Performance Analysis of Sign Language Classification Using PCA and Hu-Moments Features

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Performance Analysis of Sign Language

Classification using PCA and Hu-moments


Sign language is a process which is used widely for the communication of the deaf
community. Generally sign language is considerably more formable for communication
which helps to promote and to increase the communication. There are less number of
principal notions and assigned appearances in the sign language. The basic idea behind
this work is to develop a system of sign language which will facilitate the deaf
community and will increase the process of communication. The work focuses on
implementation of a software model for sign language recognition system using
classifier. The approach for this is to recognize the gestures and to analyze the features
using classifier. The recognition is done using principal component analysis features and
Hu-Moment features. Different classifier has been used to measure the accuracy and

Digital Image Processing Using Local

A unifying philosophy for carrying out low level image processing called local
segmentation is presented. Local segmentation provides a way to examine and understand
existing algorithms, as well as a paradigm for creating new ones. Local segmentation
may be applied to range of important image processing tasks. Using a traditional
segmentation technique in intensity thresholding and a simple model selection criterion,
the new FUELS denoising algorithm is shown to be highly competitive with state-of-the-
art algorithms on a range of images. In an effort to improve the local segmentation, the
minimum message length information theoretic criterion for model selection (MML) is
used to select between models having different structure and complexity. This leads to
further improvements in denoising performance. Both FUELS and the MML variants
thereof require no special user supplied parameters, but instead learn from the image
itself. It is believed that image processing in general could benefit greatly from the
application of the local segmentation methodology.
The application of image processing and
machine learning techniques for detection
and classification of cancerous tissues in
digital Mammograms

Breast cancer is one of the most common kinds of cancer, as well as the leading
Cause of mortality among women. Mammography is currently the most effective
Imaging modality for the detection of breast cancer and the diagnosis of the
Anomalies which can identify cancerous cells. Retrospective studies show that, in
Current breast cancer screenings approximately 15 to 30 percent of breast cancer
Cases are missed by radiologists. With the advances in digital image processing
Techniques, it is envisaged that radiologists will have opportunities to decrease this
Margin of error and hence, improve their diagnosis.
Digital mammograms have become the most effective techniques for the detection
of breast cancer. The goal of this research is to increase the diagnostic accuracy of
image processing and machine learning techniques for optimum classification
between malignant and benign abnormalities in digital mammograms by reducing
the number of misclassified cancers. In this research, digital mammography images
are obtained from Malaysian patients who are treated at the University of Malaya
Medical Centre (UMMC) from 2008 to 2010. This database consists of standard
images of dense, fatty and fatty-glandular breasts, which are classified into three
categories: normal, benign and malignant, using the results obtained from biopsies.

Submitted To: Dr. Nasruminallah

Submitted By: Jamal Khan

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