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American International School in Egypt

Elementary School Office

Name: Ashley Kiss
Date: June 5, 2016

AISE MISSION STATEMENT: The American International School in Egypt (AISE) provides a comprehensive and
challenging American and international education that fosters informed and engaged local, regional and global
citizenship. We inspire students to be lifelong learners who contribute positively within a diverse and changing world.


 Thorough Planning and Preparation Proficient:
of Work  Essential questions posted.
 Establishment of realistic,  Hands-on and differentiated activities after a mini-lesson.
challenging & achievable goals for  Monthly Agenda allows for all at once monthly prep (activities)
both themselves and their students  Divide up units once HOD sends monthly plan and goes over it at team
 Differentiate student led groups
Goal for Improvement:
Lesson plans include more differentiation for higher performing students
Incorporate more vocabulary with visuals
I feel I have set higher expectations this year for the majority of my class
despite the amount of under benchmark standard level students (10 students)
The 9 module ESL class I have been taking every Saturday has reinforced 2nd
language learner scaffolding strategies that I have been applying in my mini
lessons. I would like to now align my lessons to Common Core Standards and
plan collaboratively for different subject areas with my team.

Teaching Methodology: Proficient:

 Essential Questions  Must-Do/May-Do board so expectations are clear for students
 Uses a variety of teaching & learning  Think, pair, share
strategies & methodologies. (i.e.,  Power teaching
EAL, etc.,)  Student conferencing
 Effective integration of technology  Evaluation of other students’ work
 Uses effective and sympathetic
 Writing/reading buddies
 Uses a variety of tasks/activities
 Inquiry based activities for science and math
 Whisper time
 Project based activities
 Active and cooperative learning
 Immediate feedback and time for reflection
 Call and response
 Clarification pauses/wait time to answer
 Student summary of another student’s answer
 daily journal/writing folder
Goal for Improvement:
Use exit slips more often for informal assessment and incorporate the use of
technology in morning meeting and Daily 5 work. I would still like to establish
the use of exit slips and a wider range of “check for understanding” strategies
more frequently. I use technology daily in both the morning and afternoon
sessions, however I would like to use the Smartboard more for Storytown whole
group lessons.

Student Engagement: Proficient:

 Evidence of good student-teacher  Social and academic outcomes
relationships  Behavior and academic plans first months of the school year
 Is consistent in all facets of teaching  Improvement from kg2
and treatment of students  Positive parent emails/positive reinforcement rewards sent home
 Demonstrates effective classroom  Emotional support and my classroom organization
management & organization
 Instructional support both in class and support for home
 Expectations for parents is clearly stated in weekly emails, newsletters,
postings on Shutterfly
 Relating to students and showing enthusiasm
 Enabling students to work autonomously
 Active, collaborative, and fosters learning relationships with diff ability
 I invested in a variety of support services (Jen, Kristin, Ms. Katherine,
afterschool tutoring)

Goal for Improvement:

Create more challenging and enriching assignments for higher ability levels.
Provide more scaffolding for Abdulhadi.

Questioning Techniques and Proficient:

Differentiation:  I provide appropriate wait time
 Uses effective questioning of  students think-pair-share to brainstorm and collaborate
individual students & of whole group  essential questions are relevant to unit of study
 Reflective questioning evident
 Differentiates work to enable all
students to achieve their potential Goal for Improvement:
Plan and write out the questions to be used in a lesson. How many are lower
cognitive questions? Higher cognitive questions? Is the percentage appropriate for
the age and ability level of your students?
Ask one of my colleagues to observe a lesson, paying particular attention to the
types of questions and student responses. Meet to discuss the observations and plan
for improvement.
Next year I would like to create mandatory peer observations the first month of
school I think we all need to understand one another’s teaching, management, and
planning styles.

Classroom Assessment Practices Proficient:

 Effectively utilizes both formative  Use classroom assessments to improve my teaching (DRA, Anecdotal
and summative assessments Notes, Writers Workshop Conferencing, End of Term Assessment
 Effectively uses assessment to guide strategy groupings)
instruction  Immediate feedback to students and parents
 Provides anecdotal, qualitative, and  Classwork sent home in a timely manner
quantitative feedback to students  DRA guides my instruction
 Writing Conferencing with students
 Assessing prior knowledge
 Hand signals
 Student self-assessment/rubrics

Goal for Improvement:

Differentiate corrective instruction more in reading and math groups.
Incorporate more rubrics for daily independent student work. I have
incorporated more rubrics in my students’ daily writing for each unit we have
done (personal narratives, fairytales (fiction), and non-fiction (animal
research). The students this year have bee more comfortable with peer
assessing and editing than in years past. I would still like for them to be able to
be more creative with their word choice.
Monitoring Student Progress: Proficient:
 Grades quickly and effectively and  Timely feedback
provides meaningful feedback to  Anecdotal notes
students  Use end of term data and create strategy groups
 Carefully monitors the progress and  DRA
needs of all students (Where
 Incentive charts so students chart progress
applicable, reviews MAP data and
adjusts instruction)  Academic plans to track parent involvement at home
 Maintains effective records of all
 Effectively communicates student Goal for Improvement:
performance and progress to both Track and go over more as a team. Discuss ways to implement intervention
students and parents amongst teammates.
I would like for the Grade 1 team to have more collaborative planning time and
to have teacher work days once each term. I would also like for us to examine
MAP data and perhaps come up with strategy groups all together to assist Mary
next year. I think the team needs to all be on the same page with the way we
organize our data (DRA checklists, 6 traits rubrics, fluency passages
chcecklists). Can we create a common Grade 1 system for each subject? Would
this go over well with each teacher?

Collaboration: Proficient:
 A Team player who interacts with  Activities on shared drive for various units to provide resources for
peers and administration in a positive teammates
way.  Peer observation suggestion
 Supports group or admin decisions  Professional and have good rapport with parents and teammates
 Proactive when solving problems and  Frequent updates to parents of pos. and neg. behavior
bringing solutions to issues.
 Orientation, Walkathon, Student Achievement, Admission Testing,
 Volunteers to serve on building wide
attend birthday parties of students
or building level committees and/or
supervises extracurricular activities
Goal for Improvement:
 Maintains a professional attitude with
Keep constant communication with teammates and parents. I feel this is one of
my biggest strengths as a teacher and hopefully next school year, parents will be
just as supportive and uplifting.
I feel that this year’s team is more open and has a clear communication. I
would like for each teacher on our team to plan for a subject or unit and share
with everyone on the team rather than “every man for himself”. With the new
curriculum, all 7 of us need time with atleast one other member of our team to
sit and plan for a few hours. This will ensure we are all aligned. I also believe
kg2 and gr 2 team leaders and myself should meet more frequently.

Overarching performance Ashley has had students this year who have had both behavior and
academic challenges. Yet, in her professional manner, she has
successfully risen to the occasion.

APPRAISER(S) Signature:


APRAISEE Signature:


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Ashley is a caring, dedicated instructor. Her commitment and desire to continue to
accept challenges is a source of strength and an example to others. I thank Ashley for all her dedication and
contributions this year. Ashley has made a very strong contribution to AIS and especially to the First Grade team. It
is good to work with such a professional and caring individual. Great year and I look forward to another one with her

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