China Is No Match To The Burgeoning Indian Software Industry

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 China is no match to the burgeoning Indian Software Industry.

 China’s expansion poses a threat to the sovereignty of India.

 Can the Indian Navy Respond to a Growing Chinese Fleet?
 Chinese dumping goods in India will actually boost Indian Industry.
 UN is the 51st state of the USA
 India is the new land of opportunity.
 Global warming should be tackled at war footing
 Global warming is a myth.
 Government should not interfere in the growth of Indian software Industry
 Will India be able to eradicate poverty by 2020?
 It is important to maintain work life balance.
 Cinema is corrupting the moral fiber of Indian youth
 Education in India is irrelevant and unproductive
 Why did UN allow the USA to attack Iraq?
 Preserving the Environment is the responsibility of the Government
 US war on Iraq was inhuman and unjustified.
 Role of UN in Peacekeeping.
 War on Iraq.
 The government has rightly scrapped Hockey from the priority list.
 Present state of Indian Cricket team
 Advantages of co-education
 Should a world body be formed to fight international terrorism?
 Should India still persist with dialogue wit Pakistan?
 Relevance of Gandhi in the world today.
 A unipolar World cuts into the sovereignty developing countries like India
 The world is flat?
 The only great asset India has is its population.
 Corruption and Democracy go hand in hand.
 Indian TV Channels are destroying our culture more than the foreign channels.
 India needs another dose of Dictatorship.
 With media publishing and telecasting irresponsibly, censorship is the need of
 Indian Media is misusing its freedom.
 Couch potatoes are driving Indian economy.
 Who makes money from “Kaun Banega Krorepati”?
 Beauty contests celebrate womanhood
 Beauty contests are a humiliation to women.
 Should India become part of a regional block?
 Six billion and one bronze is a salute to India’s commitment to excel.
 Dependence on computers is killing originality in Indian youth.
 Profit making Public sector companies should never be privatized.
 China and India should search for areas of cooperation not conflict.
 Is India a Soft Nation?
 Politics should always be value based.
 It is dangerous to mix religion with politics.
 The world should immediately develop cheaper fuel.
 Our cricketers are nothing more than a product of a corrupt and unscrupulous
 Is India really a world player in software?
 Multinational corporations are a blessing in disguise.
 The only way to improve Indian education is to have private universities?
 Banning fashion shows and New Year parties is a step in the right direction to
our culture?
 Should India adopt the Chinese model of socialist government and free-market
 Uplifting economies of the poorer nations is as important as disarmament to
ensure lasting world peace.
 Limited Nuclear War could solve most of the world’s problems.
 The doctrine of "limited nuclear war" is an ill-convinced, ill- logical, irrational and

extremely dangerous concept.

 Electoral reforms are needed to preserve and promote democracy in India
 India’s vibrant economy and a functional democracy make for a fertile ground for

tremendous economic growth.

 There are no winners in a nuclear war.
 Private enterprise and public sector can both contribute to rapid economic
in India.
 Inflation is inevitable in a growing country.
 Policy of reservation - a legacy of the British, has done more harm than good.
 Consumerism is the driving force of a thriving economy.
 Free market is a prerequisite for growth.
 India’s obsession with cricket is destroying other sport in the country.
 Empowerment of women is important for overall growth in India.
 Government efforts alone will not stop the spread of AIDS.
 Is advertising a waste of resources?
 Privatization will lead to less corruption.
 Is State the biggest violator of human rights?
 Is it possible to have a classless society?
 Beauty pageants are a marketing gimmick.
 Joint family is a blessing in disguise
 Higher education should only be for those who can pay for it.
 A woman’s place is at home not in the office.
 Women are better managers than men.
 Should executives be allowed to form unions?
 Liberalization has aggravated the poverty situation in India.
 Smarter people perform better individually; average people in a group.
 Honesty in business and life is not just the best policy it is the only policy.
 Business and ethics go hand in hand?
 Developing countries should scrap their defense budgets and focus on
 A strong party system is the foundation of a functioning democracy.
 Swadeshi is an irrelevant concept in India today?
 Money makes money.
 Capital is the least important resource to run a business successfully.
 No country can survive without foreign trade.
 India should shift to presidential form of government.
 APJ Abdul Kalam should be requested to continue for another term as the
President of India.
 APJ Abdul Kalam’s vision for India
 Technology will run the Information age?
 The New Millennium ushered in the Information age and ushered out the
 Religion is a personal matter.
 TRIPS Controversy And The Patent Act Amendment.
 Should India Sign The CTBT
 State Interventions In Market Economy sends confusing signals to the business
 Science a boon or bane
 Nice guys finish second
 Society curbs individual freedom
 Convention is no hurdle for advancement of technology.
 Should permissiveness propagated by MTV be banned?
 Marxism is dead and buried. Long live Marxism.
 Are politicians dividing India along Caste and religious lines?
 Bullet For Bullet: Is It The Right Policy to tackle the growing menace of
 All education in India should be absolutely free.
 Engineering reverse brain drain should be a policy of the government.
 Brain drain should be plugged.
 How to plug brain drain from India?
 Business and ethics are strange bedfellows.
 All men are created but some men are created more equal than others.
 Pain of regret is worse than the pain of failure.
 Who is to blame for secessionism in the North-East?
 Should India break diplomatic ties with Pakistan?
 The younger generation is smarter than their parents.  
 ‘East Is East & West is where all the action Is': Mark Twain
 The State should not interfere in the individual right to expression
 Imagination is more important than knowledge.
 "Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
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