Rotational Hex Designs Lesson

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Dutch Hex Designs

Teacher: Lynnea Summerscales & Angela Minieri Date: 9/24/18

Class: History, Art, & Social Studies Grade: Second

Instructional Goals:
Objectives: Students will be able to…
 Identify culture represented by various art forms.
 Identify works of at related to Pennsylvania local history.
 Identify simple symmetrical, draw lines of symmetry and explain why or why not a
figure has symmetry.

PA Academic Standards (if applicable): 9.2 23.D

Essential Content (explanation of Material):

The goal of this lesson is to explore the world of visual art while learning about the rich
history of Pennsylvania folk art. Students will learn about hex signs and their meaning, while
incorporating parts of math (symmetry) and history. Students will then design and create
their own rotational hex sign

Time Required:
This unit will take approximately 60 mins.

Materials Needed:
 Card board or cardstock
 Markers, crayons, or colored pencils
 Stencils
 Scissors
 Glue
 Construction paper
 Lesson Plan PowerPoint
 Figure A, B and C
To set the stage for our lesson we will begin by collecting prior knowledge and build on
that information:

Teacher: “Who knows what the word HEX means?”

Explain meaning, then ask: “Now that we all know the meaning of HEX…What do you think a
HEX sign is?”

Round Robbin class discussion about the term hex sign, and where they may have seen


Following the engagement section of the lesson plan, teach to the power point lesson provided.

Invite students to examine previously made samples of hex signs. Like a fingerprint, each hex
sign is unique. Symbols and colors are chosen based on personal meaning. One thing most hex
signs have in common is the use of symmetry and geometry. Challenge students to identify
these elements in the sample hex signs.

Checking for Understanding and Guided Practice:

Using the materials provided students will then create original hex signs to illustrate their
learning. encourage students to incorporate the information that was previously discussed.

Questioning Strategies:

Discuss how the concept of symmetry is illustrated in hex signs. How are geometric shapes
used to create the unique designs?

Discuss how hex signs were created to have personal family meaning. Have students review
samples of traditional hex signs and brainstorm why the families may have chosen those
elements. What elements would you include in your families hex sign?
D. Elaborate and Closure:
As a closing have students pair up with their elbow partners and discuss their individual signs
and how they picked their design.

Have all the students bring their signs to the front of the room to display and have the class
stand back and observe the differences.

Independent Practice:
Encourage students to play with color patterns and different techniques at home using the
take home coloring sheet (figure C)
 Power Point
 Figure A: PA Dutch hex sign meanings
 Figure B: Hex sign examples
 Figure C: Printable take home coloring sheet
Figure A: PA Dutch Hex sign meanings
Figure B: Examples of hex signs
Figure C: Printable take home coloring sheets

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