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Department of Education

Region VII, Central Visayas

Division of Cebu
Daanbantayan, Cebu


S.Y. 2018-2019


JUNE Scouting of Members  To empower  Encourage potential  All concerned class  Narrative
potential students in students to be part advisers Report with
dealing with public of the club  Club Adviser photos
speaking  Coordinate with the  Potential Students
 To recognize skills of class advisers in
students in the scouting members
aspect of

JULY Election of Officers  To fill in the  Gather all members  Twenty-five  List of
composition of of the club for the members of the club Executive
executive officers election process  Club Adviser Officers
with photos

AUGUST Seminar – Workshop  To develop officers  Write a training  Club Adviser  Approved
“Phase 1: How to and members to design for the  Oral Communication training
become an effective become effective approval of the teachers design
communicator?” communicators in school principal  Twenty-five  Narrative
different contexts  Invite resource members/officers of report with
speaker the club photos
 Outputs
SEPTEMBER Seminar – Workshop  To equip and train  Write a training  Club Adviser  Approved
“Phase 2: How to students with the design for the  Oral Communication training
become an effective correct guidelines in approval of the teachers design
host and hosting events school principal  Twenty-five  Narrative
extemporaneous  Invite resource members/officers of report with
speaker?” speaker the club photos
 All club presidents  Outputs
Seminar – Workshop  To train students the and secretaries
“Phase 3: proper guidelines in
PARLIAMENTARY conducting a meeting
PROCEDURE, MINUTES following the
OF THE MEETING, AND parliamentary
WRITING OF procedure
RESOLUTIONS”  To develop club
secretaries in writing
minutes of the
meeting and
OCTOBER “Hosting Contest”  To apply significant  Write a letter of  Club Adviser  Approved
inputs in becoming permit allowing the  Panel of judges letter
“Extemporaneous an effective host said contest to be  English teachers permit
Speaking Contest”  To recognize and held in school  Twenty-five  Narrative
award members for  Invite panel of members/officers of report with
excellence in hosting judges the club photos
 To select  Prepare necessary  Contestants  Outputs
extemporaneous things prior to the
speakers who will competition
represent the school
for the Municipal
English Fest 2018
NOVEMBER Seminar – Workshop  To train members  Write a training  Club Adviser  Approved
“Phase 4: DEBATE” and officers the design for the  Resource Speaker training
proper conduct of approval of the  Twenty-five design
debate school principal members/officers of  Narrative
 To select  Invite resource the club report with
members/officers in speaker photos
composing the  Outputs
debating teams
DECEMBER “School-based contest:  To apply acquired  Write a letter of  Club Adviser  Approved
Debate” learning in permit allowing the  Panel of judges letter
conducting a debate said contest to be  English teachers permit
held in school  Twenty-five  Narrative
 Invite panel of members/officers of report with
judges the club photos
 Prepare necessary  Communication  Outputs
things prior to the teachers
competition  Contestants
JANUARY Seminar – Workshop  To equip students  Write a training  Club Adviser  Approved
“Phase 5: IMPROMPTU with the guidelines design for the  Resource Speaker training
SPEECH & ORATION” and techniques in approval of the  Communication design
doing impromptu school principal teachers  Narrative
speech and oration  Invite resource  Twenty-five report with
 To develop students speaker members/officers of photos
to become effective the club  Outputs
impromptu speakers  Contestants
and orators
FEBRUARY “School-based contest:  To apply the skills in  Write a letter of  Club Adviser  Approved
IMPROMPTU SPEECH & joining impromptu permit allowing the  Panel of judges letter
ORATION” and oratorical speech said contest to be  Twenty-five permit
held in school members/officers of  Narrative
 Invite panel of the club report with
judges  Communication photos
teachers  Outputs
 Contestants
 Prepare necessary
things prior to the
MARCH CULMINATING  To appreciate and  Write a letter of  Club Adviser  Approved
ACTIVITY: AWARDING give recognition to permit allowing the  Panel of judges letter
OF OUTSTANDING active and culminating activity  Twenty-five permit
TOASTMASTERS CLUB outstanding to be held in school members/officers of  Narrative
MEMBERS/OFFICERS members and  Prepare necessary the club report with
officers things prior to the  Communication photos
competition teachers  Outputs

*Regular meeting shall happen every 1st Friday of the month. Urgent meeting shall occur as the need arises.

Prepared by: Recommending approval: Approved by:


Toastmasters Club Coordinator Assistant School Principal 2 Secondary School Principal 1

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