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Lesson Plan
Target Audience: College level peers who are seeking careers in elementary
education or want to benefit from teaching techniques
Subject/Skill: Cooperative learning as an activity
Objectives: Students will be able to identify-
 Definition of cooperative learning
 5 key elements of cooperative learning
 Benefits of using cooperative learning techniques in the classroom
 Types of cooperative learning activities
1. The teacher will engage the class by asking the class what they know about
cooperative learning and explaining the definition of.
2. The teacher will show an engaging video and present a PowerPoint to review
3. Afterward, the teacher will explain a cooperative learning activity. JIGSAW
4. The class will demonstrate knowledge and understanding in expert groups of
their selected “season”. Each group will color their tree of the season.
5. The teacher will create a list on the board – compiling all puzzle pieces to link
the seasons together and create understanding.

 Lesson Plan
 YouTube Video
 Tree paper handouts/labels
 Crayons
 Scissors
 Glue Sticks
 Example paper
 PowerPoint presentation
Grouping Structures: Students will work in groups based on table - JIGSAW.
Modifications: ELL and disabled can draw pictures of their ideas
Assessment: Students will brainstorm ideas with their group members and
cooperate in creating a tree of their selected season. Students will color in leaves and
branches to their prior knowledge of seasons.
Distributed Practice and Review: Students will be given the opportunities to look
over and review completed seasons on white board.

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