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2/7/2019 Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions | English 5th level E.O.

I Tarragona

English 5th level E.O.I Tarragona

Ángel Martínez: agenda, activities, links, materials… useful for my classes

Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with

Verbs + prepositions 
apologise to sb for…
appeal to
What types of classroom appeal to you?
apply to a person, to a company for a job
ask sb for sth
bene t from
Your vocabulary can bebe t from using the media
bother about
Is pronuntiation worth bothering about?
for sth: like it
for sb: look after sb
to sb about…
of a pain, an illness…
credit with
I was erronely credited with a lot of money
distinguish from
What distinguishes your rst language from English?
do sth about
about (when you areasleep)
of -ing (imagine)
Do you dream of / about being famous? No, I wouldn’t dream of it
explain sth to sb
about: be told about sth
of: know that sb / sth exists
from: receive a letter, phone call or message from sb.
impressed by
I was not really impressed by his argument 1/5
2/7/2019 Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions | English 5th level E.O.I Tarragona

labour under
If that is what you believe, you are labouring under a completely false impression
laugh at
leave a place for another place
listen to
after: take care of
for: search, try to nd
lord over
I think it is wrong for the rich man to lord it over his poorer neighbours
obsess with
He is absolutely obsessed with his new car
opt for
which would you opt for?
participate in
It’s important to participate in all the activities we o er
plead for
The guilty man pleaded for leniency
rely on
search for
shelter from
As a child she was sheltered from all contact with the opposite sex
at sb (you are angry)
to sb ( so that they can hear you)
spy for
The o cial was imprisoned for spying for the Russians
sb about: tell sb not to forget
I’m glad you reminded me about the meeting; I had completely forgotten it
sb of: cause sb to remember
This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child
strike against
succeed in:
succeed in passing your exams
suspect of
Tom was immediately suspected of taking the money from the desk
stem from
Do your problems stem from poor grammar?
to sb
about sth
think 2/5
2/7/2019 Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions | English 5th level E.O.I Tarragona

about: consider sth, concentrate your mind on it

of sth: an idea comes to your mind
sth at sb (in order to hit them)
sth to sb (for sb to catch)
wait for sb / sth
warn sb about (a person or thing which is bad, dangerous)

Adjective + preposition
afraid of
aloof from
The headmaster kept aloof from the others members of the sta
with  Everyone was very angry with the secretary
about sth.: It’s stupid to get angry about things that don’t matter
aware of
bored with
I’m bored with my job
capable of
crowded with
dependent on
di erent from / to
famous for
fed up with
full of
good at
happy with
independent of
interested in
keen on
lacking in
Do you feel you are lacking in vocabulary?
married to
nervous about
Are you nervous about your future?
of sb: It was very nice of you to help me
to sb: They have always been vey nice to me
proud of
responsible for
riddled with
Some student’s spoken English is riddled with errors 
short of 3/5
2/7/2019 Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions | English 5th level E.O.I Tarragona

similar to
sorry about / for
Alex is very sorry for / about what he said
but: feel, be  for sb: I feel sorry for Matt. He’s had a lot of bad luck
sure of / about
surprised at / about
Everybody was surprised at / by the news
suspicious of
tired of
typical of
upset about
worried about

Nouns + prepositions
access to
The police made a list of those with access to the classi ed information
advantage of / in
The advantage of living alone is…
There is an advantage in living alone
argument between
There was a very unpleasant argument between the man and his wife
attitude to / towards
His attitude to / towards his job is very negative
cause of
The cause of the explosion is unknown
conspiracy against
There was a great conspiracy against the Government
control over
The young manager had no idea how to exercise control over the work-force
cheque for (a sum of money)
damage to
I had to pay the damage to the other car
demand for
There isn’t enough demand for that product
impression on
The candidate from Leeds made a dreadful impression on the selection commitee
increase in
There has been an increase in the number of accidents
invitation to
Did you get an invitation to the party?
protest against
There was an international protest against the invasion of Hungary
reason for
Nobody knew the reason for the delay 4/5
2/7/2019 Prepositions: verbs / adjectives / nouns with prepositions | English 5th level E.O.I Tarragona

relationship with / between

Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
The police think that tere is no relationship between the two accused
solution to
I hope we’ll nd a solution to the problem
strike for
The sta called a strike for reduced working hours
study of
The professor had made a study of early lexicography 5/5

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