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Shifting in 2008

In the year 2008, more and more people will begin

questioning things
that they never questioned before. Individuals from
all walks of life
will be seeking new answers and to make sense of a
nonsensical world.

For some people—who have been asleep to

humanity's great current
of change—a personal crisis in the not too distant
future could be
the catalyst to seriously question the status quo.
The crisis could be
anything from a grave health condition, a costly

divorce, a house
foreclosure, or a job loss. When the person begins
questioning more
deeply than before, and realizes how shaky the
traditional means of
support are, an opening is created to change

To be sure, such a person receiving this "wake up

call" must act
on the "call" in order to shift their circumstances.
As part of
that, they must choose a different path than the
one they have been

The New Path of Heart

This new path involves looking within for answers

and responding to the
world with a heart-centered focus. It means giving
up, bit by bit, the
habitual ego-based patterns learned in the
conventional world. Giving
these up is not a simple thing to do, for there is
much resistance and
ignorance about the truth of one's real condition.
That is a normal
part of being human.

This awakening person will need to approach the

new path with
dedication, persistence, self-love, compassion, and
patience. The last
quality of patience is particularly important, for
success in navigating
the new heart-centered path will require ongoing
actions and choices.
The person must be willing to continue choosing
the higher path, and
taking actions that reflect that choice, regardless
of what appears to

be happening. Sometimes it may appear as though
nothing at all is
happening. Other times, the progress may simply
seem to be too slow. No
matter what adversity is experienced,
discouragement must not be allowed
to block the person's resolve. The shifting into an
entire new way
of being requires tenacity and an ability to
continually remember the
big picture.

For Experienced Travelers

For those already on the path of conscious

awakening, this coming cycle
will precipitate an even deeper level of questioning
than before. Light
will continue to shine on disparities and
dysfunctional old paradigm
approaches. As that happens, many secrets and
much hidden knowledge will
be exposed. Truth will come out into the open.
Some of this uncovering
will involve personal issues that will present
themselves in a new way,
perhaps escalating into even more of a crisis. When
these things occur,
if approached intuitively and sanely, doorways will
open to allow for
resolution. A skilled person who desires to rid
themselves of a
longstanding concern, therefore, may find that this
next cycle gives
them just the spiritual fuel needed to finally
complete the healing.

The Shift on a Global Scale

Each person on the planet will be impacted in some

way by the
accelerated transformational shifting in 2008. It

may be conscious or
unconscious, but the impact will be there. The
challenge will be in
connecting the dots and making sense of the
oppositional forces.
Fear-based agendas and actions can be subtle,
disguised as something
benevolent. Again, remembering the larger view
and making sure to
regularly question within are keys to each person's

If you feel that your ability for inner inquiry needs

to be
strengthened, there has never been a more
important time to further
develop this skill. Having this talent in these
pivotal times is not a
luxury, but a necessity. This ability is developed by
first opening to
it, and then through lots of ongoing practice.
Opening to your natural
ability to question will take a very strong desire,
and a willingness to
learn new ways of approaching your reality. It will
also require an
inner strength that does not waver when you feel
challenged by others,
the status quo, or unflattering information you
receive about yourself.
You must be willing to see the truth behind the
falseness in everything,
including your own human-formed identity. That,
too, must be allowed to
fall away so that you can discover your true Divine
self hidden

Inner inquiry is also an essential part of developing

your intuitive
knowing or psychic abilities. Those who have

developed their skill of
using intuitively guided reason will be in high
demand in the times to
come. They may call themselves intuitives, or they
may use other
language to describe their gifts.

Those gifted with intuitive ability will be needed

everywhere – from
corporations, government bodies, households,
health care facilities, to
the intuitive arts. They will surface to help others
not yet skilled in
inner inquiry. They will also be able to help other
skilled intuitive
people, who from time to time desire additional
input from someone
outside the conventional paradigm. Sometimes it
will be in sharing the
results of one's own inner questioning with such a
person that
hidden truths of one's dilemma will surface.

Need for Restoration of Atrophied Talents

For most people, questioning and listening are

rather atrophied talents.
Everyone can learn to do these things, but the
conventional world puts
little value on them. In fact, from an early age,
most people are told
what to do, how to think, and what is true.

Education, even at the higher levels, does not teach

people to question,
to listen, or to really think for themselves. People
learn that to
succeed in the outer world, they must be first, best,
fit in with what
society dictates, and be the loudest voice in the
crowd in order to
stand out. There is tremendous pressure to do and

be these things.

When people follow this conventional recipe for

success, they are headed
for disappointment. The recipe may be all they
know, and it may appear
that others use it for great achievements, yet it is
based on a lie. At
the root of the lie is a tangled web of false notions
of the conditional
world. They appear real because humanity has
given them so much energy
and accepted them as a guidebook for living. Each
person must dispel the
false notions for themselves, one at a time. To do
this, a person must
restore their atrophied talents of inner questioning
and listening.

When atrophied talents are restored and made

relevant for these times, a
person has an intuitively guided rational means of
responding to
uncertainty and chaos. Those who are drawn to
focus on these
untraditional approaches know, at a deep cellular
level, that this time
in history is unique.

The next few years will not be a carbon copy of any

other time, even
though some dynamics are similar. The familiar
themes—long part of
the human landscape—include war, greed, ego-
based control and power
maneuvers, hatred and prejudice towards anything
or anyone seeming to be
different, fear-based messages of doom and gloom
which include
predictions of the "end of the world," and growing
numbers of
people fed up with it all.

What's Different This Time

This time around, the world is being profoundly

impacted by the
cumulative force of an awakening consciousness.
Underway is the biggest
shift in consciousness humanity has seen in so
short a time period. The
force of awakening has been building for many
years across the planet,
with new levels of progress reached each year.
Much of this forward
movement is difficult to discern, especially in times
of hardship, and
when most people are so focused on what's wrong.

Humanity, right now, stands on the edge of the

crucial jumping off point
that can allow for a dramatic leap into higher
consciousness. This is
the leap you have come to Earth to make, and what
you have been working
towards—knowingly or unknowingly—your whole

The brand new paradigm of enlightened

consciousness really is more
within reach than ever, despite what you hear to
the contrary. It is
important that you believe this, and that you focus
your energies on
creating it—mainly within yourself but also in your
actions taken in
the world.

The more consciously you work to create this new

paradigm in the next
few years, the greater your opportunity to shift into
a higher
vibrational state, and to positively impact the
planet. As you do this

inner work, you will be assisting others around you
and also helping to
create a more heart-centered world.

It is vital in these next few years to stay awake to

the lies and
manipulation. You will be told that there's no hope
for the planet,
no Earth for your great-grandchildren to inhabit,
and that only certain
"good" people will "survive." You will be told that
must give up your freedoms to be protected from
the "enemy." You
will be told that it's too costly (or some other
explanation) to fix
human dysfunctional systems involving health care,
allocation of
resources, and destruction of the environment.
None of this is true.

Setting Your Intention for Change

Set your intention right now to be one of the ones

who seriously
questions what is happening, and to take conscious
responsible action in
the world to be a positive force for change. Intend
that you do this
continually, regardless of what seems to be
happening. Remember that
your intentions and actions count.

The momentum of change is all around you. You can

see evidence of it
regularly. Noticing the discontent in people and
their desire for
something brand new can become inspirational
reminders that people are
growing less accepting of conventional ways of
being. When you view it
this way, rather than as a reminder of how much

everyone is suffering,
you shift your vibration higher. This view may also
inspire you to be of
more service to others.

In 2008, people in all corners of the world will have

less tolerance of
lies, hidden agendas, broken promises, cover-ups,
and deceit of all
kinds. These ways of being, and public outcry about
them, will be more
out in the open than ever before.

Differing points of view about truth will continue to

be a source of
conflict, on both a personal level and within groups
of people. Most of
the wars fought between peoples have involved
disagreements involving
truth. Some cultures teach the idea that there will
be a final battle
between good and evil, and that only certain
ones—classified by their idea of "good"—will
survive and be
"saved." Other cultures have very different ideas of
truth. The
truths at issue will always be relative truths, based
on the
conventional reality.

Your truth may look quite different than another

person's. Truth is
sometimes thought of as what you think is real.
Consider that, without a
full awareness of reality, including the physical and
nonphysical, it is
impossible to know truth except in relative terms.

Waking Up to Human Interconnectedness

Thanks in part to the power of the media, growing

numbers of the
world's population are now realizing the
interconnected stream of
energy that has always impacted the diverse forms
of life on the planet.
A war or peacemaking event in one place impacts
the whole.

Oppressed peoples in one country become a cause

of global outrage. A
large-scale natural disaster in one place stirs
compassion and aid
relief from strangers living half way around the
world. A new discovery
in medicine in one country helps to resolve a health
crisis for a
threatened impoverished culture.

The need for joining together and helping one

another has never been
more urgent. In the next few years, humanity as a
species will have the
opportunity to fully understand human
interconnectedness and to utilize
this to help create a brand new world.

Checklist for Personal Transformation in 2008

The following are some guidelines for approaching

your own personal
transformation in 2008. Become still and move your
focus to your heart
as you read these words. Invite your intuitively
guided reason to show
you which of these is a priority for right now. Then,
as 2008 begins,
review this list again in the same way, noticing if
the priority has
shifted and if you have new insights about your
personal journey.

1. Observe your mind. Become more aware of what
you are thinking, what
you focus on, and what you repeat over and over to
yourself like a
broken record. This will give you clues about what
belief systems you
hold within you at the DNA level.

2. Learn to focus your mind. You can do a number of

things at one time,
yet your mind can only efficiently focus on one
thing at a time. Notice
when you go out of focus, putting your attention on
another topic.
Practice focusing your mind on something positive
you wish to create or

3. Bring your intuitive right brain more into your

everyday experience.
As an example, as you focus on something you
desire to create, imagine
your creation in living color with details filled in.
Allow your right
brain to come up with additional details you may
not have included when
thinking of your creation through logic alone.

4. Question. Set your intent to question things you

have never
questioned before. Then get into the habit of
questioning what your
world presents. It could be a television show that
glorifies meanness,
your doctor giving a dire prognosis, or your
government officials voting
away your freedom of choice. It could be something
personal, such as a
relationship challenge or your own doubts that you
have made any
progress in recent years. Question these things and

5. Take action on your questioning. If you inquired
within about your
doctor's prognosis and received very emphatic
intuitive guidance
that your doctor doesn't have all the information—
another more
positive outcome being possible—refuse to let the
prognosis decide the outcome. Be willing to take
every step you can to
create a different outcome. Invite a Divine solution
and ask to be shown
the way, a step at a time. Continue to trust what
your heart tells you
is true for you.

6. Do not settle for an everyday approach to

personal growth.
Conventional approaches do not allow you to
progress spiritually. You
have not come here to be conventional. You are
here to make a new mold.
Ask to be guided to new paradigm methods of
healing and knowing the
Self. Find and apply new approaches in ways that
suit the particular
approach. Have the courage to stick with it, even
when your lifestyle
seems increasingly foreign when compared with
that of the everyday
person. .Remember during times when your
courage wavers that you did not
incarnate this lifetime to simply continue your cycle
of ordinary
existence. You came to rediscover the Divine at the
core of your being.

7. Become more compassionate. Without

compassion for yourself and
others, you will not be able to realize your true
Divine nature.

8. Drop all judgments. Set your intention that you
will become more
awake to your judgments. Humans have a habitual
tendency to judge
everyone and everything. This puts people and
things into boxes labeled
right and wrong, good and bad. When you judge,
you reinforce the
polarity of opposites. In the process, you limit
yourself. Decide that
you will judge less and be more accepting of what

9. Reassess and update your relationship with

yourself regularly. Get
into the habit of frequently asking yourself whether
your life is
reflecting the new paradigm road you desire to
travel. At home, for
example, you can reevaluate your environment,
your lifestyle, and even
your clothes. Consider whether some modifications
are in order. You may
have an extra bedroom filled with things you hardly
ever use, and
you've been wondering where you would find a
quiet space for your
meditation practice. Perhaps some reorganization
could serve a number of
purposes. Another example could be your quiet
time, and the realization
that you would like to devote more time to inner
reflection and being
still. Consider what outside distractions and other
factors you would
need to address. A third example involves looking
at your use of time
and energy in the context of the path you want to
travel. One week you
may have invitations to become involved in several
diverse projects.

When you carefully evaluate each one—using your
heart's wisdom
and keeping the big picture in mind—you may
realize that at least
one of the projects may divert you from your goals.
You may discover
that there are much better uses of your time and

10. Trust that you will be guided to solutions.

Regardless of how
hopeless a personal dilemma may seem, it is
important that you trust
there is a Divine solution. Invite in this solution and
then be open to
how and when it shows up. The solution that is
perfect for you may not
be the solution that would work for others, yet it
will be exactly what
you need. If your dilemma remains unresolved after
a time, it is
important that you are willing to simply be with
your condition. If you
can learn to trust what is and to know that there is
always a higher
purpose to things, you can find peace.

11. Use your time wisely. Remember that each

moment and each new day is
an opportunity to grow spiritually, to love, and to
progress on your
path of light. Set your intention that you will make
full use of your
gift of physical life. Treasure the moments during
which you experience
love, openings, and awakening to the movement of
spirit. Let go of the

12. Go gently with yourself. Treat yourself as you

would a best friend.
When you know you need to rest, don't push

yourself needlessly. When
you have suffered a major disappointment, be kind
to yourself. When you
don't meet your own expectations, resist the
temptation to criticize


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