Agenda BBCC 19 Feb 2019

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AGENDA: Blythswood & Broomielaw Community Council Meeting

Please note the venue -> Now in the Large Room, on the Ground Floor

Meeting: Tues. 19th Feb. 2019, 7.15pm Office bearers:

Location: 200 W. Regent St., G2 4DQ Irene Loudon (Chair)
Large Room – Ground Floor Chris Collins (Secretary)
Alistair McCusker (Treasurer)

1:- Sederunt (including apologies).

2:- Welcome & Chairʼs Items.

-­‐ Fire alarm procedures… no alarm is planned.
-­‐ Thank you again to the Glasgow School of Art for provision of the room; we highlight that we
receive this room free-of-charge, for which we are very grateful and we wish to be open about this.

3:- Review of minutes of last meeting (Dec.), plus any ACTIONS outstanding (5m) [7.20pm].
-­‐ Approval of minutes: Proposer:…………………………..Seconder:……………………………………..

4:- Matters arising.

5:- Police Report and matters (PC Dani Lapi & colleague) (~10m) [7.30pm].
-­‐ Litter, Midland St. parking, Oswald St Flats, Graffiti in “The Merchant”, any further issues due to
GSoA fire.

6:- GSoA Fire updates, news, actions (15m) [7.45pm].

-­‐ A chance for businesses/residents to voice issues.
-­‐ Quick review of meeting with Pauline McNeill MSP, Cllr. Christy Mearns, Partick Harvie MSP.

7:- Treasurerʼs Report. (5m) [7.50pm].

8:- Secretaryʼs Report. (10m) [8.00pm].

9:- Ex-officio reports (e.g. Councillorsʼ Reports) (5m each) [8.20pm].

10:- Guest Speaker:- Patricia Fort (GoBike) (15m) [8.35pm].

-­‐ Cycle access in the area around Charing Cross / Elmbank St.

11:- Regular items (20m) [8.55pm].

-­‐ Items for the CC to pursue.
• Litter, A-boards, Offensive Graffiti, Noise, AirBnB Lockboxes, LaneActivatonFund,
• Trades Parking Permits / concessions.
• Re-opening of Blythswood Square to the public (Cllr.  Mearns  re.  Open  Space  Strategy).
• Parades & Marches: upcoming.
-­‐ Including the community at large/pinpointing residential locations.
-­‐ Website.
-­‐ GDPR – we need a statement and a membersʼ email.

12:- AOB.

13:- Questions from the floor.

14:- Chair declares date/time/location of next meeting (19th Mar., 7.15pm, 200 W. Regent St)
Chair Closes meeting.

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