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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

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Original article

Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in

Rauno Sairinen* , Heidi Tiainen, Tuija Mononen
University of Eastern Finland, Finland


Article history:
Received 9 October 2016 This article contributes to the growing literature on natural resource management conflicts and mineral
Received in revised form 1 May 2017 related environmental conflicts in particular, focusing on the case of the Talvivaara project in Finland. The
Accepted 1 May 2017 economic and environmental impacts of this mine became a key focus of Finnish politics during 2010–12.
Available online xxx Its performance has sparked a heated discussion about the legitimacy of the mining industry and its place
in Finnish society. The paper analyses the Talvivaara crisis as a process, which began as a local
Keywords: environmental conflict but would become a symbol of national conflict in the mining industry. The policy
Sustainable mining analysis presented here is informed by Pondy’s Model of Organisational Conflict.
Responsible mining
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Environmental conflict
Mining policy
Mining conflict
Water pollution
Mining protests
Natural resources conflicts

1. Introduction problem, focusing on three different questions: 1) How did

Talvivaara become an environmental issue: what stages did the
This article contributes to the growing literature about natural Talvivaara conflict process go through? 2) What content, actors,
resource management conflicts. (e.g. Arsel et al., 2016; Kemp 2011; and features were relevant to the conflict policy process? 3) Which
Franks et al., 2014; Labonne, 2016; Paredes, 2016). The article is a factors affected the exacerbation of the conflict? The questions will
case study from a significant mine project “Talvivaara” in Finland. be answered by analyzing empirical material and making
Through its prolonged and severe environmental and economic interpretations of the conflict process. The article examines the
problems, the mine and the company became one of the key issues Talvivaara conflict as a process, which took several years, and
in Finnish politics during 2010–12. The case which has been turned from a local environmental conflict into a national symbol
described widely as “an environmental catastrophe” (e.g. HS, of conflict with the mining industry. The revival of mining
2012i; SLL, 2017; Savon Sanomat, 2017) has also become a symbol operations in Finland in the beginning of 21st century marked
or prism through which to discuss the development of Finnish the spectacular growth of a traditional industrial field after a
mining as a whole (Tiainen et al., 2014). The significance of the case period of dormancy. As the world price of minerals, metals and
can be reflected by the fact that already two documentary films precious metals rose, the mineral deposits in Finland, extensive on
(Talvivaaran miehet/Men of Talvivaara 2015 and Nälkämaan sampo the European scale, began to interest international mining
(2016) and one fictional film (Jättiläinen/Giant, 2016) has been investors. The new development of mining meant a change in
produced. The politics of mineral exploration and extraction in the the actor structure of the field. While Finnish mining operations up
context of Nordic countries is an under-researched area. This to the 1990 s were generally in state hands, including Outokumpu
article, therefore, contributes to the small body of mining research Oyj, today most mining operators are foreign corporations.
on Northern European development. (Rytteri, 2012.)
The aim of this article is to analyze the Talvivaara mine case as a Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. was an exception in this
process of social conflict about a complex environmental policy respect. Finnish ownership is significant in this traded company. It
is the only mining company in which the State of Finland has
invested – through its holding company, Solidium Oy. When
* Corresponding author. Talvivaara experienced financial difficulties in 2012–13, the state
E-mail addresses: (R. Sairinen), acted to insure the company’s finances. Because of the share
(H. Tiainen), (T. Mononen).
2214-790X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

2 R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

emission, Solidium Oy became the largest holder of Talvivaara Deutsch (1973) questions the convergence of manifest and
stock (16.7% in spring 2013). Prior to the emission, its holdings latent conflict. He believes that the subject of dispute between the
amounted to 8.9% (YLE, 2013). The Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. parties involved can become a manifest conflict when a deeper,
went into bankruptcy in 2015 (Talvivaara, 2015) and, after going latent conflict remains unresolved. Reasons for this can include the
through many stages, is now owned by the state-owned company complexity of the latent conflict or the sensitive nature of the
Terrafame Oy. The impact of markets, the problems with the new conflict. Conflicts, however, are also cyclical in nature. This means
technology, and environmental problems were all factors in the that each previously occurring conflict or dispute in turn affects the
bankruptcy. In May 2016, The Finnish government decided that it formation of the impending conflict. This intensifying effect is
would prepare to close down the Talvivaara mine. The Terrafame- extremely important if the same parties reemerge later in a new
run mine was to be closed over a transitional period, until the end conflict (Peltonen and Villanen, 2004, 8). This is especially
of the year 2016 (Valtioneuvosto, 2016). At the same time, noticeable in prolonged conflicts, where the difference of opinion
however, negotiations continued with private, non-governmental increases and the number of disputes increases over time. The
financing and investment bodies about the possibilities for subject of the conflict can be clearly defined or difficult to
continuing mining. determine. If the former is the case, the conflict is very limited.
Environmental and natural resource conflicts can be When the parties are aware of the actual issue at stake, resolution
approached from the various stakeholders and parties perspec- is often easier. Lewicki et al. (2003, 45) state that the general
tives or by examining the reasons behind the discord (Oksanen, features of unmediated conflicts are exacerbation, polarization,
2003). It is possible to deepen the analysis by clarifying these renewed circles, or cyclicality, and growth in the number of
causes on different (micro and macro) levels or by specifying the questions and parties.
stages of the conflict. Peltonen and Villanen (2004) have indicated The media has played a major role in the Talvivaara case, and the
that conflicts can only be understood by examining them as media source material we collected is important to this analysis,
processes occurring in time. This article focuses on the origin of the although it is not a media study. According to Seppänen and
conflict and analyzing its stages of development. Väliverronen (2012, 170–184), the power of the media partly lies in
Before analyzing the case, we will define our approach and the its ability to create or define the subjects of public discourse. The
conceptual instruments of research into conflict processes. media can decide what comes into the public eye, and how this is
Furthermore, we will describe the methods and materials used. done. Many different actors may be involved in the background to a
conflict, but it only becomes manifest when one party observes or
2. Conflicts over natural resources reveals the fact that another party has prioritized its goals (cf.
Peltonen and Villanen, 2004). According to these sociological and
Our analysis is based on the idea that environmental conflict is a political perspectives, the media is also a substantive party in
process initiated when one party observes that the other is shaping a conflict. On one hand, the media reflects events in
negatively affecting something of concern to the first party creating a forum for considering the questions of the dispute. On
(Thomas, 1992). Contradictions in the interests and values of the other, it has its own powerful role, especially in prolonged
different parties are generally recognized as the main cause of disputes. In the Talvivaara case, the problems were disclosed and
environmental and natural resource conflicts. Interaction and the public mobilized largely as a result of media attention. The
communication difficulties also trigger environmental conflicts; formation of the conflict and its exacerbation, in particular, were
differing observations and interpretations of events can play a accompanied by extensive media coverage. This is typical of the
significant role (Wilmot and Hocker, 2001). In the Talvivaara case, media impact on conflict.
various parties have had major differences of opinion about the
existence of problems and their effects.
In our analysis we explore the conflict process and its content. 3. Materials and methods
In policy science, various models of the stages through which a
conflict progresses have been developed from the process We apply document and media analysis to study the stages of
standpoint (, 7–8). Pondy (1967) has attempted to bring together the conflict process. This includes the content of various issues, the
the structural aspects, the actors’ individual factors, the process, behavior and reactions of policy actors, but it must be emphasized
and the results, all as part of the same course of events, or episodes that we are not analyzing the motivations of different actors or
(Lewicki et al., 1992). He distinguished five stages of conflict: social construction of various views. In this interpretation, we are
interested in the reasons behind the exacerbation of the conflict
1) Latent conflict: No outright conflict exists, but there is a process.
potential for conflict because of several latent factors. Our approach is qualitative and data is based on a wide range of
2) Perceived conflict: Conflict escalates as groups battle over the media material. Data include newspaper articles, TV programs,
cause of conflict. documents of the Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. and environ-
3) Felt conflict: Actors respond emotionally to each other and mental authorities, material from civic movements, academic
attitudes polarize. What began as a small problem escalates into research, and positions presented at various forums. The key
huge conflict. resource used here is, however, coverage by the Helsingin Sanomat
4) Manifest conflict: Fighting and open aggression. Passive (HS) national newspaper concerning Talvivaara from 2004 to the
aggression – doing nothing. end of 2012(Fig. 1). Other important sources are current affairs
5) Conflict aftermath: Conflict is resolved in some way. If sources television programs, chiefly YLE (the Finnish Broadcasting
of conflict are not resolved, the dispute will arise again. Company) and MTV3 (a commercial broadcaster). Newspaper
articles were collected through a search of the HS digital archives
This rather simplified model has been used extensively but has using the keyword Talvivaara, excluding articles which only
also been subject to criticism, correction and addition. Following mentioned the mine in passing. The Kainuun Sanomat (KS)
the manifestation of the conflict, it is possible to add the stages of newspaper provided regional media coverage of Talvivaara for
negotiation, mediation and decision-making (Lewicki et al., 1992). the period 2010–12. We excluded letters to the editor and columns
In the analysis it is also possible to add conditions preceding the from the research material. Above all, the media analysis was used
conflict before the first stage. to depict the history of events in the conflict process.

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3

We also made use of documents from the Talvivaara Mining

Company Plc. and its subsidiary Talvivaara Sotkamo Ltd., such as HS
annual reports, stock exchange and press releases, and the 120
company’s blog Paikan päällä (“On the Spot”, 100
Administrative documents we reviewed include environmental 80
permits and decisions from the Vaasa Administrative Court (HAO), 60
Kainuu Center for Economic Development, Transport and the HS
Environment (KaiELY), Northern Finland Regional State Adminis- 20
trative Agency (AVI), and the KaiELY supervisory reports and the 0
orders given to Talvivaara. Furthermore, we also used thematic 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
interviews with Talvivaara officials (three in 2011–12) to provide
some background information about the project. Fig. 1. Number of articles in Helsingin Sanomat about Talvivaara 2004–2012
(Tiainen et al., 2014).
Initially we organized our material around the framework
provided by the course of events. Subsequently, we examined the
stages of the Talvivaara conflict in terms of the central themes
expressed. Our basic assumption is that these key issues arose from whether news media provides fully accurate pictures of different
the media coverage of the mine; this permits an examination of the actors’ perceptions and actions, since media representation is
manifest conflict process. subject to framing. Hence, there is a risk that this media framing,
We applied the content analysis method to the media and other rather than the perceptions and actions of the disagreeing parties,
written sources (Tuomi and Sarajärvi, 2012). Content analysis becomes the object of analysis. To overcome this problem, we have
attempts to organize the material analytically, in a concentrated used a very large body of news material (which includes a lot of
and clear way. We first organized the material chronologically and commentary by various policy actors) from a range of sources. In
then thematically. addition to news, we also draw on other types of sources: public
Thus we argue that news media can be used to trace a process, documents, reports and press releases from the Talvivaara
“what happened when”. In this case, many of the stages were company, various authorities, courts, and ENGOs.
developing “in the public eye”. However, it can be questionable

Fig. 2. The Talvivaara mine and surrounding area. Map: Timo Pakarinen.

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

4 R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

The article is based on previous research (Tiainen et al., 2014), Europe. Smaller amounts of copper and cobalt have been extracted,
so the references here are limited, and we refer the reader to the and the company has also applied for a permit to extract uranium.
full original report for further details. Finally, when analyzing a It is estimated that the ore reserves will suffice for 50–60 years of
public conflict process like this, we think that it is important to production. The Talvivaara mining area comprises approximately
assess how it is represented through media news and discussions. 6100 ha.
In the public conflict process, various actors react to descriptions of The mining area is about six kilometers from the nearest village,
events in the media. Tuhkakylä. The village has 250 inhabitants but no longer has any
services. Sotkamo, the central built-up area of the municipality, is
20 kilometers away. The Vuokatti tourism and sports area is
4. Features of the Talvivaara mine slightly closer. (Kujala, 2011.)
A few kilometers north of Tuhkakylä at Lahnaslampi is the
The Talvivaara multi-metal mine is located in Kainuu, in the Mondo Minerals B.V. talc mine, which began operations in 1968.
municipality of Sotkamo, about 35 kilometers from Kajaani (Fig. 2). The mine experienced serious environmental problems in 1997–98
Great expectations for employment and regional development when it emitted cyanide, nickel and arsenic into Lake Nuasjärvi.
accompanied the inauguration of the Talvivaara mine. In early 2013 Talvivaara adopted the latest technology. A bioleaching process
the mine employed approximately 550 workers, most of whom is used to extract the metals, which are separated from the ore by
lived in Sotkamo and Kajaani. Kainuu is a region comprising nine enriched microbes. The ore is crushed finely for the process and
municipalities, dominated by a forested hilly landscape with rivers conveyed along a belt to an agglomeration drum, to which a
and lakes. The population of Kainuu is decreasing and ageing solution containing bacteria and mild sulfuric acid is then added. In
(Kainuun maakuntaohjelma 2009–2014, 2009Kainuun maakun- the drum, the fine particles attach themselves to the surface of
taohjelma 2009–2014, 2009). At the beginning of the 21st century, rough particles, which creates a material with good penetration.
economic development in Kainuu was favorable. Unemployment, The material is conveyed along a belt again to an accumulation
however, was decreasing more rapidly than in other regions at that area, where accumulators form bioleaching heaps. The technology
stage. requires extensive areas of land for open-pit mines and bioleaching
The most important metals mined at Talvivaara are nickel and heaps (Lapin Vesitutkimus Oy, 2004a,b). A preliminary purification
zinc. The deposits include the largest ore bodies of nickel sulfide in plan was drawn up for Talvivaara’s environmental permit

Fig. 3. Content of conflict processes at Talvivaara mine. [EIA = environmental impact assessment; SIA = social impact assessment; KHO = Supreme Administrative Court;
Perä = the company’s CEO]. (The original figure in Finnish in the article Tiainen et al. (2014).

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 5

application, but since mining will in all probability continue for Science gave the 2007 Scientist of the Year Award to biochemist,
decades, during which techniques will develop markedly, the who developed the bioleaching method at Talvivaara (LAL, 2007).
purification plan will be updated during operations and the plan In late 2007, Talvivaara started preparing a new production plan
will only be finalized in the end stages of production. (Talvivaara, 2007b). The project was described very positively in
news headlines such as “Nickel: A stroke of luck for Kainuu” (HS,
2007). The company was seen as an important new source of
5. Stages of the conflict employment in the Kainuu region. There was very little news about
Talvivaara’s possible environmental risks in the years 2005–2007.
We have applied Pondy’s model (1967) for understanding and Nevertheless, local residents and several other local actors were
interpreting the stages of the Talvivaara conflict process. Our concerned about the environmental impact of the mine before it
analysis describes the process in the following stages (explained in started operating (KaiELY, 2005).
more detail below): In 2008, only 18 months after construction had started,
Talvivaara was able to deliver its first metal products. The mine
 Establishment (2003–06): The planning and foundation stages, had nearly 2000 employees including subcontractors and con-
when there was no significant public attention (pre-conflict struction workers, a clearer picture of the mineral resources
conditions); available, and a predicted lifespan of over 60 years (Talvivaara,
 Glory (2007–09): The inaugural stage, the promise of work and 2008).
regional development, awards and recognition (latent conflict); In June 2009, the mine officially opened. That July, Talvivaara
 Emerging problems (2010): Expansion of production, fears and collected almost EUR 83 million from the share issue and decided
risks appear locally, the uranium dispute, odor and water to expand the annual production capacity to 50,000 tons of nickel
problems (perceived conflict); by 2012 (Talvivaara, 2010a). Pekka Perä, the CEO, made assurances
 Exacerbated problems (2011): Pollution of the water system that the company was committed to both occupational safety and
(growing conflict), media activation, politicization (ministers environmental responsibility. The media described the company’s
and MEPs enter the discussion, initiation of broader civil impact on Kainuu’s economy as huge (HS, 2009b,c). Talvivaara was
activity), Talvivaara starts improving its processes (felt conflict); “the miracle of Sotkamo” (HS, 2009a).
 Total conflict (spring 2012): Comprehensive and national When the mining really started, odors from hydrogen sulfide
critique of the mine, the company, and the authorities (manifest emissions were detected within a radius of tens of kilometers. Odor
conflict); nuisance was also in the news, for example in the YLE story
 Crisis (fall 2012): New leakage and crisis situation, talk of shut- “Talvivaara mine stinks despite promises” (YLE, 2009).
down, nature of the technology revealed, economic sustainabili- In February 2010, Talvivaara announced plans to recover its
ty of the company also discussed (escalation of conflict). uranium as a by-product (Talvivaara, 2010b). This aroused intense
debate as to whether the company management had planned
Pondy’s conflict model can be well adapted to the Talvivaara uranium production from the first (Tiainen et al., 2014). During the
case. The process had so many phases that we had to add one more spring and summer of 2010, Talvivaara started the EIA processes
stage, “escalation”, to describe the features of prolonged problems. and applied for permits for uranium production.
The aftermath of the conflict is also missing, because we are not In March 2010, there was a leak from the mine’s gypsum
analyzing the developments after the escalation phase. sediment pond (Talvivaara, 2010c). The leakage did not cause
Fig. 3 provides a multi-level overview of the main content of the emissions outside the mining area. In the fall of 2010, the local
conflict up to the end of 2012, where our analysis finishes. A new newspaper Kainuun Sanomat was very openly condemning the
leakage occurred in early 2013, which was a clear progression from Talvivaara mine for its environmental impact (e.g. KS 2010a). The
the events of fall 2012. This leakage was significantly smaller, Kainuu district organization of the Finnish Association for Nature
however, and was capped more rapidly. Conservation made a complaint to the Parliamentary Ombudsman
about Talvivaara’s air emission levels and KaiELY’s failure to
measure these properly (KS, 2010b). In June 2010 web-page for
6. The story of the Talvivaara conflict local environmentalists and residents, talvivaaraymparisto.netti-, was launched.
Talvivaara’s history begins in 1977, when the Geological Survey During the fall of 2010, Talvivaara Mining Company Plc.
of Finland (GTK) started research in the area. The studies continued discovered that the sodium, sulfate and manganese content of
until 1983. The mining concession was granted to Outokumpu Oyj its wastewater had risen considerably above the required limits.
in 1986, but the company did not believe that exploitation of the The main reason for these elevated levels was the change from
deposit by conventional metal enrichment technologies was water to lye gas scrubbers. The sodium in the lye combines with
commercially viable (Talvivaara, 2013a,b). the sulfate during the process water purification. The system for
In 2004, Outokumpu Oyj sold the mining concession for just purifying the process water was not designed to eliminate this
one euro to the new Talvivaara Mining Company Plc. As part of this form of sodium sulfate. This resulted in salinization of the local
sale, the new company acquired the testing and research waters. It was possible to reduce sulfate emissions by developing
information about the bioheap leaching technique. In the year process water recycling in the metal extraction plant. The peak
following the sale, Lapland Water Research Ltd. carried out the load was reached at the end of 2010.
environmental impact assessment (Lapin Vesitutkimus Oy, 2004a, The voices criticizing the company became stronger during
b; 2005). Bioheap leaching testing started in 2005. In 2007, The 2010, because of the environmental questions and the company’s
Talvivaara company received environmental permits for mining problems with environmental management. The neighboring
operations (Wiklund, 2007; Talvivaara, 2007a). residents and regional environmental groups make public
The company was listed on the London Stock Exchange on June complaints about Talvivaara’s communication, carelessness and
1, 2007. During the same year, the Finnish government decided to environmental monitoring (KS, 2010a,b). Also the Municipality
support the project by participating in infrastructure investments Council of Sotkamo stated its dissatisfaction with the company’s
of more than EUR 50 million. The Finnish Union of Experts in poor management of social responsibility (KS, 29.9.2010). Possible

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

6 R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

uranium production also became a big target of both regional and Niinistö (Green Party), there was no justification for uranium
national critique (KS 18.6.2010). production (HS, 2012c). Overall, the public image of Talvivaara had
In May 2011, the regional environmental authority KaiELY made changed from a blessing into a curse and the environmental
a statement about Talvivaara’s hydrological impacts on the nearby permits were considered insufficient. Many actors and activities
lakes (KaiELY, 2011). According to KaiELY, the mine waste and related to Talvivaara’s operations were seen as failures (Tiainen
runoff waters had a visible effect on the quality of the receiving et al., 2014). These include the permit system, the mine’s own
waters. Bathing or washing in the lake water was not recom- process expertise, relations with the local population, and control
mended because of elevated concentrations of manganese, sulfate by the authorities (HS, 2012d). The case also became a more
and iron concentrations (KaiELY, 2011). general weapon in the fight against mining projects (HS, 2012b).
In May, KaiELY ordered Talvivaara to reduce the harmful effects At the end of 2012, the public atmosphere concerning
of the mine wastewater on the water system to the environmental Talvivaara’s operations calmed down a bit, but flared up again
permit levels by no later than October 15, 2011 (KaiELY, 2012a). In when the mine’s gypsum sediment pond leaked on November 5,
September 2011, the HS reported that KaiELY has made a request to 2012. The leak was located within three days, but it could not be
the Oulu police to investigate the treatment of Talvivaara mine stopped right away (Talvivaara, 2012d). The emergency and
effluents (HS, 2011b). The local fishing association and the water defense services joined forces to stop the leakage, but water with
cooperative also made investigative requests. The environmental high metal concentrations were discharged from the gypsum
activism against Talvivaara on a national level became more vocal sediment pond into the environment for about a week (KaiELY,
during 2011 through demonstrations in Helsinki (HS, 2011g). 2012c).
Talvivaara submitted an application for uranium extraction to Because of the leakage KaiELY recommended, as a precaution,
the Ministry of Employment and the Economy in June 2011 that the surrounding bodies of water should not be put to
(Talvivaara, 2011). The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority recreational or household use, and called for a police investigation
(STUK) issued a positive opinion on granting this permit, which into the leak (KaiELY, 2012c). The Kainuu, Lapland, Northern Savo,
enabled further progress on this project (STUK, 2011). North Karelia and Northern Ostrobothnia Centers for Economic
In June 2011 the state-owned company Solidium Oy bought Development, Transport and the Environment (ELYs) agreed to
shares in Talvivaara from Outokumpu Oyj, so Solidium then owned cooperate in monitoring the environmental impact of the leak.
4.3% of the shares in Talvivaara (HS, 2011a). The public response and criticism was massive (Tiainen et al.,
In November 2011, the HS published an article entitled 2014). Once again, Talvivaara was one of the main topics in the
“Talvivaara waste changes lake water into sea water”, stating that national media. Environmental NGOs and individual politicians
the mine’s wastewater contained so much sodium that local lakes called for the closure of the mine. This included demands for the
such as Salminen had turned salty (HS, 2011c). This was the director of KaiELY to be sacked and the mine’s CEO Perä to make a
beginning of a month-long period during which the environmental public statement. Environmental management was also criticized
impact of Talvivaara was discussed extensively and news from the more intensely than before. Examples of insufficient action and
mine appeared almost daily (Tiainen et al., 2014). The CEO stated exceptional situations from years ago were brought to light.
that the company would do its best to minimize the environmental Criticism included questions about whether the administration
impact (HS, 2011d). possessed sufficient resources and expertise to monitor Talvivaara.
During 2011, the public debate and environmental groups The Ministry of the Environment (YM) also amended Paragraph
focused on the reasons and background causes of environmental 95 of the Environmental Protection Law (6/2000) covering
problems in the mine (Tiainen et al., 2014). The expertise of the instructions for supervisory authorities concerning the use of
supervisory authority and the environmental administration and administrative force and other exhortative measures (YM, 2012).
their awareness of operating conditions in the mine was called into The leaders of the parties in government were of the opinion that
question, and the company was accused of recklessness (Suomen the incident constituted grounds for assessing the need for
luonto, 2011). The Ministry of the Environment asked KaiELY for legislative changes (HS, 2012h). In addition, stress tests at the
clarification regarding its monitoring of the Talvivaara mine (HS, mine were funded (HS, 2012i). The government was also prepared
2011f). to cover the costs of the wastewater discharge from Talvivaara.
At the beginning of 2012 the volume of process water Experts warned, however, that due to the nature of the technology
discharged from Talvivaara had decreased significantly, as had the situation could not be controlled if the company went into
the concentrations of sulfate and manganese in it (Talvivaara, bankruptcy. Running down the production and post-processing
2012a). This was because the company had started recycling and was described as difficult, long-term and costly (Tiainen et al.,
purifying the wastewater. 2014).
In 2012, despite the reduction in discharge levels, active public Perä, who had resumed the role of CEO, admitted that mistakes
debate continued. Besides sulfate and manganese content, local had been made in Talvivaara and apologized for the environmental
people were also concerned about foam in the water (Tiainen et al., damage (YLE, 2012). He noted that heavy rains had played a large
2014). The company tried to dispel the rumors concerning by role in causing the problems and that the extent of environmental
issuing new information (Talvivaara, 2012b). The National Institute damage would become clear later. Perä also acknowledged the lack
for Health and Welfare (THL) provided updated recommendations of information sharing.
for using the water in the lakes Kalliojärvi and Kivijärvi. THL stated On November 21, 2012 Talvivaara received permission to restart
that the swimming was safe, but because of the increased metal production, which had been stopped due to the leakage
manganese content the lake water was not recommended for (KaiELY, 2012d). The permit authorized a new water treatment
use in the sauna (Talvivaara, 2012c). The media pitted the plant, in which the process water could be recycled in a closed
environmental risks and employment benefits of the Talvivaara system (Talvivaara, 2012e).
mine against each other in an even more polarized way (HS, Reflection on Talvivaara’s economic situation was one new
2012e). feature of the period after the November 2012 leakage. Foreign
The monitoring of Talvivaara featured repeatedly in the media. donors had begun to withdraw from the project (KS, 2012) and the
The Chairman of the Environment Committee in Parliament Martti long production stoppage caused by the leakage was expected to
Korhonen (Left Union), considered the environmental criteria to be put further pressure on the company’s finances. Unresolved
insubstantial (HS, 2012a). According to the environment minister disputes related to the mine came together in the growing conflict

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 7

triggered by the leakage. More clearly than ever before, Talvivaara narrowing of expertise in the organization, which became a major
was marked out as a failure of the Finnish mining industry (HS, problem, especially in the planning stages of the operation.
8. Key political dimensions of the Talvivaara conflict

7. Key features of the Talvivaara mine project It is possible to distinguish a number of political dimensions in
the Talvivaara mining conflict. These are local contradictions,
Based on our process analysis, we found four key features of angering the citizenry, politicization, issues related to confidence
Talvivaara. These are new untested technology, the speed of the in the authorities, the role of the media and the formation of
project, strong growth orientation and the high personification of company policy. Each of these brings new actors and actor
the project (Tiainen et al., 2014). relations to the process, and the analysis of these aspects is central
The technology employed at Talvivaara was new and untested, to understanding the conflict.
both for the metals used and, more importantly, for the northern
conditions. Talvivaara did pioneering work in developing its 8.1. Local contradictions
technology, for which it received awards. This experience could not
have been gained elsewhere. Controlling the bioleaching process In the early stages a conflict of values was linked to the mine at
and water balance was problematic throughout the entire course the local level; the central actors were the mine and local residents.
of mining activity. The nature of the problems encountered shaped On the one hand, from the perspective of the regional economy and
the search for solutions. Since large-scale operations began, the employment, the Talvivaara mine was very welcome in the Kainuu
risks increased. region. The mine was expected to create new local jobs and
Nickel production in Talvivaara progressed at a remarkably stimulate the region’s industry. On the other hand, the employ-
rapid pace since acquiring mining rights in February 2004 (Tiainen ment and economic grounds were in conflict with environmental
et al., 2014). Whether the company had the organization and values. Although the mine was not on a site of significant natural
expertise to develop with the speed and extent demanded by such value, it would alter the local landscape and the area’s recreational
scale is a compelling question. In particular, the attention and use since it would create noise, dust and odor. Some local residents
resourcing devoted to environmental matters and social responsi- considered nature preservation more important than establishing
bility appear to have been insufficient. The resources and expertise the mine; this became evident in the mine’s early stages in the YVA
of the Talvivaara company were criticized often in public (Tiainen processes and complaints regarding permits.
et al., 2014). The numerous surprises and difficulties in the The main conflict at the local level concerns breaking the
technological processes, incorrect assessments and publicity original promises. According to the mining company’s represen-
problems all demonstrate how inadequate environmental exper- tatives, one issue continuously recurred at the informational
tise and local dialogue was, especially at the project’s inaugural and meetings organized by Talvivaara. Local residents believed that the
planning stage. The company was later forced to engage in company representatives had promised that the mine would not
continuous corrective operations, which led to still more problems have any negative impact on the surrounding environment. This
(e.g. the water was salinized as a “solution” to the odor problem). was too much to promise and, as a result, the company lost the
Mining at Talvivaara was strongly oriented toward increased confidence of local residents. Since then it has been difficult to
production (Tiainen et al., 2014). This focus on growth also affected regain this lost trust as the problems have mounted. The large
the features of the conflict. In the first years of operation, the leakage from the gypsum sediment basin destroyed confidence in
priority was to accelerate activities. The objective was to achieve the company completely.
full production by 2010. Processing problems made achieving The problems remained unresolved, which exacerbated the
production goals difficult, but the company’s management did not situation. Despite Talvivaara’s improved process techniques, the
allow this to deflect them. In the early phase of production, one of local residents continued to regard the emissions as problematic.
the central elements of company strategy and long-term planning In 2011, the mine’s neighbors still made 156 environmental
was to “expand corporate operations after the acceleration of complaints to the company. The protracted problems gradually but
production” (Talvivaara, 2008). This combination of speed and increasingly angered the tourism industries of the Kainuu and
strong growth orientation was evident in practice in the permit Sotkamo areas. The company’s poor handling of these conflicts
processes. Talvivaara was an active permit applicant: Several may even have weakened its mandate to operate later on.
permit applications were ongoing at the same time (Tiainen et al.,
2014). The applicant was criticized for carelessness and inaccura-
cies, which have specifically been attributed to the hurried 8.2. The role of citizens and civil action
timetable. In the public discussions, the company did not look
like a very responsible actor for a combination of reasons (Tiainen The Talvivaara mine was the subject of extensive criticism and a
et al., 2014). It had not resolved the environmental problems and national public discussion in 2010, when the actor field of the
was also engaged in planned expansion and uranium extraction. process expanded (Tiainen et al., 2014). The company released a
The Talvivaara mining project has been highly personified in the plan to extract uranium. At the local level, mining emissions had
figure of the company’s founder, and twice CEO, Pekka Perä sparked a debate when production began, but the conflict reached
(Tiainen et al., 2014). His efficiency, speed and above all personal the national level specifically when the proposal to extract
charisma were viewed from the outset as a positive force in the uranium became public. The company’s plans provoked a strong
project’s rapid development. In contrast, when the environmental reaction, fear and concern. This was also a question of Finland’s
problems became public, Perä’s colorful statements attracted first “uranium mine”. One view put forward in the public debate
negative attention. His persona conveyed the image of a company was that the company must have been aware of the presence of
representative who played down the mine’s negative environ- uranium in the mining area at the planning stage. Although the
mental effects, and would not humble himself as the problems company has systematically denied this, it increased mistrust
mounted. Dismissive attitudes towards environmental matters in among various actors about the company’s operational practices
the early stages of the project can also be associated with this and motives. The company made no mention of uranium in its
personified corporate management. This in turn can lead to a original application for an environmental permit. An intense

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
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EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

8 R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

conflict of values and anger related to the uranium issue existed This politicization could reflect a general shift, as the issue
among the opponents of the project; this was provoked by the developed first into a political discussion and then became a
company’s use of the term “uranium extraction”, which was seen political football. Both the Minister of Economic Affairs, Häkämies,
as misleading and dismissive. When uranium was found in the and Talvivaara’s CEO Perä criticized the politicization of Talvivaara
mine’s gypsum sediment basin, this later emerged as a serious (HS, 2011e). In research terms, politicization represents the
indication of the company’s lack of knowledge and responsibility. questioning or crossing of certain borders (Laine and Peltonen,
Its promises to manage the risks involved in uranium extraction 2003). Politicization questions a specific mode of operation or
did not evoke a great deal of public trust. policy where the consequences lead to a dispute or conflict
Other significant events associated with the Talvivaara conflict concerning how the matter should be handled. It results in various
intensified the civic debate even further. These include the interpretations and concepts.
leakages at the mine’s gypsum sediment basin, its effects on the In the Talvivaara environmental conflict, the object of politici-
water system and the suspicions directed towards the environ- zation can be understood to be not only the mine itself or the
mental authorities. Taken as a whole, the multiple environmental approval of its operations, but the mining industry in general and
problems weakened the belief of the citizenry, media and many its rights in Finland. Through Talvivaara, discussion has specifically
decision-makers in the company’s ability and desire to protect the focused on the relationship between environmental values and the
environment responsibly. The prolonged ill effects and potential mining industry and the ability of societal institutions to govern
threat experienced created permanent mistrust. A person living the situation. As the conflict progressed these issues were
near the mine commented on public breakfast television that, continuously exacerbated.
while the residents have no measurement devices, they are In the midst of the mining boom in Finland, many politicians
capable of making sensory observations (YLE, 2011). The com- argued in favor of the industry, stating that mining is one of the few
pany’s annual report made little mention of the exacerbated social industries attracting foreign investment, and thus of national
tensions. importance despite the environmental risks. In the early stages,
The activation of the citizens was visible in letters to the political decision-makers even promoted the mining industry as a
newspapers, public demonstrations, and environmental permit specific indisputable opportunity for the future of the Finnish
processes. The Northern Finland AVI received almost 300 regional economy. Like Talvivaara, mines are mainly located in
complaints concerning the application for a uranium extraction remote areas plagued by unemployment, which only encouraged
permit and updating the environmental permit at Talvivaara. The this attitude. As the mine’s problems intensified, this “rhetoric of
authorities also received statements, requests for action and necessity” was questioned on many levels (cf. Lappalainen, 2011).
complaints about the mine. In 2011 the local environmental center The worsening economic situation has turned Talvivaara into a
handled 50 public complaints concerning air and water emissions financial burden on society.
(KaiELY, 2012b, 3). This was out of 73 public complaints considered The broader politicization of the Talvivaara environmental
that year, a significant proportion of the total. Following the conflict began when the uranium extraction plan was announced.
wastewater leakage in November 2012, nearly 100 applications for This issue also partly became a question of party politics and a
compensation for water pollution were made to the Northern theme in the debates preceding the 2011 parliamentary elections.
Finland AVI (HS, 2012j). Later, the emergence of the harmful effects on the Talvivaara water
The exacerbation of these environmental problems and system, new wastewater leakages, and prolonged dissatisfaction
announcement of the uranium extraction project led to the with the supervisory measures employed by the authorities all
creation of a national movement, opposing Talvivaara in particular resulted in the politicization of monitoring the mining industry.
and the dramatic growth of the mining industry in general. The In its planning stage, Talvivaara was the flagship of Finland’s
Stop Talvivaara movement was in the vanguard of this opposition. new mining industry. The mine was marketed as environmentally
As the conflict intensified, traditional campaigning organizations friendly and benefiting from new technology. The faith in the
like the Finnish Association for Nature Conservation and Green- modern technology used at Talvivaara was initially extremely
peace got involved. The critique gradually expanded to include strong. Due to major shortcomings in water monitoring, bioleach-
actions by the authorities concerning mining and political ing as a technique has increasingly been called into question. Clean
decision-making. Green Party ministers, whose ministries were technology became a very risky process which could not be
deeply involved in the matter, also received strong criticism. stopped using the normal methods. This new experience and
The spreading criticism cannot be considered surprising since interpretation of bioleaching technology has meant its politiciza-
Talvivaara was viewed as a pioneer in Finnish mining. From the tion.
perspective of civic activists, fears that the trail blazed by In environmental conflicts, time is one politicizing element
Talvivaara would bring new problems to various parts of Finland (Lindroos and Palonen, 2000). Demands on both the authorities
are well founded. Interpretations by the media were similar in this and the company to provide faster solutions to the emissions
respect. Talvivaara thus very rapidly became an image problem for problems increased as the Talvivaara conflict unfolded. The
the entire mining industry. politicization of time also appeared in the Talvivaara permit
processes. The company sought to move forward rapidly, while
8.3. Politicization other parties involved wanted more time, for example to increase
citizen awareness and familiarization with the documents (KaiELY,
The scale and prolongation of the Talvivaara case was the 2010, 13).
subject of heated debate by political actors. Ministers overseeing Regarding the legislation associated with local environmental
the environment, industry and state ownership have continuously problems, the state authorities and agencies are clearly susceptible
been forced to take positions concerning the case. The media also to politicization (Laine and Peltonen, 2003). Questioning the
gradually began to demand ministerial statements and interven- authorities’ professional skill and expertise is a central aspect of
tion. Furthermore, many other politicians and parties were the Talvivaara conflict. These include recurring demands for KaiELY
encouraged or obliged to comment. The individual problem case to intervene more severely in monitoring the mining activities.
then takes on a general significance, weighted in terms of the Furthermore, links between political decision-makers and Talvi-
general development of the political sector. vaara were brought to light on numerous occasions.

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
G Model
EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 9

Personification, increasing preconceptions and suspicion of the “was not even suitable for the sauna” (Ilta-Sanomat, 2011), an
process are all typical features of destructive conflicts, which result important cultural border was crossed. The social atmosphere
in deadlock. reached a new level; this should not happen in Finland. As the
problems continued to worsen in 2012, along with the euro crisis,
Talvivaara became a major topic in the news. The massive leakage
8.4. Confidence in authorities and experts
in the fall of 2012 was the unfortunate climax. The shortcomings in
water and environmental administration were even greater than
As the Talvivaara conflict progressed, confidence in the
authorities has significantly decreased. The most striking criticism
It is also noteworthy that there can be a long delay between
has been directed at KaiELY, the supervisory agency of Talvivaara,
local and national awareness; in this case almost a year. Bringing
for its inadequate oversight, bias and even concealment of results.
the matter onto the national stage means reviewing large amounts
Besides KaiELY, ministers and the consulting firm which performed
of old news. The mining company did not understand this
the environmental studies have also been suspected of biased and
operational mechanism; it began a hopeless battle against the
challengeable positions. Furthermore, the requirements for issuing
logic of the media. The prolongation of old problems and the
environmental permits were considered increasingly insufficient
appearance of new ones indicated that the company had lost
as the environmental impact of Talvivaara emerged. The actions of
control of environmental matters.
the Finnish authorities have also been investigated through
A further frustration to for the company was the errors that
complaints made at the EU level.
appeared in the news. According to a company representative, the
Condemnation of the authorities increased as the environmen-
media played a leading role in Talvivaara’s loss of its social permit.
tal problems of the mine remained unresolved. The conflict
People’s attitudes towards the mine have easily become facts in the
increasingly focused on permit processes and monitoring,
media. The company has also criticized the scale of the coverage of
culminating in the furor over the gypsum sediment basin in
the environmental effects (Kaleva, 2011) and continuing factual
2012, at which point mistrust peaked.
errors. Among other things, the company’s own figures on sulfate
This criticism drew on a range of sources. The citizens and the
emissions differ substantially from those presented in the media.
media were dissatisfied with the actions of KaiELY. The Ministry for
Talvivaara has sought to correct false claims appearing in the
the Environment, ministers and municipalities have all questioned
media through its own press releases and blog. Relations between
the suitability of its supervisory methods. Contributors to the
the media and the company have also been strained by the
broader discussion have proposed the use of administrative force.
reporters’ perspective and desire that the company be more open
When KaiELY and Ministry for the Environment positions
(HS, 2012f). Talvivaara’s attitude to the media has at times been
concerning the supervision of Talvivaara have in part differed,
extreme; for example, it has accused reporters of spying.
this has raised burning questions about the division of responsi-
The themes of newspaper articles concerning Talvivaara
demonstrate a shift in focus in the struggle to define the situation,
Lack of expertise is another issue in the Talvivaara conflict.
from the seriousness of the environmental effects to a search for
Neither KaiELY nor the mining company has publicly demonstrat-
those responsible and chiefly to questions of administrative
ed their ability to assess the challenges and risks of the mining
responsibility, which became especially noticeable following the
project or respond with appropriate action in hazardous situations.
wastewater leakage in November 2012. This was a turning point in
The case has highlighted the shortcomings in environmental
how the parties viewed the background to the conflict. The
monitoring, which is chiefly based on trust between the mine
visibility of civic action in the media also increased significantly
operator and the supervisory agency. In this context, the company
after the latest accident—for example, the Stop Talvivaara
has the advantage of holding the information and being able to
movement attracted even greater attention. The media addressed
conceal it from the agency. Therefore, a highly charged debate has
issues around uranium and bias by representing the views of
arisen over who is responsible for establishing the mining
politicians and administrators. Criticism of the environmental
industry’s operational environment and the need for regional
effects of the mine was also strongly represented however, raising
administrative reforms.
the question of justice alongside that of administrative responsi-
As a result of the problems at Talvivaara, the Ministry for the
Environment has given more consideration to regulation in the
mining industry. In an attempt to eliminate suspected bias, it has
forbidden civil servants to take any leave of absence from mining
8.6. Formulating Talvivaara company policy
companies. The ministry also proposed additional resources for the
regional administration, granted extra funding to KaiELY to resolve
The social responsibility of the mining industry is largely a
Talvivaara’s problems (YM and TEM, 2012), and, as mentioned
question of trying to balance the needs of different quarters
above, amended Paragraph 95 of the Environmental Protection
(Jenkins, 2004). Corporate social responsibility seeks to reconcile
Law (6/2000).
the needs of interest groups, consideration of the environment and
the company’s desire for profit. In the Talvivaara case, solving the
production equation of the early years seemed to succeed rather
8.5. Role of the media
well. Talvivaara was a major employer in Kainuu. The mine
represented the new rise of the mining industry in Finland and the
In the construction stage of Talvivaara, the media emphasized
bioleaching technique, which was seen as both efficient and
the mine’s positive effects on employment and the regional
environmentally friendly.
economy. When environmental hazards began to emerge, they
With the emergence of environmental risks, assessments of
gradually appeared in the headlines, initially on the local level and
Talvivaara’s social responsibility changed radically and existing
later in the national media. As the ill effects continued and
local criticism of its operational practices was strengthened by new
multiplied, environmental problems began to define the com-
factors and greater space in the public debate. Some local actors
pany’s public image. A major turning point occurred in late 2011
believed that Talvivaara’s reporting had already been inadequate in
when the effects on the water system were reported at the national
the early stages of production, when odor and dust emissions
level. When a tabloid ran a headline stating that polluted water
spread to nearby areas. The announcement of the uranium

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
G Model
EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

10 R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx

extraction plan and emergence of wastewater problems called the 9. Conclusions

company’s operational practices even further into question. The
company’s YVA processes repeatedly highlighted the need to The environmental and natural resources problem and result-
improve reporting and transparency. Statements and opinions ing conflict at Talvivaara is unique in Finland due to its extent,
from both the authorities and the citizenry indicated their concern complexity and social significance. The case is also interesting for
about the company’s press releases. international and regional comparisons, because there is a lack of
The company was reactive in dealing with public relations, research literature on mining development in the Nordic countries.
various actors and problems, and continuously redeveloped its It is a quite common assumption that environmental management
own policy in response to events. It has sought solutions through and regulation is working efficiently in countries like Finland.
technical improvements and environmental investment, demon- Many people in Finland have also asked how it is possible for a case
strating a desire to develop more environmentally friendly mining. like this to develop in the country.
Reporting and social responsibility also improved in the course of In our analysis we divided the Talvivaara conflict into the
the conflict. Following the reports of water problems Talvivaara following stages: Establishment (2003–06); glory (2007–09);
continuously improved dialogue at the local level. During that time emerging problems (2010); exacerbated problems (2011); total
Talvivaara differed from most other mining companies operating in conflict (spring 2012) and crisis (fall 2012). In its overall features,
Finland by reporting on its social responsibility in Finnish (Rytteri, the case follows Pondy’s model of conflict stages. Regarding
2012). It is also unique in placing greater emphasis on the company Talvivaara itself, while the conflict has gone through several stages,
blog, thus attempting to discuss the mine’s effects in an accessible the aftermath is not yet clear. After 2012 in the company suffered
way. During the last operating year, the principles of sustainable big economic problems and went into bankruptcy in 2015. Our
development and reducing environmental impact were expressed empirical analysis, however, concerned the main phases of
more clearly in the company’s annual reports. environmental conflict and end to the year 2012 (cf. Tiainen
Despite the challenges of expanding production and unforeseen et al., 2014). After going through many stages, the mine is now
environmental effects, Talvivaara publicly stressed that the mine owned by the state-owned company Terrafame Oy. In May 2016,
employs the best possible technology and expertise. The grand the Finnish government decided to prepare to close down the
promises of clean operations made at the outset, to some extent Talvivaara mine.
dismissing and denying the mine’s hazards and downplaying the Based on our process analysis, four key features of the
significance of uranium extraction, created the image of a company Talvivaara case as an exacerbated environmental conflict can be
which would prefer to ignore rather than handle problems. With identified: new untested technology, the high speed of the project,
the exception of the blog and local discussions, the company’s strong growth orientation and the high personification of the
overall information strategy emphasizes the technological per- project. In addition to these features, it is possible to distinguish a
spective. Social and informational problems were not faced number of political dimensions in the Talvivaara conflict: local
convincingly. contradictions, angering the citizenry, politicization, issues related
Talvivaara based often its argumentation on legality. They to confidence in the authorities, the role of the media and the
believed this makes the furor unwarranted. Since the company’s formation of company policy.
credibility had been challenged so extensively, the legality The Talvivaara environmental conflict began as a local dispute,
argument was no longer valid, however, at least in terms of which, through various stages, escalated into a conflict of national
controlling the conflict. It may even exacerbate it further. proportions. Numerous regional and local actors made complaints
The problems with Talvivaara’s reporting were highlighted by about the company to the police. Local residents demanded
exceptional situations related to environmental impact. In some investigations into the company’s practices. Despite these efforts
cases the company provided insufficient or otherwise flawed the emissions problem exacerbated due to the lack of trust and
information, which was reflected in mistrust of its reporting as a made the entire affair national. As the conflict snowballed, the
whole. For example, in 2010, the company did not give the actual group of actors expanded from local residents and the mining
date that the gypsum sediment basin leakage was observed company to the authorities, political decision-makers and exten-
(KaiELY, 2010a, cf. Talvivaara, 2010c). When the effects of the mine sive civic action. At the same time, the entire process was highly
on the water system attracted national media attention in 2011, personified in the figure of Talvivaara’s managing director.
Perä claimed the public debate was unnecessary as emissions had In the case of Talvivaara, the change in the nature of the conflict
since reduced compared to the previous year (YLE, 2011). When into a destructive one is rather clear. Numerous elements that
the company was publicly accused of violating the terms of its exacerbate a conflict are observable in the process. They include
environmental permit, Talvivaara’s response was that this was emphasizing binary oppositions, lack of trust, tight schedules,
impossible, since the permit did not define emission limits for insufficient background information, and symbolic factors. Media
sulfate. coverage was intense and certainly at times excessive. When
Talvivaara’s operational policy was for a long time most clearly something is at the mercy of the media, it is difficult to loosen its
directed by the features previously described: The speed of the stranglehold, especially if problems increase. In retrospect it is easy
project, zealous growth orientation and high personification. In to say that the suspected shortcomings in environmental protec-
this equation, environmental factors, open dialogue and humility tion were compellingly confirmed with the massive basin leakage
in the face of problems were not considered essential. It is obvious in the fall of 2012. Following this episode, the authorities were
that the mining company did not have sufficient knowledge of attacked and the structure and resources of the environmental
environmental and water matters at the outset nor were they administration were found wanting.
considered sufficiently. Reporting of problem situations was also Talvivaara is an important case symbolizing the rise of the
out of control and reactive. In the early stages, the grand promises Finnish mining industry. It will remain a matter of public debate.
and dismissal of problems created further problems, making it There was a fear in the mining industry that airing of its problems
impossible to regain lost confidence. Nor did the company on television would destroy the industry’s reputation. Through this
understand that rather than individual facts, the question involved case, the industry has learned a great deal about what mining and
overall trust and corporate attitude to issues. It took a relatively its impacts mean in contemporary society and the need to improve
long time before the company publicly admitted that its own its environmental and social responsibility. Talvivaara raised public
mistakes contributed to the environmental effects of the mine. awareness of both the employment and economic advantages

Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.
G Model
EXIS 322 No. of Pages 12

R. Sairinen et al. / The Extractive Industries and Society xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 11

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Please cite this article in press as: R. Sairinen, et al., Talvivaara mine and water pollution: An analysis of mining conflict in Finland, Extr. Ind. Soc.

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