Analytical Chemistry May 2016 Chy2017

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UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, JAMAICA FACULTY: SCIENCE AND SPORT SCHOOL: NATURAL AND APPLIED SCIENCES Final Examination: Semester 2, Academic Year 2015/16 Module Name: ‘Analytical Chemistry Module Code: (cHY 3022/ CHY 2017 Date: April/May 2016 ‘Theory/Practical ‘Theory Groups: B Pharm, BMT, B.Eng, B.OHS, B Pharm Tech, BAS, BSE Duration: 2 Hours Instructions: “This paper has one (1) section with ten (10) printed pages and five (5) questions. Answer any three (3) questions. Periodic, statistical tables and useful formulae are tached. lent should not leave the examination room with any part ofthe nation paper CONSTANTS Avogadro's number (Nq) = 6.022 x 10” particles mot * Phanek’s constant (h) ~ 6.626 x 10° 3 Speed of light (e) = 3.00 x 10° ms Im= 10° am K, (lactic acid) = 1.38 « 10% Ky= 10x10" DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO INSTRUCTIONS: ANSWER ANY THREE (3) QUESTIONS QUESTION #1 (2) You are the quality control manager at a private Pharmaceutical Company, and the government issued a contract to your company to analyse the levels of volatile ‘organic compounds (VOCs) in the Riverton Mews and surrounding communities, List four (4) the major steps in quantitative analysis citing the importance of each step. [5x4 marks} (b) Briefly describe the three (3) types of errors and state how each can be ‘minimized, Please cite appropriate examples in your response [2x3 marks} () The following data were collected as part ofa quality control study for the analysis of sodium in serum; results are concentrations of Na” in mmol/L 140, 143, 141, 137, 132, 157, 143, 149, 118 and 145 mmol/L, Calculate the confidence interval of the mean at 95% C.L. [4 marks] (4) An athlete urine sample was tested positive forthe enhancing drag K, The junior analytical chemist did replicate analyses, and. submitted the following results: 21.9, 22.5, 23.0, 22.8, 20.4 and 17.9 mg to his supervisor. The supervisor is concern about the discrepancy in the values, and consider rejeeting 17.9 me. ‘Should it be rejected or retained at the 95 % confidence level?” [3 marks) (©) One method for determining the % w/w NajCOs in soda ash isan acid-base titration. When two analysts analyze the same sample of soda ash they obtain the results shown here. Determine whether the difference in the mean values is significant at o= 0.05. (Assume the variances are equal) [Analyst] Avast 86.82 31.01 ‘87.04 86.15 865.93 8173 ‘87.01 83.19 86.20 80.27 87.00 3.98 [6 marks} (Total = 25 Marks} URSTION #2 @ i, List four (4) types of titimettc techniques (2 marks} i, Briefly discuss any «wo,(2) types, using appropriate equations or iysteations. (1.5.02 marks} (b) Lactic acid is an organie compound, which is produced in anaerobic respiration nd is use in the chemical industry and also in medicine. In the tisimetric analysis oF lactic acid andl NAOH the following was done: 40.00 mL ofa 0.100017 Inetie acid solution was titrated with 0.1000 Af NaO#L, (Kyof lactic acid is 1.38 x 10, Caleutate the pH before any titrant is added [2 marks} ji, 30.00 mL priorto the equivalent volume [4 marks} ii, at the equivalent volume [2 marks] iv. 10,00 mL after the equivalence volume. [2 marks} Phot the points obtained on a graph of pH versus volume of NaOH added and sketch the curve. (You do not need to plot on a graph paper.) Ut mark) (©) The Kjeldahl method is use to determine protein in biological samples ‘Outline the four (4) main steps in this method, Please use appropriate equations an illustration to support your response. [S marks} (4) Inthe Kjeldahl method for nitrogen determination the element is converted into NH, which is then distilled imo a known volume of standard acid There is more than enough aeid to neutralize the NHL, and the excess i trated with standard base, ‘The ammonia fiom a 1.325 g sample of fertilizer is distilled into 50,00 ml. of (0.1675 M 113804 and 25.32 mL oF 0.1980 M NaOH is required for back tation of exeess acid, Caleulae the % of nitrogen (N) in the sample [4 marked {Votal = 25 Marks}

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