPU,
memory (or RgM), hard drive, and video card. While personal computers are by far the most
common type of computers today, there are several other types of computers. For example, a
"minicomputer" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once. g "mainframe" is a
large, high-powered computer that can perform billions of calculations from multiple sources at
one time. Finally, a "supercomputer" is a machine that can process billions of instructions a
second and is used to calculate extremely complex calculations.

üc ‰
 ô  Computers provide picture representation of statistical reports,
through graphics, better analysis can be achieved.
 ‰ products (from meat to magazine) are packed with zebra-stripped
bar codes that can be read by computer scanner at supermarket checkout stands to
determine prices and help manage inventory.
   are being reduced tremendously because of the
storage capability of computers. Transaction printing is minimized because of no-
line processing of remote terminals/main computers. Only final reports are in
need to be printed.
üc personal computers are being used at home to keep records, write letters,
prepare budget, draw pictures, publish newsletters and connect with others.
üc ô ô  allows a person to communicate with other people who have
computers, whether for business or personal reasons. In addition, computers can
give the people the option of working at their homes instead of in city offices.


For portable file storage, you can store your files on a flash drive. For more permanent
storage, you might consider burning a CD or DVD. While these media give you physical control
over your files, you can use them only when the appropriate drive is available. glso, removable
storage media can be misplaced or damaged, causing you to lose data. glways keep more than
one copy of important files. For critical files, keep one copy on your computer for convenience
and easy access, one on removable media for quick recovery, and one on a server that is
regularly backed up and can be reliably recovered.



 Computers deals with ³on´ and ³off´ (high-voltage and low-voltage) electrical states,
which are represented in the hardware in terms of 0¶s and 1¶s, called bits. Bits are combined in
group of eight, called bytes, to hold the equivalent of a character. g character is a single letter,
number or special symbol, such as punctuation mark or a dollar sign.

g computer system¶s data/information storage capacity is represented by bytes, kilobytes,

megabytes, gigabytes and terabytes.

kilobyte (abbreviated K or kb) is equivalent to approximately 1000 bytes (or
characters). More precisely is 1024 bytes, but the figure is commonly rounded off. Kilobytes
are a common until of measure for the data holding (memory) capacity of personal computers.

1. %"#$is about 1 million bytes. Some personal computers can run programs requiring 16
or less megabytes, or about 16 million bytes of memory.

2. ‰ %"#$ is about 1 billion bytes. Pronounced as ³gig-a-bite´ (not jig-a-bite). This unit of
measure is not only with ³big iron´ computers (mainframes and supercomputers) but also with
newer personal computers.

3. "#$&'is about 1 billion bytes.

4. $"#$&'is about one quadrillion bytes.

c Hardware consists of all the machinery and equipment in a computer system. The
hardware includes other devices the; keyboard, the screen, the printer, and the computer or the
processing devices itself.

The  are the parts of the computer itself including the  c

c and related    and     ,   ,    ,   and 
(hard, CD, DVD, floppy, optical, tape, etc...). Other extra parts called   c   or
  include   ,  ,   ,  ,  c  and  ( , ,
 ) etc... Together they are often referred to as a   c .

   - Though the term relates to a specific chip or the    a CPU's
performance is determined by the rest of the computer's   and  .
Currently the Pentium chip or processor, made by Intel, is the most common CPU though
there are many other companies that produce processors for personal computers. Examples are
the CPU made by Motorola and gMD.

With faster processors the c  becomes more important. Compared to some of
the first computers which operated at below 30   (MHz) the Pentium chips began at 75
MHz in the late 1990's. Speeds now exceed 3000+ MHz or 3   (GHz) and different chip
manufacturers use different measuring standards (check your local computer store for the latest
speed). It depends on the  c  c that the chip is housed in, or the    , as to
whether you are able to upgrade to a faster chip. The motherboard contains the circuitry and
connections that allow the various components to communicate with each other.

Though there were many computers using many different processors previous to this I
call the 80286 processor the advent of home computers as these were the processors that made
computers available for the average person. Using a processor before the 286 involved learning a
proprietary system and software. Most new software is being developed for the newest and
fastest processors so it can be difficult to use an older computer system.

†   - The keyboard is used to type information into the computer or  information.
There are many different keyboard layouts and sizes with the most common for Latin based
languages being the QWERTY layout (named for the first 6 keys). The standard keyboard has
101 keys.

9       - gll   need a  to get information off - or 
- and put information on the disk - or . Each drive is designed for a specific type of disk
whether it is a CD, DVD, hard disk or floppy. Often the term 'disk' and 'drive' are used to
describe the same thing but it helps to understand that the disk is the  c   which
contains computer files - or  - and the drive is the mechanism that runs the

 % $! (!) * + work slightly differently as they use  c  to store
information so there are no moving parts. Digital cameras also use Flash memory cards
to store information, in this case photographs. Ñc  c  use digital drives and many
also use removable or built in memory cards.

  - Most modern computers today are run using a mouse controlled pointer. Generally if
the mouse has two buttons the left one is used to    objects and text and the right one is used
to   c . If the mouse has one button (Mac for instance) it controls all the activity and a
mouse with a third button can be used by specific software programs.

One type of mouse has a round ball under the bottom of the mouse that rolls and turns two
wheels which control the direction of the pointer on the screen. gnother type of mouse uses an
optical system to track the movement of the mouse.   computers use touch pads, buttons
and other devices to control the pointer. Hand held use a combination of devices to control the
pointer, including touch screens.

   - The monitor shows information on the screen when you type. This is called
 information. When the computer needs more information it will display a message on
the screen, usually through a  c . Monitors come in many types and sizes. The resolution
of the monitor determines the sharpness of the screen. The resolution can be adjusted to control
the screen's display..

  - The printer takes the information on your screen and transfers it to paper or a c
. There are many different types of printers with various levels of quality. The three basic
types of printer are;  c, , and  .

yc Dot matrix printers work like a typewriter transferring ink from a ribbon to paper with a
series or 'matrix' of tiny pins.
yc Ink jet printers work like dot matrix printers but fire a stream of ink from a cartridge
directly onto the paper.
yc Laser printers use the same technology as a photocopier using heat to transfer toner onto
*, - g modem is used to translate information transferred through telephone lines, cable,
satellite or line-of-sight wireless.

The term stands for modulate and demodulate which changes the signal from digital, which
computers use, to analog, which telephones use and then back again. Digital modems transfer
digital information directly without changing to analog.

Modems are measured by the speed that the information is transferred. The measuring tool is
called the baud rate. Originally modems worked at speeds below 2400 baud but today analog
speeds of 56,000 are standard. Cable, wireless or digital subscriber lines can transfer information
much faster with rates of 300,000 baud and up.

Modems also use Error Correction which corrects for transmission errors by constantly checking
whether the information was received properly or not and Compression which allows for faster
data transfer rates. Information is transferred in packets.

-..- Scanners allow you to transfer pictures and photographs to your computer. g scanner
'scans' the image from the top to the bottom, one line at a time and transfers it to the computer as
a series of bits or a bitmap. You can then take that image and use it in a paint program, send it
out as a fax or print it.

 allow you to take digital photographs. The images are stored on a memory chip
or disk that can be transferred to your computer. Some cameras can also capture sound and

ô - The case houses the microchips and circuitry that run the computer. Desktop models
usually sit under the monitor and tower models beside. They come in many sizes, including
desktop, mini, midi, and full tower. There is usually room inside to expand or add components at
a later time. By removing the cover off the case you may find plate covered empty slots that
allow you to add cards. There are various types of slots including IDE, gSI, USB, PCI and Fire
wire slots.
Depending on the type notebook computers may have room to expand. Most Notebooks also
have connections or ports that allow expansion or connection to exterior, peripheral devices such
as monitor, portable hard-drives or other devices.

ô- Cards are components added to computers to increase their capability. When adding a
peripheral device makes sure that your computer has a slot of the type needed by the device.

 allow computers to produce sound like music and voice. The older sound cards
were 8 bit then 16 bit then 32 bit. Though the human ear can't distinguish the fine difference
between sounds produced by the more powerful sound card they allow for more complex music
and music production.

 allow computers to produce colour (with a colour monitor of course). The first
colour cards were 2 bit which produced 4 colours [CGg . It was amazing what could be done
with those 4 colours. Next came 4 bit allowing for 16 [EGg and VGg colours. Then came 16
bit allowing for 1064 colours and then 24 bit which allows for almost 17 million colours and
now 32 bit and higher allow monitors to display almost a billion separate colours.

 allow computers to display video and animation. Some video cards allow computers
to display television as well as -$/ frames from video. g video card with a digital video
camera allows computers users to produce live video. g high speed connection is required for
effective video transmission.

 allow computers to connect together to communicate with each other. Network
cards have connections for cable, thin wire or wireless networks.

  - Memory can be very confusing but is usually one of the easiest pieces of hardware to
add to your computer. It is common to confuse chip memory with disk storage. gn example of
the difference between memory and storage would be the difference between a table where the
actual work is done (memory) and a filing cabinet where the finished product is stored (disk). To
add a bit more confusion, the computer's hard disk can be used as temporary memory when the
program needs more than the chips can provide.

  9 is the memory that the computer uses to temporarily store the
information as it is being processed. The more information being processed the more RgM the
computer needs.


gll Windows and Macintosh workstations are equipped with front- or keyboard-mounted
USB ports. The accessibility of these ports makes it easy to transport and access your data using
USB flash drives. You can purchase these solid-state devices in a wide range of capacities and at
prices comparable to or below those of most other reusable removable media. Because these
services are ubiquitous throughout the STCs and because USB flash drives are highly reliable,
they present the best choice for casual storage and transportation of data files.


UITS has phased out floppy disk drives in Windows STCs and Residential Technology
Centers (RTCs) in favor of more cost-effective alternatives; see Floppy disk drives phased out of
Windows STCs. UITS has also phased out support for multimedia readers in all STCs and RTCs
in favor of personal USB devices (e.g., flash drives).

ô c

Because of their high capacity and low cost, compact discs (CDs) have been the mass-storage
media of choice for both Windows and Macintosh STCs for many years. With a useful storage
life of twenty years or longer, and a capacity of 650-700MB, CD media include:

yc CD-ROM (read-only, pre-recorded; includes music and software CDs)

yc CD-R (write-once, suitable for long-term storage of file backups)
yc CD-RW (rewritable, suitable for transferring files between systems)

 $#, or just oftware, is the collection of computer programs and related
data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do. We can also say software refers
to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of the computer for some
purposes. Program software performs the function of the program it implements, either by
directly providing instructions to the computer hardware or by serving as input to another piece
of software. The term was coined to contrast to the old term hardware (meaning physical
devices). In contrast to hardware, software is intangible, meaning it "cannot be touched".

The term $# !%& may refer to:

yc ($ -% & .$!!$ .' ± an object used by a package manager to install a
yc ($-%&%,, .%' ± a collection of related classes in a program.

  ô  ‰

Is a process whereby written or printed matter is directly copied by photographic

techniques. Generally, photocopying is practical when just a few copies of an original are
needed. When many copies are required, printing, means of producing reproductions of written
material or images in multiple copies. 



Whether you own the business or just need to be able to make copies of important papers
you may be in need of a photocopier. Before purchasing a copier you must first consider what
features you will want. Photocopiers come in many sizes. Some are large and stand alone while
others may fit on a desktop. You may decide on a photocopier depending on how much room
you have to put one.
Some photocopiers have the ability to print large amounts very quickly. Some can hold
only a few pieces of paper at a time and are a little slower to print. If you work fast paced
business where many papers will need printed at a time then you may benefit from one of the
faster and more efficient machines. However, if your needs are not so demanding then a simpler
machine may be best for you.

)$-  can have the many different features available. One of the most important
features to consider is the resolution of the copier. If you need prints that are of high quality then
you will definitely want a photocopier with higher resolution. Many people use photocopiers
just for the scan only features if they want to store a copy of something of their computer. g
good resolution will be necessary for the image to look good on the computer screen. You may
also want to have the ability to crop and zoom in on certain parts of the page. Not every machine
will be available to do this. Other features may include stapling and image shifting for special
printing needs. Some photocopiers must be directly linked to your computers so you do not have
to leave your desk to print. This can be very handy when trying to get a lot of work done. You
may also choose to purchase a photocopier that can double as a fax machine. This way you know
you are able to send faxes and receive faxes all through one device.


 g room or office, as in a business or organization, in which incoming and outgoing mail

is processed, sorted, etc.

** .%-) .

gddressing machines are used to print names and addresses on

newspapers, mailing labels, envelopes, form letters, and other items. The
earliest addressing machines appear to have been used by publishers of
periodicals, among others. These machines eventually led to a considerable savings in clerical
labor for other companies with large mailing lists, such as insurance companies and companies
that used direct mail advertising.
$,-) .

Stamp affixers served two purposes. First, they mechanized the process of affixing
stamps to letters. Second, they made it more difficult for employees to steal stamps.

-!"! .%0/ ,.$ 

Stencils were used to label shipping crates by 1860. gn example of a
custom made stencil that could be ordered by mail by 1860. g general purpose
stencil that could be used to label a box with letters and numbers or letters only.

 !ô"ô† $)+-$ -$-)!!.%#/!. .%1

 1Choose the correct answer that best described the following:

1. g processing operation where data are arranged in a specific order.

a. Classifying b. Sorting c. Recording d. Storing d. None of the choices

2. Two of the main functions of the computer are:

a. Receive input and produce output

b. Information storage

c. Information processing

d. gll of the above

3. Input process, storage and output is the component of ________.

a. a software b. Hardware c. Data Processing

4. Gigabytes is

a. Thousandths of a second¶s b. Billionth of a seconds

c. Millionth of a second¶s d. Trillionth of seconds

5. Program must consist of step-by-step instructions that tell the computer hoe to perform task.

a. Software b. Hardware c. Computer d. Information

6. g room or office, as in a business or organization, in which incoming and outgoing mail is

processed, sorted, etc.

a. Mail room b. Photocopying c. Computer d. Sorting

7. Is a process whereby written or printed matter is directly copied by photographic techniques.

a. Sorting b. Mailing c. Photocopying d Filing

8 It is used to print names and addresses on newspapers, mailing labels, envelopes, form letters,
and other items.

a. Stamp Machine b. gddressing Machine c. Sealing Wax d. Printer

9. It is used to label a box with letters and numbers or letters only.

a.Parcel Labeling Equipmentb. Photocopying c. Stamp Machine d. gddressing Machines

10.cIt is a collection of related classes in a program.

a. Hardware b. Software c. USB d. Software Package


1. g

2. D

3. B

4. B

5. g

 ô ô

1. g 6. g

2. D 7. C

3. B 8. B

4. B 9. g

5. g 10. D


c   c c
c c c cc c ccc  cc
c  cc   cc cc c c
c   c
c    c
c  c
c c

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