Class 9 Algebra

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0 1. Introduction ......................................... Pages I - 2
This section explains why you need some new mathematical
tools as the circuits you study become more complex.

0 2. Basic Algebra ....................................... Pages 3 - 21

You learn how to apply the rules of arithmetic to combi-
nations of letters in this section.

0 3. Equations ........ . . .. ........................ .. ... Pages 22- 34

Here you work with equations, and then learn how to solve
them step-by-step. This section also covers the numerical
representation of vectors.

0 4. The J Operator .... ...... ................. . .... ... .. Pages 35 - 44

The term j is defined and you learn how it can be used as an
operator in ac circuits.

0 5. Using the J Operator in Circuit Operations .......... . ... . . Pages 45 - 60

You get practice applying the information you have learned in
this lesson to problems and circuit calculations.

0 6. Answers to Self-Test Questions . .................... . .. Pages 61 - 68

0 7. Answer Lesson Questions.

0 8. Start Studying the Next Lesson.


NRI3M872 1972 EDITION Litho in U.S.A.

In many ways the study of tube and mathematical processes that you have
transistor circuits is just an extension of already learned. You will need many new
your study of ac and de circuits. The shortcuts and some new mathematical
tuning circuits, coupling circuits, filter tools to keep your studies and work in
circuits, and voltage dividers that are used electronics simple and straightforward.
with tubes and transistors are simply In your previous lessons, you saw how
special designs of circuits that you are .important vectors are in analyses and
already familiar with to a certain extent. calculations dealing with ac circuits. As
In these circuits, coils and capacitors and you continue with your studies, these
resistors of various values are assembled simple vectors will become even more
in different series and parallel combi- important. However, the simple measure-
nations to give special effects. Either ac, ment solutions that you have been using
de, or both may be applied to these to solve vector problems will become very
circuits depending on their function and awkward to use as the circuits become
use. more complex. In addition to requiring
For the most part, the basic arithmetic careful construction and measurement,
and operations with signed numbers and they require a lot of space and can
vectors that you studied for use with ac become very involved, especially in par-
and de circuit calculations can be applied allel circuits. Although we can overcome
in the calculations for tube and transistor these problems to some extent by using
circuits. However, as the equipment and the Pythagorean Theorem, it also has its
circuits that you study become more limits.
involved, it will become increasingly diffi- However, there is a handy method for
cult to keep up with their operation and working with ac circuit vectors so they
maintenance if you rely only on the can be solved mathematically. It involves
using a special tool known as the " j" Therefore, in this lesson on circuit
operator. This simple operator allows us calculations, you will learn to use and
to easily add, subtract, multiply, and apply the fundamentals of algebra and
divide vectors, regardless of their com- the j operator in electronic circuit calcu-
plexity. No course in electronics can lations. If you have never studied these
really be considered complete without at subjects, you may be a little uneasy about
least a working knowledge of this method tackling them. However, you have already
of determining the solutions to circuit seen that math makes a lot more sense
problems. and becomes much easier when you have
In order to use the j operator success- a practical use for it, such as your work in
fully , you should have at least a basic electronics.
understanding of the essentials of another As you study this lesson, remember
mathematical process known as algebra. these subjects are like ail the others. All
As many of you already know, algebra is you have to do is learn a few rules and get
simply a fo rm of mathematics that sim- some practice using t:iem. Once you have
plifies complex operations in arithmetic done this, you have accomplished your
by using letters. Through these letter goal of learning new processes that will
solutions of practical problems, we are help make your work much easier and
able to speed up and simplify operations more efficient. If you have already
that would take a lo ng time and involve a studied these subjects, you will find tl1at
lot of tedious work if we used numbers this lesson will give you a good review
alone. Thus, time spent learning the fun- and some valuable pointers on circuit
damentals of algebra will be worthwhile. applications.

Basic Algebra
Anyone who can add and subtract, tain formulas. As you continue in your
multiply and divide, and perform the work in electronics, it will be handy to
other operations of basic arithmetic know more about the process of com-
should find algebra easy to understand. puting with both numbers and letters.
The only difference between algebra and You are already familiar with this sort of
arithmetic is that in algebra you work reasoning: "If I have one resistor and you
with letters as well as with numbers. give me another resistor, I will have two
Therefore , we can consider that algebra is resistors." Or, "If you give me four
simply ari thmetic with letters. Conse- capacitors and then someone else gives
quently, all we have to do is get used to me five more capacitors, I will have nine
applying the rules of arithmetic to combi· capacitors." This is simply addition as
nations of letters. applied to physical things.
You are probably wondering just how Addition, as you know, can only be
we can use letters to compute with, performe'd with like things. We can add
because letters have no indkated values resistors to resistors, or capacitors to
such as numbers have. We merely select capacitors, but we can never add a num-
letters and let them represent the values ber of resistors to a number of capacitors
that we wish to work with. For example, and get a sensible answer. Thus, the resul t
you are already accustomed to working of any addition is the sum of the number
with formulas such as Ohm's Law which of things added followed by their name.
states that E = l X R. Here we have We know that it is possible to represent
simply used certain letters to indicate various quantities by letters. For exam-
various quantities in our circuit and have ple, suppose that we receive three orders
used these letters in an equation that of parts as follows :
represents their relationship in an elec- (l) 5 choke coils, 7 resistors, 4
trical circuit. This is algebra. capacitors.
In ordinary arithmetic, the next step (2) 3 choke coils, 2 resistors, 3
would be to substitute the actual number capacitors.
values in place of the letters and solve the (3) 7 choke coils, 4 resistors, 5
problem . In algebra, we may also do this, capacitors.
but many times we will find that it is If we want to know the total number of
easier to work with the letters awhile parts received in these orders we can
before we substitute the numbers. In this simply add the number of like parts in
section of the lesson, we will start at the each order together to give us a total of
very beginning and learn just what algebra 15 choke coils, 13 resistors, and 12
is all about. capacitors.
However, in doing tl1is we must be very
THE LANGUAGE OF LETTERS careful to keep the numbers associated
with the coils separated from the num-
In your earlier lessons you learned how bers associated with the resistors, and
to substitute numbers for letters in cer- resistors separated from the capacitors,

etc. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the letter "a" to represent a qua ntity.
we might get the numbers confused and This means that the letter "a" written by
start adding the coils to one of the other itself will always mean "I a," the term
parts. To keep them separated, we can list "2a" will mean "2 a's," "3a" will mean
them carefu lly in separate columns and "3 a's," etc. Thus, a term such as "Sa"
write down the names of the parts as we means that the quantity represented by
just did. While this will work very well, the letter "a" is to be multiplied by 5.
you can easily see that it would require a When we get ready to substitute and
Jot of tedious writing if we needed to add actually find the value or the meaning of
a number of different things. the term "Sa," we will need to know
A much simpler way would be to what the letter "a" stands for. In t he
choose abbreviations for the parts. For meantime, we can go along and work
example, we could decide to let the letter with the term itself without worryi11g
"c" stand for the coils, the letter "r" about wha t it means.
stand for the resistors, and then let Another example of a term that we are
another letter such as "a" stand for the likely to meet is one such as "6ab." This
capacitors to be sure that the coils and simply means that a quantity represented
capacitors are kept separate, since they by "a" is to be multiplied by a quantity
both begin with "c." Now our additions represented by " b." Then the product of
and notations would look something like quantity "a" times quantity "b" is to be (where c = choke coils, r =resistors, a multiplied by 6. Thus, 6ab means "6"
=capacitors): times "a" times "b" or 6 X a X b. In
working with algebra we usually do not
( I) Sc, 7r, 4a use the symbol X as a " times" sign
because it can be confused with the Jetter
(2) 3c, 2r, 3a "x" which can be used to represent a
quantity. Sometimes dots are used
(3) 7c, 4r, Sa bet ween letters to indicate multiplication,
as "6 • a · b," but generally the letters
lSc, l3r,L2a are simply written close together without
any sign between them.
By doing this we could save ourselves a Before we go on to learn the rules of
lot of work and still perform the addition using letters, there are some special names
in such a way that it would make sense given letter combinations that we should
and eliminate the chance of getting the be familiar with . A letter by itself is
different parts confused with each other. called a "term." Thus "a" is a term, "b"
In way , it is possible to rep resent is a term, "x" is a term , etc. The
any number of differen t things or quan- indicated product of a group of letters
tities with letters. Once we have chosen such as "6ab" is also called a term. In this
letters to indicate quantities, we can add term, the 6, the a, and the b, are all
or subtract them, or multi.ply and divide factors of the indicated product, just as 6
them by simply performing the oper- and 8 are factors of 48.
ations with the letters instead of using the We may have " like" terms or "unlike"
quantities themselves. te rms in algebra. For example, 6ab, 3ab,
For example, let's say that we choose and Sab are all like terms because their

letter factors are all the same. Terms such add unlike terms. The rules for working
as 6xy, 1Oax, 7ab, are unlike terms with signed numbers also apply to work·
because their letter factors are not all the ing with letters. Likewise, the rules of
same. order for performing a series of oper-
The number tells you how many times ations apply to letter arithmetic, or
the Jetter term is to be multiplied. It is algebra, j ust as they do to numbers.
called the "numerical coefficient" of the A term consisting· of a Jetter with a
term or, more simply, just the "co- coefficient, such as Sa, means that "a" is
efficient." Thus, a term may be a single to be taken five times, or a+a+a+a+a. A
letter, or it may consist of an indicated term such as 6a means a+a+a+a+a+a.
product between two or more letters, or Therefore, to add Sa and 6a together
between one or more letters and a numer- really means (a+a+a+a+a) +
ical coefficient. Remember, a term may (a+a+a+a+a+a), or a total of l J a's which
consist of one or more letters and num- we would write as I la. Accordingly, we
bers, but if more than one letter appears, can say that Sa + 6a = I la. We can
it is a term only if multiplication is perform the indicated addition because
indicated. The expression, "a+ b", is two the letter factors are the same and we can
separate terms because addition is indi- add like things together. Notice that in
cated between the two letters. Likewise, adding these like terms, we simply added
an expression such as 6ab - cd is also their numerical coefficients (6 and S) and
made up of two terms. used this sum as the new coefficient for
An algebraic expression made up of the common Jetter. Thus, the sum of like
one term such as "7xyz" is called a terms is the sum of the coefficients of the
"monomial" term. An expression made terms followed by the common letters.
up of two or more terms, such as 6ir + For example,
7abc, or 8yx + 7cd - ab is called a
"polynomial." If a polynomial has only 6ab + 3ab = 9ab
two terms, it is usually called a "bino-
mial" and one with three terms is often 4abc + 3abc + Sabe = l 2abc
called a "trinomial." Thus, ab + ac is a
binomial, and ab + ac + ad would be xy + 3xy + 8xy = l 2xy
called a trinomial. We have no special
names for polynomials that consist of When working with unlike terms, how-
more than three terms. For example, an ever, we can only indicate the addition to
expression such as xy + ab - ac - yb be performed. Thus, a + b can only be
would simply be called a four-term poly- written as a + b. Likewise, 6a + Sb must
nomial. remain as 6a + Sb as far as the addition is
Now, with the names given to these concerned. Thus, addition of unlike terms
various expressions firmly in mind, let's always results in a polynomial term.
see how to perform simple arithmetic Consequently, when we have addition
with letters. indicated in a problem such as
Addition of Letters. The rules for
performing arithmetic with letters are the 6a + 7b + 9ab + 4a + 3b + b,
same as those with numbers. We can add
like terms to each other, but we cannot we would proceed as follows.

First, we would arrange the terms so +Sc+ {- 3c) = +2c
that all the like terms were grouped
together. Thus, we would have 6a + 4a + and
7b + 3b + b + 9ab. Now, adding the like
terms gives us - 7cd + 4cd = -3cd.

6a+4a= IOa, In a more complicated problem that

consists of like and unlike terms as well as
and like and unlike signs, we would simplify
the problem by collecting all like terms
7b + 3b + b = j lb. with like signs and t hen perform the
addition. Thus, for a problem such as
Since we now have IOa + 11 b + 9ab,
which are all unlike terms and cannot be 4c + (-9d) + 6e + (- 3e) + l2d + (-4x) +
added any further, our answer to our 2c + (-c) + 3d + 4e + (-3c) + (- 3d),
problem of
we would first collect all 6ur like terms
6a + 7b + 9ab + 4a + 3b + b and like signs as follows:

is simply 4c + 2c + (-c) + (- 3c)

1Oa + I I b + 9ab. + l 2d + 3d + (- 3d) + (-9d)

Thus, to add a group of terms in algebra + 6e + 4e + (- 3e) + (- 4x).

arrange the like terms so that they are
together, then add all the like terms by + (-4x).
adding t heir coefficients and then use
these sums in an indicated addition of the Then, combine like terms:
unlike terms. The process of rearranging
and adding the like terms is often called 6c + (-4c)
"collecting" terms.
Jn working with letters, we will often + ISd + (- 12d)
run in to terms with negative signs just as
in working with numbers. We handle + 10e + (-3c) + (- 4x).
these signed algebraic terms like signed
numbers. For example, lo add two terms + (-4x).
with like signs, we add the coefficients
and use the common sign in front of the Now,
sum. Thus, (-6ab) + (- 4ab) would be 6c + (- 4c) = 2c
equal to - 1Oab, just as +3ab plus +4ab
would equal +7ab. l Sd + (- l 2d) = 3d
If we have to add terms with unlike
signs, we simply find the difference IOe + (- 3e) = 7e
between the coefficients and use the sign
of the largest coefficient. Thus, + (- 4x) = -4x

and our answer would be Since we cannot add unlike terms, this is
as far as we can go with our answer.
2c + 3d + 7e + (- 4x) Notice that we could also have proceeded
like tltis:
or simply 2c + 3d + 7e - 4x.
We will also find terms like this to add: (4x - 3y + 6c) + (- 3x + 2y- 3d)
+ (2x - 7c + 2d)
(6ab- 7xy) + (Sab-xy) + (- 3ab+4xy).
Collecting like terms and like signs:
Here we have to add three binomials but
the terms in each binomial are alike, so 4x + 2x - 3x + 2y - 3y
we can add them quite easily like this: + 6c - 7c + 2d - 3d

6ab - 7xy
+ Sab - xy 3x -y - c - d
-3ab + 4xy
8ab - 4xy which is the same answer we got before.
Now you should be able to add the
Or, collecting terms Like this: following terms without any trouble:

6ab + Sab + 4xy - 3ab - 7xy - xy

(1) 3x - 2y + 4z + 2x + 8y - 2z
+ 12x + y + z =
I lab+ 4xy - 3ab - 8xy
(2) Sab - 6xy - 3ab + l 2xy + 3ax
- Sxb + ab - 3xy - 2xb =
1 lab - 3ab + 4xy - 8xy = 8ab - 4xy.
(3) (12a + 6c - 3d)
Now suppose we had a problem like
this: + ( - 20a + 8c - 5d)

(4x - 3y + 6c) + (- 3x + 2y - 3d) + (1 Oa - 2c + d) =

+ (2x - 7c + 2d).
Here we have three trinomials with terms
that are not all alike. In a case like this we ( I) 17x+7y+3z
can set up our problem as fo llows:
(2) 3ab + 3xy + 3ax - 7xb
4x - 3y + 6c
+ - 3x + 2y - 3d (3) 2a+l2c - 7d
2x - 7c + 2d
3x - y - c - d Subtraction of Letters. When you

learned to subtract signed numbers, you To prove this, we add + 6a (the subtra-
found by experimenting with numbers of hend) and + 2a which gives us the + 8a
various signs that a simple rule would that we started with. As with addition in
apply to all subtraction with signed num· algebra, we can subtract only like ter ms.
hers. Tnis rule stated that: To subtract Thus, we can state a rule for subtraction
signed numbers, change the sign of the in algebra which is: To subtract in alge-
number in the subtrahend {the number bra, change the sign of the terms in the
you are subtracting) and then proceed as subtrahend ar!d then add the coefficients
in adding signed 11umbers. Following this of the like terms.
rule,+ 7 minus - 6 would be handled this This rule for subtraction in algebra
way: holds true for either single term s or for
polynomials. For example, to subtract
(2a - 2b - 3c) from (3a - 4b + Sc) we
+7 +7 would fust change the sign of the subtra-
= hend. 2a - 2b - 3c then becomes - 2a +
(- 6) +6 2b + 3c. Now, we proceed to add:
+ 13
(3a - 4b +Sc) + (- 2a + 2b + 3c)
Thus,+ 7 - (- 6) = 13.
To prove this, add the subtrahend, - 6, collecting terms
and the answer,+ 13, which gives - 6 +
13 = + 7, which is the minuend. Likewise, = 3a - 2a - 4b + 2b + Sc + 3c
- 7 - (- 6) =
= a - 2b + 8c.
-7 - 7
= Or, we could set it up like
(- 6) +6
- I 3a - 4b +Sc
+ - 2a + 2b + 3c
The proof is that - I + (- 6) = - 7. a - 2b + 8c
Subtracting terms in algebra is just like
subtracting signed numbers in aritlunetic. In either case, the difference is equal to
Thus, if we want to subtract 6a from 8a a - 2b + 8c, which is the correct answer.
we would have: + 8a minus + 6a, which is To prove it, add the difference of a - 2b
written (+ 8a) - (+ 6a). Now, changing + 8c to the subtrahend 2a - 2b - 3c
both signs in front of 6a, we get which, by collecting terms, gives the sum:

(+ 8a) + (- 6a). a+ 2a - 2b - 2b + 8c - 3c
= 3a - 4b +Sc
Thus, the important thing to remember in
+ 8a subtracting letters is to change the sign of
- 6a the sub trahend and then add.
Now that we have seen how to add and
+ 2a subtract with letters, let's prove that what

prove this substitute the Jetter values in
LETTERS NUMBER SUBSTITUTES our answer 3a - 3b. Doing, we have:
(5a+3bl• (·2o ·6b) [5(115)•3(95l} [·2(115)-6(95ij
•5o -2o•3b-6b •(575+285)•(-230 -570)
3a - 3b
•3o-3b z 860-800 . 60

= 3(115) - 3(95)

Fig. 1. Substituting numbers in place of let1ers

= 345 - 285
in addition.

= 60
we are doing with the letters is correct by
substituting numbers in place of the
letters. Suppose that we want to add Sa+ Thus, if we substitute the numbers in
3b to - 2a - 6b. Collecting terms, place of the letters in the beginning, we
gives us: get an answer of 60. If we wish to work
with the letters as long as we can, we get
Sa - 2a + 3b - 6b =3a - 3b. an answer 3a - 3b. However, we find that
this is aJso equal to 60 when we substi-
Now, let's substitute some numbers in tute at the end of the problem. Since we
this same problem. For example, suppose get an answer of 60 either way, our
that we have chosen the letter "a" to process of adding letters must be correct.
represent "11 S" and the letter "b" to Now, let's check a problem in subtrac-
represent "9S." We would set up the tion the same way . Again, let a = l J 5 and
problems side by side, one using the b = 95. This time the problem is to
coefficients and letters, and the other subtract 3a - 2b from Sa - 7b as shown
using the number values as shown in Fig. in Fig. 2. As you can see, the answer with
1. the letters is 2a - Sb and the answer with
In way, we find that the term the number substitutes is -245. Now Jet's
answer is 3a - 3b, while the answer we substitute in our letter answer to see if we
got by substituting numbers is 60. There- also get - 245 for our final solution.
fore 3a - 3b must be equal to 60. To Doing this, we have:


FROM Sa - 7b TAKE 3a -2b S(llS)-7(95) TAKE 3(115)-2(95)

5a - 7b - (3a-2b) 5(115) -7(95) - [3(115)-2(95)]


= 5o - 7b + (-3o +2b) = 575-665 + [-3(115)+2(95)]

= 5o - 7b - 3o + 2b = 575 -665 - 345+190
= 5a -3o - 7b+2b = 575 -345 - 665 +190
= 2o - Sb = 230-475 = -245

Fig. 2. Substituting numbers in place of letters in subtraction.

2a - Sb Now suppose that we want to multiply
two like terms such as 2a X 3a. This can
= 2(115) - 5(95) be rewritten as

= 230 - 475 2X3XaXa

= -245 or

Consequently, our method of handling 6 X a X a= 6aa.

subtraction with letters must also be
correct, since i.n either case we get - 245 However, in arithmetic when we wanted
for the final solution. to multiply a number by itself such as S
Next, let's take a look at multiplying X 5, we found that we would simply say,
and dividing with letters. 52 • The small "2" indicated the 5 was to
Multiplication of Letters. Multipli- be raised to the second power (multiplied
cation with letters such as 3 times "a" by itself) or squared, and we called the
may be indicated simply as 3a, which "2" an exponent. We can also use expo-
means "a" taken three times, or a+ a + a. nents in algebra to indicate that a letter is
Likewise, 2 X b is written 2b, which to be multiplied by itself. Thus, 2a X 3a =
means "b" taken two times, or b + b. In 6aa or 6a 2 • A multiplication such as a X a
multiplying two letters together such as X a is aaa or a3 (read "a cubed"), and a X
"a" X "b" we write "ab'', which means a X a X a X a is aaaaa or a5 (read "a to
"a" taken "b" ti mes, or "b" taken "a" the fifth").
times. For multiplication of two terms Using exponents in this way saves time.
with coefficients, such as 3a times 2b, we For example, 4a times 3ab becomes 4 X 3
actually perform the multiplication of the X a X a X b or 12a2 b. Now, there is an
coefficients and then indicate the letter interesting thing about exponents that we
multiplication. We can do this because 3a should know. When we write the letter
X 2b really means "a" alone, we really mean "a" taken once
or a 1 • However, just as we never indicate
3XaX2Xb a coefficient of one, we never indicate an
exponent of one. We say that the one is
=6XaXb understood. For right now though, let's
use the exponent "I" for a moment in
= 6 X ab order to examine the exponents as we
= 6ab When we multiply a X a, we can say
that we have a 1 X a 1 . We know that this
Following this method, is equal to aa or a 1 a 1 or a2 . Now, notice
that the exponent "2" in a2 is the sum of
3a X 4b X 2c the exponents in the indicated multi-
would equal

3 X 4 X 2 X a X b X c = 24abc. Likewise,

aXaXa cess of multiplying one single term
(monomial) by another. However, in alge-
bra, we must not only consider multi·
plying one monomial by another mono·
= a1 +1+1 rnial, but we must also consider multi-
plying one polynomial by a monomial,
= a3 and a polynomial by another polynomial.
In considering the multiplication of a
Thus, we have a rule for exponents in polynomial by a monomial, let's go back
multiplication which states that: To find to our work with numbers for a moment.
the product of two or more powers of the For example, consider a number prob-
same base, add the exponents. According lem such as: 7 X (3 + 2 + 5). We can write
to this rule, a2 X a 3 = a 2 + 3 or a5 • If we this down and solve it in a number of
do it the long way, we find that a2 = a X different ways. We can do the addition
a and separately first, which gives us 7 X (3 + 2
+ 5) = 7 X 10 = 70, or we can multiply
a3 =a X a X a. each number by seven and tJ1en add. This
would give:
Therefore, (a X a) X (a X a X a)= a taken
five times, which is: (7X 3)+(7X 2)+(7X 5)=21+14+35

a X a X a X a X a= a 5 • which also equals 70. Since this is true

with numbers, it must also be true with
Therefore, the rule for adding exponents letters.
must be correct. Let's multiply the polynomial
Accordingly, a multiplication such as
5ab X 3a2 b must equal: b+c+d

5X 3X a1 +2 X b1+ 1 by the monomial a. We would set it up

like this:
=15Xa 3 Xb 2
a X (b + c + d)

= a(b + c + d)
=ab+ ac+ ad

Thus, we can say that the product of a

= 3 X 25 X a2 + 1 X b3+ 2 X c4 + 3 monomial and a polynomial is the sum of
the products of the monomial and each
term of the polynomial. Accordingly,

Can you multiply 6a3 b4 by 5a 2 b 3 c? The a(b - c + d - e) =ab - ac +ad- ae.

answer is 30a5 b 7 c.
These few simple steps cover the pro· Notice that, as with signed numbers,

multiplication of unlike signs in algebra (a - b)a = a 2 - ab
always gives a negative product, while the
product of two terms with like signs is (a - b)b =ab - b2
always positive. Or,
(a - bX- c) =-ac+bc
- b (a - c + d - e) = - ab + cb - db+ eb.
Then, adding these products gives us a2 -
With this in mind, we are ready to do a ab + ab - b2 - ac + be. Collecting terms,
multiplication problem such as 3a2 b(2a + we get a2 - b2 - ac + be as the answer.
3b - 7c). This equals Notice that the - ab and the + ab cancel
each other out just as+ 2 + (- 2) would
(3a 2 b X 2a) + (3a2 b X 3b) do.
ln this way, we can say that the
+ [(3a2 b) X (- 7c)) product of

(a - b)(a+b - c)= a2 -b2 -ac +bc.

Or, we can set up the problem a different We can prove that the solution to this
way. Let's try it with this problem: problem is correct by . substituting any
41 2 R(31 R + SI + 6R). Now, multiplying numbers we want in place of the letters.
each term of the polynomial by the For example, let's have a= S, b = 3, and c
monomial gives us: = 2. If we do this and substitute these
values fo r the letters we have:

(a - b)(a + b - c) =a2 - b2 - ac+ be.

2 2
41 RX 6R = 241 R
(5 - 3)(5 + 3 - 2) =
The sum of the products is 1213 R2 + 52 - 3 2 - (S X 2) + (3 X 2)
201 3 R + 24!2 R 2 •
Multiplying one polynomial by a and
binomial or by another polynomial is
much the same. For example, multiplying 2 x 6 = 25 - 9 - 10 + 6
the polynomial (a + b - c) by the
binomial (a - b), we can think of (a - b) I 2 = 25 - 19 + 6 = 6 + 6 = 12
as being a single multiplier. Thus, multi-
plying (a - b) by each of the terms in the Since the problem works out so that 12 =
polynomial, we would have (a - b)a, then 12, our multiplication of the letters must
(a - b)b, and then (a - b)(- c). Putting be correct.
them together, we have We can also perform the multiplication
by setting it down as in Fig. 3.
(a - b)a +(a - b)b +(a - b)(- c). As you can see, we simply multiply all
the terms in the polynomial by each term
Now, the partial products would be: of the binomial. We do this by multi·

0 + b -c
Sometimes these products are stated in
x 0 - b words and used as rules:
MULTIPLYING BY o o 2 +ob -oc
MULTIPLYING BY -b -o b - b +bc
2 2
ANSWER o -oc -b +bc
1. The product of the sum of two terms
(a + b} and the difference of the same
Fig. 3. Multiplying a polynomial by a binomial. two terms (a - b} is equal to the square
of the first term minus the square of the
plying a + b - c first by a, then by - b, second term (a 1 - b1 }.
and then adding the two partial products.
There are three polynomial products
that we will find quite often in our work This is a handy rule, because any time
with algebra. They are: that we have to multiply the sum of two
terms by the difference of the same two
(1) (a+b)(a-b)=a 2 - b 2 terms, we can just set down the answer
without working it out. For example,
(2) (a+ b)(a + b) or (a+ b) 2
= a2 + 2ab + b2 ( 4abc + 6xyz) ( 4abc - 6xyz)

(3) (a - b)(a - b) or (a - b)2 must equal

=a 2
- 2ab + b 2

( 4abc) 2 - (6xyz.) 2 •
If we work each one of these out, we will
find that the listed products are correct. Likewise,

(I) a +b
a - b
a2 +ab
- ab - b2
must equal
a2 - b2

(2) a +b
a +b
al +ab
+ab + b2 The second example stated in words is:
a2 + 2ab + b2

(3) a - b
a -b 2. The square of the sum of two terms (a
+ b;2 is equal to the square of the first
a2 - ab
term plus the square of the second term
- ab + b2 plus Mice the product of the terms (a 1 +
a2 - 2ab + b2 2ab + b 1 }.

By using this rule, we automatically know (2) 4x 2 +12x+9
that a binomial such as
(3) (5x 2 ) 2 - (4y 2 ) 2 or 25x 4 - 16y4
(Sxy + 3ab)2
(4) (6ab) 2 - 2(6abc 2 ) + (c 2 ) 2 o r
is equaJ to

(5xy) 2 + 2(15xyab)+(3ab) 2 .

The third example covers the square of Division with Letters. Division in alge-
the difference of two terms: bra is just the reverse of mul tiplication. In
division, we are given a product and one
3. The square o.f the difference of two of the factors of the product and are
terms (a - b) 2 is equal to the square of asked to find the other factor. Remem-
the first term plus the square of the ber, there are special names for the
second term minus twice the product of quantities in a division problem. The
the terms. dividend is the product that is to be
divided. The divisor is the factor by
Thus, which the dividend is to be divided. The
quotient is the result of the division, or
(16cd - 5x2 y) 2 the factor which we are to find. Thus:
dividend+ divisor= quotient.
is equal to Also, multiplication is the proof of a
division problem. Thus, 24 -:- 6 = 4
(16cd)2 - 2(80cdx 2 y) + (Sx 2 y) 2 . because 4 X 6 = 24; likewise,

Since we often have to work with either 247 4 = 6

the square of the sum or the square of the
difference of two terms, we will use these because 4 X 6 = 24. Accordingly, we can
rules quite a lot. say that ab + a = b because a X b = ab.
Can you find the products for the The rules for the division of signed
following problems? numbers also apply to the division of
signed terms in algebra. Th us:
(1) (2x - 3)(3x + 7)
+ 24-:- + 6 = + 4 because
(2) (2x + 3)2 + 4 x (+ 6) = + 24

(3) (5x2 - 4y 2 )(5x 2 + 4y 2 ) - 24 7 + 6 = - 4 because

- 4 x (+ 6) =- 24
(4) (6ab - c2 ) 2
+ 24-:- - 6 = - 4 because
- 4 x (- 6) = + 24
- 24-:- - 6 = + 4 because
(1) 6x 2 + Sx - 21 + 4 x (- 6) =- 24

Accordingly, our rules for division of b6
b6 + b4 = -
signed numbers and signed terms are: b4

If the dividend and tile divisor have -~X~X~X~XbXb

like signs, the quotient is positive. - ~x~x¥x~
bx b 2
If the dividend and the divisor have =-- = b
unlike signs, the quotient is negative.
And :

ab + b = a because a X b = ab

¢X ¢X c c
-ab + b =-a because -a X b = -ab <Ix¢ I

If you look at these examples closely,

ab+ - b = - a because -a X - b = ab you will see that we could have obtained
the same results by subtracting expo-
-ab + - b = a because a X - b = -ab

With this review and application of the a4 + a2 = a4 - (+2) =a'

general rules for division to letter prob-
lems, we are ready to look at the rules for b6 + b4 =b6 - (+4) =b2
handling exponents in division. You are
already familiar with the fact that a4 c3 + c2 = c3 - <+ 2 > = c
Thus, just as we can multiply powers with
aXaXaXa the same base by adding exponents, we
can divide two powers with the same base
and a2 means a X a. With this in mind, by subtracting exponents. Consequently,
let's divide a4 by a2 and see what we get
for an answer. a6 b3 + a5 b2 = ab

a4 _,. a2 =
We can prove these answers by multi-
plying the quotients by the divisors to see
=a Xa if we get the original dividends. Doing
= a2 this, we would have


and an exponent of one, or x 1 , and is equal to
itself; but, a factor with an exponent of
ze ro, such as b0 , can only be equal to the
number 1.
As we start working with division, we If we look further into this problem of
will find a few new situations regarding dividing by subtracting exponents, we
exponents. We know that any number will find that we can not only have
divided by itself is equal to one. Thus, positive exponents, such as I, 2, 5, etc. ,
and zero exponents, but we can also have
6 a 3 negative exponents. This would occur if
- =1 - = l -=l
6 'a '3 we had a division problem, such as a2 +
a 5 . This would be written either as
Now , if we follow our rules fo r dividing
by subtracting exponents, we can see that
a5 ~ X ~ X a X a X a
a3 l
-3 =1, = - - --
a a X ax a
that =-
a3 + a3 =aJ-(+J) =ao
or it could be written as
which must also equal one. Likewise,
az +as= a2-(+S) = a-3
- =I
a If our answer can be either 1/a 3 or a- 3 ,
a +a= a 1 -( + i )
then a- 3 must equal 1/a 3 . Thus, we can
say that any factor with a negative
exponent is equal to one divided by the
factor with the exponent positive.
Accordingly, x- 5 = l/ x 5 and c- 3 = l/c 3 .
and Once again, we can prove that the
- =I reasoning behind negative exponents is
a6 correct by multiplying. For example, x4
+ x7 = x4 -(+ 7 ) =x- 3 because x- 3 Xx 7
36 + a6 =3 6-(+6) = x- 3 + 7 = x4 or (x4 /x7 ) = (l/x 3 )
=a0 = 1
Thus, we have a new situation brought on 1
- X x7
by division which gives us an exponent of x3
zero, and any factor with a zero exponent
must equal 1. Remember, a factor by x'
= - =x4
itself, such as "x'', is considered to have x3

The problems of division in algebra can - .14a 2b 4 c 2ab 2
be broken down into three general (1)
- 7ab 2 c3 c2
considerations the same as multiplication.
First, we have the division of one mono- 4x3yS y3
mial by anoU1er. Second, we have the (2) - - =--
8xsy2 2x 2
division of a polynomial by a monomial.
Third, we have the division of a poly-
nomial by another polynomial. 28a 2 b 4 c3
(3) - 4a 2b
In our review of division in general and - 7b 3 c3
our studies of handling exponents in
division, we have covered the problem of - 16e 3 i2 r5
(4) = 4er 2
dividing one monomial by another mono- - 4e2 i2 r3
mial. There is only one more thing that
we must learn and that is what to do with
In order to divide a polynomial by a
the coefficients of terms. For example,
monomial, Jet's consider numbers for a
suppose we want to divide - L2a 3 x 4 y by
moment. 16 + 2 = 8 because 2 X 8 = 16.
4a2 x 2 y. We can set this up as
Thus, if 3(a t 4) = 3a + 12, then (3a + 12)
+ 3 must equal

3a + 12
- --=a+ 4.

and then break it up into Similarly, if

(-~~ (::) (::) (:) then

3x(2x + 3y) = 6x 2 + 9xy,

We can see that this will reduce to:

6x 2 + 9xy
(- 3) (a) (x 2 ) (I). 3x

Now, putting the quotients together we must equal

have - 3ax2 1 or just - 3ax2 , since any
quantity times one equals itself. 2x + 3y.
By breaking up our division problems
in this way and following the rules for Thus, we have a very simple rule for
division of signed numbers and expo- dividing a polynomial by a monomial. It
nents, we can see how division is is: Divide each term in the polynomial
accomplished. As a general rule, we will dividend by the divisor, and then collect
not need to do this, because the division the terms in the quotient with the proper
of most monomials by another monomial signs.
can be worked out mentally. For For example,
example, see if you can follow these
monomial divisions:

divided by 4a 2 b2 c can be set up as

8a2 b3 c-12a3 b2 c2 + 4a 2 b2 c
4a 2 b2 c
Fig. 4. Setting up a polynomial for division
equals by another polynomial.

Now, collecting our quotient terms, we

have our answer: 9z - x + 3xyz. Any
polynomial can be divided by any mono-
mial in this way.
In order to divide one polynomial by
another polynomial, we must arrange the
terms in a certain order before we
actually divide. To do this, we simply
make sure that all the terms in the
and dividend are arranged in the same order as
those of the divisor. In doing this, we
always place the term with the largest
exponent first. Thus, in the problem 3x2
+ 4 - 8x divided by 3x - 2, the divisor is
Now, collecting terms we have correctly arranged, but the dividend isn't.
Therefore, we must arrange it properly
2b - 3ac + l before we can proceed. Properly

for our answer. x

Another example: 2
3X-2/ 3X -8X+4
2 3X 2 -2X
X(3X)=3X SO,
X(3X-2) =3X 2 - 2X
divided by - 3x 3 y2 z4 is eq ual to:
- 27x3 y 2 z5
- - --=9z
- 3x3y2z4
and 3x-2/3x -BX+4

3X 2 -2X
-2(3X)=-6X SO,
-6X +4
-2(3X-2)=-6X+4 -6X+4

and ®
- 9x4 y3 z5
l~ig. 5. (A) First stc1>s in polynomial division.
3 i 4 = 3xyz
- 3x y z (IJ) Next stc11 in polynomial division.

arranged, it should be written
2X 2 +3X+ 14
3x 2
- 8x + 4. x-3/2x -3X 2 +5X-42
2X -6X 2
Now that we have our terms arranged 2
X(2X 2)= 2X 3 SO, +3X +5X
properly, we can set up our problem
2X2(X-3)=2X3-6X2 3X2 - 9X
exactly as we did with long division of
numbers shown in Fig. 4. Notice that we
X(3X)=3X2 SO, 14X-42
have the dividend set up under the
division sign and the divisor at the left. 3X(X-3)=3X 2-9X
Our process now is reaUy just plain long X(l4) =14X SO,
division, as shown in Fig. SA. 14(X-3) =14X-42
First, we see how many times the first
term of our divisor will go into the first
term of our polynomial dividend. For
Fig. 7. Another problem in polynomial division.
example, 3x will go into 3x2 x times,
because 3x times x is equal to 3x2 . Thus,
x becomes our first term in our quotient we place the - 2 beside the x in our
as shown. Now we multiply our entire quotient, as shown, and then multiply
divisor, 3x - 2, by x to give us our first our entire divisor by - 2. As you can see,
trail product of 3x2 - 2x. We place this this gives us - 6x + 4 as a trial product to
trail product under the proper terms of subtract from the dividend. Since -6x +
the dividend and subtract. 4 from -6x + 4 leaves no remainder, our
Our remainder from subtraction, division is complete.
plus the other term which we bring down In this way, we find that 3x2 - 8x + 4
from the dividend, can be considered to divided by 3x - 2 is equal to x - 2. To
be a new dividend, as shown in Fig. SB. check our answer, we simply multiply the
Notice the sign of the first term. Signs are divisor by the quotient to see if we can
very important in algebra. Now, we see get our dividend, as shown in Fig. 6.
how many times the first term in our Since our answer checks, our problem is
divisor will go into the first term in this correct.
new dividend. Since -2 times 3x equals To make sure that we understand this,
-6x, we will try the number 2 as the let's do another problem following the
second term i11 our quotient. To do this, rules. Divide

Sx - 42 + 2x 3 - 3x2
3X -2
X-2 by x - 3. Our first step is to rearrange the
3X 2 - 2X dividend in the proper order, which
- 6X +4 would give us

2x 3 - 3x2 + Sx - 42

Fig. 6. Checking the answer in polynomial Now, we set up the problem for division,
division. as shown in Fig. 7. Then, we see how

which is the term we subtract from our
new dividend. This makes our next
dividend l 4x - 42, as shown, and x - 3
will go into it exactly 14 times. Thus, our
answer is 2x 2 + 3x + 14. We can check
5 cx'>•5X~
this in the usual way, by multiplying the
1 1
5 (X - 2 l • 5X -IO
quotient and the divisor.
Some problems in division may not
come out exactly even. It is possible to
Fig. 8. Polynomial division with a remainder. have a remainder in algebraic division,
just as we do when working with num-
many times x will go into 2x3 • Since 2x 2 bers. An example of such a problem is
times x is equal to 2x3 , we place 2x 2 in shown in Fig. 8. Notice that we proceed
our quotient and multiply the entire to work it out just as we would any other
divisor by it. Since 2x 2 (x - 3) = 2x3 - problem until we get to a point where the
6x 2 , we use this as our first trial product first term of the divisor will not go into
and subtract it from the proper terms in the dividend. When we come to this
the dividend. point, we simply stop and carry the
Our remainder from this subtraction, remainder as a fra ction in our answer, just
plus the next term of our dividend , gives as we do in ordinary arithmetic.
us a new dividend of 3x2 + Sx to work ln Fig. 9, we have worked a problem
with. x will go in to 3x2 , 3x times, so 3x where the divisor is a trinomial. As you
becomes our next quotient term. can see, this is really no different from
the problems we have been working,
3x(x - 3) =3x2 - 9x, where the divisor is a binomial. You
shouldn't have any trouble following this
4 4
DIVIDE o2 b2 •o +b BY oz - ob + b 2
1. What is a monomial?
2. What is a polynomial?
3. Define binomial and trinomial.
4. What is an exponent?
o 2 ( o 2 l •a• SO, oJb•o + o
S. What is the numerical coefficient of
o 2 (oz -ob+ c'>- 2 2
a"b -o b •ob

o4 -o3 b + o2tl 2 4
the term 6a2 b3 c?
o' b -otf + b
2 2 3 4 6. Add lhe follow ing binomials: 3a2 b +
o b - ob • b
2b; a2 b - b; and - 2a 2 b + 4b.
ob <o'l • o3 b SO, 2
b ( ~ ' o• b2 SO , 7. Add the following:
ob(o'-ob+b') • b'(o -ab+b2 )•
o3b - o'b'+ ob3 0
- 0b
4 (a)
8x2 y + 9xy + 4y - 3
- 3x2 y + 2xy - 3y + 7
Fig. 9. A polynomial divided by a trino mial. 2x 2 y + xy + 2y - 2

(b) 2a 4 b 2 - a2 b 13. Subtract a+ b + c + d from 3a - 4b
- 2a 4 b 2 - 3a 2 b+ 3 + c - 6d.
- 6a 4 b 2 + 4a 2 b- 5 14. Subtract 4a + 7b from 2a + 6b.
15. Subtract 6a 3 - a2 b + ab 2 - b 3 from
8 . Add the following: 4a 2 b2 - 2b; 8a3 + 3a2 b - ab 2 + b 3 .
3ab2 + 2a; a2 b 2 - 3a 2 b + 3b + 3. 16. Multiply (a+ 2b) times (a - b).
9. Add the following: 17. Multiply (a 2 + 2ab + b 2 )(a + b).
18. Multiply (2a + 3b) times (2a - 3b).
(a) 4ab + 2a 19. Multiply (a 2 - 2ab + b2 ) by (a + b).
- 2ab - 4a- 3 20. Multiply (a - b) (a+ 2b 2 ).
ab- a 21. Divide (a 3 - 3a2 b + 3ab2 - b 3 ) by
(a - b).
22. Divide (64a4 - 8Ib 6 ) by (8a2 + 9b 3 )
(b) 3x2 y+ 2xy-2y 23 . Divide (a 5 - 3a3 +a) (a).
5x2 y + 3xy + 4y 24. Divide (x 3 + 2x 2 + x) by (x2 + x).
- 4x 2 y - xy + y 25 . (a + 2a 2 b2 + b4 ) 7 (a2 + b 2 ) .
26. (6x 3 + 12 - 7x - x2 ) 7 (2x + 3).
27. Divide 26x 2 + 15x3 + 10 - 39x by
10. Add the following: ab 2 + ab - 3a - 3x - 2.
b; a+ b; 3ab2 - b; ab+ 7a; ab+ 3. 28. What is the sum of the following
11. Subtract 6a - 4b + 2c from I la+ b polynomials?
- 2c. (- 9a b + 6a2 b2 - 5ab 3 ) + (14a 3 b +
12. Subtract 6a2 b + 3ab 2 - b 3 from a3 2 2
6a b - 5ab3 ) + (a 3 b - 3a2 b 2 -
- a 2 b+4ab 2 . ab 3 )

You have now learned how to do upset the balance of the whole equation.
aritlunetic with letters. Since many of For example, we can change 24 = 24 to
these fundamental operations of algebra 24 x l = 24, 12x x
2 = 24, 6 4 = 24, 6
were new lo you, you had a lot to learn x 4 = 12 x 2, 3x x2 4 =6 2x x2,
so we did not lake the time to see how etc., because our changes do not upset
they could be put to practical use in your the equality of the two members. Like-
work in electronics. Now, however, we =
wise, an equation such as 4lr + 4IR 4Ir
have covered most of the elementary + 4lR may be written in any of the
processes in algebra and it is time to see following ways:
how to put these new mathematical tools
to work in the solution of circuit prob- 4(Ir + IR) = 4lr + 4IR
lems. This can be done through the use of
equations. 4I(r + R) = 4Ir + 4IR
An equation is simply a mathematical
statement that two quantities are equal to 4l(r + R) = 4(Ir + IR)
each other. The two equal quantities in
an equation are called the "members" of because in any of these cases the equa-
the equation and they are always sep- tions remain balanced.
arated by an equal sign (=). Thus, the We can also do other things to equa-
mathematical statements that 12 = 12, 6 tions without disturbing their equality.
X 2 = 6 X 2, 6 X 2 = 12, or 6 X 2 = 3 X 4 For example, we can add or subtract a
are all equations, because the quantities quantity from one member of an equa-
on each side of the equal sign are equal to tion as long as we perform the same
each other. Sometimes, when we want to operation to the other member with the
be specific, we call the~quantities on the same quantity. Thus, if we have an
left of the equal sign the "left member" equation such as x = x, we can add the
of the equation and the ones on the right, same number to each side without de-
the "right member." stroying the equation. For example, let's
Although you may already be some- add 2 to each side of the equation x = x.
what familiar with equations and their This would give:
use, il will be helpful to review some of
the more common facts that you will use x+2=x+2
in working with them. Of course, the
most important tlting to remember is that We can see that this is still an equation,
an equation is always a statement of because if we let x = 4, and substitute for
equality between the two members, and x, we have:
that in order to use it, we must never
upset this equality or balance between 4 + 2 = 4 + 2, or 6 = 6,
the members. Thus, in an equation such
as 24 = 24, if we make any changes in one which is still an equation because both
member, we must be very careful not to members are equal. Likewise, if x = x, we

can subtract a number from either side, and that is that we ca11 never multiply or
as: divide either member by zero. We will
show you why we cannot divide by zero a
x - 3=x - 3 little later after you have become fa miliar
with working with equations.
and if x = 4 , then x - 3 = x - 3 becomes These rules for working with equations
are very valuable in working with fo r·
4 - 3 =4 - 3 o r 1 = I mulas. Formulas are, of course, equa-
tions, but they are a special kind of
We can also multiply or divide bo th equation. A formula is a rule or a law that
members by the same quantity. For is stated as an equation. Thus, both the
example, if ab = ab and we multiply both equations ab = ab, and E = l X R are
members by 2, we have: 2ab = 2ab . Or, equations, but only E = I X R is a
dividing by 2, we have (ab/2) = (ab/2). In formula, because there is a law that
either case, our equality can be proved by makes it a true equation. ln other words,
substitution. Thus if a = 3 and b = 4, ab = ab, or I X R = I X R are equations
substituting in the equatio n ab = ab, 3 X because they meet the requirements of
4 = 3 X 4 or 12 = 12. And, 2ab = 2ab, or any equation automatically. Both mem-
2 X 3 X 4 = 2 X 3 X 4, which is 24 = 24. bers are exactly the same, and therefore
Likewise, equal. However, the fact that E =IX R is
an equation is not apparent, and it
wouldn't be recognized as an equation
unless we knew that it was a statement of
Ohm's Law. Here, both members are
equal only by definition.
Since formulas are equations, we can
3X4 3X 4
use the rules for equations when working
2 2 . with formulas. Let's see how this can help
or us with a simple formula such as P = EX
I. Suppose we want to use this formula to
find the power in a circuit, but we don' t
. know the voltage, E. Instead of knowing
the values of E and I, we have the values
or of I and R. Since, according to Ohm's
Law , E = I X R, we can substitute IX R
6 = 6. in place of E in the power formula. Then ,
instead of P = E X I, we would have P = I
In all of these cases ou r eq uations remain X R X I, or P = I 2 R. By doing thls, we
balanced, because one member always have arranged our fo rmula so that it
equals the other. contains the quantities that we know the
From this, we can make the general values of, but we have not destroyed its
statement that we can do anything to one equality. We have simply replaced one
side of an equation as long as we do value, E, with an equal quantity, I X R.
exactly the same thing to the other side. The rules for equations also help us to
There is only one exception to this rule , rearrange formulas so that they indicate

directly the quantities we want to find. Jz2 - R2 = J(Xc)2
For example, the formula or
Jz 2
- R2 =Xe
Xe =Jz2 - Rz
teJls us how to find the impedance, Z, of
a circuit. Suppose, however, we want to
fmd Xe, but do not know the value of C Now our one basic formula is rearranged
or the frequency of the circuit. However, to give us Xe directly when Z and R are
we have been given the impedance and known.
can measure the resistance. In this case, Likewise, C may be found with the
we can apply the rules for working with formula Xe = (l/211'fC) by rearrangement
equations to rearrange as follows:

z = JR2 + (Xe)2 If

so that it indicates Xe from Zand R.

We do it like this: then
Xe X C=-X C

Then, squaring both members, we have

or I
(Z)2 = ( JR2 + (Xe)2 )2 XeX C=-.

which equals Then,

Xe X C -:- Xe = - -:- Xe
Z X Z = JR2 + (Xe)2 X JR2 + (Xc)2 21l'f
or Xe X C l
Xe 21l'fXc
z2 = R2 + (Xc)2 or l
Now, subtracting R from both mem- 21l'f'Xe
bers, we have
Many of our formulas themselves are
the result of the use of algebra and the
rules for equations. They are found or
derived from the knowledge of other
z2 - R2 = (Xc)2 facts.
For example, we often have the induc-
This indicates the value of (Xe)2. But tance of a circuit in microhenrys and the
we want only Xe itself, so we take the capacity in microfarads and want to find
square root of both members: the resonant frequency of the circuit. We

can do this using the formula
or r2 = -I- -
159 4112 LC
.JII and taking the square root of both
where L is in microhenrys, C is in sides
microfarads, and f is in kilohertz. This
formula is developed through the knowl· Jil= 411 2 LC
edge of other facts . For instance, at
resonance we know that: v'f
f = - -- - - - - -
ft x .,,;-;r x y'[C
211 = 6.28 and dividing l by 6.28 gives
also XL = 2nfL
. 159 so we can rewrite the equation as
and xe - -
- 2rrfC .159
f= - -
In the formula XL = 2nfL, f is in Hertz
and L is in henrys; and in Xe = (I where f is in Hertz, L is in henrys and
2nfC), f is in Hertz and C is in farads. C is in farads.
If we substitute L in microhenrys
Since and C in microfarads in this equation,
we must divide each value by
1,000,000 to convert them to henrys
and fara ds. Let's do this in the equa-
We can substitute for XL and Xe and get tion:

I .159
2nfL= - - f = - -,=========-
27TfC L c
- - - X - - --
1,000,000 1,000,000
Now, multiplying both sides by 27TfC we
get which can be written
27TfL X 2nfC = - - .1 59
27TfC f =- - - - -
or v/I ,000,000 2

47T 2 r2 LC = I which is
Now, dividing both sides by 47T2 LC we f= - - - -
47T2 t2LC
47T 2 LC 47T 2 LC This is the same as

f=--7 -
1 1,000,000
Although we can work with any
equations with the rules and infor-
Now recall that to divide one fraction mation that we have already studied,
by another we invert the divisor and there are some shortcuts which will
multiply. For example, let us work much faster and more
efficiently. They are aU derived from
I I I 4 4 the basic rules, so we won't have to
- 7- = -X -= -
3 4 3 1 3 learn anything new. We will simply
study the rules closely so we can see
Similarly, what the end results of the operations
6 6 2 12 arc and learn to apply them directly.
= x Moving a term from one member of
14 2 14 14
an equation to the other member is an
and operation that is quite common and is
called "transposing." The rule for trans-
.159 VI:C . I 59
- - x - - --
I ,000,000 posing is:
1,000,000 1 v'CC
A term may be rransposed from one
Therefore, m ember of an equation to the other
159,000 m ember by changing the sign of the
f term.

where f is in Hertz, L is in micro- Thus, in an equation such as

henrys and C is in microfarads.
To convert Hertz to kilohertz we z2 = R2 + x2
divide by 1000. Therefore,
we can transpose the X2 by simply
f = I 59,000 7 JOOO changing the sign to give
z 2 - x2 = R2
f = 159,000 x_1-
vri::c 1000
or transpose the R2 to give
f = ..!.22_ z2 - R2 = x2
where f is in kilohertz, L in micro- or both, to get
henrys, and C in microfarads. Thus,
through algebraic manipulation of z2 - R2 - x2 = o
letters and using the rules for equa-
tions, we derive a simple, casy-to- Using an equation with numbers shows
remember formula for finding the that doing this does not destroy the
resonant frequency. equality. For example:

If to give x = z. Or, an equation with
4 +2 = 6, numbers like 4 X 3 + 2 = 12 + 2 can
then be reduced to 4 X 3 = J2 by canceling
4 = 6 - 2, the 2's. As you can see , all we are
or doing when we cancel is to subtract
2=6 -4 the same term fro·m both members.
or Thus, x + y = z + y becomes x + y -
0 =6 - 4 - 2. y = z + y - y or x = z. Likewise, 4 X
Likewise , if 3 + 2 = 12 + 2 becomes 4 X 3 + 2 -
10 - 4 - 2 = 4, 2 = 12 + 2 - 2 or simply
10 - 4 =4 +2 4 x3= 12.
JO - 2 = 4 + 4 Another common rule is one that
or involves the signs of the terms in the
10 = 4 + 2 + 4. equations. Stated· sin1ply, it is:

The basic rule of equations that The signs of all the terms of an equa-
states that we can add or subtract the tion mllJl be changed without changing
same quantity from both members of the equality.
the equation allows us to transpose.
For example, in the equation Z2 = R2 Thus, an equation such as - x + y =
+ X 2 ' if we subtract X 2 from both - 4 + 3 may be rewritten as x - y =
members, we have: 4 - 3. In doing this, we are simply
multiplying both sides of the equation
z2 - x2 = R2 + x2 - x2 by the same number, -1. In our ex-
z2 - x2 = R1 ample,

Or, in the equation JO - 4 - 2 = 4, (- x + y)(- I) = (- 4 + 3)(- I)

adding 4 to both members, we have 10
- 4 - 2 + 4 = 4 + 4 which is equal or
to I 0 - 2 = 4 + 4. Thus, transposing
terms by changing the sign is simply a x - y = 4 - 3.
shdrtcut for adding or subtracting quan-
tities to both members. When you studied ratio and pro-
Using the same basic rule, we can portion, you learned to cross-multiply.
also make the statement that: Thus, (x/y) = (a/b) could be rewritten
as xb = ya . Cross-multiplication is also
We can cancel out like terms from the made possible through the rules for
members of an equation, if the same working with equations. When we do
term appears in each member, and is this, we are really multiplying both
preceded by the same sign. members by one term and then multi-
plying both members again by another
Thus, if we have an equation like x + term. Thus, (x/y) = (a/b) becomes xb
y = z + y, we can cancel the y's out = ya, because: If (x/y) = (a/b), then
x a solved by applying basic formulas,
b-=-b others will require more thinking and
y b
reasoning before the answer is found.
The use of algebra and a good working
-=a. knowledge of equations will be very
y helpful in these more difficult solu-
Again, tions. As you have seen, working with
xb letters is not difficult and the rules for
-y = (a)y
y operating with equations are both
simple and logical. However, to become
and xb = ya. Thus, cross-multiplication really proficient with algebra and equa-
is jusl a quick way of following the tions requires a lot of practice.
basic rules. One of the biggest difficulties in
Then, of course, we have the many arriving at circuit solutions is not in
operations with multiplication and divi- solving the equations themselves, but in
sion which help us so much with re- setting up the equations in the first
arranging our formulas. For example: place. This also takes a lot of practice.
E Although it is difficult, if not impos·
I =- because E =I X R sible, to operate by a strict set of rules
R for solving problems, there are a few
and general procedures that are worth
E IXR E E following.
- = - - - or - = I or l = - .
R R R R First, you should read the problem
so carefully that you thoroughly under·
Likewise, stand everything about it. Then, you
E should determine exactly what you
R = - because E == I X R want to know and represent it with a
I letter. If there are two or more un·
and known quantities, you should represent
them in terms of the first one. Next,
E IR E you should try to apply the formulas
- = - = -=R that will allow you to find the un·
I I I .
known quantity from the known facts.
If this is not possible, you should try
With these rules and. shortcuts in mind, to set up letter equations that will
and our knowledge of basic algebra, allow you to state the problem in
we are ready to practice solving equations. terms of the unknown quantity.
Finally, you should solve the equations
SOLVING EQUATIONS for the unknown value by substituting
letter and number equivalents that are
The purpose of learning to work available. Remember, you will often
with letters and equations is to make it save yourself a lot of time and effort
easier to solve the problems in working by working with letters as long as
in electronics. While many of the prob· possible before substituting numbers.
!ems will be straightforward and can be Now let's solve some simple equa-

tions, and later some problems, to see first. This gives us:
how we can apply these rules. In the
problem 3y - 6 - IOy + 60 = S

3i + I 4 + 2i = i + 26 Transposing:

solve for i. The first thing to do is to 3y - I Oy = S + 6 - 60

get all like terms together. We can do
this by transposing the "i" terms to Then:
one side and the numbers to the o ther
side. Thus, - 7y =- 49

3i + 14 + 2i = i + 26 Changing signs:

becomes 7y =49

3i + 2i - i = 26 - 14 Solving ~or y:

Then, collecting terms, we have: 4i = 7y

12 and then dividing both members by 7 7
4 to solve for i gives us
4i 12
-=- y = 49+ 7 = 7
4 4
Now let's try solving for E in the
or i =
3. equation:
We can always check this answer by
substituting this value of i = 3 back 19 - SE(4E + 1) = 40 - l0E(2E- l)
into our original equation. Doing this:
Removing parentheses:
given 3i + 14 + 2i = i + 26
19- 20E2 - SE= 40- 20E2 + lOE
then 3 X 3 + 14 + 2 X 3 = 3 + 26
and 9 + 14 + 6 = 29 or 29 = 29
-5E - IOE=40 - 19
Thus, our answer of i 3 must be =
correct because our equation is bal- Then:
anced if this value is used to check it.
- 15E = 21
Solve for y in the equation:
Solving for E:
3(y - 2) - 10 (y - 6) = S.

Here, we follow the rules of order and get

- 15E 21 21
- - = - - orE= - -=- 1.4
rid of the values within the parentheses - 15 - 15 - IS

Notice the cancellation of equal terms in a =b
the second step.
Earlier in our discussion of equations, Therefore:
we mentioned that we could never multi- 2b = b
ply or divide an equation by zero. This is
easy enough lo remember, but it is not Divide by b:
always so easy to realize that we are in
danger of doing it. Now that you are 2b b
-= -
more familiar with working with equa- b b
tions, let's examine this important rule
more thoroughly by working the follow- and 2 =I.
ing equation. First, let:

a=b Obviously, 2 cannot equal 1, and some-

where in our manipulation of the equa-
Multiply by a: tion, we have made a mistake· that has
destroyed its equality. Although all of
a2 = ab our steps seem justified, because we never
did anything to one member that we
Subtract b2 : didn't do to the other, we actually have
divided by zero at one point. Can you
a1 - b2 = ab - b2 find it? If a= b, then (a - b) must equal
zero. Therefore, when we divided both
Now, sides of our equation by (a - b), we were
dividing by zero, which we can never do.
a1 - b2 = (a+ b)(a - b) Setting u1> Equations. Now let's see
what sort of reasoning we have to do to
and set up an equation for solving a simple
problem . For example, consider the
ab - b2 = b{a - b) fo llowing problem: "What value of
inductance will produce resonance at 50
Therefore: Hertz if it is placed in series with a 20 µf
capacitor?" Looking at the problem care-
(a+ b)(a - b) = b(a - b) fully, we see that it deals with resonance
and that a resonant frequency and a value
Divide by (a - b): of capacitance are given. We are asked for
the inductance. Thus, we have:
(a + b)(;i---bT b(a.--b)
~) ~

Then: C =20 µf f =50 Hertz

a+b=b Find L

But, Since our problem deals with resonance,

we natu rally thi nk of our formula fo r 25,281
= - -- - -
resonance: .0 5 x .05 x 20
.159 25,281
f =- - = - -- -
y'[C .0025 x 20

Comparing this with what is given and 25,281

with what we want to find, we can see .05
that we have the necessary information to
use this formula and that L can be fo und = 505,620 microhenrys
with it, if it is rearranged. Accordingly,
we would first rearrange our formula to = .51 henrys (approx.)
indicate the value of L.
Doing this:
.159 1592 While this is a simple problem, it does
f = .J[C or f2 = - - show the basic reasoning behind the
handling of any problem. First, examine
the problem. Find a formula, if possible.
Arrange the formula to indicate the un·
1592 known. Check for proper units of mea·
L f 2 = --
C surement. Substit ute and solve for the
unknown. Now, let's try the procedure
L=- again on a more complex situation.
t'2C In the circuit shown in Fig. 10, sup·
pose we arc asked to find the resistance
Now, we can substitute our values in the of ~ from the values given. First of all,
formula and solve for L. However, before examination of the problem shows that
we do, we must check our units of we are given all the resistances except ~
measurement to see if the given values and we arc also given t he supply voltage
can be substit uted directly. In this par tic· and the current. Listing these values, we
ular problem, we cannot substitute them have:
directly because the formula f =
(159/YLC) is in kilohertz when L is in Given:
microhenrys and C is in microfarads.
Therefore, we must convert 50 Hertz to
kilohertz by moving the decimal three
places to the left. Thus,
R 1 = JOOD.
50 Hertz= .OS kHz

Now, using the fo rmula


If we had the total resistance of the =.2X 100
circuit, we could set up an equation
because we know the total resistance = 20 volts
must be equal to R1 plus the resistance of
the parallel branch made up of R 3 in If we have a source voltage of 100 volts
parallel with R2 and ~. The resistance and a voltage drop of 20 volts across R 1 ,
of this b ranch can be expressed using the we must have I 00 - 20 = 80 volts across
formula for parallel resistors and treating the parallel branch. Now let's find the
R2 and ~ in series like a single resis- current through R3 which we can do
tance. The resistance of the parallel using
branch R1> is
R3(R2 +Rt) I= -
R =- -- - - - R
P R3 + (R2 + Rt)
Thus, the total resistance of the circuit =--
RT is 800

= .1 amp

If the total current is .2 amp and.lamp

Now in this equation we do not know flows through one branch of the parallel
the value of RT or ~. But we do know circuit, the current in the other branch
the total voltage &r and the total current must also be . I amp. Therefore we have
Ir so we can find Rr. . I amp flowing through R 2 and R4 .
We know the voltage across R 2 and~
in series is 80 volts. Let's find the voltage
across R 2 using:
Thus, it looks Like we can use the
equation expressing RT in terms of R1 ,
R2 , R 3 , and ~ to solve for Rt. Indeed
we can do, but look at the term for
the resistance of the parallel branch.
= .1 x 200
Notice we have ~ in both the top and
bottom of this expression. We will have = 20 volts
to do a great deal of manipulation before
we can solve fo r ~. Before we start on means the voltage across R4 must be
t his task, let's look at the circuit again to 80 - 20 = 60 volts. Now we know the
see if any easier solution is available. voltage across R 4 , . 60 volts, and the
First, notice that the total current is .2 current through it, .1 amp, so we can find
amp. This means that the current through ~using:
R 1 is .2 amp so we can easily find the
volt age drop across the resistor using:

60 Now you can determine the total
.I current flow in the circuit and then find
the voltage across R 1 • Once you have this
= 600 ohms voltage you should be able to find the
total voltage. Work out this problem
Thus we have solved the problem, using a using the values given. The answer is 188
series of simple steps and avoided some volts.
complicated work by taking a second Thus, by applying the simplest formula
look at the problem. or equation that we can, and working
In a similar fashion, we could solve for through the problem a step at a time, we
Er if we had the following values given can find the solutions to many different
for the circuit in Fig. 10 types of problems. As you can see, one of
the greatest difficulties is in choosing a
Given: R 1 =350.Q basic equation that can be made to use
our known quantities. We want to be sure
R2 = 300.Q to choose the equation that will lead to
the simplest solution. This takes sound
reasoning and a lot of practice. Once you
learn to do, your knowledge of
algebra and equations will let you solve
the problems readily. You will get some
Find Er if the voltage drop across Ri more practice in this type of work as you
is 60V. study the "j" operator in the next sec-
First , since you know the voltage tion.
across Ri and the resistance of Ri, find
the current through Ri. Once you have
this current you can find the voltage
across R2 because the same current flows
through R2 and ~. When you get the 29. What is an equation'?
voltage across R2 , you can find the 30. Which of the following can we not
current through R3 because the voltage do to an equation?
across R3 wiU be equal to the voltage (a) Add the same number to each
across R2 plus the voltage across Rt. side.
(b) Multiply each side by the same
(c) Divide each side by 0.
(d) Subtract the same number from
each side.
(e) Square each side.
31. What must be done to a term before
it can be transposed from one side of
an equation to the other?
32. What is a fonnula?
Fig. 10. Circuit used for solving for the resis- 33. Using the power formula P = 12 R,
tance of R4. solve for R.

34. Using the formula P = 12 R, solve for 39. ln this diagram, if the current
1. through R2 is 2 amps, what is the
35. Solve for L in the formula XL = value of ET?
36. Solve for fin the formula:
R1 =25 A

Xe= - -

37. Solve fo r E using the power formula: 40. Find the source voltage in the circuit
p =-

R2=10 fl.
38. Solve for Xe in the formula: R4=5 n
Z =v'R2 + (Xe - XL) 2

The J Operator
The "j" operator, or j multiplier as it is components. Those that represented
sometimes called, is simply a device that quantities that led the reference vector by
allows us to represent a vector mathe· 90° were laid out vertically from the
matically. Through the use of · this j center towards 90°. Those that were
operator, we are able to simplify a great exactly 180° out of phase were laid out
deal of work in ac circuits. Instead of on the horizontal scale, pointing from the
having to lay out a vector accurately for center towards the left, or 180°. Those
each separate value of resistance or that represented quantities that lagged
reactance, we can simply state them all the reference vector by 90° were drawn
mathematically and then compute their down the vertical scale from the center
final value algebraically. This is a great towards 270°.
advantage in dealing with the complex Thus, any vector that was laid out so
arrangements found in tube and transistor that it pointed towards 90° was con-
circuits as well as any other complex ac sidered to lead a vector at 0° and lag a
circuit. vector at 180°. Similarly, a vector point-
Being able to compute vectors math- ing down towards 270° was considered to
ematically means that we can multiply lag a vector at 0° and lead a vector at
and divide vectors as easily as we can add 180°. Because of this, we arrived at the
or subtract them. This in itself is some- statement that vectors could be rotated
thing that we have never been able to do counterclockwise about a common point
before. In this section of the lesson, we to indicate phase relationships or the time
will see exactly what we mean by the of an occurrence.
term "j" and how it can be used as an In this way, vector A in Fig. 11 leads
operator in ac circuits. We will learn how 0° but lags 90°. In the same way, vector
to do j arithmetic, and then we will apply B leads 90° but lags 180°, vector C leads
these new principles to ac circuit calcu- 180° but lags 270°, and vector D leads
lations. 270° and lags 0°.



When you studied vectors you learned

that they could be used in electronics to
represent the time or phase as well as the
magnitude of ac circuit quantities. In
constructing vector diagrams, we used
two scales at right angles to each other,
like those shown in Fig. 11. Our reference
vectors were laid out from the center of 270°
the scale to the right towards 0° and were
used to represent zero time or in-phase Fig. 11. Rotation of vectors.

90° When we studied signed numbers, we
used a horizontal scale similar to the one
"J" A FORCE II J" we use in our reference diagram for
_90_0~9-(f_.__A___ oo vectors. We represented positive numbers
as starting from the center at 0 and
J2A working toward the right, as shown in
Fig. J 3. Our negative numbers started at
the center and progressed toward the left.
270° ln Fig. 13, we have shown the same basic
vector reference diagram as we used in
Fig. 11 and 12, but we have also included
Fi~. 12. Usingj to rotate a vector.
the positive and negative scales along the
horizontal line as shown.
In your study of algebra, you learned Along our reference line, we have
that you could represent any quantity or drawn vector A to represent an in-phase
value by a letter. Therefore, let's consider vector + 5 units long. If we multiply this
that a fo rce acts upon vectors to cause vector A by j 2 , it wili rotate 180° and
them to ro tate in this way, and that this point towards 180° as shown. Now,
force can be represented by a letter value. according to our scale of positive and
Further, let's assume that the amount of negative numbers, this new vector j 2 A
this force necessary to rotate a vector 90° will equal - 5. This is as it should be
is represented by the letter j. because anything 180° out of phase with
Now, let's draw a vector, A, ten units +5 must be equal to - 5 because it is
in length, along the reference line from exactly opposite. Just what is minus 5?
the center toward 0° as shown in Fig. 12. One explanation is that minus five is plus
In this position the vector is in phase with five times minus one, because +5 X (-1)
the reference and occurs at time zero. If = -5 . If this is the case, then j 2 must be
we now multiply the vector by j, which equal to -1, becausej 2 X (+5)=-5,just
represents a rotating force of 90° , we as - 1 X (+5) = - 5.
must consider that the vector will rotate
90° counterclockwise and point towards
90° as shown by vector jA in Fig. 12. 90°
Thus, multiplying the base vector A by j
has resulted in its being rotated through FORCE J 2
90° until it becomes the new vector jA.
Likewise , if we multiply our new -OR 180°----~---0°0R+
-10 -5 OA+5 +10
vector jA by j, it will rotate another 90° J2 A=-5 A=+5
and become vector j ·jA or j 2 A and will
point toward 180° as shown. Multiplying +5X-l=-5
by j again will make our vector rotate J2 A=J 2 X+5 270°
another 90° to become j·j 2 A or j 3 A l5=-5
pointing towards 270° . One more multi-
plication by j or j-j 3 A gives us j 4 A and
brings the vector back to its starting
point. Fig. 13. Diagram of j 2 = -1.

Thus, any time that j 2 is used to
represent a force for rotating vectors, j2
will always be equal to -1, and -1 is
substituted immediately for j 2 . lf j2 =
- 1, then j must be equal to .;:::I. Thus, R=6
the value of j is often referred to as being
imaginary because there is no number
equal to P because I X 1 = J and -1
X (-1) also= I. There is no number you
can multiply by itself to get - I! When- Fig. 14. Diagram of Z =6 + j8.
ever a j2 term appears in a problem
solution, we eliminate it by substituting
-1 , but where a j term appears we simply component drawn towards 0°, and any
leave the j in the term because there is minus quantity or one with a j 2 multi-
nothing we can substitute for it. Thus, in plier will represent a vector drawn out of
the term 6 + j8, the 6 is called the real or phase towards I 80°.
in-phase component and the j8, the Thus, if we have a series circuit con-
imaginary or quadrature component. sisting of a resistor and a coil, we can
Now let's go a step further. If j 2 = - 1, represent the impedance vector with a
then j ·j2 or j 3 must be equal to - J •j or binomial term. For example, suppose the
- j. We have already represented vectors resistor has a resistance of 6D. and the
drawn down the vertical line toward 270° coil has an inductive reactance of 8D.. We
as being a reference vector tin1es j 3 , so can say that the impedance of the circuit
either j 3 or - j times a vector must rotate is equal to (6D. + j8D.). As soon as we see
it so that it points downward toward the j in the impedance notation, we can
270°. lfj·j =j 2 o r - 1 andj·j2 or j3 = j · visualize a vector diagram like the one
- 1 or -j, then j 4 representing a full 360° shown in Fig. 14. Here the 6n has no
rotation o f a vector is equal to j 3 ·j , or multiplier so it is drawn along the ref-
j 2 · j 2 or - I X (-1) = + 1. Once again this erence line I and represents the in-phase
is as it should be, because any vector component. The j in the +j8D. tells us
rotated completely around the diagram that this quantity is drawn upward at
will be back where it started and repre- right angles to the in-phase component, as
sents a positive or in-phase value. shown.
Once we understand this use of the Similarly, if we see a notation such as:
letter "j" as an operator for determining E = (- 100 - j 60), we can visualize a
the final position of a vector, we can use
it in our work in electronics. Any time
that we have a quantity multiplied by j,
we will immediately know that it is a
vector q uan tit y pointing toward 90°.
Similarly, if we have a - j or j 3 qua ntity,
we will know that it represents a vector
drawn down towards 270°. Any positive
quantity without a j or one with a j 4
multiplier can be treated as an in-phase Fig. 15. Diagram of E = (- 100 - .i60).

I or a new vector equal to 15 - jS. To
I prove that this mathematical solution is
-------~~--------+ 1 correct we can check it against a mea-
t oj. surement solution .
First, let's draw our two vectors, (10 +
jS) and (S - j IO) as shown in Fig. J7A.
Now, there are two methods which we
Fig. 16. Diagram of Z = 50 + j 2 30. can use to add vectors. We can break
them both down into their components
and add t he components as we learned to
resultant voltage vector that has an ER of do in our lesson on vectors, and as shown
- 100 volts for one component and an in Fig. l 7B. Or, we can add the two
Exe of 60 volts as another component, as vectors head to tail on the same diagram
shown in Fig. JS. Another vector such as by being careful to place them i11 their
proper position regarding the refer ence
z =so+ j330 line, and t hen draw a resultant vector, as
shown in Fig. l 7C. In either case, the
would be immediately recognized, as components of the resultant vector are
shown in Fig. 16. In this way, we can the same and equal l S - j5 , which is
represent any vector as a simple binomial exactly what we got mathematically so
term. AU we have to do is remember the our mathematical solution must be
position values of our various j multi- correct.
pliers. To subtract one vector from another,
we can also work mathematically with
J ARITHMETIC our binomial terms, or we can solve them
with diagrams. For example, let's subtract
Since we are able to represent any vector B from vector A, as shown in Fig.
vector mathematically as a binomial term 18. As you can see from the diagram in
through the use of j as a multiplier, we Fig. 18A, vector A can be written as 8 +
can solve any vector problem through the
use of algebra. For example, we learned ADD VECTOR IO+JS TO VECTOR 5·JIO

¥- @ +:,,,
that the sum of two binomials such as (Sa
+ 66) and (3a - 46) would be

Sa + 66 + 3a - 46 = 8a + 20. i\:·· ®
Likewise, the sum of a vector such as (10
+ jS) and another equal to

(S - jlO)

would be © ®
Fig. 17. Adding vectors with diagrams lo prove
(I 0 + jS) + (S - j 10) = I 0 + S + jS - j 10, mathematical solution.

t,,... .-P
J 10: .Q;J
is equal to - 4 + j4, as it was with the
other method.
A·B= Subtracting vectors mathematically is
e much simpler. We simply subtract the
binomial notations of the vectors just as
we would subtract any binomial terms.
For example, vector B from vector A will

-(12) (8 + jlO) - (12 + j6)

© =8+jl0 -12 -j6

=- 4 + j4
Fig. 18. Subtracting vectors with diagrams.

which is the same as we got with our

j l 0 and vector B can be written as 12 + diagrams. This mathematical method of
j6. There are also two ways that we can subtracting vectors is especially valuable
subtract vectors with a diagram. Let's in complex problems dealing with many
examine them. vectors at many different angles. For
First, there is the resolution method example, consider the vectors A, B, C,
where we break each vector into its two and D in Fig. 19. Suppose we want to add
components. Then we take the compo· vector A to vector B and then subtract
nents of the vector that we are sub- vectors C and D from this sum. Math-
tracting, reverse their directions and then ematically this becomes:
add them head to tail, as we do in adding
vectors. Notice how similar this is to the (15 + j3) + (6 - j9) - (- 8 + j4)
subtraction of signed numbers. We reverse - (+ 9 -jl2)
the direction of the subtrahend (change
the signs) and then proceed as in addi- = 15 + j3 + 6 - j9 + 8 - j4 - 9 + j 12
We have done this in Fig. 18B where
A• 15+J3
the j 6 and +12 components of vector B 8. 6 - J9
have been reversed in direction and then c. ·8+ J4
added vectoriaUy to the j 10 and +8 O• 9- Jl2

components of vector A. As you can see,

this gives us a new vector with compo- A+B-C-0•20+J2
nents of - 4 andj4, or simply -4 + j4. We
can also subtract vectors by subtracting
them directly, as shown in Fig. l 8C. Here
we simply reverse the direction of vector
B and add it head to tail to vector A,
being careful not to change its position in
regard to the reference. Then, the result Fig. 19. Addition and subtraction of vectors
drawn from the tail of A to the head of B by diagram.

=15+6+8 - 9+j3+j12 - j9-j4 = .8+jl6 - 6

= 29 - 9 + j I 5 - j 13 = + 2 + jl 6.

= 20 + j2 Thus, our resultant vector from this

mul tiplication is equal to a vector of 2 +
The diagram gives us the same thing, but j16, as shown in Fig. 20B.
what a lot of work and confusion it is! Notice that we have not only increased
Multiplication and Division. In our the length of the resultant vector by
work in electronics we may want to multiplying, but we have also increased
multiply or divide two or more vectors. the angle of this vector from the refer-
The vectors may represent voltages, cur- ence line. If we stop and think a moment,
rents, or impedances of various values at we will have to agree that this should
different phase angles. The j operator will happen because we are multiplying a
be very handy in this case because there is rotating force by a ro tating force when
no purely graphical means of multiplying we multiply j by j. Further, remember
or dividing vectors with different phase that j alone is enough to rotate a vector
angles. However, as we learned in algebra, 90°, while j 2 rotates it 180°. Looking at
it is quite simple to multiply or divide this,
Since we studied the multiplication 90° + 90° = 180° andj X j = 180°
and division of binomials earlier in this
lesson, we should not have any trouble Thus, multiplying j by j is the same as
with the mathematics. Our only job now adding the two 90° angles. Now, if you
is to make sure we understand how we measure the angle that vecto r A makes
represent our vector resultant. Suppose with the reference line and add it to the
that we want to multiply vector A by angle that vector B makes with the
vector B. As shown in Fig. 20A, vector A reference line, the sum of these two
is equal to (2 + j3) and vector B is equal angles will equal the angle of the resultant
to ( 4 + j2). To multiply these two vectors vector.
we simply multiply the binomials which In our problem: Since </>A = 56° and
gives us: ¢B = 27° , then

2+ j3
</>A + <t>B = 56° + 27° = 83°.
x 4+ j2
If we measure the angle of the resultant
8 + jl2 vector AB, we will find that its angle is
+ j4+j 2 6 exactly 83°. In addition to this relation-
8+ j16+j 2 6 ship between the angles, there is a rela-
tionship between the lengths of vector A
and vector B in the resultant vector AB.
But, remember j 2 is equal to - l, so 8 + If we determine the length of vectors A
jl6+j 2 6becomes and B through measurement or by using
the Pythagorean theorem, we will find
8+jl6+6(-1) that A is equal to 3.61 and B is equal to

@ ®




SCALE : 11~ = I

•A+•B ••(AX B)
~ A =56° •A= 56°
~ B =27° •B= 27°
~AB s83°
Fig. 20. Multiplying vectors.

4.47. Then if we multiply these actuaJ In the problem that we just discussed,
lengths of A and B we find that A X B = both of the vectors that we multiplied
3.61X4.47=16.13. Now, either through were made up o f positive values. Let's see
measurement or by using the Pythagorean what happens if we multiply a vect or
theorem, we can aJso determine the such as 12 + j9 by another vector equal to
length of our resultant vector AB. It is 7 - j6. Multiplying our binomial, we
equal to: have:

= v'4+256
= 84 + j63 - j72 - j2 54

=84 - j9 - 54{-l)
= 16. 13
= 84 + 54- j9
to two decimal places. Thus, our resultant
in vector multiplication is a new vector = 138-j9
that is equal lo the product of the length
of all the vectors multiplied and that Here, as you can see, we had one vector
forms an angle with the reference that is to the right and above the reference, and
equal to the sum of the angles of all the another to the right and below the
vectors multiplied. If we stop and think a reference. The resultant is a vector that is
moment and have understood our pre- to the right and below the reference.
vious operations with vectors, we will see Now, suppose we wanted to multiply
that this is what should happen. the fo llowing vectors together:

(8 + jl 6) x (5 + j2) x (2 + j3) and the denominator by 2 - j3, we will
not change the value of our fraction, but
This would give us: we will get rid of the j term in our
denominator. For example, we will have:
8 + jl6
5 + j2 (2 + jl6) (2 - j3)
40 + j80 (2 + j3) (2 - j3)
+jl6+j 2 32
40 + j96+ j232 4+j26 - j 2 48
4 - j29
4 + j26 + 48
40 +j96 + j2 32
2+ j3
80 +jl92 + j 2 64
52 + j26
+ jl20+j2288+j396
80 +j312 + j 2 352 + j 3 96 13

Then: 13(4+j2)
80 + j312 + j 2 352 + j 3 96
=80+j312+(352X- l)
+ (96 x - j) =4 +j2
= 80 - 352 + j3 l 2 - j96
= - 272+j216 Thus, 2 + jl6-:- 2 + j3 = 4 + j2. For proof
Even though all our multipliers were to of this, check Fig. 20 again. As you can
the right and above the line, our resultant see (4 + j2) X (2 + j3) are the vectors we
is to the left and above. Notice that thej 2 previously used in this multiplication
term was resolved to its value of - 1 and problem and our product was 2 + j 16.
that the j 3 term resolved to its equal Similarly:
value of - j.
ln order to divide vectors, we simply 138 - j9-:- 12 + j9
divide our binomial representations of the
vectors invplved. The easiest way to do 138- j9
this is to set up the division as a fraction 12 + j9
and then clear the j term from the
denominator. For example, if we wish to (138 - j9) (J 2 - j9)
divide a vector such as 2 + j l 6 by a vector
(12 + j9) (12 - j9)
equal to 2 + j3, we would set our division
up as a fraction:
1656 - jl350 + j2 81
2 + j16 144 - /81
2 + j3
1656 - j 1350 - 8 J
Then, if we multiply both the numerator 144 + 81

1575 - jl350 2. The quotient vector will be at an
225 angle to the reference line that is equal to
the difference between the angles of the
=(7 -j6) vectors divided.

Thus, we have two ways that we can

To prove our answer we simply multiply multiply or divide vectors. We can multi-
our quotient (7 - j6) by our divisor ( 12 + ply or divide the binomial representation
j9) to get our dividend of 138 - j9. of the vectors as we have learned to do in
Notice that each time we clear our j term this section, or if we know the vector
from the denominator by multiplying our length we can use it. To multiply, we find
numerator and denominator by the same the product of the lengths and the sum of
number. This number is always a the angles. To divide, we find the quo-
binomial that is exactly the same as the tient of the lengths and the difference of
denominator except that the sign of the j the angles.
term is reversed. Such a term is called a We mentioned earlier that there was no
"conjugate" term. You'll notice that each purely graphical way to multiply and
time we get a j 2 term or any even power divide vectors. While we can do some of
of j , the j term disappears because j2 = the work graphically, we must always
-1. Remember, in algebra we pointed out perform some mathematics on the side.
that (a - b) (a+ b) =a2 - b 2 • Thus, if we Even then, the process of finding the
have (a - jb), we can multiply it by (a + product or quotient in this way is very
jb) to get a2 -j 2 b 2 and eliminate thej. tedious and involved. Since we already
Similarly, if we have a + jb, we can have two methods for finding the prod-
multiply it by a - jb to eliminate the j. ucts or the quotients mathematically, and
Thus, we can say that we multiply both since either of these methods is much
the numerator and the denominator by simpler and faster than the simplest
the conjugate of the denominator to clear graphical method, it will not be worth-
the j term from the denominator. while for us to study the graphical (plus
When we multiplied two vectors to- some math) methods.
gether, we discovered that the product In this section of the lesson, you have
was a new vector equal in length to the learned to perform arithmetic operations
product of the vector values at an angle with vectors. You have learned how to
equal to the sum of the angles of the add and subtract vectors, how to multiply
vectors multiplied. In dividing vectors, and divide by vectors. You will perform
the opposite relationship exists. If we all four operations in solving even fairly
divide one vector by another and then Jay simple ac circuit problems.
out the dividend vector, the divisor vec- In the next section we will complete
tor, and the quotient vector in a diagram, the study of the j operator and the
we will find that: binomial representation of vectors, by
applying what you have learned to some
1. The quotient vector is equal in circuit problems. To test your under-
length to the quotient of the length of standing of this chapter perform the
the dividend vector divided by the length indicated operations in the self-test ques-
of the divisor vector. tions which follow.

SELF-TEST QUESTIONS 49. (2-jll)-(19-jl7) - (4+j6)
SO. (-6 - j18) - (- 12 - jl 4) - (-2 -
Make the following computations:
sJ. (7 + j6)(3 +j2)
S2. (11 + j2) (2 - j7)
41. (3 + j6) +(7+j 2) S3 . (-2 - j9)(-3 +j4)
42. (7+ j2)+(9 - jl7) S4. (8 - j7)(-3 + j5)
43. (9 - j4) + (- 3 + jS) SS. (3 + j2) (4 + j6) (S - j8)
44. (8 + j3) - (4 + j7) S6. (30 + j30) + ( 4 + j2)
4S. (17-j6)-(ll - j8) S7. (60-jll) +(S- j6)
46. (3 + j7) + (8 - j 13) + (7 + j8) S8. (69+jl7)+(4 - j3)
47. (16-jl3)+(-ll+j4)+(S -j 2) 59. (44-·jl68) + (7 - j9)
48. (23 + j l4) - (17 + j26) + (1 -j3) 60. 2S5 + (6 + j7)

Using The J Operator
In Circuit Operations
The best way to make sure that you the current vector in this position, we
understand representing vectors with must have a - j term in the current.
binomials by using the j operator is to Now let's look at the circuit in Fig.
work with them in circuit calculations. ln 21B. Here we have a resistance and
this way, you will get some practice with capacitance in series. We know the cur-
j arithmetic as well as some more experi- rent must lead the voltage so we must
ence in solving circuit problems. We will have a phase relationship like the one
start with some simple series ac circuits, shown in Fig. 2 1D. This means we must
and then examine some parallel and have a +j term in the current.
series~parallel combinations. If, after we
have done this, you feel that you still
need more practice, try applying these
methods to some of the ac circuits you 0
have worked with in your other lessons.
In analyzing and working the circuit
E=234V R=6.n.
problems in this section, we will use the
mathematical solutions and the j oper-
ator. However, we will still use vector
diagrams to help visualize the circuit
quantities and their relationships. But , -t..---i)
since we are not going to use the diagrams
for our actual calculations, we will not E=234V R=6.n.
need to draw them to scale. Thus, for
every problem, we will have a simple
diagram to use in our analysis and a
mathematical solution for the diagram.
Tllis is by far the best way to work with
..,.~------• E = 234 V
any ac circuit problem.
Series Circuits. In the circuits shown in
Fig. 2 1 we are to find the current. Let's
consider the circuit at A first. Si.nee we
have an inductance in the circuit along @
with a resistance, we know that the
voltage will lead the current, or another
way of saying the same thing is that the • E=234V
current will lag the voltage. Thus, since
we are given the value E = 234V, and we Fig. 21. The vector diagrams at C and D show
draw it at 0° , as in Fig. 21C, then the the phase relationships between the voltage and
current must lag it as shown. To position current in the circuits shown at A and B.

We know that capacitive reactance is that inductive reactance should be repre-
the opposite of inductive reactancc so sented by a +j term which means that
one must have a +j sign and the other a - j capacitive reactance will be represented
sign. But which should be + and which by a - j term. Now let's solve Fig. 21B ,
should be-? The answer is we must use using 6 - j9 as the impednnce, and see if
the signs that make the current come out we get a +j in the curren t term.
with the correct sign. Let 's see what this
means. We know that in an ac circuit
E I =-
I= -
ln the circuits in Fig. 21 the voltage is
234 volts, the resistance 6 ohms, and the 6- j9
reactance 9 ohms. Thus, in one circuit Z 234 (6 + j9)
= 6 + j9, and in the other circuil Z = 6 -
j9. Now, let's solve the current in both (6 - j9) (6 + j9)
circuits and then we can see whether a +j
ter m represents inductive or capacitive 1404 + j2 106
rcactance. 36 - j 2 8 1
E 1404+ j2J06
I=- = - -- - -
z 117
234 =1 2+jl8
=- -
6 + j9
234(6 - j9) Thus we have a +j term in the current. In
= fact, notice that the only difference in
(6 + j9) (6 - j9) the two current values is in the sign of the
1404 -j2106 j term which is what we might expect
= since the reactances are eq ual.
36 - j2 81 Remember: Inductive reactance gets a
+ sign and capacitive reactance a - sign.
1404 -j2I06
Now, let's do another example.
= In the circui t shown in Fig. 22A, we
are asked to find the impedance . An
=1 2- jl8 examination of the circuit shows that it is
a series circuit consisting of resistances,
Now, since we already know that in the coils, and capacitors. Accordingly, we
circuit with the inductive reaclance we know that the impedance must be equal
need a - j term in the current, this to the vector sum of the resistances and
represents the current in Fig. 21A, and 6 reaclances. Therefore, in the diagram in
+ j9 must represent the impedance of the Fig. 228, we have made a simple sketch
circuit in Fig. 2 1A. Therefore, it appears of the vector relationship of all the

Z = R 1 + R:i + R3 + R.i + jXL1
+ jXL2 - jXc 1 - jXc2 and,

Z = 1s·+ 2o+s+ 10+j30+jJ O

-jl5 - j 5

z = 50 + j40 - j20 = so+ j20

Xlt Rt ~R3 R4 Thus, we can draw a resultant vector

Xc1 +50 diagram as shown in Fig. 22C where Z =
Xc2 SO + j20. Since the j term in our resultant
vector is only used to indicate the direc-
® © tion of the final reactive component, or
the sign of the resultant phase angle, we
Fig. 22. Series ac circuit and vector repre- can drop it while we compute the imped-
sentation. ance with our formula Z = -JR 2 + X2 .
Thus, the impedance is: .
components. Since it is a series circuit
and the current is common , we have used z = v'so2 + 202
a reference line, I, as a base for the
diagram. All the resistance vectors are = -J2soo + 400
indicated along this reference line to
show the total effect of the "in phase"
components. Voltages across the resis-
tances will all be in pliase with I and = 54Q (approximately)
hence fall along this reference vector.
The voltage across any coil in the Therefore, we can write the impedance of
circuit will lead the current by 90° if we our circuit in two ways: As a vector, Z =
neglect its resistance, so XL vectors are 50 + j20 or from the result of our
drawn so that they lead the resistance computation as: Z = 54Q (approx).
vectors by 90° . This conforms with what To show that ei ther of these answers is
we just discovered, that inductive reac- perfectly correct and acceptable, we can
tancc terms are +j terms. The voltage examine the circuit a little further. Sup-
across the capacitors, on the other hand , pose that we are told that the current in
will lag the current, so the Xe vectors are the circuit is equal to 4 amps and asked
drawn so that they lag the resistance to find the voltage. We know that E = IZ,
vectors by 90° . Now, notice that the Xe so let's substitute both of our answers for
vectors are - j vectors. The resistance Z in this fom1L1la and see what we get.
vectors, of course, are in phase and are First, if E = I X Z, then E = 4 X 54
simply represented as the positive number (approximately) or about 21 6 volts.
terms. Next, if E =I X Z, then
Now, from our knowledge of circuit
laws, vectors, algebra, and the j operator, E =4(50 + j20) =(200 + j80) volts.
we can write the following equation for
the circuit impedance: Now, since Br =VER 2 + Ex 2 and 200 =

ER and j80 = Ex , we have, by dropping we stiU know that Z is equal to the sum
the j, of the resistances and the reactances, and
we can draw our vector diagram as shown
Br = .J2002 + 802 in Fig. 238. Also, Z will be equal to ET+
I and ET will be equal to the sum of the
= -)40,000 + 6400 individual voltage vectors, as shown in
Fig. 23C. Since we are given the total
=-)46,400 current, the frequency, some of the indi·
viduaJ resistances or reactimces, some of
= 216 volts (approx.) the voltage drops, and a value of capaci-
tance, we can find the impedance of the
Although either the vector representation circuit either way. The information given
of the answer or the numerical repre- is adequate to give us anything we need
sentation is correct and acceptable, the to know. For example, using Z = R±jX,
vector answer is often preferred as it we have: Z = R±jX = R 1 + R2 + jXL -
indicates our phase angle and leading j.Ac 1 - jXc 2 and Z =
voltage. Thus, we would say that our
ER 2 . EL . . (159000)
impedance was (50 + j20)U and our Ri + -- +J - -JXc1 - J - - -
voltage was (200 + j80)V. 1 I fC 2
Now, let's look at the circuit in Fig.
23. Here we also have a simple series Therefore,
circuit, and are asked to find the imped- 159000)
ance. But, instead of being given all the Z =50+ 15+j50-j40 - j
( 60X 20
resistances and the reactances, we are
given an assortment of values. However, and

159000 1590
- - = --= 132.5£1
60 x 20 12


Z=65 +j50 - j40-j 132.5 = 65 -jl22.5

as shown in Fig. 23D.

Using the other method, we would

Z = ET+ I = (ER 1 + ER2 + jEx L

- jExc1 - jExc2) +I,
-J 122.5

Z = [(IR, ) + ER 2 + jEx L - j(IXc 1)
Fig. 23. Series ac circuit with vector diagrams. - j(IXc2)] +I

Now: Parallel Circuits. In our earlier ac cir-
cuit calculations, we have worked almost
exclusively with series circuits. Although
parallel circuits and series-parallel circuits
= 01(159000 ~ 1200)) can be solved by using vector measure-
ment solutions alone, the vector diagrams
=j(l32.51) generally become quite complex and
difficult to work with. However, now
Thus, Z = that we have a method of solving ac
circuits mathematically, we shall be able
IR1 + ER2 + j(ExL) -j(IXc 1 ) - j(l32.5I) to handle these more complex circuits.
The major difference in working with
parallel circuits is in the choice of a
reference. In your study of de circuits,
you learned that the current divides in
E .(E ) the branches of a parallel circuit while the
Z=R 1 +~+~
l I voltage across all the branches is com·
-j(Xc1)- jl32.5 rnon. This is just the opposite from a
series circuit where the current is com·
~ 45 j(.J 50) . .
= :>O + - + - - - J40 - Jl32.5 mon and the voltage divides. The same is
3 3 true for ac circuits, so the general rules
for de circuits will apply to ac circuit
=50+ 15+ j50-jl72.5 solutions. Therefore, in our work with ac
parallel circuits, we will use the circuit
= 65 - jl22.5 voltage as a reference instead of the
which is the same answer we got the current as we did in most of the series
other way. By using the Pythagorean circuits. This difference in the choice of
theorem, we can further find that: the reference value is very important.
Now, let's look at the simple parallel
circuit in Fig. 24. Here, our circuit
contains a coil in one leg and a resistor in
=,,/4225+15006 the other leg. The voltage applied to the
circuit is applied equally to each branch.
= v'T9Tif However, the current as shown by an
ammeter in each leg is different in each
= 13%1 (approximately) branch. The total current in the circuit is
equal to the sum of the current in the
Notice that we always drop the j when we branches. What is this total current?
use the Pythagorean theorem, because the
j only indicates the position of the
impedance vector and there is no way to
indicate this in a monomial such as 139.
However, we can use the sign of the j
operator to indicate the direction by
saying "139U capacitive." Fig. 24. Simple ac parallel circuit.

Since one branch has an inductive reference is along the horizontal and
current and the other branch has a points to the right, we must draw
resistive current, we cannot add the two current vector downward, as shown in
currents together numerically. We must Fig. 25C, in order to show this lagging
add them together vectorially just as we effect. Thus, our IL vector is a -j value.
would the voltages in a series circuit. J f Therefore, our total current vector for
we draw a vector diagram for this addi- the circuit would be indicated math·
tion , we have to use the voltage as our ema tically as
reference line since the voltage across
each branch is the same. Thus, we would
lay out our reference line and label it E as
shown in Fig. 25A. Next, we want lo as shown in Fig. 25C.
represent our current vectors for each leg. Now, if we substitute the given values
First, we take a vector representing the for the two currents shown in Fig. 24,
current in the resistance branch and draw our total current would equal:
it along the reference line, E, and label it
IR , as shown in Fig. 25B. We draw this
vector along the reference to show that
the current through the resistive branch is =3 - j4
in phase with the common voltage.
Nex t, we want to represent the current dropping the j
through our inductive branch as a vector.
Now, we know that neglecting the resis-
tance of the coil, this current will lag the
voltage by exactly 90°. Since our E =v'9+16

-----.- • E

0 ®

---.-~-+---+- E

© -J -J @
F ig. 25. Parallel circuit solution.

j48000 + 36000
1600 + 900
=5 amps
j480 + 360
Our j operator was minus, so our total
circuit current is 5 amps (lagging) as 25
shown by the vector IT = 3 - j4 = 5, in
Fig. 250. =14.4+jl 9.2
If we want to find the impedance of and our impedance total written as a
this parallel circuit, we can proceed in vector would be (14.4 + j19.2). Then,
two ways. The simplest way is to use the applying the Pythagorean theorem to this
total current and the applied voltage in vector, we would find:
our formula E = IZ and therefore Z =
(E/I) or, in our circuit, Z = (120/5) = z =J(I4.4) 2
+ (19.2)2
24D. If we were relying on only vector
measurement solutions for parallel cir- = y207.36 + 368.64
cuits, this would be the only way we
could find the impedance. The reason for =.J576= 24U
this is that the formula for resistances or
impedances in parallel is This, of course, is the same answer that
we got for the impedance by dividing the
Z1 X Z2
ZT total voltage b y the total current.
Z1 + Z2 While the impedance of any parallel
circuit can be found using either method,
and we have no purely graphical way of you can see that it is much simpler and
multiplying or dividing the vectors. quicker to use the first method. The
However, since we know how to use current can be found by addition of
the j operator, we can multiply or divide vectors and then a simple division allows
these vectors mathematically. Therefore, us to find the impedance if we know the
we can use this fonnula to find the total voltage. The other way requires both the
impedance. In the circuit shown in Fig. multiplication and division of vectors
24, we would have: which can become quite complex. In fact,
in complex circuits, it becomes so in·
volved mathematically that it is almost
never used.
Because of this complexity, a method
40030) of finding impedance has been worked
40 + j30 out that involves the addition of current
vectors, even though the voltage is not
jl200(40 - j30) known. For example, consider the circuit
in Fig. 26. Here we have a resistor, a coil,
(40 + j30)(40 - j30) and a capacitor in parallel. We are asked
to find the impedance and we have the
j48000 - j 2 36000 values of Xe, XL , and R given. Since we
1600 - j 2 900 have no values of either current or voltage

= 4 + j6 - j3


Fig. 26. Parallel circuit with Xe, R 1 , and Then,

XL. Find Z.

given, it would seem that we will be

forced to use our impedance form ulas.
Suppose, however, that we assume a
circuit voltage of 120 volts. If we do this,
then we can find the current that would
flow in each branch with thjs assumed and IT = 5 amps leading (notice the sign
voltage applied to the circuit. It would of j) with an assumed voltage of 120
be: volts.
Now, applying our formula Z = (E/I),
E 120 we have Z = (120/5) = 24S1. Thus, an
le =-=-=6amps assumed voltage forces a total current
Xe 20
through the circuit that gives us an
E 120 impedance of 24Q. The interesting thing
IR=-= -=4amps and
R 30 ' is, that no matter what voltage we
assume, the computed current will always
E 120
IL = - = - = 3 amps. be a value such that our impedance for
XL 40 this circuit will work out to 24Q. Thus,
we can assume any voltage for a paraUel
circuit , compute the total current forced
Now , we can add these currents using the
j operator to find the total current that
would flow for the value of assumed +J
voltage we have chosen.
Laying out a vector diagram for refer-
ence as shown in Fig. 27, we would use
our conm1on reference E as a base. Then
our IL vector would be drawn down
toward - j to indicate the current lag
through the coil. The vector for le would
be drawn up toward +j , indicating the Ir=4tJ6 -J3
leading current through the capacitor.
Finally, the IR vector would be drawn
along the reference to indicate the in Ir =5A
phase current through the resistance.
Now, our problem becomes math- Fig. 27. Vector solution of I for circuit in
ematically: Fig. 26.

L=.106 HENRY B. Since we want the total current, we
would want to find the current in each
leg and then combine them. Starting with
C=22 I uf
branch A, we must first find XL and then
find IA as follows:

f = 60 Hz = EA 7 (R1 + jXL)
=EA 7 (R, + j27TfL)
Fig. 28. Series-parallel ac circuit. =650 7 (30 + j6.28 x 60 x .l 06)
=650 7 {30 + j40)
through the circuit by this voltage, and 650 (30 - j40)
then divide to find the impedance. Natu- {30 + j40) (30 - j40)
rally, in doing this, we always assume a
value of voltage that will make our 19500- j26000
problem as simple as possible. Try 900 - j 2 1600
assuming a couple of different voltages J95-j260
for the circuit in Fig. 26, and then =
compute the current and impedance. You 9 + 16
will see that 24.Q is always your answer 195 -j260
for this circuit. 25
Series-Parallel Circuits. The next prob-
lem is to learn to combine our knowledge = 7.8 -jl0.4
of series circuits with our knowledge of
parallel circuits for series-parallel combi- Now, notice that I A is the current
nations. Generally, we do this just as we through the series circuit of branch A, yet
would for de circuits. We break our we have it broken up into a j binomial.
circuit down into simple circuits which This probably seems strange since you
we solve one at a time, and then combine know that the current is common in a
our answers. For example, let's consider series circuit and the current through the
the circuit shown in Fig. 28. coil is the same as the current thro ugh the
Here we have a coil in series with a resistance. Although it is true that we
resistor in one branch which is in parallel have only one current through the series
with another branch containing a resistor branch, this current is made up of the
and a capacitor. We are given R 1 , R2 , L combined effects of the resistor and the
and C, the total voltage, and the fre- coil. Therefore, this current is a vector
quency. We are asked to find the total that can be considered to consist of two
current and the total impedance of the components just the same as any other
circuit. First solve each of the two vector.
branches separately, then combine them The vector diagrams in Fig. 29 may
to find the total current, and then find help you to understand this. In Fig. 29A
the total impedance. we have shown the impedance vector 30
The best way is to proceed as follows: + j40 which we found in the first few
Let's call the branch with the coil, branch steps of our equation. Since this is a series
A, and the one with the capacitor, branch circuit, we have used the current as a

+J 0

XL= :/Jo"')~ \
J40".t'?° IA LAGS EA
@ R1=30
-J ©
Fig. 29. Vector relationships f.or branch A. (Not to scale.)

reference for this diagram. Now, if we cedure and solve for the current in branch
were to represent the voltage for this B as follows:
series circuit vectorially , it would extend
along the same line as the impedance 10 =Es 7 z0
vector, as shown. T hus, the vector dia-
gram in Fig. 29A shows the relationships =Es 7 (R2 - jXc)
of the impedance, the current, and the
voltage. Notice that the current lags the =Es 7(R2 -/ 59000)
Now, when we get ready to combine 159,000)
650 7 5
branch A and branch B, we will want to = ( - j 60 x 221
use the voltage as a reference because it is
common to both branches. When we do
this, we would have to show the current
for branch A as a vector lagging the
voltage, as shown in Fig. 29B. Thus, 650(5+j12)
either Fig. 29A or 29B shows the proper (5 - j 12)(5 +j 12)
relationship between the current and the
voltage. In order to compute with this
current vector using the j operator, we
wou.ld want to break it up into its
components. We can do in the
diagram, shown in Fig. 29B, because E is
the reference. That is why we simply f----+-'-+E9
divided the voltage EA by the binomial of
the impedance vector rather than solving
for the monomial impedance. In this way,
our current is already broken into its
binomial term, ready for use in com- @
bining with branch Bas soon as we divide
the voltage by the impedance. Fig. 30. Vector relalionships for branch B.
Now, we follow the same general pro- (Not to scale.)

3250 + j7800 +J
25 - j 144

3250 + j7800
25 + 144

3250 + j7800
--~-= 19.2+j46.1 E

The vector diagrams for this are shown in

Fig. 30 in the same manner as those in
Fig. 29. Notice that in the diagram in Fig.
29A, the inductive terms are positive or
+j to show that the voltage leads the
current reference. However, when we use -J
the voltage as a reference, as in Fig. 29B,
the current term must be negative, or -j,
Fig. 31. Vector addition of current in Figs.
in order to show this same lag. Likewise, 25 and 26 (not to scale).
the sign changes in Fig. 30A and 30B
show the same thing except that they are
opposite because we are dealing with E 650
capacitance or leading current. Z =-= - - = 14.5 oluns
I 44.7
Now that we have found the current in
the two branches, we simply add them as
In solving circuit problems such as this
shown by the vector diagram in Fig. 31
it is wise to set up a complete equation in
and the following mathematical solution:
the beginning. In this way you get
straight to the heart of the problem and
save yourself from doing a lot of work
= (7.8 - jl0.4) + (19.2 + j46.1) finding things that you do not need. As
an example , we found only the binomial
=7.8+ 19.2+j46.l - jl0.4 expressions for current and impedance in
the circuit we just completed. We did not
=27+j35.7 bother to find the numerical values of the
quantities until the last moment. Also, we
= ../272 + 35.72 did not have to find the voltage drops
across the individual components. The
=y729 + 1274.5 proper circuit equations will keep you
from spending unnecessary time solving
= y2003.5 for quantities you do not need. Stated as
a complete equation, this last circuit
= 44.7 amps would have been:

Now , the impedance is: Given: ET= 650V

f = 60 Hertz
z,. = - - - - - - - -
R 1 =30S1 E-r
- -- - +
Ri + jXL R2 - j Xc
R2 =5S1
And: jXL =j(27TfL)
L = .106h jXc = j(l 59000 + fC)

c = 221 µf Therefore:

find IT z,.
ZT=- ---- +----1)--9
IT R1 + j2nfL R2 - j
and fc
I,.= IA+In
T his is the complete circuit equation and
gives us z,. in terms of our known values.
ZT =ET+ (IA+ ls)
We can now solve for z,.and apply the
Py thagorean theorem to get ZT as a
monomial answer. Ohm's Law will then
Bu"t: IA =EA + ZA
give us I,..
In Fig. 32, we have a more complex
Ia =Ea +Zn
series-parallel circuit. In this problem, the
resistances and reactances are given; you
But: Ea =EA = E,.
are to find the total circuit impedance.
Examination of the circuit will show
that the total impedance "Z,." is equal to
the vectorial sum of R1 XL 1 and Xc 1 in
IA =Er +ZA
series with the combined impedance of
the three parallel branches. For con-
ls =E,. +Za


z,. -

Now: ZA =R1 + jXL

Za =R2 jXc

Therefore: Fig. 32. Series-parallel circuit pro blem.

venience , we will refer to the combined impedance of the three parallel branches as "Zb ".
We can now write the equation fo r the total circuit impedance:

We will first find the value of Zb . Later, we can find the total circuit impedance.
Nei ther the source voltage Es nor the voltage drop across any part of the circuit is
given. However, we can simplify the work by assuming that a voltage "Eb" exists across
the three parallel branches and use this voltage as a reference. Now, we can write the

where lb is the total current flowing in the three parallel branches. Regardless of the
assumed voltage Eb, the impedance of the parallel branches will remain the same since the
current is proportional to Eb divided by Zb.
The current lb is t he vectorial sum of the currents flowing through the three individual
parallel brnnches. We will use 11 to represent the current through R2 and Xc 2 , 12 for the
current through R3, Xc3 and XL 2 , and l3 to represent the current through Rt and XL3.
Then, we can write:

Substituting this in the equation for the impedance of the parallel branches gives us:
zb =
I 1 +12 + l3

The current flowing through each of the parallel branches is equal to the assumed voltage
divided by the impedance of the individual branches. The branch currents then are :
Eb Eb Eb
I =- I2 =- 13 = ~
I z, ~ Z3

We can now write the equation for the combined impedance of the parallel branches:
Zb= - -- --
Eb Eb Eb
- + - +-
z, ~ Z3

Let us assume that Eb is equal t o I OOV (we can assume any value for Eb and still get the
same final answer fo r Zb) and substitute 100 for Eb in the equation:

- --+ +
55-j20 10+ j40-j56 25+jl7.5

z ------------------------
b -( 100 55+j20) ( 100 10+j16) ( 100 25-jl7.5)
55-j20.55+j20+10-jl6.10+j16 + 25+jl7.5°25-j17.5

100(10+jl6) 100(25-jl7.5)
- - -- + + - -- 2- -
3025 - j 2 400 100-j2 256 625 - j 306

Now, since j2 =-1

- --------------~
100(10+j16) 100(25-jl7.5)
--~-+ +-----
3025 + 400 100 + 256 625 + 306

zb ---- ---
- 5500 + j2000
- - - -- -- --
IOOO+j1600 2500-jl750
-----+ -----+-----
3425 356 931

zb -- - - - - -- - - - ---
- (1.6 + j.58) + (2.8 + j4.5) + (2.7 - jl.88)

z - -100
b - 7.1 + j3.2

100 7.l-j3.2
Zb= - - -
7.l + j3.2 7.1 -j3.2

7.IO - j320
zb = -6-0-.2--

Zb=ll.8 - j5.3U

Now solve for the total circuit impedance:

ZT =(5 + j67 - j55) + (11.8 - j5.3)U

Zr = 16.8 + j6.7U

Then from the Pythagorean theorem, the total circuit impedance is equal to 18.l ohms.
In this lesson, we have studied two math subjects that will be especially important in
your work in electronics - algebra and the j operator. With a knowledge of these two

subjects, you will be able to resolve complex ac circuit vectors mathematically . As you
can see, this is a far more accurate and less tedious method than solving these problems
by laying out and measuring vectors. However, we are still missing one very important
fac tor of ac circuits. We are able lo determine whether the current leads or lags the
voltage, but we cannot tell what the actual phase angle is by mathematics alone. The only
way we can determine the phase angle is to draw our final vector resultant to scale and
then measure the angle of lead or lag with a protractor. In our next reference lesson on
mathematics, we will learn how to compute the phase angle mathematically and then go
on to consider power and resonance in ac circuits in more detail.


61. One leg of a parallel circuit contains an impedance equal to (3 + j4), the other leg
impedance equals (8 - j6). What is the total impedance of the circuit?
62. If the impedance vector of a series circuit equals 40 - j30 and the applied voltage is
l 00 volts, what is the current in amps?
63. A series circuit consists of R1 , R2 , R3 , C 1 , C2 , L 1 , and Li connected in series. What
is the impedance of the circuit if R 1 = l 2 ohms, R2 = 17 ohms, R3 = 11 ohms, Xc 1
= 75 ohms, Xc 2 =SO oluns, XL 1 = 40 ohms, and XL2 = 60 ohms?
64. What is the total impedance of a series circuit that contains the following
impedances: I+ j6, 3 - j2, 4 - j7, 3 + jl4, 7 - jl?
65. In the circuit shown fin d the total current, the voltage across the coil, and the voltage
across the capacitor. What is the name given lo this t ype of circuit?

_·o. .f_v. ________ __.Txc· 10.n

66. If an alternating voltage of 117 volts is connected across a parallel circuit made up of
three legs, with a 3QQ resistance in one leg, an inductive reactance of l l 7Q in one
leg, and a capacitive reactance of 39Q in one leg, what is the total current drawn
from the source?
67. A parallel circuit is made up of four branches, three of the four branches being pure
resistances of 16, 16, and 8 ohms, respectively . The fourth branch has an inductive
reactance of 6n. What is the total impedance of the circuit?
68 . A series circuit consisting of a 12-ohm resistor, a 20-mfd capacitor and a .1 henry coil
is connected across a 150-volt, 120-Hertz ac source. What is the current in the
69. Find the current through the capacitor in the circuit shown.

__ x_c_=4_0_n-~+-~--~) ~~:::.::..,
70. What will the current be in the circuit shown when it is operated at its resonant



! T
71. Find the impedance of the circuit shown below.

Z=? IOO.!l.

Answers To Self-Test Questions
1. A monomial is a mathematical ex- 12. a3 - a2 b + 4ab2
pression containing only one term. - 6a2 b - 3ab2 + b 3
2. A polynomial is a mathematical ex- a3 - 7a2 b + ab 2 + b3
pression containing two or more
terms. 13. 3a-4b+c-6d
3. A binomial contains two terms while -a- b-c- d
a trinomial contains three terms.
2a- Sb - 7d
4. An exponent is a number which is
normally placed to the right and
14. 2a+ 6b
above a term. It means the number
- 4a- 7b
of tin1es the term is to be multiplied
by itself. -2a- b
5. 6.
6. 3a2 b + 2b lS. 8a3 + 3a2 b- ab 2 + b 3
a2 b- b -6a3 + a2b- ab 2 + b 3
-2a2 b + 4b +2a 3 + 4a2 b- 2ab2 + 2b3
2a2 b+5b
16.a +2b
7. (a) 7x2y+ 12xy+3y+2 a - b

(b) -6a 4 b2 - 2 a2 + 2ab

ab - 2b 2
8. 4a 2 b2 - 2b a2 + ab - 2b 2
+ 3ab2 + 2a
a2 b 2 - 3a2 b + 3b + 3 17. a2 +2ab +b 2
Sa2 b 2 -3a2 b+3ab 2 +2a+ b+3 a+b
a3 +2a2 b + ab 2
9. (a) 3ab - 3a - 3 a2 b +2ab 2 +b 3
(b) 4x2 y + 4xy + 3y

10. ab 2 + ab- 3a-b

+ a+ b
3ab2 _ b 18. (2a + 3b) (2a - 3b) = 4a 2 - 9b 2
+ ab+ 7a
+ ab +3
4ab + 3ab+ Sa - b + 3 19. a2 - 2ab +b 2
a +b
11. 11a + b - 2c a3 -2a2 b + ab 2
- 6a + 4b- 2c a2 b - 2ab 2 +b 3
Sa+ Sb- 4c a3 - a2 b - ab 2 + b3

20. a - b 25. a4 +2a2 b2 +b4 (a2 +b2 )(ii2+ b2 )
a+ 2b 2 .; +b2 az +b2
a2 -ab
+ 2ab 2 - 2b 3 = a2 + b2
2 2 3
a -ab+ 2ab - 2b
26. 3x2 - Sx + 4
3 2
2x +3/6x - x - 7x+l2
2 1. a2 - 2ab + b2
6x 3 +9x2
a- bfa 3
- 3a2 b + 3ab 2
- b3
-J0x2 - 7x
a - a b
- J0x 2 - 15x
- 2a 2 b + 3ab2
- 2a2 b+2ab 2
+ 8x + 12
+ 8x + 12
ab 2 - b3
ab2 - b3
or (a - b)2 27. 5x2 + 12x - 5
3 2
3x-2/ 15x +26x - 39x+ 10
22. 64a 4 - 8Ib 6
15x3 - J0x 2
8a2 + 9b 3
+ 36x2 - 39x
(8a2 + 9b3) (8a2 - 9b3) + 36x2 - 24x
- 15x + 10
8a2 + 9b 2
-15 x+ 10
= 8a2 - 9b3
28. - 9a3 b+ 6a 2 b2 - 5ab 3
23 . a5 - 3a 3 +a + J4a 3 b+6a2 b2 - 5ab 3
a + a3 b- 3a2 b2 - ab 3
+ 6a 3 b+9a2 b2 - llab 3
a(a - 3a2 + l)
a 29. An equation is a mathematical state-
ment that two quantities are equal to
= a4 - 3a2 +I each other.
30. (c) Division by 0 can not be done in
24. x3 + 2x2 + x mathematics.
31 . The sign of the term must be
x2 + x
32. A formula is a rule or law which is
x(x 2 + 2x + 1)
stated as an equation.
x(x + I)
33. p
(x+l)(x+l) 12
34. • ~
=x+I =VF:
35. XL flowing through R 1 . Therefore, R 1
L= -
2rrf drops (25 ohms X 3 amps) = 75
volts. Thus, the total applied voltage
36. I is 75 volts plus 30 volts equals 105
f= volts.
2rrCXe 40. 95 volts. First find the current
E 5
37. E=~ through ~ . 1 =- =- = 1 amp. Then
R 5
tlnd the voltage dropped by R3 . E =
38. Xe = XL + Jz 2
- R 2 IR = 1(20) = 20 volts. Thus, the
voltage across R2 must be 5 volts +
20 Volts = 25 volts. Consequently,
the current through R2 is: I = E/R; I
(Xe - XL)2 = z2 - R2 = 25/ 10 = 2.5 amps. This means that
the total current through R 1 is 1
Xe - XL =Jz 2
- R2 amp + 2.5 amps = 3.5 amps. Now,
find the voltage dropped across R 1 :
Xe =XL + Jz 2
- R2 E = IR; E = 3.5(20); E = 70 volts.
Thus ET = 70 volts + 25 volts =95
39. I OS volts. First solve for the voltage
across R1.
41. 3 + j6
7 + j2
10+ j8
42. 7 +j 2
ER 2 = 30 volts. 9 - j17

Since R3 is in parallel with R2 it 16-jl5

must also drop 30 volts. Thus, we
can find the current through R3 :
43. 9 - j4
E - 3 + j5
l= -
R 6 + jl

I =-
30 44. 8 + j3
- 4 - j7
I= I amp. 4- j4

Now, the total current in the circuit

is equal to the sum of the currents in 45. 17 - j6
the two parallel branches or 3 amps. - 11 + j8
This means that 3 amps of current is 6+ j2

46. 3 +j 7 53. - 2 - j9
8 - jl3 -3 + j4
7 +j 8 +6 + j27
18 + j 2 - j 8 - j 2 36
47. 16 - jJ3 = +6 + jl9 + 36 = 42 + jl9
-1 1 + j 4
5- j 2
10 - j J l
54. 8- j 7
- 3 +j 5
48. 23+jl4
- 24 + j21
- 17-j26
+j40-j 2 35
1- j 3
-24 + j61 - j2 35
7 - jl5
=-24 + j61 + 35 = 11 + j61
49. 2 - j .IJ
-1 9+j 17
- 4- j 6
55 . 3+j2
-21 4 + j6
12 + j8
so. - 6 - j18 + jl8 + j 2 12
12 + j26 + j2 12
+ 2 + j2l
8 + jl7 = 12 + j26 - 12 = j26

Now multiply j26 times 5 - j8

51. 7+j 6
3+j 2
5 - j8
21 + j18 j 26
+ j14 + j 2 12
2l+j32 +j 2 12
=j 130 + 208 = 208 + j 130
=21+j32 -1 2 =9 + j32
52. 11 + j 2 30+j30 30+j30(4 - j2)
56. - - -
2- j 7 4+j2 (4+j2)(4 - j2)
22 + j 4
- j77 - j 2 14 120 - jl20- j 2 60 = 180 + j60
22 - j73 - j 2 14 16 - j 2 4 20

= 22 - j73 + 14 = 36 - j73 = 9 + j3

57. 60-jl1_60 - jll(5+j6) 61. (4 + j2) ohms. There are two ways to
5 - j6 (5 - j6)(S + j6) work this problem. One method is to
substitute the given impedance values
= 300 + j305 - j2 66 = 366 + j305 into the formula for two impedances
Z1 Z2
25 - j2 36 61 in parallel, Zi- = . Another
. Z1 + Z2
=6 + j5 method is to assume an applied
voltage; solve for the current in each
leg; solve for the total current; and
finally solve for the total impedance.
69+ j l7 69+ j J7(4+ j3) Although the latter method sounds
58. - --
4-j3 (4 - j3)(4+j3) involved, it is usually the easier of
the two. The solution using the
276 + j275 + j 2 51 second method is given below. An
16 - j 2 9 applied voltage of 100 volts is
assumed. You could have assumed
any other voltage and arrived at the
= 225 + j275 =25(9+j1 1)
same answer.
25 25


44 - j 168 44 - j 168 (7 + j9)

59. =-- - - - -
7 - j9 (7 - j9)(7 + j9) 100 100 (3 - j4)
I -
I - 3 + j4 3 + j4 (3 - j4)
308 - j780 - j2 15 12
49 - j281 100 (3 - j4) 100 (3 - j4)
= 1820 - j780 = 130 (14 - j6)
130 130 = 12 - j l6

= 14 - j6 E
I2 =-
60. 255 255 (6 - j7)
- -= - - -----'--
6 + j7 ( 6 + j7)(6 - j 7) 100 100 (8 + j6)
=--=--- --
8 - j6 (8 - j6)(8 + j6)
J 530 - j I 785
36 + 49 =100 (8 + j6) = 100 (8 + j6)
64 - j 2 36 100
1530 - jl785 85(18 - j21)
= = - - --
85 85 = 8 + j6

= 18-j21

= (12 - j 16) + (8 + j6) 64. (18+jlO)ohrns.

= 20 - jlO

E 100 100 ZT = (1 + j6) + (3 - j2) + (4 - j7)

z = -= =- -- +(3+jl4)+(7 - jl)
IT 20 - jlO 10(2 - jl)

10 10(2+jl) ZT = (18 + j!O)

= -- =
2- jl (2 - j l )(2 + j l) 65. IT = 25 amps.

l0(2+jl) EXL = 250 volts.

= = 4 + j2
EXe = 250 volts.
62. 2 amps. First convert the impedance
fromj operator form to ohms. Scries-resonan t circuit. This is a series
resonant circuit since Xe= XL.
z=JR 2
+ x2 This means tha t the I 0 oluns of
capacitive reactance is exactJy can-
z = J40 2 + 302 celed by the l 0 ohms of inductive
reactance. Therefore, the only
Z=yl600+ 900 opposition to current flow is the
E 100
4-ohm resistor. Thus, Ir = - = - =
z =y2500 z 4
25 amps. And EXL = l(XL) = 25 X
Z = 50 ohms l 0 = 250 volts. Also, EXc = l(Xc) =
25( I 0) = 250 volts.
Now find the current.
66. (3.9 + j2) amps or approximately 4.4
E 100 amps.
J =- = - = 2 amps
z 50

E 117
63. (40 - j25) ohms. IR = - = - =3.9amps
R 30
Z = R1 + R1 + R3 - jXe, E 117
le = - - - = 3 amps
- jXc2 +jXLI + jXL2 Xe 39

Z= 12+ 17+ l l - j75-j50 E 117

I =- =-=lamp
+ j40 + j60 L XL 117

Z = 40 - j 125 + j l 00 IT=3 .9+j3 - jl

z = 40 - j25 IT = (3.9 + j2) amps

IT = V(3.9)2 + (3 - 1)2 E
I = -- - - -
R + jXL - jXe
[T =V(3 .9)2 + (2)2
I= - - - - - -
lT=.JlS.21 +4 R + j 2nfL - J. _ I -

I= E
12 + j (6.28) (120) (.1)
IT= 4.4 amps .1S9
67. 3 .33 ohms. - j 120 (.000 02)
I = -- -- -
First assume an applied volcage . Any 12 + j7S - j66
value will work but 48 volts is
particularly convenient. 150
I= - -
12 + j9
lSO 50
I= =--
IR 1 = 48/16 = 3 amps 3(4+j3) 4+j3
S0 (4-j3)
I= - - -- -
lR2 = 48/ 16 = 3 amps (4 + j3) (4 - j3)
=so (4 - j3) so (4 - j3)
I R3 = 48/8 = 6 amps 2
16 - j 9 2S
LL = 48/6 = 8 amps
I= 8 - j6
IT = (l2 - j8)
I = V(8) 2 - G6)2
IT I = IO amps
48 48 69. lamp.
Z= =- - -
12 - j8 4 (3 - j2) Ee
le = - ; Ee= EL; EL = rL (XL);
12 (3 + j2) Xe
(3 - j2) (3 + j2) Ee= 40 volts

36 + J24 . 40
le = - = I amp
= 13 =2.77+jl.84 40
70. SS amps.
= V(2.77)2 + ( 1.84)2 = 3.33 amps.
At resonance XL =Xe and the two
68. (8 - j6) amps or 10 amps. cancel each other. Thus, the only
opposition to current flow is the
I=- 2-ohm resistor. I = E/Z; l = 110/2; l
z = 55 amps.
71. S10 ohms. -j2000 - j 2 10,000
z,. = 20

10,000 - j2000

Zl = 0- jlOO Z,. = 500 - j I 00

Z2 =20 + jlOO zT = Jsoo2 + i 002

ZT =)260,000
z __- _j1_0_0_(2_0_+....;j_l_OO_)_
T - -j l 00 + (20 + j J00) zT = s1on

Lesson Questions
Be sure to number your Answer Sheet X202.

Place your Student Number on every Answer Sheet.

Most students want to know their grade as soon as possible, so they mail their set of
answers immediately. Others, knowing they will finish the next lesson within a few days,
send in two sets of answers at a time. Either practice is acceptable to us. However, don't
hold your answers too long; you may lose them. Don't hold answers to send in more than
two sets at a time or you may run out of lessons before new ones can reach you.

1. Add the following:

(1) (3a 2 + 2b 2 + 6c + 3d2 ) plus (2a 2 - b2 + c2 - 4d2 )
(2) (ax 3 + bx 2 y + cxy 2 + y 3 ) plus 2ax 3 + ax 2 y + 6cxy 2 - 4y 3 •

2. Perform the followin g subtractions:

( I) From 6a - 3b + 2c + d take 2a - 4b - c + 3d
(2) From 12ax2 - 6by 2 - 4cz2 take 6ax 2 + 2by 2 - 5cz 2

3. Multiply:
(1) (a 2 - b 2 + 3c) times (a+ b) (2) (3x2 + y) times (3x2 - y)

4. Divide:
( 1) (4a 2 -8ab+4b 2 )7(2a-2b)
(2) (18a5 + 33a4 b + 6a 3 b 2 - l la 2 b 3 + 20ab 4 + 32b5 ) 7 (3a + 4b)

5. (1) Add(4+j17)+(3 - j2) (2) Subtract (16 - j2) - (4 + j6)

6. ( 1) Multiply (6 + j9) (7 + j3) (2) Divide (10 + j62) 7 (8 + j2)

7. If a resistance of 62 ohms is connected in series with a coil with a reactance of 42

ohms and a capacitor with a reactance of 100 ohms, what is the impedance of the
circuit expressed in j-operator form?
8. Find the current in the series circuit
shown at the right. Give your answer
60Ht HENR1

in j-operator form. ~t-FO--~

9. Find the impedance of the circuit

shown at the right. Give your answer
in j-operator fom1.

10. Find the source voltage in the circuit

shown at the right if the voltage
across ~ is 10 volts.

The word "SUCCESS" means different things to different people.

But the definition of "Success" which appeals to me most is this one,
written by Mrs. A. J. Stanley.

" He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often and loved
much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of
little children ; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who
has left the world better than he found it, whether by an improved
poppy, a perfect poem , or a rescued souJ; who has never lacked
appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who has looked
for the best in others and given the best he had ; whose life was an
inspiration ; whose memory is a benediction."

Those of us who can even come close to achieving success of this

kind wilJ truly be contented, happy men.


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