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Akshay Nuthalapati

February 1, 2019
Final Annotated Source List

Agus, David. “Dr. David Agus: Cell phone cancer risk not cause for alarm.” ​cbs news,​ CBS
This Morning, May 30, 2016,

Summary: Video
In this ​video​, the retraction of the factors of cell phone radiation is considered. Rats were
exposed for 18 hours, on and off. After two years, three percent of males had brain
tumors called gliomas. Regularly, rats have two percent of brain tumors. Those rats
exposed to the radiation lived longer. The results will not be published for another year or

Application to Research:
Although the findings on my side of the issue are nice, it is sometimes better to listen to
other opposing viewpoints. This will provide support to my questionnaire as I will be
conducting one at the end of the school year.

American Cancer Society. ​Cellular Phones​. American Cancer Society, Inc. 2014. Web. 5 Feb.

Summary: Website
This ​website​ states that cell phones give off energy in the form of radiofrequency waves.
Although these radiofrequency waves are not as powerful as gamma rays and x-rays, they
can heat up body tissue. This heating of the tissue is the basis for microwaves. The
adoration rate of the cell phone radiation into the body is called the Specific Absorption
Rate. The main concern with cell phones is the phone being held close to the head. They
predict that this may cause malignant or benign tumors relating to the brain. Many
different studies have found that the tumor in the brain occurs on the side of more cell
phone use.

Application to Research:
This information can be used in future research because this page has terms and
experiments I did not know existed. The American Cancer Society also conducted an
experiment with 800,000 people to test the effects of 7-year period radiation. They found
that there was no correlation to regular body tumors, but instead found that it was directly
related to neuroma or nerve tumors. There were many different experiments like the one
mentioned above. They tested different areas of cell phone radiation.

Belli, Brita. "Rating cell phone radiation." ​Our Planet​, 21 Sept. 2009. ​Science In Context​,

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, Belli writes about SAR. Each cell phone’s SAR(Specific Absorption Rate)
is different. The FCC regulated the maximum SAR to be 1.6 watts per kilogram. Users
usually cannot find out their phone’s SAR. The Environmental Working Group is
releasing reports for specific phones’ SARs. Of the ten lowest radiation emitting phones,
five were made by the company Samsung. Prior evidence on radiation affecting the risk
of contracting tumors was conflicting. However, a recent study stated that those who used
cell phones for more than 10 years had an increased rate of succumbing to Glioma, a
sometimes malignant brain tumor. This tumor is likely to spawn on the side of most
frequent cell phone use. Glioma is not the only disease that is caused by phone radiation.
Another disease includes Acoustic Neuroma, a benign tumor on the main nerve to the

Application to Research:
This article applies to my research because it has studies conducted, information on types
of phones, and ways to prevent or reduce the risk of tumor contraction. The article states
the recommendations as a hands-free headset in order to not get the phone close to your
head, extending the antenna so that the signal is better and does not need to function more
than needed, limiting use in young children to prevent early stages of the tumor.

“Brain Tumor." ​Human Diseases and Conditions,​ edited by Miranda Herbert Ferrara, 2nd ed.,
vol. 1, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2010, pp. 267-272. ​Gale Virtual Reference Library​,

Summary: Document
This ​document ​provides information about brain tumors, how they are developed, the
symptoms of tumors, and doctor treatment and diagnosis. Benign brain tumors grow
slowly and are not likely to spread. However, malignant tumors, or brain cancer, spread
quickly and are composed of irregular cells. Heredity can be one cause of cancer, but
some studies have shown that cell phone usage is related to brain tumors. Some
symptoms of brain tumors include seizures, weakness or loss of feeling in the arms,
abnormal eye movements, changes in personality, and speech problems. In order to
diagnose a tumor, doctors use a procedure known as craniotomy. One way to treat benign
tumors is to completely remove the local tumor through surgery. Another way of treating
tumors is to use radiation therapy, where high amounts of radiation are focused on a
small area, killing the tumor cells. However, this method also damages tissue around the
focused area. The last way to treat tumors is via chemotherapy. In this method, doctors
inject drugs into the body to help prevent the tumor from spreading.

Application to Research:
This information can be used in future research because this document has details about
brain tumors that I need to move on with this subject. Although this document did not
have much information about the effects of cell phone radiation on the body, the
background information about brain tumors is crucial in my research question and

"Cell Phone Alarm!"​ Weekly Reader-4​, Jan. 2001, pp. 3​. SIRS

Summary: Magazine
In this ​magazine​, it is portrayed how kids may think that cell phones are cool, but are not
alarmed about the effects it can have on your body. Cell phones come in many different
colors and have different appealing factors. However, some “scientists say that cell
phones might pose a health threat.” Cell phone users don’t think about the consequences
when using them. A recent study shows that it may be connected to some cancers. Some
ways to prevent large amounts of radiation from being emitted include using a headset
and making shorter calls.

Application to Research:
This ​magazine​ will apply to my research as backup evidence. It has some factors which
are appealing to the audience in the hypothesis. It also has prevention methods.

“Cell phone radiation 'possibly carcinogenic' to humans." ​Environment News Service News
Archive​, May 2011. ​Science In Context​,

Summary: News Archive

This ​news archive​ contains research as well as scientist quotes to support the reasoning
that cell phones radiation is harmful to the human body. Electromagnetic radiation is a
possible carcinogen. Cell phones cause glioma, a malignant tumor. Scientists reviewed
and analyzed the information and came to the conclusion that cell phones emit strong
waves harmful to the body. Dr. Samet said, “The conclusion means that there could be
some risk, and therefore we need to keep a close watch for a link between cell phones and
cancer risk.” Agencies use the research conducted in this article to find ways to prevent
cancer and to prevent the release of carcinogens.

Application to Research:
This information helped me and can still help me with future researches. I now know the
risk factors of cell phones. If agencies use this information, then I should be able to use it.

"Cell phone radiation." ​Science and Children,​ Apr.-May 2011, p. 10. ​Science In Context,​

Summary: Academic Journal

According to the ​journal​ entry, cell phones speed up brain activity. During a research
study, researchers took 47 brain scans of people with exposure to constant
electromagnetic radiation. The scan showed a seven percent increase in brain activity.

Application to Research:
This journal recorded more experimental values than analytical work. This source can be
used as evidence to support a theory or propose a theory. This source also brought up a
good argument. One of the arguments was that electromagnetic radiation is beneficial.

Challem, Jack. "Close calls: 12 ways to protect yourself from cell phone radiation." ​Better
Nutrition,​ Sept. 2012, p. 52+. ​Student Resources in Context​,

Summary: Article
In this informative ​article​, it is emphasized that cell phones emit radiation known as
low-level radiofrequency radiation. People are being radiated without knowing it. In
2011, the World Health Organization declared cell phone radiation to be a potential
carcinogen. However, there are some ways to prevent huge amounts of emission of
radiofrequency waves. Some ways include buying a cell phone that emits less radiation,
keeping your calls short, and using earbuds. Other ways include using the speaker,
avoiding weak signal areas, keeping it away from your pockets. Some extra ways to
avoid it is by using a protective case, taking antioxidants, and taking a break.
Application to Research:
My research is not only about researching how cell phone radiation affects the body but
is also about informing people how to prevent it. This can help me with my informative
project as my final project.

Cohen, Ronnie. "Do Cellphones Cause Cancer? Government Study Reveals 'Stunningly...'."
Newsweek,​ Jul. 2018, pp. n/a​. SIRS Issues Researcher,​

Summary: Magazine
In this ​magazine​, there is an experiment dealing with rats and mice. In a recent
experiment, a group of scientists exposed more than 3,000 rats and mice to the same kind
of radio-frequency radiation that cell phones emit. This test was designed to test the
plausibility that cellphone radiation could induce tumors in animals radio-frequency
radiation for 19 hours a day over their lifetimes. The Italian male rats exposed to the
highest exposure of radio-frequency radiation were significantly more likely to develop
tumors in Schwann cells in their hearts. “The World Health Organization (WHO)
concluded in 2011 that cellphones are 'possibly carcinogenic' and recommended keeping
'a close watch for a link between cell phones and cancer risk.”

Application to Research:
This ​magazine​ is good evidence for my research because animals are a good example of
human representation.

Cole, Enser. Email. December 18, 2018.

Summary: Voice Call

Dr. Cole is an oncologist in Baltimore, MD. In the ​email​, Dr. Cole wrote about his
thoughts on the correlation between cell phones and brain tumors. He told me that he had
treated many adolescents, but very few had an actual tumor. He also stated that he knew
that waves being passed through the head were not good for the person. “But, very little
evidence is out there,” said Dr. Cole.

Application to Research:
Dr. Cole’s research and experience will help me learn about the impact of cancer on a
specific age group. In this case, adolescents were ruled out. This could also be used in my
hypothesis, which deals which age groups being affected by cell phone radiation.
Delfino, Michelangelo, and Mary E. Day. "Radiation Therapy." ​Cancer​, edited by Clayton Farris
Naff, Greenhaven Press, 2008. Contemporary Issues Companion. ​Opposing Viewpoints in

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, the treatment options are provided. Some of which include: Gamma gay
knife, computer aided targeting, stereotactic radiosurgery. These tactics are described in
detail and are provided with examples. Some methods use alpha and beta waves and are
specially targeted in one area in hopes of exterminating the remaining cancerous cells.

Application to Research:
Before I research more on brain tumors, I should learn more about cancer. This is more
background information on how the radiation from cell phones correlates to brain tumors.

Flynn, Laurie J. "Divided opinions about the risks from cell phones." ​New York Times,​ 12 Feb.
2001, p. C4. ​Science In Context,​

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, the author goes over conducted research and analyzes it. In a recent
survey, it was revealed that forty-one percent of Americans were cautious about risks
from cell phones. In another study, cell phones are said to have no “increase in the risk of
the ailments that worry cell-phone critics.” The study’s author implied that although the
hazards of radiation from cell phones are not clearly stated, the study does minimize
concerns about it.

Application to Research:
This ​article​ will apply to my research because it looks at both sides of the issue I am
studying. It also has various details about factors to watch out for, such as text size and
increase in levels of power.

Gormley, Paul. Personal Voice Call. December 18, 2018.

Summary: Voice Call

Dr. Gormley is an oncologist in Baltimore, MD. During the ​voice call​, Dr. Gormley
talked about his knowledge of cell phone radiation and its link with brain tumors. He said
that he had seen many benign, but few malignant tumors. He had also said that the tumors
were spotted in the 30s and started earlier.
Application to Research:
Dr. Gormley’s research will help me learn about the impact of cancer on the human body.
Adolescents could also be a factor in risk for brain tumors.

Graham-Rowe, Duncan. "Phone radiation may push cells around." ​New Scientist,​ 10 Apr. 2004,
p. 13. ​Science In Context​,

Summary: Journal
In this ​journal​, the writer talks about cells exerting forces upon each other. He mentions
“Bo Sernelius, a physicist at Linkoping University in Sweden.” Sernelius has a new
finding. He found that the water molecules inside the cells were aligning their poles in the
alternate direction due to the radiation. Although Sernelius’ experiment proved many
theories, he would like others to work with the average mobile phone radiofrequency

Application to Research:
Sernelius conducted an experiment that is crucial to my research question and hypothesis.
Based on the cells in the body, I can relate to the overall condition of a person.

Greenman, Catherine. "Cell Phone Radiation Levels Now Published on the Web." ​New York
Times,​ 14 Sept. 2000, p. G3. ​Science In Context,​

Summary: Data
Data​ about cell phone radiation provides information about how much retailers and
specific companies put levels of radiations into their phones. Samsung is one of the
largest brands but emits lower radiation levels than Apple, Nokia, and Huawei.

Application to Research:
This data can be used in my hypothesis. With this data, I can make my analysis more
specific. I can check how a specific brand can impact how adolescents use a smartphone.

Harrill, Rob. "Cell Phone Radiation Research Is Marred by Politics and Money." ​Do Cell
Phones Cause Cancer?,​ edited by Clay Farris Naff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context,​

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, Hamill discusses some of the fake and artificial concepts presented by the
public. Although the general public says that the radiation is not harmful at small levels.
Harrill even goes to say “We all know that ionizing radiation is bad. Ions are more
reactive, there's no doubt it can lead to cancer, it's nasty stuff.” He also gives specific
evidence of previously made research to back up his statements.

Application to Research:
This​ article​ helps me in my research because it proves and gives me evidence that the
public is giving false information to the general public.

Henneberg, Susan. “​Issues in Society: Are Mobile Devices Harmful?​,”​ I​ ssues in Society: Are
Mobile Devices Harmful?, 2017​. SIRS Issues Researcher​,

Summary: Book
In this ​book​ by Susan Henneberg, I focus on chapter two. This chapter is “Do Mobile
Phones Impair Users' Physical Health?” The primary concern is from the electromagnetic
radiation. This particular type of radiation, when placed close to the skin of a human, can
heat tissue in the body at a rapid pace. It is not only harmful to the brain by radiation, but
is also harmful to the sleeping brain. It is particularly “severe for young users.” It is also
harmful to a person’s physical health. “People who have sedentary lifestyles are at risk
for obesity, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, and other diseases.” Research is still
ongoing and people are more educated about the effects.

Application to Research:
This ​book​ applies to my research because it contains many studies that I could use as my
basic evidence. Not only does this source emphasize the effects of radiation on the body,
but also emphasizes how cell phones can affect physical health and sleeping patterns.

Henneberg, Susan. ​Issues in Society: Are Mobile Devices Harmful? ​Issues in Society: Are
Mobile Devices Harmful?, 2017​. SIRS Issues Researcher,​

Summary: Book
In this ​book​, I focus on ​Chapter 4: Are People Too Dependent on Mobile Devices?.​
“Mobile device users around the world are beginning to wonder whether they are
becoming too dependent on their online connections.” Although this may be concerning
for many, others argue that they have enough control over themselves. Some researchers
worry that “communication skills is another area of daily life in which the negative
impact of mobile devices is becoming an issue of concern.” The effects of cellphone
radiation may be affected by the dependency of the person on their cellular device.

Application to Research:
My research is not only about how cell phone radiation affects the brain but is also about
the different factors which have causes and effects. It is also about how the dependency
of cell phones might increase usage, therefore inflicting on their health.

Howard, Jacqueline. "Cell Phone Radiation Study Finds More Questions than Answers."​ CNN
Wire Service,​ 02 Feb. 2018​. SIRS Issues Researcher​,

Summary: Newspaper
This ​newspaper​ provides information about how cell phone radiation and rats relate. Cell
phone radiation and a potential link to cancer risks have left consumers and scientists
alike confused. since mobile phones became widely used in the 1990s this has been
occurring. Some studies have “failed to show a link between radio frequency from cell
phones and certain health problems, such as increased risks of tumors, while others
suggest the opposite.” Currently, two reports by the US Department of Health and
Human Services' National Toxicology Program add to the cell phone conundrum. The
comprehensive research reports “detail findings from two large animal studies -- one in
rats and one in mice -- that link high levels of cell phone radiation to some evidence of
carcinogenic activity in male rats.” This includes a rare type of tumor called a
schwannoma in their hearts. However, there were no such significant findings in the
female rats.

Application to Research:
This ​newspaper​ is good evidence for my research because animals, especially rats, are a
good example of human representation. However, the findings were not present in
"Innovating for brain cancer research." ​Age​ [Melbourne, Australia], 25 Aug. 2018, p. 15.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context,​

Summary: Publication
In this ​publication​, the results of brain cancer are emphasized. They state that brain
cancer kills more children than any other disease and more adults under 40 than any other
cancer.” These impacts are significant. They also are trying to increase the five-year
survival rate to 50 percent from 22 percent. Some cancers are worse than others
Application to Research:
There is a reason for these results. One theory might be cell phone radiation. This is more
background information and evidence for my research.

"Introduction to Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?: At Issue." ​Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?,​
edited by Clay Farris Naff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. ​Opposing Viewpoints in Context​,

Summary: Article
In this​ article​, the basics of cancer are provided. The article provides two sides: one is
“some people who used them developed brain cancer” and the other being that there is
“no association between cell phone use and the incidence of brain cancer.” In the last
paragraph, it is stated that it is not yet found if there is a correlation between cell phone
usage and brain tumors.

Application to Research:
This ​article​ will apply to my research because it looks at both sides of the issue I am
studying. It also has various details about factors to watch out for, such as text size and
increase in levels of power.

Labos, Christopher, and Kenneth R. Foster. "Cell Phone Radiation and Cancer: New NTP
Results Inconsistent; Random Chance Likely at Play." ​Skeptical Inquirer​, July-Aug. 2018, p.
12+. ​Science in Context​,

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, the concern of cell phones and cancer relations are in the news again. Rats
and mice are studied in this experiment. The rodents’ bodies exposed to RFR waves for
nine hours every day continuously for two years. The exposure started in the utero,
specifically, not at birth. The connection between malignant gliomas, which is a type of
tumor that occurs in the brain and spinal cord, and cell phones has been of primary
concern. There was a signal for harm in rats but not mice.

Application to Research:
This ​article​ provides statistical data and evidence for my future project. It also made me
realize that cell phone radiation not only affects the human body but also affects different
Lee, Young. Personal Voice Call. January 24, 2019.

Summary: Voice Call

Dr. Lee is an oncologist in Columbia, MD. During the ​voice call​, Dr. Lee talked about
his past experience and what he has learned from his patients. He stated that more people
worry about the risk of getting cancer than actually suffering from it. He also said that his
patients worry very little about their cell phones. He then proceeds to explain why people
are careless about phones.

Application to Research:
Dr. Lee’s call will help me in doing my research because it gives me insight into the
amounts of people that are unaware of their situation. This will then be used for my

Macmillan, Amada. “Cell Phone Radiation May Be Dangerous, California Health Officials
Warn.” ​Time,​ December 18, 2017,

Summary: Video
In this​ video​, it is emphasized that long-term cell phone use can cause health problems.
This can include brain cancer and tumors of the acoustic nerve and salivary glands. It is
also indicated that it can cause headaches, loss of memory, and sleep deprivation. They
also emphasize prevention techniques. These include keeping the phone away from the
body when not in use and sleeping away from the cellular device.

Application to Research:
This applies to my research because some of the alleged causes of this issue include brain
cancer and tumors. This is stated in my research question and hypothesis. This source can
be a supporting resource and help prove my case.

Mercola, Joseph. ​How Cell Phone Radiation Affects Your Cells.​ Dr. Joseph Mercola.. 1997.
Web. 18 Mar. 2008,

Summary: Website
Dr. Joseph Mercola’s ​website​ explains how cell phones affect the body’s cells. He claims
that cell phones do not break chemical bonds, but they may still change the behavior of
the cells. Although he says that no one knows what the significant change in
physiological process, he strongly believes that “dismissing it as inconsequential would
be a serious mistake.” He also emphasizes how cancer is not the only deadly disease you
can attract.

Application to Research:
This information helped me and can still help me with future researches. I now know the
specific types of diseases that are partnered with cell phone radiation. It also made me
realize that cell phone radiation not only affects the body as a whole but also affects the
cellular and molecular level of the body.

Mooney, Carla. ​Thinking Critically: Cell Phones.​ ReferencePoint Press, 2014.

Summary: Book
In this ​book​, the main point is that cell phones are linked to changes in the brain. Cell
phones give off nonionizing radiation. While holding the phone up to the ear, the tissue
will absorb the energy and might turn into a tumor. Another negative effect of radiation
from cell phones is that it may be a possible cause of brain changes that are linked to

Application to Research:
This book will help me during my research because it talks a lot about brain cancer and
tumors. This information can be used in my hypothesis or research question answer.

Morgan, K. "Radiation from cell phones hurts rats' brains. (Hold the Phone?)." ​Science News,​ 22
Feb. 2003, p. 115. ​Science In Context​,

Summary: Article
In this ​article​, rats are the main focus. Rats are known to have a correlation between
human behavior and reactions. In a conducted experiment, rats were the subjects of GSM
phones in order to examine the effects on them. As a result, the brain was damaged
severely and the cells experienced death.
Application to Research:
This research could be evidence for my theory. Rats are affected almost in the same way
that human are. Rats were affected, implying that humans could also be affected.

National Cancer Institute. "No Definitive Evidence Ties Cell Phone Radiation to Brain Cancer."
Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer?,​ edited by Clay Farris Naff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context,​
Summary: Article
In this​ article​, it is emphasized that the number of cell phone users has increased rapidly.
As of 2010, there were more than “303 million subscribers to cell phone service in the
United States.” This is an almost threefold increase from the 110 million users in 2000.
The number of cell phone calls per day, the length of each call, and the amount of time
people use cell phones have increased over time. Cell phone technology has also
undergone substantial changes. To date, there is no evidence from studies of cells,
although there have been some concerns that radiofrequency energy from cell phones
held closely to the head may “affect the brain and other tissues, animals, or humans” that
radiofrequency energy can cause cancer.

Application to Research:
Although the findings on my side of the issue are nice, it is sometimes better to listen to
other opposing viewpoints. This will provide support to my questionnaire as I will be
conducting one at the end of the school year.

Oz, Mehmet. “Dr. Oz on Cell Phones and your Health.” ​abc news,​ Good Morning America,
November 16, 2009,

Summary: Video
In this ​video​, Dr. Mehmet Oz talks about how cell phone radiation affects the amount of
waves passed through the head and how to prevent it. He indicates that although
radiofrequency waves (RFs) are not as powerful as X-rays, they can be harmful and
people are growing fearful of them. He then transitions into talking about precautions and
how to reduce the risk of getting the most radiation. He also mentions the areas which
have released precautions about cell phones, such as France, Israel, and the United
Kingdom. Additionally, he also said that “moving the phone 4 inches away from your
head reduces RF exposure 1,000 times.”

Application to Research:
This video source will apply to my research because it has prevention techniques and
explains and emphasizes the harmful waves from cell phones. I will talk about how it will
affect the health of humans and prevention techniques.

Regenstein, Lewis G. "Electromagnetic Field." ​Environmental Encyclopedia​, 4th ed., vol. 1,

Gale, 2011, pp. 524-526. ​Gale Virtual Reference Library​,

Summary: Encyclopedia
In this piece of ​an encyclopedia​, Regenstein focuses on EMFs. Electromagnetic fields
(EMFs) are radiation at the lowest level which is generated by electronic devices and
computer terminals. Some places that have exposure to the highest EMFs include power
stations, high-current electric power lines, and subways. The electromagnetic spectrum
includes dangerous rays. For example, x-rays and gamma rays. These energies are the
kind that has enough energy to break apart molecular bonds within human cells. This is a
form of ionizing radiation, which can cause cancer and even instant death at certain levels
of exposure. Some EMFs found in our homes can slowly be affecting our health. Weak
EMFs are known to lower production of melatonin, a hormone which strengthens the
immune system and depresses other hormones that help tumors grow.

Application to Research:
Although this article does not include multiple studies like other articles I have studied, it
provides information necessary for research. If I come to conclusive reasoning or propose
a theory, this information about EMFs could be necessary.

Reinberg, Steven. "Cell Phone Radiation Affects Fetal Mice." ​Do Cell Phones Cause
Cancer?​, edited by Clay Farris Naff, Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. ​Opposing
Viewpoints in Context​,

Summary: News Article

In this ​news article​, tests run on animals are studied. A study done on mice concludes
that tested mice had problems with memory, impulsiveness, and hyperactivity. These are
ADHD symptoms in human nature. However, as easy as these experiments may be on
animals, they are non-replicable on humans.

Application to Research:
This ​news article​ is good evidence for my research because animals are a good example
of human representation. It also helped me realize that cell phone radiation not only
affects the human body but also affects different animals.

Rosenshein, Neil. Email. January 13, 2019.

Summary: Email
Dr. Rosenshein is an oncologist in Baltimore, MD. In the ​email​, Dr. Rosenshein wrote
about his personal knowledge and experiences with cell phone radiation. Although he
believes that too much cell phone usage is not healthy, he also stated that the radiation
emitted by the phones is a minute amount and cannot make much of a difference.
Application to Research:
Dr. Rosenshein research and experience will help me learn about the impact of phones on
an individual. Although he contradicted himself and provided two different options of
approaching this epidemic, it is good to read it for insight into both sides of the issue.

Serrano, Samara, and Tyla Leach. "The Cell Phone Sell."​ New Moon (Vol.15, No.1),​ 2007, pp.
23​. SIRS Discoverer​,

Summary: Magazine
Although cell phones still cause controversy, almost 60% of teens use them. In this
magazine​, it is emphasized that some kids may think cell phones provide safety,
convenience, and fun, while others argue that cell phones are hazardous to the
environment. Cell phones are great for emergencies and entertainment. Cell phones can
help you stay in touch with your parents and friends. For example, if you are traveling
alone and you get lost, you can use your cell phone to contact your parents. In an
emergency, you can call the police. You can use your phone for text messaging, playing
games, listening to music, and accessing the internet. Cell phones threaten both humans
and the environment. “Bees' signals tell them how to find a flower or hive.” Cell phones
hurt humans as well. Not only are they a distraction, but cell phones keep some students
from doing their homework or paying attention in class. Cell phones are useful, but they
endanger all of us.

Application to Research:
This provides insight into how the average kid thinks about the uses of cell phones. I am
going to conduct a questionnaire with a similar topic to this. The result will be reasoned
by this ​magazine​.

Yellayi, Kalyani. Personal Voice Call. October 27, 2018.

Summary: Voice Call

Dr. Kalyani Yellayi is an allergy and child cancer specialist. During the ​voice call​, Dr.
Yellayi talked about her experiences with her cancer patients. She is affiliated with the
John D. Dingell and Aleda E. Lutz Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Although she is a
child cancer specialist, she has treated adults. She told me that the most common age
group is adolescents.

Application to Research:
Dr. Yellayi’s research and experience will help me learn about the impact of cancer on a
specific age group. Adolescents were included in my hypothesis, so I could use this
source to support my hypothesis and answer my research question.

Yellayi, Mani. Personal Voice Call. February 3, 2019.

Summary: Voice Call

Dr. Mani Yellayi is a cardiologist who used to be an oncologist. During the ​voice call​,
Dr. Yellayi talked about his experiences with the patients. He did not mention that cell
phones directly affect the brains of humans to cause brain tumors, but he did mention that
ionizing radiation over time will cause cancer.

Application to Research:
Dr. Yellayi’s research and experience will help me learn about the impact of ionizing
radiation on the human body. This can further my research into what age group is
affected the most by this type of radiation.

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