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Advances and Uses of ICT in Public Health of Peru

Meneses-Claudio, Brian Alvarado-Díaz, Witman Aucapuma, Luis

Image Processing Research Laboratory Image Processing Research Laboratory Image Processing Research Laboratory
(INTI-Lab), Universidad de Ciencias y (INTI-Lab), Universidad de Ciencias y (INTI-Lab), Universidad de Ciencias y
Humanidades Humanidades Humanidades
Lima, Peru Lima, Peru Lima, Peru

Garcia-Montes, Julio Roman-Gonzalez, Avid

Image Processing Research Laboratory (INTI-Lab), Image Processing Research Laboratory (INTI-Lab),
Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades
Lima, Peru Lima, Peru

Abstract— Currently, the health sector is a fundamental part in benefits that ICT has in the different subjects that can be presented
every country, because it satisfies the basic needs of the people. The and that is currently widely used.
health sector in Peru has many deficiencies because it continues to
apply old systems, where in few health centers have implemented Medical informatics is the discipline that applies information
technologies, being the case that technology based on ICT sciences in the context of medicine currently, there are a set of
(Information and Communication Technology) is being used to standards that facilitate the electronic exchange of clinical
improve processes in the health sector such as telemedicine, remote information in which they use a unified modeling language and
diagnosis, informative applications, databases, cloud computing,
an extensible metalanguage of marking with Tags:
etc.; due to the relevance in their environment. In this research work,
tables will be presented indicating the benefits of the implementation  HL7 (Health Level Seven) [10].
of ICT in the field of health in the Peruvian reality. The main
 HCE (Historias Clínicas Electrónicas) [11].
purpose of this project is inform about the use of TIC’s in Public
Health of Peru, also show how TIC’s helps in medic centers and can  DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communication in
be used for many other things. Medicine) [12].
 CIE (Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades)
Keywords— ICT, Health Sector, Peruvian Community, Basic Medical [11].
 SNOMED (Semantically Ordered Medical Terms) [10].

All of them use interoperability which is practically the ability to

I. INTRODUCTION coexist and exchange information between any medical system.
Currently, technology is changing the way we handle II. ICT PROJECTS FOR HEALTH APPLICATIONS IN PERU
information; the tendency is that the information is in the cloud,
that allows the information to be accessible in any part of the Those are some examples about the use TIC’s in Public Health
world, that is why it is necessary to know the works related to the of Peru:
topic of computing in the cloud for the health sector.
At work [1] it is mentioned that in order to obtain a higher
Health is one of the most important factors in society because of quality of health services, electronic access to patient records is
this and many doctors currently use databases for different cases needed, through cloud computing, which will facilitate the supply
such as medical records, symptoms they feel during the disease of higher quality medical products and services. It also tells us
that a data center with specific characteristics of cloud computing
process, sending data in real time, etc. Many researches want to
is necessary, which should be optimal, that is why the network
use ICT dedicated to medicine because of its impact on society.
infrastructure focused on the health system of the MINSA
In this research work, Peruvian studies based on ICT focused on (Ministerio de Salud) is designed. Arequipa.
medicine and the benefits that brought to the development of The technical characteristics were identified, which should be:
processes and quality of health towards people will be presented. criticality, capacity and growth. The network traffic was
This research work aims to provide a broader outline of the great estimated based on the reality of the health centers of the MINSA,
so it was estimated that the network should have between 10 and This research shows the use of one of the information and
40 GbE (Gigabit Ethernet), in addition it shows that it requires 48 communication technologies, particularly web servers for the tele
servers of 1 core, in addition of an annual growth rate of 5.42%. diagnosis of tuberculosis by means of the recognition of
morphological characteristics of the sputum of the person to be
The designed network allows to detect the failures of the analyzed, this is due to a pattern recognition algorithm [4].
network in addition, to combating them through redundancies, it
is quick access through the sub networks and works for hand in Many places in the country are currently limited to low quality
hand with virtualization which allows the use of resources more health care, low coverage and often without access to such care,
efficiently. [1] due to the lack of telemedicine which consists of exchanging
relevant information between medical centers that are located at
Currently, many countries are in development due to great distances; in this way, this research project aims to
technological, economic and social growth. The use of ultrasound implement a Telemedicine System in the Department of
has helped to revolutionize the detection, diagnosis and surgery Obstetrics and Gynecology at the San Bartolomé Hospital,
in medicine, due to the new techniques of the propagation of through its laboratories. Teams from different disciplines were
ultrasonic waves. In this research work, we present the formed considering the field work for connectivity with
implementation and operation of a portable tele-sonography institutional collaboration to finally achieve a virtual network
called SonicCare, which is mainly a portable ultra-sonographic based on an architecture conceived in the systemic model of
equipment. In addition, it is a low-cost device designed primarily telemedicine. The institutions that made the work possible
to provide ultrasound care services in areas with a very little participated as follows; the San Bartolomé hospital offering its
recurrence of health services or rural areas where there is no physical and HR plant, the Facultad de Medicina Humana of the
access to ultrasound equipment. [2] UNMSM that provided a fiber optic point to achieve
telecommunication and hospitals located outside of Lima such as
This equipment will use the DICOM protocol (Digital the Hospital Regional of Apurímac and the Hospital of
Imaging and Communication in Medicine) for the storage, the Andahuaylas where connectivity was achieved [5].
control of the equipment and the transmission of the received
ultrasonic data, where they must be lodged in an internal database In the underdeveloped countries due to its deplorable process
of the hospital, controlled by the same doctors. thus giving in the health sector, the data obtained are erroneous. It has been
personalized and controlled attention. Taking into account that in shown that if the health of the mother and the newborn is
most rural areas it does not have access to the network, due to this improved with preventive measures, complications can be
the SonicCare has an automatic storage system, when it can avoided and resolved during pregnancy and childbirth, but very
connect to the network, will send the saved data, on the other few people currently know about basic information on the
hand, it has an error detection system, neglecting ultrasonic complications that can occur. in this situations.
images that do not meet the standards expected by doctors.
That is why in this work, it proposes a project called
It should be noted that the database is available only to users WawaRed-Peru, whose main function is to improve the processes
of a hospital due to the privacy of the ultrasonic images, and indicators of maternal health, in order to provide information
previously indicating the use of the database that will be created on maternal health as well as an indicator of decision-making,
for storage [3]. with this it wants to help to the health equity problems of Peruvian
women, in addition to presenting the current situation of maternal
Currently, tuberculosis is a more severe health problem in health information systems in Peru [6].
Peru and in the world, for the treatment of this disease, an early
diagnosis is required. Unfortunately, the diagnosis of this disease Pneumonia is a disease that causes high mortality in children
is through a health specialist, and many of the cases occur when under five years old, so in the article consulted it is proposed the
it is not attended to on time. Information and communication construction of an ultrasound video analysis software for the
technologies (ICT) has allowed the development of telemedicine, detection of pneumonia. This application is based on the
which was used in this investigation for the transmission of data processing of small video fragments. The system is able of
remotely a web server that will store in addition to processing the exploring different geometries properties, the system created
data, through the algorithm designed. With this tele diagnostic presents good results; this system can be applied to all people,
study, a sensitivity of 92.0% and a specificity of 94.9% with including pregnant women without any risk at work, it was
respect to the target was achieved, and a sensitivity of 95.4% and possible to reach automatic detection of pneumonia, thanks to the
a specificity of 98.1% with respect to the images of the sputum construction of the software it was possible to explore the
characteristics [4]. intensity, geometry and properties of the pleural line , showing
very good results considering that they are the first to give the
focus to the detection of pneumonia through ultrasound.
As a recommendation for future research, many ways should between other parameters that are obtained from the images, this
be found to increase the sensitivity of the system, as well as a later system can be used for the diagnosis and monitoring of cutaneous
stage that could be useful to improve problem identification [9]. lesions (ulcers).
In the work, a campaign of acquisition of multimodal images As future work, the data contained in the database must be
of ulcers was carried out with which a database was created increased in order to improve the efficiency of the system, in
corresponding to the project IMPULSO (image processing for addition to exploring the collection from an application for
Ulcers in tropic areas) the created database includes color images, mobile devices [10].
3D scans (scatter charts, surface), ultrasound images and
hyperspectral cubes (HSI) acquired from the same ulcers. III. RESULTS
additionally, a graphical interface for visualization and As a result of this analysis, the use of different technologies in
exploration was created. aspects of public health was identified, to better understand this
analysis, as shown in Table I.
Finally, it is concluded that a database was developed with a
graphic interface that combines color information, ultrasound

Table 1: Applied Technologies in the Field of Health in Peruvian Reality

Cloud Web Database Web Telemedicine
Computing Server Server Application System
Supply of Medical Products x x x
Doctor Services x x x
Autism Spectrum Disorder x x x
Autism Early Detection x x x
Clinical history of the patient x x
Nutritional variation in people x x
Bad Nutrition x x x
Little physical activity x x
Dosage of Metronidazole x x x
Information about the prevention of STD x x x
Assistance to people with HIV / AIDS x x x
Exchange of Information x x x x
Poor quality health care x x
Radiology at a distance x x
Sent images to health specialists x x x
Ultrasonic images x x x
Diagnosis of Tuberculosis x x x
Early Detection of Breast Neoplasms x x
Maternal Health x x
Detection of pneumonia x x x
Ulcer Study x x

As can be seen in table I, it is noted that “the exchange of Table II shows the Peruvian institutions mentioned in the
information” uses 4 of the mentioned technologies due to the previous works with the applied technologies. It can be seen that
importance of the health service, in addition to “sending images the institutes currently use technology due to the proliferation of
to health specialists” using 3 of the technologies; on the other ICT technologies that are important and are widely used in the
hand, the “study of ulcers” uses 2 of the technologies due to the field of public health.
lack of implementation with other technologies as well as the
“nutritional variation of people”.
Table II: Applied Technologies in the Peruvian Institutes mentioned in 2016.
the Works [3] O. Zenteno, C. Rojas, J. Chang and B. Castaneda,
"SonicCare: A new low-cost and portable device for
MINSA Universidad Pontificia Hospital
medical tele-ultrasonography on underserved areas," in
Privada Universidad San
Cayetano Católica del Bartolomé IEEE Latin America Transactions, vol. 14, no. 7, pp.
Heredia Perú 3151-3158, July 2016.
Web Server x x [4] Rodriguez, Luis & Alva, Alicia & Coronel, Jorge &
Telemedicine x x x Caviedes, Luz & Mendoza-Ticona, Alberto & Gilman,
system Robert & Sheen, Patricia & Zimic, Mirko. (2014).
Database x [Implementation of a telediagnostic system for
Server tuberculosis and determination of multi-drug resistance
based in the MODS method in Trujillo, Peru]. Revista
peruana de medicina experimental y salud pública. 31.
The use of technology for health is very important to be able to [5] H. Reyes García, “Implementación de un sistema de
control and report diseases, emergencies and controls through telemedicina en el Departamento de Gineco-Obstetrica
technology. Telemedicine is now a reality, but it is not widely del Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San
applied in all health centers due to its inclusion of technology with Bartolomé en el año 2013^ies Implementation of a
unqualified personnel, due to this the different research works are telemedicine system in the Department of Gynecology-
presented where technology known by many users for its use. Obstetrics at the Teache,” 2014.
[6] Pérez-Lu, José E., Iguiñiz Romero, Ruth, Bayer, Angela
Many health centers have opted for many of these systems due to M., & García, Patricia J.. (2015). Wawared Peru:
all the benefits it provides, in addition to improving the reducing health inequities and improving maternal
effectiveness of the customer service process, thus being a benefit health by improving information systems in health.
not only for health centers but also for the population. In addition, Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud
the population requires systems where they can rely on the Publica, 32(2), 373-377.
technology they use to verify and know their health. [7] Pérez-Lu, José E., Iguiñiz Romero, Ruth, Bayer, Angela
M., & García, Patricia J.. (2015). Wawared Peru:
The creation of databases is a key point because the manual works reducing health inequities and improving maternal
have become obsolete with all the technological world in which health by improving information systems in health.
we live, due to this, it is required to leave behind the manual such Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud
as reports, registers, surveys, etc.; to digitize everything, so Publica, 32(2), 373-377.
[8] Zhang, R., Zenteno, O., Treuillet, S., & Castaneda, B.
having all the centers interconnected with patient data, as well as
(2017, October). Multimodal Viewing Interface for Skin
making statistical studies of the data obtained.
Ulcers (Leish-MUVI). In European Congress on
In Peru, ICT technologies are in development and, besides being Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and
very important for the improvement of public health, of which not Engineering (pp. 777-784). Springer, Cham.
[9] G. Cisotto and S. Pupolin, "Evolution of ICT for the
all health centers use and / or implement it, there are very few
improvement the quality of life," in IEEE Aerospace and
health centers that have Integral systems, but not many opt for an
Electronic Systems Magazine, vol. 33, no. 5-6, pp. 6-12,
improvement in their integral Peruvian health systems because May-June 2018.
the Ministry and the Government do not invest in these types of [10] Benson, T. (2010). Principles of health interoperability
projects being harmful to the Peruvian people. HL7 and SNOMED (p. 263). London:: Springer.
[11] López Ibor, J. J. (1992). CIE 10. Transtornos mentales y
del comportamiento, Descripciones clínicas y paútas
V. REFERENCES para el diagnóstico, 10.
[12] Oosterwijk, H., & Gihring, P. (2002). DICOM basics.
[1] C. Talavera and J. Santisteban, “Design Of Network Tech.
Infrastructure Of A Cloud Data Center For Use In Health
Sector,” vol. i, 2015.
[2] N. I. Vargas-cuentas, D. M. Hidalgo, A. Roman-
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