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The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Original article

Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in

Martin J. Clifford
Department of Geography, Pearson Hall, University of Delaware, Newark, United States


Article history:
Received 4 December 2015 The small-scale gold mining sector has been and continues to be identified as a major source of mercury
Received in revised form 16 May 2017 contamination. Although many studies have assessed the human and ecological health impacts of
Accepted 16 May 2017 mercury emissions in the vicinity of small-scale mining operations, only a handful have surveyed the
Available online xxx source of the contamination: the sites themselves. This paper reports findings from an environmental
analysis undertaken directly within three small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana. Using targeted soil and
Keywords: water sampling analysed through mass spectrometry, the findings are compared with findings in the
Artisanal mining literature and safety guidelines to gauge the scale of contamination at surveyed sites. The analysis reveals
that there is widespread pollution, often several orders higher than background levels. Expanding upon
this, the results are extrapolated to provide estimates for mercury emissions accountable to the artisanal
Gold mining
Minamata Convention mining sector for Ghana as a whole.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction: mercury, artisanal and small-scale gold mining the environment. The United Nations Environment Programme
and the Minamata Convention (UNEP) estimates that ASM now constitutes the largest ‘intentional
use’ of mercury worldwide. It consumes and emits between 640
The artisanal and small-scale mining sector is estimated to and 1350 tons of mercury per year, around one third of all
employ in excess of 25 million people (Hruschka and Echavarria, anthropogenic emissions (UNEP, 2013).
2011) across 50 countries worldwide. Its workforce is engaged in An extensive body of research spanning some 40 years has
the extraction of a diverse range of minerals. Gold is the most drawn attention to how the growth of ASM has been responsible
widely sought commodity by artisanal miners owing to its for increased mercury contamination (e.g. Martinelli et al., 1988;
relatively ubiquity and high value-to-weight ratio. An extremely Malm et al., 1990; Lacerda et al., 1991; Lin et al., 1997; Marrugo-
buoyant world gold price, in combination with widespread poverty Negrete et al., 2008; Olivero-Verbal et al., 2016; Gibb and O'Leary,
and wider socio-economic and political instability, has stimulated 2014). This body of literature has also helped to raise awareness of
the sector’s rapid growth worldwide. The sector has grown to the the impacts of mercury and legitimise its seriousness as a global
extent that it now contributes an estimated 20–30% of total global environmental concern (see Pacyna et al., 2016; Nriagu 1994;
gold production (Veiga et al., 2006). Swain et al., 2007; UNEP, 2008, 2013). Mercury pollution is now on
Artisanal gold prospectors almost exclusively use elemental the radar of a number of development organisations, which have
mercury (locally referred to as ‘med’) to extract gold. Although committed to remediating environments left contaminated by
efficient (Teschner et al., 2017), mercury can have numerous wide- artisanal and small-scale gold miners. Local interventions made by
ranging deleterious effects on humans, biota and the environment bilateral donors1 with the support of small grants from the likes of
even at levels marginally exceeding naturally occurring ‘back- the United Nations and European Union, would pave the way for
ground’ limits (WHO, 2003; Clifford et al., 2010; Clarkson, 2002). It the Global Mercury Project, a three year, multi-agency initiative
is estimated that between at least 1 and 2 grams of mercury is lost which operated across several countries.2 The work carried out
to the environment for every gram of gold that is produced (Veiga
and Baker, 2004). With next to no technology in place to recover
mercury used in refining gold, the vast percentage is emitted into 1
Such as the development agencies of Germany in Ghana (see Hilson and
Clifford, 2010), Denmark in Tanzania and others (see GEUS, 2008) and Canada in
Guyana (see Hilson and Vieira, 2007), for example.
See for more infor-
E-mail address: (M.J. Clifford). mation.
2214-790X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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EXIS 329 No. of Pages 9

2 M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

under the auspices of this project, however, has failed to reduce Babut et al., 2003; Bonzongo et al., 2003; Golow and Adzei 2002;
mercury emissions significantly. The author, like many other Golow and Mingle 2003; Paruchiri et al., 2010; Rambaud et al.,
researchers, has reflected critically on why, to date, this has proved 2000; Rajaee et al., 2015a). Surprisingly, however, studies which
so elusive (see Clifford, 2010, 2014). have looked specifically at the pollution of soils and waterbodies
The most recent and certainly most far-reaching effort made to found within the direct catchment areas of the country’s ASM sites
date to address the problem is the Minamata Convention on are in short supply. Most research carried out on mercury
Mercury, an international agreement, ratified in 2013 by 128 contamination in the country has focused on communities
countries, which seeks to stimulate a reduction in global mercury adjacent to those supporting mining activity (e.g. Ahiamadjie
emissions from a wide range of sources. Quite understandably, et al., 2011; Golow and Adzei 2002; Golow and Mingle 2003;
ASM is highlighted within the Convention as a particular area of Amonoo-Neizer et al., 1996). Data collected from within the
concern. Each signatory country with ‘more than significant’ boundaries of sites themselves (e.g. Paruchuri et al., 2010) would
artisanal gold mining activity is required to formulate and submit a certainly yield a more complete picture of the problem. Such
‘national action plan’ outlining the steps they propose to take to findings have long served as important reference points in the
tackle mercury pollution in the sector. The Convention was ASM-Hg literature.
adopted in October 2013 and the aforementioned plans were
scheduled to be drafted within three years. It is likely that many 3. Criteria assessed
signatory countries with notable ASM activity will find drafting
and implementing such plans extremely challenging because of a Veiga and Baker (2004), who offer a set of Protocols for
lack of vital baseline data, coherent strategies, and resources to Environmental and Health Assessment of Mercury Released by
tackle mercury pollution in the sector (Sippl, 2015). However, the Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Miners, list four different ways in
Minamata Convention has catalysed a renewed wave of research which analysis of soil and water may be used for substantiating
aimed at gathering additional information about mercury pollu- mercury contamination at artisanal gold mining sites (Table 1):
tion in the ASM sector and proposing ways to tackle the problem identifying ‘hotspots’, estimating total mercury releases and
(see, for example, Porgo and Gokyay 2017; Fritz et al., 2016; Bose- assessing water quality against guidelines for drinking and
O'Reilly et al., 2016), including Ghana (Basu et al., 2015a, 2015b; protection of aquatic life. These are discussed further below (with
Rajaee et al., 2015a). This paper helps to address ‘the substantial the two water-related methods being placed together) and their
gaps in data availability’ (Rajaee et al., 2015a: 8974) in this area, implementation elaborated upon in Section 4.
drawing on experiences from Ghana.
3.1. Identification of mining and environmental ‘hotspots’
2. The case of Ghana: context, previous work and an estimate of
mercury emissions from ASM ‘Hotspots’ are areas which have extremely high mercury
concentration. They are defined by Veiga and Baker (2004) as
Ghana, famous for the abundance of its gold, is home to an having levels 100 times higher than what could be considered
estimated 500,000 to 1,000,000 small-scale gold miners. Accord- naturally occurring. Their existence is owed largely to current and/
ing to the Ghanaian Minerals Commission, the chief government or pre-existing artisanal gold mining activity. Identifying terres-
body in the country responsible for policymaking in the mining trial hotspots at active mine sites is a relatively simple procedure,
sector, these operators extracted 39,642,782 oz of gold from 1980 consisting of sampling locations where miners amalgamate gold,
to 2008 and contributed almost of quarter of national production and analysing these for total mercury content. This strategy formed
in 2010 (Tetteh, 2010). Following the AuPRODUCED:HgLOST ratio of 1:1 the first strand of the research: soil and water collected from
to 1:2 cited above, processing of this gold released an estimated mining sites was analysed and compared with relevant literature
1123–2246 tons of mercury into the natural environment. The to determine the severity of contamination.
2,796,834 oz. (79 tons) of gold produced in the year 2008 alone was
responsible for the release of an estimated 79–158 tons of mercury. 3.2. Estimating mercury releases
These figures are of serious environmental concern, especially
when considering that estimates of 640–1350 tons have been given Estimating emissions of mercury from ASM operations is, as
as the worldwide total of mercury emissions from ASM (UNEP, Veiga and Baker (2004: 37) explain, a ‘crucial’ part of any
2013). assessment of the impact small-scale mining has in a locality.
Ghana has been a focal point of research on ASM for many years. Obtaining an estimate involves collating direct and indirect data on
It has attracted significant research on mercury in particular, work issues such as the quantity of mercury being introduced and
which has sought to provide an idea of the scale of contamination recovered at each stage of processing (through weighing at each
and impacts of the sector on surrounding communities and natural point), purchases of mercury over a period of time, gold production
environments (e.g. Mensah et al., 2012; Ahiamadjie et al., 2011; figures, and the mercury content of amalgam and tailings, to

Table 1
Use of soil and water analysis in assessing environmental impacts of mercury use in ASM.

Subject Purpose Material Sampled Technique

Identification of mining & Apply remedial procedures depending Superficial soil and bottom sediments Hg analysis (semi or quantitative) or panning for
environmental hotspots on bioavailability visual inspection
Estimate Hg releases Estimate the relevance of Hg released Hg introduced and recovered; Hg lost in Hg lost: Au produced ratio estimation through Hg
by ASM in the region amalgam, tailings, etc. balance in ASM operations
Drinking water guidelines Determine quality to meet guidelines; Filtered and unfiltered water Total Hg analysis
resolve health issues
Protection of aquatic life Determine contamination to meet Filtered and unfiltered water Total Hg analysis
guidelines guidelines

Taken from Veiga and Baker (2004).

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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EXIS 329 No. of Pages 9

M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. Sketch map representative of site layout and sampling in Bolgatanga.

construct figures from which to extrapolate rough emission 50 cm to 1 metre in depth. Water samples were collected from
amounts for mining regions as a whole. As Veiga and Baker constructed washing pools at ‘sumps’ (processing centres) in the
(2004: 11) note, a much higher proportion of mercury added to same locations. The opportunity also arose on three occasions at
material is lost during the heating of amalgam than is discarded these sites to collect water which had been used to rinse the
with tailings. Measured mercury levels in amalgam and tailings mercury-gold amalgamation free of gangue material directly from
were used along with secondary evidence (gold production a miners pan.3 Additionally, in Bolgatanga, following the advice of
figures) to provide general estimates of mercury releases for the local Minerals Commission officer, samples were taken from
Ghana’s ASM sector. the river which flows through the mining area and is used for
washing of gold during the wet season.
3.3. Guidelines for drinking water and protection of aquatic life At mine sites in Akwatia, which were more rudimentary, there
were no specifically designated areas where miners refined and
The final two tested indicators, analysis of water in relation to washed gold (see Fig. 3). Miners working at the sites were,
guidelines on drinking water and for the protection of aquatic life, therefore – following the suggestion of Veiga and Baker (2004) –
are given ‘low’ priority in the Global Mercury Project’s Protocols. asked to indicate where these activities were often carried out and
This, however, is due to the rare detection rate, not because they soil and water samples were collected there. Surface soil was
inherently represent significantly less of a risk to health (Veiga and collected from the ground at these locations, and water taken from
Baker, 2004Veiga and Baker 2004: 80). Both measurements can be flooded pits and pools used for washing gold. Material was also
obtained fairly straightforwardly, through analysis of water taken from pools, at a depth of between 50 cm and 1 metre.
samples using spectrometry. Water samples collected at ASM
sites were compared to background and guideline amounts to 4.2. Analysis of targeted soil and water samples
determine the extent of the mercury pollution problem.
Soil samples were placed in sealable polythene bags at the site,
4. Methods air dried upon returning from the field location on the same day,
and then returned to a polythene bag. They were stored at room
4.1. Sampling temperature and ‘double bagged’ to avoid any contamination until
their return to the UK for analysis. Water samples were filtered on
Soil and water was collected from three regions in Ghana with the same day of collection following return from the fieldwork
significant ASM activity: the localities of Akwatia, Prestea and location. Both soil and water samples were stored at room
Bolgatanga. Piles of waste tailings discarded after panning and temperature in the field, and in a cold store upon arrival in the UK,
pools used for washing gold were targeted for sampling. Samples where soils were thoroughly dried and then homogenised as much
were collected from various sites across the three different field as possible using a pestle and mortar and passed through a metallic
locations over a three-month period. The typical layout of mining 5 mm sieve. Water samples were acidified to approximately 9%
operations at each of the three sites visited and the typical pattern hydrochloric acid (HCl). All samples were then stored in cold
at each location are provided in shown in Figs. 1–3 . storage at 3  C until preparation for analysis.
In Prestea and Bolgatanga, a small amount of soil (the largest
being approximately 2 kg) was collected, using a small trowel, from
the following places: the top layer of stockpiled tailings heaps at
washing and processing centres, and the bottom of washing pools, 3
These fines are then normally discarded completely or added to tailings heaps
which were specially constructed, permanent pits of between for future reprocessing.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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4 M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

Fig. 2. Sketch map representative of site layout and sampling in Prestea.

Fig. 3. Sketch map representative of site layout in Akwatia.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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EXIS 329 No. of Pages 9

M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

Table 2
Guideline limits for elemental Hg in soil and water.

Institution Guideline Limits for elemental Hg

EA Soil Guideline Values (SGV) ‘Residential’ land use: 1 mg/kg
‘Commercial’ and ‘Allotment’ land use: 26 mg/kg
Canadian Environmental ‘Agricultural’ land use: 12 mg/kg for soil contact
Quality Guidelines (CEQG) ‘Residential/Parkland’ land use: 12 mg/kg for soil contact
‘Commercial’ land use: 50 mg/kg for soil contact
‘Industrial’ land use: 50 mg/kg for soil contact
Water for Protection of Aquatic Life: 0.1 mg/l (total mercury)
World Health Organisation Upper ‘background’ limit to Hg content of water: 5.5 mg/l
Maximum acceptable limit for drinking water: 6 mg/l

Atomic absorption (AA) analysis of aqua regia (AR) digests was engaged in ‘dig and wash’ operations.7 In more complex
used to determine the total mercury content of the collected operations, this waste material was stockpiled for future rework-
samples. The digests were performed following the University of ing. However, mercury contained in these sizeable heaps of tailings
Reading’s departmental procedures for which there were numer- also poses a serious threat to the wider environment.
ous quality control measures in place.4 In total, 36 of the 49 soil
samples were selected for analysis: 12 from each of Akwatia, 5.2. Assessing results of soil and water analysis against environmental
Prestea, and Bolgatanga. All 50 water samples were used, and were guidelines
analysed for total mercury using a Perkin Elmer 1100 B Atomic
Absorption Spectrometer.5 The World Health Organisation (WHO) and many Western
environmental and health agencies have established guideline
4.3. Analysis of gold-mercury amalgam values for different contaminants in soil and water (Table 2). Of
these, the Soil Guideline Values (SGVs) of the Environment Agency
An estimate of the loss of mercury from burning gold-mercury (EA) of England and Wales (Environment Agency, 2009Morgan
amalgam was made, over a two-day period in Prestea, by weighing et al., 2009), and the Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines
the difference between balls of gold-Hg amalgam that miners (CEQG) (Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment 1999),
brought to gold shops and the dore gold after burning the amalgam provide particularly comprehensive reference points for a range of
on a fire. In total, 25 balls of amalgam were tested. soil contaminants, including mercury. These proved valuable in
assessing and contextualising the severity of mercury contamina-
5. Findings tion in surveyed ASM sites. Overall, SGVs can be used as ‘a starting
point for evaluating long-term risks to human health from
5.1. Mercury use at ASM sites in Ghana: field observations chemicals in soil’ (Environment Agency, 2009: 5): a ‘representative
site soil concentrations above an SGV might represent a significant
Mercury or ‘med’ was observed being used extensively in possibility of significant harm’ (Environment Agency, 2009: 8, italics
operations. The techniques observed are similar to those described and bold in original).
by other authors. Mercury is used exclusively at the sites visited to Guideline values provided by these agencies have been
extract gold from ore. But the more polluting practices docu- established for use in Western scenarios and are informed by a
mented elsewhere, such as ‘spiking’ pits with mercury (dispersing series of conceptual ‘assumptions’ related to representative levels,
mercury openly into pits, as described by Hilson and Vieira, 2007) routes, and sources of exposure (Environment Agency, 2009) that
or passing unrefined ore through mercury ‘baths’ (Veiga and Baker, may be exceeded in most ASM scenarios. But, rather than making
2004), were not observed: miners rather only added mercury to them inapplicable for gauging levels of mercury in ASM, they can
more refined gold-bearing material. The resulting amalgam ball instead be used to further highlight the potential severity (e.g.
was burned on an open fire in a metal container, often a metal food Rajaee et al., 2015a). For example, the Environment Agency
tin or dish, until the mercury had volatilised and the ball became a provides SGVs for ‘commercial’ and ‘residential’ land uses where
dull gold dore. the guideline values are 26 mg/kg and 1 mg/kg of mercury in soil,
At each of the sites visited, few safety precautions were taken by respectively. These two scenarios differ on account of modelled
those who handle mercury. When burning amalgam, miners would factors such as time typically spent at each type of land use and the
stand very close to the fire and amalgamate in enclosed spaces and likelihood of children being present, for example. The CEQGs
in residential areas.6 Mercury was observed on numerous provide an additional ‘industrial’ land use scenario with a guideline
occasions being dropped on to the ground and abandoned. Several value of 50 mg/kg of mercury. Due to the close proximity of
miners also commented that after a period of time, the mercury residential areas to mining operations in many parts of Ghana, it
would ‘stop working’ (i.e. lose its coalescence to gold), at which would be reasonable to assume that ‘residential’ guideline limits
point, it would be discarded at the mine or processing site. The are applicable. However, the discussion below is informed by all of
waste material remaining following amalgamation, which is laced the scenarios mentioned above in order to emphasise the potential
with mercury, was observed being dumped into rivers and pools severity of the levels of mercury found in the analysed samples. For
(the latter of which were often located next to and overflowed into instance, if levels of mercury are found in soil near to residential
rivers during rainy periods) by many miners, especially those land uses that exceed industrial guidelines, then this is clearly a
cause for concern.
The guideline figures listed in Table 2 are for elemental mercury
(apart from the aquatic protection guideline, which is for total
These were based upon British Standard BS 7755 Section 3.9 1995 ISO 11466.
The full method for AA analysis has been omitted here for the sake of brevity. An
expanded approach can be obtained by contacting the author directly.
6 7
An extremely dangerous practice within itself, something which Black et al. This refers to individual or small teams of workers, often women, who reprocess
(2017) have recently studied in Burkina Faso. tailings at sites.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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EXIS 329 No. of Pages 9

6 M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

mercury). As Veiga and Baker (2004) suggest, the likelihood is that specifically analyse total mercury levels found in standing pools at
most of the mercury found at ASM sites will be of the elemental ASM sites. However, they do appear to be within the same general
species, because this is the form used by miners. Guideline values range as studies assessing river water in close proximity to ASM
for inorganic and methylmercury, which may be formed by sites. Rajaee et al. (2015), collating studies conducted in Ghana,
emitted elemental mercury interacting with the surrounding suggested that water samples at almost a quarter of mining sites
environment, are often much lower. The soil and water sampled exceeded 6 mg/l mercury guideline limits. Malm et al. (1990)
were measured for total mercury so it was not possible to provide a recorded values of up to 9.97 mg/l mercuy in river water around
breakdown of different compounds. ASM sites along the Madeira River in Brazil, and Ogola et al. (2002)
Thirteen (36%) of the soil samples tested had mercury levels recorded levels of 8.0 mg/l mercury in stream water flowing from
below detection limits (0.21 mg/kg Hg). All but one of these were mining areas in Kenya. Many of the samples taken from washing
taken from Akwatia. Of the 23 remaining samples obtained from pools were exceeded this, ranging between 10 and 20 mg/l
the other two sites, in Prestea and Bolgatanga, 48% yielded mercury, and the highest recorded value taken from the Tongo
measurements in excess of what can typically be considered River in Bolgatanga was 10.86 mg/l mercury.
‘background’ levels of mercury in soils (10 mg/kg Hg). Of these
samples, 64% would be considered to contain concentrations 5.3. Mining ‘hotspots’
acceptable in cases of ‘industrial’ land use, the highest limit given
in the guidelines above. Almost one fifth (19%) of the analysed The fieldwork sought to determine the persistence of mining
samples contained significant levels of mercury, concentrations at ‘hotspots’ at visited sites and to provide a general estimate of
levels considerably above all of the guideline limits set as being mercury releases accountable to ASM. It seems inevitable that
acceptable for any use of land. Whilst this figure may not appear many ‘mining hotspots’ persist at the study sites. Overall, 10 of the
high, it is worth considering that the majority of miners at most of 36 (27%) sampled soils and tailings contained in excess of 100
the surveyed sites live and work in close proximity to the places times what could be attributed to a ‘natural occurrence’. As the
where samples were collected: the land use is ‘residential’. This research surveyed a small percentage of operations at a limited
figure is put at a maximum value of 12 mg/kg (in the CSQG). number of sites at only three ASM locations in Ghana, where the
Assessing the results against this level would bring the number of activity is prevalent, it can easily be extrapolated from the findings
tailings samples analysed in excess of guideline limits to 30%. that there are thousands of mining ‘hotspots’ across the country.
All of the water samples contained mercury above detection
limits, with elevated levels (>5.5–6 mg/l) found at all the sampled 5.4. Estimating mercury emissions from ASM in Ghana
sites. Excluding a figure of 77.9 mg/l, which is significantly higher
than the other samples, the average reading was 8.4 mg/l mercury. The average figure of 7 mg/kg given above can be used to
Each site yielded at least one sample approaching or exceeding estimate mercury releases from Ghana. This reading is equivalent
twice the suggested naturally-occurring maximum. to 7 g of mercury per ton of concentrated tailings which are
The measured values in the soil samples correspond well with stockpiled across mining sites at hundreds of locations, such as
mercury levels reported in other research, therefore confirming Prestea and Bolgatanga, in the country. With each stockpile of
their validity. The maximum measurement of 901.5 mg/kg mercury tailings at every sump in Prestea and Bolgatanga easily weighing
in tailings (taken from a processing centre in Prestea) compares several tons, it is likely that many kilograms of mercury are
favourably to the highest reading reported in the literature: contained in piles at these sites alone. For example, assuming that
1414 mg/kg mercury found by Van Straaten (2000: 109) at an ASM miners are working deposits of 10 grams of gold per ton8 with
site in Tanzania and 1500 mg/kg found by Odumo et al. (2014) in recovery rates of 30–40%9 (i.e. 3–4 grams of gold per ton of
Kenya. Interestingly, this reading far exceeds the maximum of material), the 79,289 kg (79,289,000 grams) of gold produced by
330 mg/kg identified in Ghanaian studies (Rajaee et al., 2015a: artisanal operators in the country for 2008 would have generated
8978). This, and the other very elevated samples, also corresponds between 237,867,000 and 317,156,000 tons of tailings in total.
to the amounts of mercury suggested to be ‘frequently’ found in However, it is only the concentrated material (referred to by
tailings – between 200 and 500 mg/kg Hg – by Veiga and Baker miners in Ghana as ‘black sand’) containing a mixture of heavy
(2004: 21). Samples that contained elevated but not excessively metals and other geological compounds that is obtained through
high amounts of mercury also generally matched the average washing and sluicing of material to which mercury is added. The
figure of 10 mg/kg mercury found in artisanal mining tailings amount of heavy material recovered via sluicing alongside gold
measured at a Brazilian site by de Andrade Lima et al. (2008: 751), varies widely, which makes identifying specific numbers impossi-
where similar amalgamation processes to those observed in Ghana ble. But a fair assumption from repeated observations of panning
were used. If readings exceeding 50 mg/kg mercury are excluded in and amalgamation in Ghana would suggest approximately 100
order to provide a more representative figure for lower range parts of ‘black sand’ to gold: that is, 100 grams of ‘black sand’, to
samples, then the average mercury content of the sampled tailings which mercury is added (and was targeted for sampling in the
is 7 mg/kg mercury. If the one figure falling outside of the range analysis), for every gram of gold.
noted as often found in contaminated tailings by Veiga and Baker Using this figure would mean that 7,928,900 kg (7928 tons) of
(2004) – 901.5 mg/kg mercury – is excluded, then the average mercury-enriched tailings were generated in Ghana in 2008. Using
figure of the remaining soil samples above detection limits is the conservative average mercury content of 7 mg/kg, an estimate
80.33 mg/kg mercury. This corresponds relatively well with the of 55 kg (0.055 tons) of mercury per year being released along with
work of Odumo et al. (2014) who found that 90% of their samples these tailings into the environment across the country is reached.
from a Kenyan ASM site measured between 40 and 280 mg/kg. Adopting the higher average mercury content of soil samples given
Comparison of the water samples to findings in the relevant above 81.33 mg/kg would give a figure of 644 kg (0.644 tons) of
literature is more difficult than for soils as few studies exist that

This was arrived at by placing the 78 tons of gold produced in Ghana in 2008
A Minerals Commission report on gold occurrence in the country classifies ‘high into the ratio of ‘Gold Produced to Hg Lost’ of between 1:1 and 1:2.
grade zones’ as 15–45 grams per ton. The Precious Minerals Marketing Company of Ghana purchases artisanally
Figure taken from Styles et al. (2010: 293). produced gold via a system of licensed gold buyers.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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EXIS 329 No. of Pages 9

M.J. Clifford / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

mercury being released from mining operations. Both of these that ASM can pose a significant addition to this existing
figures for the collected soil samples would, in themselves, environmental burden.
represent only a fraction of the figure of between 79 and 158 This ambiguity over the amount of mercury pollution attributed
tons10 of mercury suggested in the introduction that were emitted to ASM makes attempting to capture mercury as close to the source as
from artisanal and small-scale gold mining activities in Ghana in possible a very appropriate strategy. This is further justified by the
2008. It would also appear to be well below the AuPRODUCED:HgLOST mercury-ASM contamination literature. Environmental surveys that
ratio given by Veiga and Baker (2004) of between 1:1 and 1:2. have collected random samples from areas impacted by artisanal
However, with no mechanisms through which these tailings can be gold mining have obtained indefinite results in locating the main
safely dealt with and disposed, it must still be a concern that the sources of emitted mercury. This is despite the knowledge that very
hundreds of kilograms of mercury contained within them is sizeable amounts have been used by ASM operations. Even if there is
released into Ghana’s environment year after year, where they may a strong suspicion that ASM is releasing significant amounts of
be dispersed and pose a significant environmental threat. mercury, locating where exactly mercury originating from the
However, emissions from tailings is just one way in which activity ends up can be extremely difficult. For instance, Richard
mercury is released into the environment by ASM. The burning of et al. (2000), who analysed soils and sediments collected randomly
gold also produces significant quantities of mercury emissions. As along rivers known to be influenced by ASM activity, obtained
Veiga and Baker (2004: 11) note, a much higher proportion of extremely ‘heterogeneous’ readings of mercury in their analysed
mercury added to material is lost during the heating of amalgam materials. Indeed, one of the admitted limitations of their work was
than the amount lost from tailings. As indicated above, the amount not being able to locate mine sites. Moreover, those who have taken
of mercury lost in the heating of amalgam was estimated to be samples directly from operational ASM sites appear to have had
between 33% and 40% of the initial weight. Although the dore may some success in locating hotspots and sources of significant
still contain up to 20% mercury, most of final gold smelting amounts of mercury. The few studies that have measured mercury
undertaken by buyers who then sell directly to the Precious levels in tailings and washing pools have captured some extremely
Minerals Marketing Company (PMMC)11 takes place in the same or high levels of mercury, which must be accounted for by mining
similar conditions (i.e. little ventilation or safety precautions) as activities (see de Andrade Lima et al., 2008; Van Straaten, 2000). A
those in which the initial burning of amalgam occurs. It can, review of the relevant evidence, therefore, indicates that targeted
therefore, be assumed that the full mercury content in amalgams is sampling of existing ASM operations is a valid option for not only
emitted to the environment by the time it reaches its point of sale. locating the source of mercury emissions but more accurately
With the understanding that all 79,289 kg of gold in the year 2008 assessing their potential severity.
were produced via this route, it could be estimated that between The above is readily demonstrated by the relative differences in
26 and 31 tons (26,165–31,715 kg) of mercury were emitted mercury levels found at each fieldwork site. The view here is that
through the burning of amalgam in this one year. Adding this to the the observable differences between the levels of mercury in soil
obtained totals from mercury released with tailings (55 kg or and water samples collected at each site are definitely linked to the
644 kg) gives an overall estimated figure of 26,220–31,770 kg or organisation of mining. Where tailings were stockpiled and
26,809–32,359 kg (approximately 26 to 32 tons) of mercury designated washing pools existed, it was possible to collect soil
released by Ghanaian ASM operations in 2008. This figure is still and water with a much higher likelihood of contamination. The
below what was speculatively offered in the introduction for the difference in sampled soil was more or less directly reflected in the
country. But it does nevertheless represent a sizeable and results of the analysis, with the mercury content being consider-
seemingly proportionate number: the 26 to 32 tons approximation ably higher both on average and in terms of maximum recorded
would account for between 3 and 4% of global emissions if an values where targeted sampling took place (i.e. for both soil and
overall global figure of 800 tons (a midrange value from estimates water in Bolgatanga and Prestea, and for some water samples from
of between 650 and 1000 tons given by the UNEP (2008)) is Akwatia, where certain pools were used for washing gold). What
assumed. The estimated number of miners in Ghana (using this indicates is that areas where tailings are concentrated, and
750,000 from given figures of 500,000 to 1 million) is around 5% of washing pools that are repeatedly used are much more likely to
the estimated global ASM population (using 14 million from contain high levels of mercury.
figures of 13 to 15 million). The role of ‘non-mining’ inputs of mercury into the soil analysis
figures can in many instances be safely discounted. Sizeable soil
6. Discussion disturbance in terms of deforestation and pit extraction at the sites
may introduce additional levels of naturally-occurring mercury
The biogeochemical behaviour of mercury emitted from ASM is into the local environment (Veiga and Baker, 2004; Roulet et al.,
extremely challenging to capture due to the interaction of a 1998) some of which will be inadvertently recovered in
multitude of different factors which create unique and changeable concentrating gold and added to tailings piles and wash-pools
local environmental conditions (see Rajaee et al., 2015a for an as waste. But the results do show some levels of mercury that are
extended discussion of this in reference to Ghana). For example, certain to be accountable to anthropogenic inputs. The highest soil
naturally-occurring and/or other anthropogenic sources may sample was 18 times over that suggested as being safe for
elevate or contribute towards levels and forms of mercury in ‘industrial’ land use. In contrast to the soil samples, it is possible
the environment. As explained by Berzas-Nevado et al. (2010: 595) that the elevation of mercury content in some of the water samples
in the case of Brazilian ASM, the range of contextual factors that could be attributable to external influences, such as deforestation
influence levels, speciation, and transport of mercury in soils ‘make and soil disturbance (exacerbated by mining activity) from which
it difficult to find a definitive conclusion’ on the role played by the run-off reaches sampled washing pools. They are also likely to have
mercury introduced by ASM in the country. In fact, Roulet et al. measured higher than in rivers and catchment systems, owing to
(1998, 1999), among others, are of the view that the largest stocks the fact that water in sampled pools was concentrated in a
of mercury in the Brazilian basin a region that houses thousands confined area. However, it is equally likely that water in washing
of artisanal gold mines and has been intensively studied are pools displays elevated mercury content because of repeated
produced under natural conditions or through non-mining related additions of elemental mercury during amalgamation and from
human activities such as deforestation and agriculture. Yet, as releases of the element from the tailings and sediments lying
important as these non-mining inputs may be, it is well recognised underneath it.

Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),
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Ghana, and to use this to draw inferences about total levels of scale mining community.
emissions accountable to the sector in the country as a whole.
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Please cite this article in press as: M.J. Clifford, Assessing releases of mercury from small-scale gold mining sites in Ghana, Extr. Ind. Soc. (2017),

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