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5 Words Everyday
Neerja Raheja (rahejaneerja)
Idiom Meaning

rise and shine people who make big threats rarely take action

no spring chicken a negative person who spoils other people's fun

fender bender to reveal a secret

down the drain get out of the bed and be lively and energetic

just what the doctor ordered a person who is no longer young

fish out of water a minor car accident
pie in the sky wasted or lost
out of the bag exactly what was wanted or needed
someone who is uncomfortable in a particular
wet blanket situation
barking dogs seldom bite illusion, delusion, fantasy


Arousing or causing laughter


The professor kept his students alert and amused with risible remarks

Their performance was extremely terrible that many considered it to be risible

capacious ल बा-चौड़ा
Adjective वशाल
Roomy; able to hold much


The old castle has a capacious dining room large enough to seat a small army

Rohan’s memory for jokes is capacious, he remembers them all


A slight offense; a minor offense or sin; a petty misdeed; a slight or trifling sin


मामूल पाप
The movie star’s peccadilloes made tabloid headlines

मामूल गलती
A serious lie is told to cover a minor peccadillo

मामूल अपराध
Peccadillo means:

1. Odyssey
2. Upsurge
3. Rigmarole
4. Misdeed
scamper भाग जाना

Verb रफूच कर हो जाना

Meaning: दौड़ जाना

To run; to go hastily तेज़ी से दौड़ जाना

The dogs scampered across the lawn to the house

The cat scampered after the rolling ball

We planned to scamper past the guards when their backs were turned
तोप क बाढ़
ब दूक क बाढ़
बा द क बौछार
A rapid outburst or barrage


The soldier jumped behind a concrete wall for protection from the fusillade of

The defence lawyer overwhelmed the witness with a fusillade of questions

Idiom Meaning

rise and shine people who make big threats rarely take action

no spring chicken a negative person who spoils other people's fun

fender bender to reveal a secret

down the drain get out of the bed and be lively and energetic

just what the doctor ordered a person who is no longer young

fish out of water a minor car accident
pie in the sky wasted or lost
out of the bag exactly what was wanted or needed
someone who is uncomfortable in a particular
wet blanket situation
barking dogs seldom bite illusion, delusion, fantasy
Cheat sheet:
1. Rise and shine: get out of bed and be lively and energetic
2. No spring chicken: a person who is no longer young
3. Fender bender: a minor car accident
4. Down the drain: wasted or lost
5. Just what the doctor ordered: exactly what was wanted or needed
6. Fish out of water: someone who is uncomfortable in a particular situation
7. Pie in the sky: illusion, delusion, fantasy
8. Out of the bag: to reveal a secret
9. Wet blanket: a negative person who spoils other people’s fun
10. Barking dogs seldom bite: people who make big threats rarely take action
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