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HEWLETT-PACKARD . HP-85 OWNER’S MANUAL AND PROGRAMMING GUIDE CA eackano HP-85 Owner’s Manual and Programming Guide January 1981 00085-90002 Rev. D 1/81 Printed in U.S.A. ©Hewlett-Packard Company 1979 Contents Meet the HP-85 Personal Computing System enn ned e denne cece eee 7 How to Use This Handbook . e nent eee eee seeetetesveveenes 7 An Overview of the Hewlett-Packard 85 000.0... 0c cece cece ccc cc ceueuenueuenenueutrreees 10 HP-85 Key Index occ cece eee e eee eet e ccc e teeter eeneenntabreeenees 12 Part I: Usimg Your HP-85 ooo cccc cc ccc ccc cuceeeuceueeeeeveetee: 15 Section 1: Getting Started Power On oo. cecce eee enc cence cub vn vey eueetatennntabeenbnnnns Simple Display Editing Clearing the Display Error Messages and Warnings 2.2.00... 00. ccc e cece e ete ccc e eet evn eeenetenenes 20 Variables ccc cece teen ence tebe b bbe b bb beeeeteceteennnenns 21 Running a Prerecorded Program... 20. t cece c etn eee e sees 22 Loading a Program From the Standard Pac... 0... e eet 22 Halting Program Execution t ccc c ce nese veeeesneeenerecnes 26 Writing Your Own Programs .. 22.2... cece cette evn e ee ce teen eneteeeeerens 26 Creating the Program ..... 0.0... cece cece eee ete cc ae een etetanes 27 Entering the Program oo... cence ener e ete e een ettveaevneeenes 27 Running the Program oo... cent e ttt e cc cnet eee ee eee reer enee 27 An Averaging Program ... 6. cee enn cence ete nets beeen eee 28 Recording the Program... 6.26 n tenet tenet eee ene e eens neues 30 Erasing a Program From the Tape Cartridge... 6.0... e eect eee nee 31 Section 2: Keyboard, Printer, and Display Control ................................... 33 The KeyDOdrd ne ene e nee n cnc denen teense eee beeeneee 33 Typewriter Keys 2 rete terete net eden tte t ene e ees 33 BASIC Typewriter Mode... ieee eee erence nent een e nes ren 33 Normal Typewriting Mode ........ 0000.0 eect een eee eee 34 HP-85 Character Set 000. ene e nen eter n enna 34 Printer Control 2. OE REDE EEE Ee EE Cee e ee 35 The Display 0... ee RE nee e bebe cette eee eee 36 Entering Long Expressions 0 00 n nt tecc eens 36 Display Editing ....... 6... c centre terres 38 Fast Backspace 200 eee ee cece n ee te bene tnrtnetennes 38 Deleting Characters ©... 2... etree eee nee nent terete enn eeeas 38 Inserting Characters 266. rennet renee ae 39 System Self-Test 00.0... nnn nent ences 39 Resetting the Computer... 0. cnet een ee 40 Section 3: Expressions and Keyboard Operations ................................0000- 43 Keyboard Arithmetic .. 2-2... een tnt e eee 43 MOD and DIV. ncn een ee ete n ence tree eee a4 Arithmetic Hierarchy 20... cet n nnn e eee cnet ene ee 45 ParentheSeS © en tn en nnn n etn e enn eee’ 45 The RESULT Key . 20. ener n teen tee teen ate ee 46 PRINT and DISP oo... eee n nett c tenet eee 46 Standard Number Format... 6.0.0. cece eee eee eee teen eden teen n eee 47 Solentific Notation 22 ene teen tenn en eee 48 Keying In Exponents Of Ten... 0. cic tte nee nn t eee 48 Range of Numbers .. 0... tne e etree ttt t nae ee 49 Variables .0 0 eee nett etter n ened TYPOS EEO tented eee ttt t ttn Le Simple Variabies .. String Variables String Concatenation 0... net e teeter tent e nee 52 The Null String 20.0.0... nee eee eee 52 Logical Evaluation e ttre eee 53 Relational Operators 2.0... nnn erent eee e beeen een eee 53 Logical Operators 2... eee ee nner E EEE en ede ne eee e een ee 54 The Time FUNCHONS 06. eer reer tnt ett trate ned 56 Section 4: Math Functions and Statements . 0.000 cece eee eee 59 Number Alteration 22000200 er eee e ete e teens 59 Absolute Vall@S 60. e eee eee etter e eterna 60 Integer Part of aNumber 00.0 cette eee 60 Fractional Partofa Number... 0.2... cent tee eee eee 60 Greatest Integer Function... 20... c cc eee eee teens 60 Smallest Integer Function ..... 2... nee nents 61 Contents 3 General Math Functions 2.00.0. 0 06 ccc cece nec c tec ete enter ntntaerenenes 61 Square Root Function 0.2... cen ence cere n eb eet ebb be bb eee eneey 62 Sign Of ANUMDEr cc cence een enn ete eb ene net tb bre ereeeeees 62 Maximum and Minimum 0.00... ccc een c eee ne een n en entre enetanees 62 The Remainder Function 00.0.6. cece nee n teen ence ene n teen een eeeens 62 Using Pl... ccc nett et ee ete eect tee teneeeees 63 Epsilon and Infinity... 2.2 cece teen tetc cence nee n eens 64 Random Numbers .... 00... cece ere renner een e een nbn bette bbb ees 64 Logarithmic Functions 20.000. ec renee bese eben eee ee 65 Trigonometric Functions and Statements 20.00.0000... c eee cece eee ee eee tnt een eee eed 66 Trigonometric Modes... ctr e teen bene ttn e teen en enee 66 Trigonometric FUNCtIONS . 2... e ene enter ete t beeen 66 Degrees/Radians Conversions 0.0.0... cc cece eee ec enn tener tent e nen an ans 67 Polar/Rectangular Coordinate Conversions 2.0.0... 0.0.00. cic cece cee n cen ween enn ees 67 Total Math Hierarchy . 20.0000 cence nce nee ence nena eee eeees 69 Recovering From Math Errors 2... cece cc ence eed 69 Part H: BASIC Programming With Your HP-85...............0..0000000000. cece scene 71 Section 5: Simple Programming .......0002.. 0000000000 c ccc cece ccc ecceeeeeueves 73 Loading a Prerecorded Program. 2.00.0... ec c eee c cece ber en ee eneeeverenrerannes. 74 Stopping a Running Program 20... cece eee cece eect cen cece se ecbevveeentrterey 75 Listing a Program 20.0. ccc cece eee eect cette tbat tne t cee tbeteeee. 75 What Is a BASIC Program? .. 02.222. e eee e bev r cece tee trreteeeeees 76 Statements 20... cee e cece ene nested tec tb ebb ebb evesveenyynes 76 Statement Numbers... 0.0000 eee reece c ete teen ttre cetteennns 77 Commands 2.0.6... 6 cece n nee t beer bee tr cece et btn bv bbb ebbees 77 Clearing Computer Memory .. 000... c cece eect eee ec eee ebeeete vec c eters 78 Writing a Program 22.00... cence erence tec e ttn et ab ete tbetbetneees 78 Entering a Program 2.0.0... e etree eect eee ett etn b be etetreereences 79 Automatic Numbering 2.0.00... 600020 ccc ccc cc cece eevee tee ete ttn ttesteusrereeed 80 SPACing 0... eee need ee tence bebe rect ebb tetantireeees Statement Length Entering Program Statements into Computer Memory ..........00000000 000. c cece e eee eee. OF Entering the Program 2.2... c ene e eevee ees a1 Running a Program . 2... eect een n nett b cece cece ee een tener ee eeya 82 Order of Program Execution 2.2.00 0 0000. e eee cece neces en cece ete e en vote steeeeevennes 83 Fundamental BASIC Statements ...0 0.000000 u et en ees ee sree baneeeaneens 83 REMArks 2... cece eee e eet bebe eevee netaebcteteeeennnrse. 83 DISPlay occ ecb eee t bbe b bb ttre nett ttt tbr bbb b cbr 84 PRINT 20... cee eee eee crete eee rene btn beet tbr bbe t eb etnneteeeenes 86 INPUT: Assigning Values From the Keyboard . 1.0.22... cece ccc cece cence cr ueeanvens 87 BEEP eee bbc cece bee tee ante teen tee bbbnbreeies 89 LET: Assignments ©... 000i e eevee eee t nbn c cee en ns 90 GOTO: Unconditional Branching... 66. cae cece cca en ee eevenbec ccc ceee. 91 Multistatement Lines 2200 eee eee eect ebb bt tbe e beeen 92 PROBIOMS ©. 00. b bt ttle ttre err bbb b bebe 93 Section 6: Program Editing ........0..00 0.006600 c ccc c vee e eee eerseenes 95 Editing Program Statements 2.00000 e ccc cece tent etentaeeaervnnes 95 Deleting Statements 22.00. cece nec c eect cnet nec eeetrnrens 95 Adding Statements ..........0 0.0 eee bbe b bec cette etna 96 Renumbering & Program 26... cece crete cence cent e tbe c ir eetevanseeveeeas 96 Listing a Modified Program 0.00.00. 00 c eect cc cee eetee nent cee c ec ee eee neues 96 Interrupting Program Execution... .0 0.00.22 e eee e tebe ec eee seen eeeenys 97 PAUSING oo ened bene bene t tee e tbr rennntenbaentbrenes 97 Continuing 0.00.0 b bce e bese eeebenenes 98 Initializing a Program... 6.6 eee cece tere v bebe cette enenn nes 99 Using PAUSE in a Program... 0.0 cc cece ec ee eee eevaneeeenerrnnes 99 Delaying Program Execution .. 0.06... 6c. ccc cence ccc cece cn veeeeueeuceevtavaneas 100 Error Messages ce tn eed etn een e ence c etree eee ee 100 PrOBIOMS oc nner ER nee nec een beet ebb re veternteyes 101 Section 7; Branches and Loops......................0cc cece ccce cette e cnc c ccc en eens 103 Conditional Branching 00.02. c ccc cence en cette eee e nent tes penennnens 103 The ELSE Option... 0.000 t eee nee teeteenevaeaes 106 The Computed GOTO Statement . 20... n ett eer evenenenes 108 FOR-NEXT LOOPS 0... ccc n een cece eter e eben eevarvenenens 110 Changing the Increment Value 0.0... cee eee eet e tent bette cet eees 114 Nested LOOPS oo... nent e ene e eee n ented een tbe bees 115 FOR-NEXT Loop Considerations 000.0... ccc eter rete n ene t eben e ence 116 Problems .. 2.2... eet n nett bret eee en ener nbn bee 116 Section 8: Using Variables: Arrays and Strings...................0.....cceeee ec cues 119 Array Concepts 0... ccc ccc eet ence eee teen ent e tered beer te tnt eerenees 119 4 Contents Declaring and Dimensioning Variables ©2002. 0.0.00 ecco ccc c cee ccec cee cce cece eee. 121 Lower Bounds of Arrays 0.00 e teeter ee 121 The DIM Statement 2.0 ener 121 Type Declaration Statements 0.00.0. 122 The COM Siatement 2-00 423 About Variable Declarations .2 6.00... 123 String Expressions 000. eect 124 Substrings oc EEE 125 Modifying String Variables ©. 00... ccc! 125 Replacing a String... cee etc ee cceee 126 Replacing Part of a String 2.0.20. eeceee eee 126 String Functions... eect eee! 128 The Length Function... cece nent ee ree 128 The Position Function 00 e cee eee terete eee 129 Converting Strings to Numbers 2.22.00 e ete e eee cece 130 Converting Numbers to Strings 0. 00 eee eee 131 Character Conversions «6.000... 0. ccc e ieee ee enet cece eee 131 Numbers to Characters cece erence eee b cece eco b cece 131 Characters to Numbers 20.6... c cece eee ceeece cece, 132 Lowercase to Uppercase Conversion 0000000 occ cceceeeeecceerecccc cle. 133 Assigning Values to Variables in a Program ..... 222.0000 cece cee eee cecc cece, 133 Assigning Values to Array Elements .... 2.060000 cecccecceeeeecccee 133 Initializing Variables... c bette tee e eben eee 136 The READ and DATA Statements 002... 0. cece cece cece ee een ec ee ecco. 137 Rereading Data: The RESTORE Statement ......0000000 0000000 ccc ec ccc cece ese ee ve eee. 139 System Memory and Variable Storage... 000000000 c cee ce eee ee cece el 140 M@MOry 00.00 eee cence cree eden bbb b bbb bee bbb bbb ye ee, 140 Storing Variables 2000.00 e cece cece bebe eben cb bee eben ecco. 141 Conserving Memory oo... cece cece cece etree ebb bbb bbb bbb bbe e ee. 141 PrOBIOMS 2 eect cr 142 Section 9: More Branching ......... 00. c ccc cceeeeeceeecubcccccceceeccecce, 145 Defining a Function... 2. ccc ccc e cc eee eee bebe i tnt ebb cece cee 145 Single-Line Functions ©2000... eect e cece eee ee ebb rb rrr bbe eee, 145 Multiple-Line Functions 000 cece cect eee e teeter tec c ctr ree eee, 147 SUDTOULINES . cette eee tree beeen tn n bbe t tet t bebe p eee 151 The Computed GOSUB Statement 20.220. e cece eee ccc cece tbbee cess ey 153 Branching Using Special Function Keys .......06 000002 c ccc ccc eeueeeeeeecevvevvevveeens 154 KEY LABEL oo... cece ecb e cnn eben abe eetnntrrtebtvenens 154 Cancelling Key Assignments 0.000... c eect een etevettrtverenes 156 The Timers 20 cent eee ccc b reece bbe t bbe e tr bttrebnnees 156 Problems 2... ence eee ret v bye ent bette tbe e src teb yp rews 158 Section 10: Printer and Display Formatting ..............0.00000.00.0000000-c0ccc eeu 161 Using IMAGE «22... c eve ete tbe e eve bbb bbb b bbb btbb cece ce. 161 Delimiters 0... cece n enter bole p ee 161 Blank Spaces ©... tet b entree ccd bbb eee ee, 162 String Specification 00.0 e cece cnn beet ttt ttt t bbb bree ed 162 Numeric Specification 00.00 cece eect ce eet e eters oboe bree ee ee 163 Digit Symbols 2.2.6... ieee cece eee bree c crn rte 163 Radix Symbols 222.0... cece ccc cee e even eee rre et trb strc t renee es 164 Sign Symbols... ccc ccc tebe eect tbe nneettbirrennie 164 Digit Separator Symbols... 00.0 cece eee e centre eee 165 Exponent Symbol... cece ccc n ee eben ect b bbb cc t been pees 165 Compacted Field Specifier...0 000k e tte ence eect etree cee bbe res 166 Replication 0... neces eect e eee e ete e ree tr eer cet eens 166 Reusing the IMAGE Format String... 2.0. c cece eee ce eee ceccernees 166 Field Overflow... ne cnet bv neve teeeeetueevnnvens 167 Formatting in PRINT/DISP USING Statements ......0...0000 000 cece ccc cece cecceeecceees 167 The TAB Function . 20.22. cence c ence cect b et cee tbe e be tabeeeineniyes 168 Redefining the Printer and the Display ..20..0.. 00.0... c ccc ccc ccc ec ene e cece ee cnbtr vee: 169 a 8) 8) = 170 Section 11: Using Tape Cartridges ...-.000..0.000000 0c cece ec cece eee e cee ees 475 The Tape Directory 20. ccc ett e eee te bent enies 175 Directory Set-up 0.2 ence cect cette rete etet inte e ees 175 Cataloging 0.0. e eet eee eienecreteetrnttnteners 175 Recording and Retrieving Programs... 0000000 v veces eeeeeeettecccees 176 The STORE Command 2.0.00... 0.0 cece ccc cece e cece tect ecb penta tanentnneenyenes 176 The LOAD Command «2... c nev eee s teeta etnnvrernes 179 The CHAIN Statement 2.0000 ccc ct een n tay erenes 179 Autostart 2 cee bb beeen bee b bv ebb er eeetetnbtevrntnes 180 Using Data Files 2.00... centr etc e ee net eneeees 180 Creating a Data File 0... ene b ctv eeeeeenttnsteees 180 Records 0 eee cent e bebe e cee b ctr etybraeeeeetnnecns 180 Contents 5 Data Storage 6 REE nea 181 Opening a Data File 2.0.0. ee tener ene eee 183 Closing a Data File 2... ieee ee ener n nett eee eee 184 Storing and Retrieving Data 00 ee eben tenet eee 185 Serial File Access 0.000. eee eee 185 Writing Serial Files 2.0.0. cc eee e erent nnn ttt e tees 185 Reading Serial Files 000... ccc entree tree eens 187 Random File ACCESS «20... eee rete tenet eee e eee 188 Random Writing 2. ccc ene ee ne enn een nnn nn eae 188 Random Reading ...... 0.6. entered eet n eens 190 Repositioning the Pointer ....... 000.2. c cent terete 190 Storing and Retrieving Arrays 6... 0.020000 eens 191 Purging a File 00.2.2 nee tenes 192 Renaming a File... enn ete tenner es 192 Binary Programs 1.0... 0 cette enter tnnee ete n teeter eens 193 Securing Files... nner nee e nes 193 Section 12: Graphics 0..000000..... 00 0c ccc ccc cece eect cette eet e eee t ee eeneees 197 The Graphics Display 000.000 re neers 197 Line Generation neers 198 Graphics and the Printer .... 0.022... 2 ee nner n tenes 198 Clearing the Graphics Display ...-. 22.2.6 0 600 nena 199 Setting Up the Graphics Display... 0.0 nner eee eens 199 The SCALE Statement 20.2.0. enn erent nents 199 Unequal Unit Scaling 0.0.0... cece ete ene eee e nents 200 Equal Unit Scaling 00.0... cece nen ene nec e ete eee es 201 Drawing Coordinate AX€S 26... cee een e ees 202 Plotting Operations 0.06... eee Ente nee 207 dt 207 Ld 207 Ld 208 Moving and Drawing 22.2... 6 200 cn eee eens 211 =n 211 DRAW oie ccc EEE Et te nes ai Drawing CUIVeS 2.2.66 enn een nes 212 Padding the Increment LOOP 60.0... ccc nner tenet tees 213 ProbleMS ©... 0c eee nent treet etter ened 216 IMOVE occ ee eee e ne Ee tnt e etn eee 217 1 217 PrODIQM 0... en EERE En rte n nent e eee ee 220 Labeling Graphs 0... ee cnet ete e eee n ee eee 221 Label Direction 0.0.00 eee enn ee 224 Label Length... re eee eer reteset ttt ee 225 Positioning Labels 2.6... 00 een eee eee eee enn eee 227 La 0) ©) (= 1h. 230 INPUT in Graphics Mode... 000. .eeeneeeeen eee eens 230 Problem .. 0.0.0... ee rennet trae 237 Advanced Plotting With BPLOT 0.00... ee tenet e tent n eee 237 Procedure for Building the String 00... ccc ccc cece eee ene et eee enna 238 Using the String With BPLOT 00.0.0 eee 241 Condensing the String Assignment Program ......... 6.0 cette tee eee nee 243 Problem 20... EEE ene eee EEE eee 253 Section 13: Debugging and Error Recovery .............000 2.222. ..e sees cee 255 Tracing Program Execution... 0.0.6 enn eee eee ees 255 Tracing Branches .. 22.0. c ect nent nee eres 255 Tracing the Values of Variables 0. cee eee ene teens 255 Tracing All Statements and Variable Assignments ©... 00.0000 cence eee teen eee 256 Cancelling Trace Operations 20.00.0002 222 ences 256 The STEP Key... 0.0 nee ee teen ree e renee 259 Checking a Halted Program 0 0.00.2 e cece ened 260 Error Testing and Recovery... cee tenets 260 Some Hints About the System... 0.0 ee nee ee 262 Memory Conservation Hints 0.0000... c cece eens 263 Appendix A: Accessories ..........0.. 00005000 c ccc c cece eee 265 Appendix B: Owner’s Information ..........00000000 00000020 269 Appendix C: Reference Tables. ..00. 2.200.000 0 cece ee 291 Appendix D: Glossary and BASIC Syntax Guidelines ..........................0008s 295 Appendix E: Error Messages .....00000000. 000000000000 o eee 303 Appendix F: Sample Solutions to Problems .......... 22.22.2200 cece eee 309 Index sg a No Sg RY eo SCA ae eS Meet the HP-85 Personal Computing System Your Hewlett-Packard 85 Personal Computer is a versatile, self-contained, personal computing device which enables you to perform a wide variety of useful and interesting functions. To mention just a few of the special features of your HP-85, you have the ability to: @ Perform calculations in a simple, straightforward manner—as if you had a calculator with dozens of mathematical and scientific functions. # Compose programs in BASIC (Beginner’s All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code} programming language. The HP-85 exceeds the latest American National Standard for Minimal BASIC. In many areas, the HP-85 includes enhancements to this standard. e Execute BASIC programs. Afier you have written your programs, they may be executed, often at the touch of one key. The HP-85 offers several typing aids to your program execution and control. e Load and store programs and data on a magnetic tape cartridge with the built-in tape drive. Thus you may permanently store your programs to be retrieved again, whenever you wish. e List programs and data with the built-in thermal printer. Not only can you list programs, but you can copy anything that appears on the display onto the printer, to record and review your results. @ Perform graphics. The graphics capabilities of the HP-85 are sophisticated, yet easy to use. And again, any- thing that you can ‘‘draw’’ on the display can be transformed to hard copy with a single command: COPY. e Edit, correct, and modify anything that appears on the display with tremendous ease. In fact, the HP-85 allows you to access and review 64 lines of characters on the display, and to edit them at your convenience. Now let's take a closer look at the HP-85 system to see how easy it is to use, whether we solve a problem manually, use one of the sophisticated prerecorded programs from the Standard Pac, or even write our own program. How to Use This Manual This handbook has been designed to enable you to use the utmost potential of your HP-85 Personal Computer and to answer your questions concerning BASIC programming with the HP-85. If you have just received your new HP-85 Personal Computer, read appendix B before you attempt to operate the system. Appendix B contains initial set-up instructions and other pertinent owner's infor- mation. a Meet the HP-85 Then familarize yourself with the HP-85 system by reading and following through the examples in part I of this handbook—with your computer. The best way to feel at ease with the system is to sit down with the owner’s handbook and the HP-85 and actually key in the examples provided in each of the sections. It won't take long to become familiar with the system, and it’s well worth the time you invest to obtain a more complete understanding of your HP-85. Even if you are an advanced programmer, you will benefit from the unique features and capabilities of your HP-85 that are introduced in part I. Part Hof the HP-85 Owner s Manual and Programming Guide discusses each of the BASIC statements used with the HP-85. It also covers tape cartridge operations, graphics on your HP-85 system, and debugging procedures. There are problems for you to work at the end of most of the sections in part IL and, in case you get stuck, sample solutions are given in appendix F. If you are a beginning programmer, and you have difficulties with part H, you may wish to refer to the HP-85 BASIC Training Pac. The pac is designed to help you get acquainted with the HP-85 and BASIC programming. If you are an experienced programmer, you'll probably start program- ming with the HP-85 as soon as you've read part [. You can use part IT as a teference guide to particular BASIC statements, but you'll probably find the HP-85 Pocket Guide and the HP-85 BASIC Reference Card most suited to your BASIC reference needs. Meet the HP-85 9 Where can you go next? After you’ ve become familiar with the HP-85 itself, you may wish to enhance your programming capabilities with specific applications pacs, a memory module, extended capability ROMs, and peripherals. Be sure to check the accessories list in appendix A. CAUTION The inspection procedure and initial set-up instructions tor the HP-85 are presented in appendix B of this manual. Please refer there: e lf you have not inspected the HP-85. » {f there is any doubt regarding the compatibility of the system power requirements to the available power in your area. Do not attempt to set up the HP-85 without first becoming thoroughly familiar with appendix B; it con- tains information that is important to avoid damaging your personal computer when it is initially set up. 10 Meet te HP-85, An Overview of the Hewlett-Packard 85 Printer Intensity Dial Tape Drive Cartridge Eject Bar Front View PLLEEIEIIT IL a Power Switch Fuse Receptacle Voltage Selector ‘AC Power Connector Plug-in Module Ports Display Intensity Knob Back View oh Meet the HP-85 JO4jUOD Wayshs/Aeidsig pedAay 2.9WNN pieogAay Jay IModA S ZV AS AY DS 7) (oo. a“ S oe + . (0 | po [ ae | ee Se NEL oS & a ke Ss > NE Ss TAR ZY vi) y aN “A [ Y { iI ? _- c cf L cyX 4aIKS [eo SET Ske 3 we SS xy ee S Ay AV Z) > 4 . y [| * 9 G Vv ) Pr) ic ie Ee le SS Hos ll) yk SE ‘ SRY (3 eer FS 7) A “ [f)) fl S “AS ARS iS AAR LNOO WLS PAN Re “al: 4S. [m| eI WE We SS Ga Le LL id} S we eC yl S VRS ar A o y a Z) Gl 1 SS aS > vi { | } aNn- fe) ad Z 9 S | t | £ nga] |} | uint | |) (wasaa} || [aware [Db ! a 8 Vv % $ Es @ Se “ly JY S SIZ we le Se Soy s mals ZV RS Z = AAS PAIRS ae dHOLS| avo a _— Py 4 aH TOU 4S3L May v AdOD a Fe) 4 Z VE WE IY gz SE Sle We shay uayouns jepseds paeoqhay S8-dH Typewriter Keys (a) through (Z). Alphabetic keys. In BASIC mode produce capital ietters, and when used with (swt) or (88) produce small letters. In “typewriter” mode pro- duce smallletters, and when used with (ex or fe) produce capital letters (page 33). (s0-1) Shift key. Used with the alphabetic keys to get reverse letter-case; with other keys to select alternate symbol, state- ment, or command on upper half of key (page 33). (a) Caps lock. Affects only the alphabetic keys. When pressed and locked, reverses the letter case of current typing mode (page 33). cir.) Control. Used to select characters that are not normal typewriting characters and to output keycodes with decimai values below 32 (page 34). Numerics, punctuation, symbols. The remainder of the typewriter keys operate like a standard typewriter. To select the symbol on the upper half of akey, hold (out) while you press the key {page 33). Enters an expression, state- ment, or command into the com- puter to be interpreted and/or executed. Also performs a car- riage return (page 37). Numeric Keys (0 }through (9} Digits. {-) Deci- mal point. Used for keying in numbers (page 18). ClO ee Arithmetic operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and integer division, respectively (page 43). HP-85 Key Index Co) CG) Parentheses. Used to key in numeric expressions and to enclose the arguments of func- tions (page 45). (7 }Comma. Separates input items and used as a separator in functions, statements, and commands (page 47). f=) Recalls to the display the most recently calculated result (page 46). Special Function Keys through {unshifted} and through ('* } (shifted). Special function keys for user- defined functions. Must be de- fined in a program (page 154). iser.| Recalls the current iabels for the special function keys and displays them on the CRT. Also moves the cursor to the upper left corner of the display (page 154). Display Control (OIC )JC)G) Posi tions the cursor on the CRT dis- play in the direction of the arrow, without erasing characters {page 19). Insert/Replace. Toggles between insert mode and replace mode. When the cursor is under a character in reoface mode, typing any character will replace the character at the cursor position. In insert mode, two cursors appear and the next character typed will be inserted between the characters marked by the cursor locations (page 39). (naa) Deletes the character above the cursor (page 38). Deletes a line from the cur- sor to the end of the line (page 19). Erases characters as it backspaces (page 38). 12 (ours) (G8) Backspaces rapidly (page 38). Ciears 16 lines of the display from the cursor position, then rolls the information above the cursor out of view and homes the cursor (page 38). indic) Recalls information that has “rolled” out of view. Pressing (Pai) rolls down information that has most recently left the display, while (ons) (adie) rolls up the oldest ; aay pane information saved on the display (page 36). rar Sets the system display to graphics mode, showing the current graphics display. Press any alphanumeric key to return to the normal alphanumeric display (page 197). Cartridge Control *) Rewinds the tape cartridge (page 280). Program Control (“°) Typing aid to dispiay on the CRT display. The command instructs the computer to number program statements automatically. You may specify, at your option, the beginning iine number and numbering interval; otherwise the system will number program lines beginning with 10 and incrementing by 10. The command is then executed by pressing (Ex?) (page 80). () Typing aid to display in the CRT display. ; & commandis used to delete a line or a section of a program. ih = must be fol- lowed by the line number, or the first and last line number of a sec- tion of a program to be deleted. The © ~ command is then executed by pressing (Ene) (page 95). ~ Immediate execute key which halts a running program without otherwise affecting the program. Produces an audible beep when interrupting program execution (page 97). Immediate execute key used to continue execution of a program thathas been halted bya . Statement (page 98). INIT Initializes (allocates memory to} a program without executing it (page 99). () Executes a single program statement. The program must first be initialized by either 2% or before you can single step through it (page 259). aun] Immediate execute key which first initializes the current program, then executes it (page 99). Typing aid to display : on the CRT display. The command loads a specified file from a tape cartridge. must be followed by a file name within quotes or @ string expres- sion that specifies the file name. The command is then executed by pressing {§2) (page 179). leon) Typing aid to display nthe CRT display. The command stores a specifi ed file onto a tape cartridge. must be followed by a file name within quotes or a string expression that specifies the file name. The command is then ex- executed by pressing (G8) {page 176). (usr) Immediate execute key which displays one full screen of the current program in memory starting at the beginning of a pro- gram. Each successive time (usr) is pressed, another screen full of program lines is displayed until the end of the programm is reached. Following the list of the last program line, L. 1. =F dis- plays the remaining number of memory locations (page 75). rst) Immediate execute key which will list the current program in its entirety on the system printer. Press any key to halt the printer listing (page 75). Printer Control Paeer Moves the paper one line. If the key is held down, the paper advance will repeat until the key is released (page 35). 13 cr") immediate execute key which copies the exact contents of the display onto the system printer {page 35}. System Commands (e Returns the computer to its condition at power on, except that programs are not erased (page 40). {TEST a eo Performs a functional test of the processor and built-in peri- pherals (page 39). eo) («= Typing aid to display on the CRT display. The is clears computer memory. The command is executed by pressing (page 78).

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