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Executive Summary: CS 112 – Programming Fundamentals; Course

Department of Computer Science
Course Instructor: Syed Faisal Ali (Lecturer – CS Department)
OF 2018
The objective of our project is to analyze the dataset which is about the top cryptocurrencies of
We have used the following libraries in the code i.e. Matplotlib, Seaborn and Pandas.
Since we are working on a Data Science project, so first we extracted a dataset which have the
information about the top cryptocurrencies of 2018 or being used widely and have the highest
ratio of trading in the market.
Our program will generate a quick analysis of the dataset. We just need a complete and
arranged dataset then our program will visualize the data in the form of various graphs.
The learning outcomes are as follows:

 We learned how to work with pandas library and to read/process the data in a python
 We learned how to plot graphs using Matplotlib (a library in python for plotting graphs).
 We learned how to use seaborn for statistical data analysis on the graphs.
 We learned how to analyze different Real World Problem datasets.
 We learned how to overcome different errors while making our project.
The scability of our program will be wide because Data Science has vast scope in the future, it
helps to analyze, visualize and evaluate massive datasets in a short period of time. In this way,
our learning base project will be working in the same way i-e, in a short time period it will plot
different various graphs which will help to analyze our dataset regarding Cryptocurrencies.
PROJECT: Data Science
PROJECT TITLE: Data Analysis, Visualization and Evaluation of Top Cryptocurrencies of 2018
Department: Computer Science
Group Members:
Zarar Ali Shah 18B-075-CS (A)

Abdullah Farooq 18B-104-CS (A)

Hamza Adnan 18b-017-CS (A)

In our project, we are using python libraries (Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn) in order to analyze our
dataset of Top Cryptocurrencies of 2018 and plotting different types graphs to visualize our dataset
according to different conditions.

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