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DAILY WORD LIST-26TH September 2018

 impugn[im-PYOON]

[transitive verb]

MEANING: assail someone with arguments or words

2. to attack or oppose as being false

 monastic[muh'-NAS-tik]


MEANING: 1.pertaining to or of monasteries or monks

2.pertaining to or of the way of life of monks that is austere, simple, ascetic and

 censure[SEN-sher]

[noun,transitive verb]

MEANING: 1.(n.) harsh or sever criticism or reprimand

2.(n.) official condemnation or reprimand

3. (tr.v.) to severely or harshly rebuke or criticize

 paleonotology[pal-ee-uh'n-TOL-uh'-jee]


MEANING: (n.) the science of life forms existing in previous geologic periods, as
represented by their fossils

 contravene[kon-truh'-VEEN]
[transitive verb]

MEANING: 1. to violate or to act counter to argue against or oppose deny or be in conflict with

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