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hierarchies and



Dimensions represent our main business concepts and are a generalization of concrete entities (Geography, Time or Products).
Attributes are used to capture relevant details about the dimension. For example, color, category, sub-category, price and size are
attributes which are used to capture the details of the Dimension Product. Similarly, Date, Month, Year, Hour, Minute, and Seconds
are the attributes which are used to capture the details of the Time dimension.

Attributes have relationships with one another. A day has 24 hours, an hour has 60 minutes and a minute has 60 seconds. When
the attributes are organized in order to represent their relationship with one another, a hierarchy is formed.

Hierarchies are not specific to time dimension. A continent has countries, a country has states, and states have cities.

MDX Query basic

FROM Sample.Basic

SELECT in line 1 is the keyword that begins the main body of all MDX

The curly braces {} in line 2 are a placeholder for a set. In the above query,
the set is empty, but
the curly braces remain as a placeholder.

A set is an ordered collection of one or more tuples that have the same

Rules for Specifying Sets

As described in the previous section, a set is an ordered collection of one or
more tuples.
For example, in the following query, {[100-10]} is a set consisting of one
FROM Sample.Basic
In the following query, {([100-10], [Actual])} is a also a set consisting of one
tuple, though in
this case, the tuple is not a single member name. Rather, ([100-10], [Actual])
represents a tuple
consisting of members from two different dimensions, Product and Scenario.
{([100-10], [Actual])}
FROM Sample.Basic
When a set has more than one tuple, the following rule applies: In each tuple
of the set, members
must represent the same dimensions as do the members of other tuples of
the set. Additionally,
the dimensions must be represented in the same order. In other words, each
tuple of the set must
have the same dimensionality.
For example, the following set consists of two tuples of the same
{(West, Feb), (East, Mar)}
The following set breaks the dimensionality rule because Feb and Sales are
from different
{(West, Feb), (East, Sales)}
The following set breaks the dimensionality rule because although the two
tuples contain the
same dimensions, the order of dimensions is reversed in the second tuple.
{(West, Feb), (Mar, East)}
A set can also be a collection of sets, or it can be empty (containing no
A set must be enclosed in curly braces {} except in cases where the set is
represented by an MDX
function which returns a set.

Introduction to Axis Specifications

An axis is a specification determining the layout of query results from a
database. Axes fit into
MDX queries as follows:
SELECT <axis> [, <axis>...]
FROM <database>
There must be at least one axis specified in any MDX query.
Up to 64 axes may be specified, beginning with AXIS(0) and continuing with
(63). It is uncommon to use more than three axes. The order of axes is not
important. However,
544 Writing MDX Queries
when a set of axes 0 through n are specified, no axis between 0 and n should
be skipped.
Additionally, a dimension cannot appear on more than one axis.

The first five axes have keyword aliases:

ON COLUMNS can be used in place of AXIS(0)
ON ROWS may replace AXIS(1)
ON PAGES may replace AXIS(2)
ON CHAPTERS may replace AXIS(3)
ON SECTIONS may replace AXIS(4)

FROM Sample.Basic

ON AXIS (0),
FROM Sample.Basic

Topics to be covered in a slide :-

Understanding Multidimensional Databases

*Lab : Installation & Configuration, Essbase administration Services, Shared Services, Hyperion
Provider server, Hyperion Essbase Server, Smart
*Designing Multidimensional Application & Database
*Dynamic Dimension Build & Data Load
*Data Retrieving and Calculation
*Calculatating Data & Security assignment

Day 1- Understanding Multidimensional Databases

• Introduction to MDDB/OLAP concepts

• Introduction to Essbase
• Essbase Architecture
• Introduction to System 9
• Difference MOLAP/ RDBM
• Installation and Configuration on Windows

LAB: Installation & Configuration, Essbase administration Services, Shared

Services, Hyperion Provider server, Hyperion Essbase Server, Smart view

Day 2 - Designing Multidimensional Application & Database

• Drafting Outlines
• Adding members to Outline
• Dimension and Member Properties
• Dimension Types
• Member Storage Properties

Practice Sessions: Trainees would have developed their first Multidimensional

Application and Database
Day3- Building Dimensions

• Setting Time and Account Dimension Properties

• Attribute Dimension
• UDA’s
• Difference between UDA's and Attributes

Lab: Practice Sessions that covers everything that has been taught up till now

Day 4- Dynamic Dimension Build & Data Load

• Understanding Dimension Building Concepts

• Understanding Data Loading
• Creating Rules Files

Lab: Trainees would have developed Dimension Build and Data load using Build

Day 5- Data Retrieving and Calculation

• Data Load using Smart View

• Calculating Essbase Databases
• Developing Formulas
• Defining Calculation Order
• Understanding Intelligent Calculation
• Developing Calculation Scripts

Lab: Practice Sessions that covers How to calculate Database using Formula and
calc Script

Day 6-Calculatating Data & Security assignment

• Integration with data Sources

• Security Assignment
• ASO and BSO Difference
• Partitioning
• Substitution Variable

LAB: Practice Sessions that covers Database Calculation and Security

Course Outline and Topics:
Essbase Overview
• Multidimensional Analysis
• Oracle’s Enterprise Performance Management
• Essbase--System 9
• Production Environment Components
Designing Applications and Databases
• Block Storage Implementation Process
• Analyzing and Planning Implementations
• Creating Applications and Databases
• Creating Outline Structures
• Modifying Member Properties
Designing Data Descriptor Dimensions
• Designing Time Dimensions
• Designing Scenario Dimensions
• Outline Calculations
• Designing Accounts Dimensions
• Testing Outline Calculations
Optimizing Data Descriptor Dimensions
• Creating Member Aliases
• Dimension Types
• Creating Period-to-Date Totals
• Dynamic Calc Members
• Enhancing Accounts Dimensions
• Optimizing Data Storage
Planning Dimension Designs
• Combining Business Views
• Planning Dimensions with Label Outlines
Creating Basic Dimensions Build Rules Files
• Prepping Data Prep Editor
• Creating Dimensions using Rules Files
• Selecting Dimension Build Method
• Defining Field Properties
• Validating Dimension Build Rules Files
• Configuring Dimension Maintenance Settings
Creating Advanced Dimension Build
Rules Files
• Creating Shared Members
• Manipulating Fields
• Creating User-Defined Attributes
Creating Attribute Dimensions
• Adding Attribute Dimensions to Outlines
• Design Considerations for Attribute Dimensions
• Creating Attributes with Rules Files
Loading Data
• Data Sources Overview
• Creating Data Load Rules Files
• Selecting and Rejecting Records
• Capturing New Members
Getting Started with Smart View
• Smart View Architecture
• Configuring Data Sources
• Retrieving Data
• Setting the Point of View
Creating Reports with Smart View
• Manipulating Multidimensional Data
• Updating Essbase Data
• Integrating Essbase Data with Microsoft Office
4 Broadgate, London EC2M 2QS
Data Storage and Calculation
• Database Calculation Order
• Data Block Fundamentals
• Data Blocks and the Index System
• Database Statistics
• Data Block Creation
• Database Calculation Process
Creating Calculation Scripts
• Calculation Script Organization
• Returning Correct Calculation Results
• Troubleshooting CALC DIM Processes
Controlling the Calculation Process
• Top-Down Calculation
• Focusing Calculations with FIX Statements
• Calculating Conditionally with IF Statements
• Comparing FIX and IF Calculation Processes
Referencing Members in Calculations
• Referencing Members Explicitly
• Referencing Members Dynamically
• Creating Calculation Variables

Planning User Roles

Planning Interface
Essbase Terminology
Metadata and Data within Essbase
Hyperion Workspace
Logging into Hyperion Workspace
Opening Planning Applications
Dense & Sparse and Block Storage
Storage Types and Implied Shares
Calculation Definitions
Creating applications
Required Dimensions
Setting up an Application
Period, Year, Scenario & Versions
Entities and Accounts
Consolidation Order
Creating User-Defined Elements
Currencies and Exchange Rates
Loading Metadata
Verifying the results in Essbase
Configuring Dense and Sparse
Adding Member Formulas
Loading Data
Designing Data Forms
Text and Date Members
SmartView for Office
Calculating Data with Business Rules
Process Management
Task Lists
Running Reports

SLIDE :- Understanding Multidimensional Databases

SUB SLIDE :- definition of OLAP & key features of OLAP
with bullet points
SUB SLIDE :- Multidimension def & purpose example
SUB SLIDE :- Dimension definite types and terms
SUB SLIDE :- Dimension definite types and terms
SUB SLIDE :- Data Storage
SLIDE :- Introducing Essbase :- key features + page
40 essbase defn

: page 40 figure
Slide 1
products – smart view and admin console
Slide 2
screen shot

SUB SLIDE :- Essbase solution

SLIDE :- Process for Designing a Database
SUB SLIDE :- Page 68 as slide content as handout
SUB SLIDE :- Create application , database - outline,rulefiles
SLIDE :- Building Dimensions and Loading Data
Sub slide : Figure 59 Loading Data Sources Through Rules Files


SUB SLIDE :- definition and example from admin console referbnce
SUB SLIDE :- definition and example from admin console referbnce
SLIDE :- Retrieving Data (smart view) practical

SLIDE :- Understanding Aggregation @ Essbase


SLIDE :- Designing and Managing a Security System

SUB SLIDE :- User Management and Security example practical
SUB SLIDE :- Controlling Access to Database Cells : example practical


Interesting Essbase fact from the John Kopcke Oracle Open World
presentation. The largest known (ASO) Essbase outline currently:

•104 dimensions
•50,000,000-member Customer dimension



*MaxL The multidimensional database access language for

Essbase, consisting of a data definition language (MaxL
DDL) and a data manipulation language (MaxL DML). See
also MaxL DDL, MaxL DML, and MaxL Shell.
MaxL DDL Data definition language used by Essbase for
batch or interactive system-administration tasks.
MaxL DML Data manipulation language used in Essbase
for data query and extraction.
MaxL Perl Module A Perl module ( that is part
of Essbase MaxL DDL. This module can be added to the Perl
package to provide access to Essbase databases from Perl
MaxL Script Editor A script-development environment in
Administration Services Console. MaxL Script Editor is an
alternative to using a text editor and the MaxL Shell for
administering Essbase with MaxL scripts.
MaxL Shell An interface for passing MaxL statements to
Essbase Server. The MaxL Shell executable file is located in
the Essbase bin directory (UNIX: essmsh, Windows:

Overview of MaxL and MDX

MaxL is the multi-dimensional database access language for Essbase. MaxL is a
practical, expressive interface for administering and querying the Essbase system.
With the MaxL language, you use statements to make requests. MaxL statements
usually begin with a verb, and read like English sentences.

Beginning with Release 7.0, MaxL has two functional domains:

• MaxL DDL is the data-definition language for Essbase.

• MDX is the data-manipulation language for Essbase.

Data Definition Data definition means structural control of a database system. This
Language (MaxL includes operations like creation, deletion, and updating of users,
DDL) applications, databases, and database objects. Therefore,
statements in MaxL DDL include verbs like CREATE, ALTER, DROP,

Data Manipulation Data manipulation means access to to the actual data within a
Language (MDX) database system. MDX provides the ability to perform advanced
data extraction and querying by means of statements that typically
include the verb SELECT. The equivalent conceptual tool would be
Report Writer.

MDX is a language-based data analysis mechanism to Essbase databases. MDX
exhibits all of the following characteristics:

• Provides advanced data extraction capability

• Provides advanced reporting capability
• Includes functions for identifying and manipulating very specific subsets of
• Is a data-manipulation language, complementing MaxL DDL (the data-
definition language for Essbase)
• Utilizes the platform-independent XML for Analysis specification

MDX is a joint specification of the XML for Analysis founding members. For more
information about XML for Analysis, please visit

MDX is a language for anyone who needs to develop scripts or applications to query
and report against data and metadata in Essbase databases. The following
prerequisite knowledge is assumed:
• A working knowledge of the operating system your server uses and the ones
your clients use.
• An understanding of Essbase concepts and features.
• Familiarity with XML.

In order for Essbase to receive MDX statements, you must pass the statements to
Essbase. To pass statements, use either the MaxL Shell (essmsh) or MDX Script
Editor in Administration Services. When using the MaxL Shell, terminate all
statements with a semicolon. Results are returned in the form of a grid.

Query Format
Every query using the SELECT statement has the following basic format. Items in
[brackets] are optional.

SELECT [<axis_specification>
[, <axis_specification>...]]
[FROM [<cube_specification>]]
[WHERE [<slicer_specification>]]

<with_section> An optional section, beginning with the keyword WITH, in

which you can define referenceable sets or members.

SELECT A literal keyword that must precede axis specifications.

[<axis_specification> Any number of comma-separated axis specifications. Axes

[, represent an n dimensional cube schema. Each axis is
<axis_specification>...]] conceptually a framework for retrieving a data set; for
example, one axis could be thought of as a column, and the
next could be considered a row. See Axis Specifications for
more information.

FROM A literal keyword that must precede the cube specification.

<cube_specification> The name of the database from which to select. If left

blank, the current database context is assumed.

WHERE A literal keyword that must precede the slicer specification,

if one is used.

<slicer_specification> A tuple, member, or set representing any further level of

filtering you want done on the results. For example, you
may want the entire query to apply only to Actual Sales in
the Sample Basic database, excluding budgeted sales. The
WHERE clause might look like the following:
WHERE ([Scenario].[Actual], [Measures].[Sales])

consolidation The process of aggregating data from

dependent entities to parent entities. For example, if the
dimension Year consists of the members Qtr1, Qtr2, Qtr3,
and Qtr4, its consolidation is Year.

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