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Javier David Olivares Mendoza1


In this document it is had like intention to think how there relates the

video of the documentary of John Rockefeller with the video of Dan Pink, which one wants to

specify what factors of those that Pink puts in its investigation, they turn out to be applied by

Rockefeller along its life. I will exhibit with own and basing on verified and reliable information,

what offers to him to this document a concise and truthful support about the points in which two

videos are related.

Key Words: Autonomy, Mastery, Intention, Motivation.


En el presente documento se tiene como propósito encontrar cómo

relaciona el vídeo del documental de John Rockefeller con el vídeo de Dan Pink, el cual se quiere

especificar qué factores de los que pone Pink en su investigación, se ven aplicados por Rockefeller

a lo largo de su vida. Expondré con propias y basándome en información verificada y confiable,

1 Student of Industrial Engineering of the Tecnologico Comfenalco University Foundation. He has experience
in storage logistics, quality and maintenance. In addition, it enjoys having carried out six research projects
throughout its life, in which one of them ended with the development of a product.
lo que le brinda a este documento una sustentación concisa y veraz con respecto a los puntos en

los que se relacionan los dos vídeos.

Palabras Clave: Autonomía, Maestría, Propósito, Motivación.


Nowadays, in the full XXIst century, we are still surrounded with a

society in whom to be a coaching is slightly normal, and is that the work of these gentlemen is not

any more that to do that the persons “feel good”, but it turns out that the factor motivational does

not seem to be so extrinsic. In this sense, it is possible to be said that “the intrinsic motivation

would differ from the extrinsic one, basically because in the last one the incentive is independent

from the characteristics that the task has and is external to the same one, while in the intrinsic

motivation the main incentive is the proper execution of the behavior” (Chóliz, 2004).Para surprise

of all, it is said that “one of the evidences that has caused major consideration in the analysis of

the motivated conduct is the fact that sometimes a person could devote herself with big interest

and effort to an activity, without seemingly it obtaining some benefit for realizing it” (Chóliz,

Comparative analysis about the videos of “The surprising truth about what motivates us by

the RSA” and “Giants of the industry chapter 2 Rockefeller completed by Franonix”

For to begin, it stays more that be clearly that the gentleman John

Rockefeller, because nothing has spent it well in its works, where it has had him to work very hard,

looks for the independent character. This independence, that Dan Pink exhibits it between three

factors that it mentions in its investigation as “autonomy”, is an opportunity for that Rockefeller

looks without rest in order to then to expire with its target, which appeared since he was a child:

To be someone big, representatively and influential. Rockefeller, who in its work usually did not

do big things, since it had no autonomy and, also, because its only motivation was a simple monthly

salary. In this sense, Dan Pink says that the money can work like motivating, but alone in functions

that imply the achievement of simple activities, since, if the activities needed of a cognitive and

creative high performance, it would not prove for anything efficiently and the above mentioned it

is what always characterized John Rockefeller: its potential high place for the creative activities.

In this point, we notice that now when Rockefeller decides to become independent, be autonomous,

to take its own decisions and to apply all its creative skills, it obtains a few extremely positive


In my judgment, Rockefeller used three factors that Dan Pink

explains in its investigation, which are: autonomy, mastery and intention. The autonomy (that was

already mentioned), is defined like “the aptitude of the man to take decisions for himself” (Mallet,

2011). This factor obtained his Rockefeller now when he decided to risk for the idea of that the

industry of the oil had big growth potential for the future. For his part, the mastery, defined like
“the art and workmanship of teaching or executing something” (RAE, 2017), was obtained by

Rockefeller to measurement in which it was carrying out business with big magnates and

businessmen so much of the industry of the transport by train as of the industry of the oil. It is

necessary to highlight that to carry on business was what more was exciting John Rockefeller since

he was only a child, since it was selling conserves to the children of the locality from early age to

help economically its mother and its brothers. Finally, the intention, defined like “a little that it is

about to obtain, and it needs of effort and sacrifices” (Pérez, 2009), which also had forged since

he was a child, and the fact is that Rockefeller wanted to be an influential man and wanted to

contribute a grain of sand to improve the world. It was when, then, it noticed the potential that had

the oil to change the world and to turn into millionaire and from there, Rockefeller was feeling

motivated, with what he was executing with big skill its business and he became a very important

man in the oil industry, up to the point of which it monopolized it.


It turns out to be necessary to use the factors that Dan Pink exhibits

in its investigation, then, before having seen this video, he would think that the best way of

motivating a person or group of persons to achieve an ambitious target was by means of the

incentive with money. Now it is easier to identify to me that the persons, of any type, ethnicity,

stratum, age, etc., think about how to be autonomous or at least of being important in its works, in

what they do, or at what they are employed. This is precisely what exhibits Idalberto Chiavenato

to us in its book ‘Management of the Human Talent’, where it exhibits that “it is necessary to treat

the persons like associates of the organizations, more not like mere resources or static objects”

(Chiavenato, 2009).
 Franonix. (2016, diciembre 01). Gigantes de la Industria Capítulo 2 Rockefeller Completo.
Recuperado de

 The RSA. (2010, Abril 01). RSA ANIMATE: Drive: The Surprising Truth about what
motivates us. Recuperado de

 Chóliz Montañez, M. (2004). Psicología de la Motivación: El Proceso Motivacional.

Universidad de Valencia, España.

 Chiavenato, I., Villamizar, G. (2009). Gestión del Talento Humano.

 Real Academia de la Lengua española. (2017). Diccionario de la Real Academia de la

Lengua Española RAE. Madrid: España. Recuperado de

 Pérez Porto, J., Gardey, A. (2009). Definición de Propósito. Recuperado de

 Mazo Álvarez, H. (2011). La Autonomía: Principio Ético Contemporáneo.

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