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2018 (Repeater)

1. Define Corporate sole and corporate aggregate.

 A corporation aggregate is a group of co-existing persons. While A corporation sole is a series of
successive persons.

2. Explain ‘Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium.

 For every wrong, the law provides a remedy.

3. Write 2 modes of acquiring property.

 Possession, Prescription , Inheritance, Transfer.

4. Explain Term ‘ Animus Possidendi’

 An intention to possess

5. State and define Legal Duty.

 A duty is an obligatory act. It is something to do or abstain from doing in favour of another
person. A man has a duty towards any matter that he is legally obligated to.

6. Explain Primary rights and sanctioning rights.

 Primary rights or rights may be explained as the bundle of rights which are the privileges
enjoyed by any person, e.g., a person’s right to liberty, safety and reputation
 A sanctioning right is one which arises out of the violation of another right”.

7. What is legal status of unborn person.

 Unborn child is called unborn person having vested rights whether proprietary or personal.

8. What do you mean by incorporeal property. Give an example.

 Incorporeal property is a legal right in property having no physical existence. For example, patent rights,
lease or mortgage. They have value but lacks physical substance.

9. According to historical jurist , what is meant by ‘Volksgeist’

The basis of origin of law is to be found in Volksgeist which means people‟s consciousness or will and
consists of traditions, habits, practice and beliefs of the people

10. Define Juristic person

 a body recognized by the law as being entitled to rights and duties in the same way as a natural or human
person, the common example being a company.

2017 (repeater)

11. what do you mean by “Grundnorm”

 Grundnorm is a German word meaning"fundamental norm."
12. What is legal status of a dead person.
 Dead persons have no legal personality and hence, cannot sue and be sued.
13. Explain term “Obiter Dicta”
 The Latin term obiter dicta means “things said by the way,” and is generally used in law to refer to an
opinion or non-necessary remark made by a judge
14. What do you mean by constructive possession.
 Constructive possession is a legal fiction to describe a situation where an individual has actual
control over chattels or real property without actually having physical control of the same assets.
15. What is incorporeal property? Give an example. ( Repeat)
 Incorporeal property is a legal right in property having no physical existence. For example, patent rights,
lease or mortgage. They have value but lacks physical substance.
16. The word Jurisprudence is derived from which Latin word
 Jurisprudentia
17. Right in Re- aliena means?
 A right in the property of another
18. Ubi jis Ibl remedium (repeat)
 For every wrong, the law provides a remedy
19. What is Locus Standi?
 locus standi means the right to bring an action, to be heard in court, or to address the Court on a matter
before it.
20. Explain ‘ Salus populist suprema lex’
 Salus populi suprema lex is a Latin legal maxim that means welfare of the people shall be the supreme law

2017 ( Fresh)

21. What do you mean by precedent?

 precedent is a legal case that establishes a principle or rule.
 precedent is a principle or rule established in a previous legal case that is either binding on or persuasive
for a court or other tribunal when deciding subsequent cases with similar issues or facts.
22. Who is founder of imperative theory??
 John Austin
23. Name 2 schools of Law?
 Analytical School , Historical School , Sociological School, Realist School, Natural Law school,
Philosophical or Ethical School
24. What is legal status of unborn person (repeat)
 Unborn child is called unborn person having vested rights whether proprietary or personal.
25. Name various kinds of possession.
 Corporeal , Incorporeal , Mediate , Immediate, Constructive Adverse, De Facto , De jure
26. What do you understand by subordinate legislation?
 Subordinate legislation means legislation that derives from any authority other that the supreme power of a
27. Name 2 sources of law
 Legislation, Precedent, Custom, Juristic Writings.
28. State definition of legal right.
 Salmond defines right as an interest recognised and protected by a rule or justice
29. Meaning of Vicarious Liability
 Vicarious liability, sometimes referred to as “imputed liability,” is a legal concept that assigns liability to
an individual who did not actually cause the harm, but who has a specific superior legal relationship to the
person who did cause the harm
30. 3 kinds of legal rights
 1) Right in Rem and Right in Persona – Principal and Accessory rights
 Personal and Proprietary Right – Perfect and Imperfect Rights
 Positive and Negative Rights Right in Re-proporia and Right in Re-aliena
 Legal and Equitable Right Corporeal and Incorporeal Right
 Primary and Sanctioning Right - Public and Private Rights

31. What is legal status of animal
32. Explain term Animus Possidendi
33. Obiter Dicta
34. Stare Decisis
35. Ubi Jus Ibi
36. Hans Kelsens basic norm is known as
37. Founder of Analytical School
38. 2 examples of juristic person
39. Codification
40. Precednt sub silentio

2016 (Fresh)
41. Founder of analytical school
42. Feminist jurisprudence
43. Adverse possession
44. Immediate possesson
45. Salus populi suprema lax
46. Corporation sole and corporation aggregate
47. Ratio decidendi and obiter dicta
48. Stare Decisis
49. Defacto and De jure possession
50. Primary rights and scnctioning rights

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